Captain's Choice

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Captain's Choice Page 24

by V. K. Powell

  “Why did you leave?”

  Kerstin winced at the hurt in Bennett’s voice. “I heard you talking to the chief about getting a new design plan and assumed you recommended he get rid of me as well. In retrospect, that doesn’t make sense, but I was emotionally stressed and more than a little scared. You told me you love me, and I was expecting everything to blow up in my face.”

  Bennett pulled her closer. “Have you figured out that’s not going to happen with me?”

  “Maybe, finally.”

  “And FYI, he was looking at Gilbert’s old plan, not the new one we submitted. You obviously didn’t hear the rest. I told him your plan was perfect and you were the only architect to deliver what we need.”

  “You said all that…about me?”

  “Of course. You’re very talented, and for the record, I love you.”

  “I. Love. You. Ben.” She climbed onto Bennett’s lap and kissed her until she had to breathe again.

  “Hey, could you guys tone it down a notch?” Jazz asked. “Someone might call in about me chauffeuring two teenagers in my police car while they make out.”

  She and Bennett broke another kiss and laughed at the worried look on Jazz’s face.

  “That’s my dedicated sister and second-in-command. Love her attention to rules and regs, most of the time. Right now, not so much.”

  “Speaking of breaking the rules, did the chief get the fax I sent the day after I left?” Kerstin wanted to wrap up all the loose ends from the past and focus entirely on the future.

  “He didn’t mention a fax.”

  “I sent the details outlining Leonard’s theft, a copy of the original plans he signed, and the checks he cashed. Part of our agreement was I wouldn’t initiate criminal charges against him, but I didn’t mention the police department already had my documentation and either they or the feds probably would.”

  “I’ll look into it when I get back to work.”

  Jazz turned the music down and parked on the side street closest to the cottage. “Why don’t I check on the fax? Who knows if the two of you will ever surface again? And if the rest of the family knows you’re here, you might not get much privacy.” She helped them unload their bags and dropped them at the door. “See you at dinner?”

  Bennett’s grin said it wasn’t likely.

  “But it’s only three in the afternoon.”

  Bennett patted her on the shoulder. “One day you’ll understand, sis. And I’m counting on you to make sure we’re not disturbed. We’ll show up eventually.”

  The door closed behind them, and Kerstin was suddenly shy, uncertain what to do. She’d had sex hundreds of times but hadn’t really made love when she was in love. She glanced up at Bennett’s smiling face, and her brown eyes darkened. “I’m a little nervous.”

  “Me too. I want you so much, and I want this to be perfect, not like before.”

  She stroked the side of Bennett’s face and detected a slight tremble. “It can’t be like before because I’m in love with you. It can only be better.”

  Bennett grabbed her around the waist and swung her around. “Perfect answer. Anywhere special you’d like to start?”

  Kerstin pointed to the sofa. “I have an unpleasant memory of that particular piece of furniture that I’d like to erase.” She kissed Bennett’s neck, rimmed her ear with her tongue, and whispered, “Please.”

  Bennett’s grip loosened slightly as she maneuvered them toward the sofa. “Don’t do that while I’m carrying precious cargo.” She lowered Kerstin and stood looking down at her. “Do you want me to undress you?”

  Kerstin shook her head timidly. “I’d like to start where we left off.” Bennett’s puzzled expression made Kerstin take pity on her. “Seventeen years ago, fully clothed, and necking like the hormonal animals we were. Is that too weird?”

  “I enjoyed our awkward teenage groping.” Bennett’s mouth quirked into a smile, and the dimples on either side of her mouth blossomed. “Necking in clothes is totally hot.” She dropped beside Kerstin. “Like you.”

  Kerstin captured her lips and tried to eradicate all the frustration, anxiety, and uncertainty of the past in one passionate kiss. She claimed her lover, licked her lips, sucked her tongue, and felt her desire reciprocated. She rolled Bennett on top of her as she stretched out on the sofa, maintaining contact.

  Bennett slowed the kiss and reluctantly pulled back. “Who’s in charge this time?”

  “We are.” She shifted so Bennett was on her side facing her, enjoying the march of pain and pleasure across her face as Kerstin touched her breasts and tugged on the waistband of her jeans. “Do you like that?”

  “I…like everything…you do to me.” Bennett’s breathing was labored.

  “You’re mine.”

  Bennett moaned and pressed her crotch against Kerstin’s leg. “I need you.”

  “Say it.”

  “I’m totally…yours, Kerst. Always have been.”

  Bennett’s words released another surge of adrenaline and desire. She squeezed Bennett’s sex through her jeans and was rewarded with an urgent groan. “Do you need to come already?”

  “All the time when I’m with you.”

  Kerstin pulled Bennett into another searing kiss that melted her completely. She could no longer tell where her desires and Bennett’s diverged. This was the real power, feeling loved and needed. They matched each other breath for panting breath, stroke for stroke, excitement building with every movement like a sexual orchestra growing to an exploding crescendo.

  Kerstin’s clothes rubbed and teased, arousing her simultaneously. She ached to feel Bennett’s skin against hers again but reveled in the heat burning between them even fully clothed. “I’m going to make you come now, Ben.”

  “Please.” Bennett unzipped her jeans and guided Kerstin’s hand inside. “I’m so ready.”

  She slid a finger through Bennett’s hot wetness, and Kerstin’s clit twitched. She was just as wet and ready. “I want us to come together. Will you wait for me?” She stroked again, and Bennett arched against her hand.

  “I’ve waited for you my entire life. I might be out of patience.”

  Kerstin pulled Bennett’s leg between hers and settled against her firm thigh, the connection creating an involuntary shiver. They worked in tandem, up and down, press and release. She lowered herself against Bennett, her hand trapped between them pumping as she whispered in time. “I’ve. Never. Been. In. Love. Before. This. Is. The. Best. Thing. Ever.” She quickened her pace as something inside her broke loose. “Come for me now, Ben.” Bennett’s low, tortuous growl turned into a contented moan as she released into her hand.

  “Oh God, Kerst. So good.”

  Kerstin followed immediately, a series of tiny orgasms building into a cosmic climax—boneless, liquid, soft, and more satisfied than she’d imagined possible. She collapsed against Bennett, the feeling of safety and security she’d chased all her life settling around them. “I love you so much, Bennett Carlyle, and I’m totally yours.”

  “You have no idea how happy you make me.” Bennett ran her fingers through Kerstin’s hair, feathering the layers back into place. “I don’t know about you, but I feel sort of like a teenager again but not as sexually frustrated.”

  Kerstin laughed. “Definitely not as frustrated, but we have a lot of catching up to do.”

  Bennett hugged her close again, the energy between them shifted, and Kerstin started worrying. “What are you thinking, Ben? Weird. I haven’t asked that question of anyone before. Guess the answer didn’t matter until now.”

  “Nothing really. I’m getting ahead of myself.”

  “Tell me, Ben. I need us to be honest with each other.”

  “I’m thinking what happens now? How will this work with you in New York and me here?”

  She cupped the side of Bennett’s face and traced her slightly swollen lips with her thumb. “I have some options we could discuss.”

  Bennett chuckled. “Of course you do.”

  She filled Bennett in on her plans for the condo, her mother’s move to Florida, and suddenly stopped. “I’m homeless.” A few days ago those words would’ve thrown her into a full-blown panic, but now they opened the door to possibilities.

  Bennett sat up and dragged Kerstin into her lap. “You’re welcome to live here, if you want, or we’ll take it slow and talk more later. The cottage is small, but eventually I’d like a bigger place.”

  “I’ll need an in-home office or a separate facility to work with clients. Hold up. We’re definitely out in the twilight zone now. Let’s not spend time thinking about the past or worrying about the future. I want to enjoy every second with you, and I have unfinished business right here at the moment.” She kissed Bennett lightly, but the kiss quickly heated. “Take me to bed.”

  Bennett rolled Kerstin gently off her lap, rose from the sofa, and reached for her hand. “And that’s your last bossy command of the night, because I’m about to demonstrate the things we didn’t get to do as teenagers.”

  “Oh yeah?” The question sounded just as needy as Kerstin felt.

  “Ohhh, yeah.” Bennett took her hand and led her into the bedroom.


  Eight months later

  Bennett stood at attention outside the Fairview Street Station with a group of officers and saluted while a young community woman sang the national anthem. Seeing her entire family, including Kerstin, at the front of the crowd made the August heat almost bearable. Kerstin’s red, sleeveless dress brushed the top of her knees, and the thin straps accented her creamy shoulders and décolletage. Bennett subtly shifted to accommodate a flush of desire.

  Their eyes met, and Kerstin smiled in her sexy way, arousing Bennett even more. She knew exactly what Bennett was thinking, their connection more symbiotic every day. Kerstin’s wink promised she’d answer Bennett’s need soon. After eight months together, they still spent most nights making love in their new home, down the street from the family. Kerstin blended with the Carlyle clan as easily as if she’d been born into it, and Bennett had never been happier. Kerstin’s bright-blue eyes suddenly shifted to the building as the singer hung onto the final notes of the anthem.

  Chief Ashton moved from the formation to a makeshift podium at the front of the gathering. “Thank you for celebrating with us today. This very special National Night Out marks the opening of Greensboro Police Department’s flagship substation. The facility represents our commitment to the community and our hope that you will utilize the space for neighborhood events or celebrations. So, don’t be shy. The building will also be available twenty-four seven for normal police operations, if you need us. Now, if I can get a couple of volunteers, we’ll uncover the entrance and go inside where it’s cooler and refreshments await.”

  Two officers flanked the front door and grabbed the ropes attached to the fabric covering the building name.

  The chief called out, “Here we go. One, two, three.”

  The covering fell away, and several members of her family echoed Bennett’s shocked gasp. The large copper lettering over the front door read Carlyle Building. She looked across at Kerstin, certain she knew about the surprise. Bennett mouthed I love you and joined the family in a group hug.

  “Why didn’t you tell us,” G-ma asked her.

  “I had no idea, but someone did.” She nodded at Kerstin and pulled her into the circle. “How did you keep it from me?”

  “The chief swore me to secrecy. It wasn’t easy because we promised no secrets.”

  Mama smiled at Kerstin and said, “I think she’ll forgive you this one time.” Then she kissed Bennett’s cheek. “Your father and grandfather would be as proud of you as I am right now. This is a tribute not only to their lives and deaths in service, but to all of us as a family. I only wish they could be with us now.”

  “They are, Mama. They are.” Bennett placed her hand over her heart and felt the shell casing under her fingers.

  “Mind if I cut in for a second,” Chief Ashton asked as he approached Bennett and Kerstin. “I wanted to say congratulations to the whole family and to thank these two for all their hard work. If it hadn’t been for Kerstin, we would’ve scrapped the renovations, but instead we got a fully funded substation.”

  Kerstin shook his hand. “You’re welcome, Chief. I enjoyed the process quite a lot. Speaking of scrap, what happened to Leonard?”

  “I forwarded your information, along with documentation of our payments, to the feds. Last I heard he was awaiting trial on several federal counts.”

  “Serves him right,” G-ma said. “I can’t stand a thief or a liar. And I couldn’t be prouder of our two girls.” She nodded at Bennett and Kerstin. “Quite a team.”

  Bennett’s cheeks flushed. “Thanks, G-ma.”

  Kerstin entwined her fingers through Bennett’s and gave a light squeeze. She couldn’t wait much longer to reveal her other surprise to her lover. Her lover. Her heartbeat quickened. She finally felt a part of Bennett and needed to be alone with her. “Will you excuse us, please? I want to show Ben something inside.”

  “Sure. We’ll see you around the food later,” Simon answered.

  “What are you up to?” Bennett asked as she followed Kerstin through the secured door and into her office.

  “As I said, I have something to show you.” Kerstin backed her against the closed door and turned the lock. She captured Bennett’s hand and slid it between her legs and up.

  “Oh, my God, Kerst. You’re not wearing any…and you’re so wet.”

  “It was rather hot out there.”

  “Not that kind of wet.” Bennett moaned deep in her throat, her fingers already worrying Kerstin’s flesh. “You might have to pay for deceiving me, young lady.” Her mouth covered Kerstin’s, and she poured the excitement and surprise of the day into her. When they pulled apart, they were both breathless. “I love you so much, Kerst. Can I make you come?”

  “I’ll just let you think about how wet and horny I am all afternoon. So close yet so far. Maybe when we get home, I’ll let you.”

  “Jeez, Kerst. I’m hurting.”

  Kerstin slowly unzipped Bennett’s uniform pants. “Why don’t I punish you for the smoldering look you gave me in front of everyone?”

  “Here? Now?” Bennett placed her hand over Kerstin’s, already inside her briefs.

  “Unless you want to wait until later too.” Kerstin raked her fingernails through Bennett’s pubic hair, and she rose on her tiptoes.

  “Baby, please.”

  Bennett’s breath came in short bursts. She couldn’t wait, and Kerstin loved her even more.

  “Stop…I should be helping the chief greet people.”

  “Please stop or please don’t stop? If we christen your office, the memory will inspire you to hurry home every day.” Kerstin flattened her hand against Bennett’s stomach and slowly started pulling out, but Bennett stopped her.

  “Tick tock, tick tock.” Kerstin slid her hand back into Bennett’s briefs and rubbed the heel of her palm against her pubic mound. “Decision time, Captain.”

  “It feels so good. Maybe…if I’m quick…”

  Kerstin easily slid two fingers inside her lover. “You will be.”

  About the Author

  A thirty-year veteran of a midsized police department, VK was a police officer by necessity (it paid the bills) and a writer by desire (it didn’t). Her career spanned numerous positions including beat officer, homicide detective, vice/narcotics lieutenant, and assistant chief of police. Now retired, she devotes her time to writing, traveling, home decorating, and volunteer work.

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