The Countering

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The Countering Page 15

by Patrick Higgins

  “Brothers and sisters, what can be better than that? One thing I know is that I will always remain loyal to my Savior, no matter what happens to me. Thank you all for listening.”

  THE SECOND SPEAKER WAS from Africa. Amos Nyarwarta, 56, addressed everyone from a location somewhere in Algeria.

  A lifelong Muslim, Nyarwata was well versed in the teachings of Islam. While most Muslims he knew were kind and generous, Nyarwarta wasn’t naïve. He was fully mindful of the many hate ideologies radical Muslims wholeheartedly harbored, believed in, trained for, and even died for. Their collective goal was simple: to mete out vengeance to all infidels until they were no more.

  Since coming to faith in Christ, living in a country that was 100 percent Muslim, Nyarwata knew if anyone became aware that he received Christ as Lord and Savior, chances were good it would cost him his life.

  Now transformed by the power of the Holy Spirit, his message was the exact opposite of what he was taught growing up. Instead of working tirelessly to wipe out the infidels, his message was full of love and compassion toward one another.

  Nyarwarta’s voice was deep and gravelly from three decades of smoking cigarettes. He abruptly quit after converting to Christianity. Said he, “The Disciple John said if anyone says ‘I love God’ yet hates his brother, he is a liar. If we do not love our brothers, whom we have seen, how can we possibly love God, whom we have not seen?

  “Jesus took this ‘love commandment’ one step further, by saying we should also love our enemies, and do good to those who hate us, and bless those who curse us, and pray for those who abuse us. If we love only those who love us, and do good only to those who do good to us, how does that make us any different from our enemies? Even the ungodly do these things!

  “My dear brothers and sisters, what I’m trying to say is despite whatever persecution we may face, we must never let hate resonate in our hearts toward unbelievers! Sure, it will be difficult to love the enemy, but as God’s people, we must clothe ourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience, just like Christ did for us. Our job is to love them, not judge them. That’s God’s job, not ours!”

  Nyarwarta paused to draw air into his lungs. “One of the reasons I was asked to speak today is that I am in the process of writing a book explaining the eschatology of the Islam religion.

  “Since our time together is short, there is no time for me to teach on this topic now. But I want to encourage you all to familiarize yourselves with Islamic eschatology. After all, it presents many similarities with our own Bible end time prophecy.

  “According to Islamic prophecy, the Mahdi, or Twelfth Imam, which is Arabic for ‘guided one’ or ‘redeemer of Islam’, will very much be like Salvador Romanero, in that many Muslims believe he will be a political and military leader unparalleled by any other man throughout world history.

  “Interestingly enough, there’s no reference to a Mahdi in the Quran. All prophecies related to him are found in hadith, which are reports of Muhammad’s teachings collected after his death. At any rate, Mahdi will slaughter all who will not worship Allah and will establish a worldwide caliphate. Guess you could say he is Islam’s savior.

  “Something else you may not know is that Muslims also believe in Jesus, also referred to as ‘Isa’. Their so-called Jesus will assist the Mahdi against the Masih ad-Dajjal, which translates to ‘false Messiah’ or ‘Antichrist’. According to Shiite teachings, Jesus will fully submit to Mahdi’s leadership, and the two great branches of Abraham’s family will be reunited forever.”

  Nyarwarta shook his head. “This will never happen. This Jesus they refer to is not the Jesus of the Bible. The Jesus they believe in was a prophet, but certainly not God. They believe he went to Heaven like Elijah, where he stands alongside Allah waiting to be sent back to Earth to correct all Christians who have a grave misunderstanding of who He really is.

  “They believe once their Jesus returns to Earth, he will convert to Islam and serve Mohammed. He will marry and have children. He will pray to Mahdi and worship him. Since he did not die, he cannot provide atonement for anyone. Instead of saving Christians, he will be the final judge against them.

  “Not only will he will shatter crosses and kill pigs, he will abolish the tax on non-Muslims. He will kill the Islamic Antichrist. Then he will die and be buried next to Mohammed. In short: our Jesus is their Antichrist.

  “If interested in learning more about this topic, my book will provide an extensive insight into the faith God recently rescued me out of. And don’t worry, my dear brothers and sisters, once finished, the book will be available to everyone free of charge!” Nyarwarta flashed a brilliant smile for all to see. “Hope you enjoy the remainder of the service. God bless us, one and all!”

  THE THIRD SPEAKER WAS from Australia. Nigel Jones, 38, spoke to everyone from a location somewhere in Sydney. A self-made billionaire prior to the Rapture, Jones—longtime friend and business associate of Travis Hartings—didn’t believe in God; he believed in himself.

  Jones thought he had everything in life under his control. Then he lost his wife and three children to the Rapture, and everything came crumbling down upon him.

  After a few heart-to-heart chats with Travis Hartings and Clayton Holmes, Jones repented of his sinful lifestyle and received Christ as Lord and Savior.

  On top of the $5,000 payment required to attend, Jones threw in $10M on top of it. He asked Clayton Holmes and Travis Hartings not to tell anyone. It was between them and God.

  Fully believing in what Holmes and Hartings were doing, Jones sold his once extremely successful software company—for pennies on the dollar—and joined the ETSM in a full-time capacity.

  This left Dr. Lee Kim, Jones’ lead IT man, unemployed. But after Kim confided in Jones about a dream he’d had for three straight nights, it ultimately led to Kim’s involvement in the ETSM.

  Jones’ message was centered on overcoming the world and its many trappings. He said, “As believers, we must have only two things on our mind at all times—sharing the Gospel with unbelievers and survival. We can no longer seek the luxuries of this world—expensive cars, yachts, airplanes, vacations—things I was addicted to and worked diligently to obtain all my life.

  “Every material possession I owned lost its luster after the Rapture, when I lost my wife and three children.” Wiping tears from his eyes, he continued, “Truth be told, had it not been for the Rapture, I’d still be a lost billionaire today.

  “I’m so thankful to God for sending Clayton and Travis to straighten me out. The one Bible verse that brought me to my knees was Mark chapter eight, verse thirty-six: ‘For what shall it profit a man, to gain the whole world and lose his own soul?’

  “Thankfully, money no longer has a grip on me like it used to. God stripped away all things man-made. Unbelievers presently striving for luxury on this planet have short-term security at best. Tragically for them, it’s a security they’re trading straight up for eternal damnation.

  “All I want now is to reach these people for Christ and plead with them to store up treasures in Heaven instead of here on Earth. I know it’s strange to want to reach out to the very people who will soon try to kill us. Nevertheless, as brother Amos said before me, this is our combined commission, our joint-purpose.

  “Brothers and sisters, horrifying as the next seven years will be, this is as good as it will ever get for those who are perishing. If they don’t repent and turn from their wicked ways, their condition will drastically change for the worse once they step into eternity and are forced to suffer the fullness of God’s eternal wrath. Let that be your motivation for winning them to Jesus.

  “But as for us, we’ll soon be in a much better place. And I’ll get to see my precious babies again!” Jones’ lips started
quivering. The former billionaire buried his face in his hands and wept for the longest time. Each location grew eerily silent as Jones nearly collapsed to the floor.

  Many sobbed with him. Everyone was held totally captive by his words.

  Taking a few moments to collect himself and wipe tears from his eyes, Jones said, “I know I’ll exist on a different plane than them, but at least I’ll get to see them again. No amount of money can ever top that!” Jones sniffled. “Seven years of suffering is a small price to pay for an eternity with Christ Jesus and our departed loved ones. Can I get an Amen?”


  “As I close, let me just say that I look forward to spending eternity with each of you on the Good side. Thanks for listening everyone. Keep fighting the Good fight. Pray for me as I pray for you. God is with us!”

  At that, the connection went dead.

  They worked straight through lunch, finishing just in time for supper.


  AT 6:30 P.M. SHARP, EST, Clayton Holmes received confirmation from his chief surveillance man, Braxton Rice, that everyone had safely returned from dinner.

  The satellite connection was turned on.

  “Good evening, brothers and sisters!” Holmes said. “Man, oh man, were you as moved by today’s service as I was? When things really get crazy and I’m forced to dig deep down inside for that extra something, I’ll undoubtedly draw strength from the messages we were blessed to hear today. They reminded me that something truly awesome awaits us on the other side of our obedience. Thanks again, my dear brothers, for inspiring us today!”

  “Now ladies and gentlemen, would you please help me welcome a man who needs no introduction. He’s been my best friend for many years.” Clayton Holmes looked over to his partner and shouted: “Mister Travis Hartings!”

  Hartings and Holmes embraced. If Charles Calloway, who stood an even 6' looked tiny next to Clayton Holmes, Travis looked like a midget. Hartings stood a lean 5'10" and weighed 180.

  Now 50, the hair on his head was almost completely gray. He had soft green eyes and a salt-and-pepper finely groomed beard and mustache.

  After a warm embrace, Hartings placed his notes on the lectern in front of him, cleared his throat and began: “Brothers and sisters, I greet you all in the mighty name of our resurrected Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ! From Charles Calloway’s warm greeting to open the meeting yesterday, to my partner’s spot-on teaching of Bible prophecy, to our three speakers this morning, it’s been an amazing two days so far! Talk about pressure! Sure hope I don’t let you all down,” he said with a chuckle.

  “In all seriousness, what does one do when one knows a storm is approaching? He prepares! I’m delighted that we’re starting to get our act together. But so much still needs to be done as the peace treaty signing is fast approaching.

  “Aside from assembling top minds on the planet to help keep our communications free of the enemy, we must begin stockpiling non-perishable foods, clean drinking water, fuel, computers, various medicines and vaccines, shelter and everything in between. You name it—we’ll need it. For a more detailed summary, kindly refer to the list in your packet.

  “One thing we plan to purchase in the coming weeks are high-quality print-on-demand presses, so we can mass-produce top-notch Christian literature. Brother Nyarwarta isn’t the only gifted writer involved in the ETSM. Many other men and women are writing some really good stuff.

  “Among them is a former Mormon missionary to the Philippines, a former Catholic from Brazil, a former Hindu from India, and a former Buddhist living in Thailand. Their books will explain the vast differences between true Christianity and the religions God recently rescued them out of.

  “Once finished, they will be published into various languages and given away freely. Now, you may be asking, why publish paperback books in an electronic age?

  “The time is coming when Salvador Romanero will order Bibles and all other Christian literature outlawed. He may even declare a global book-burning celebration. We also believe all Christian e-books and audio books online will be deleted.”

  In his cultured southern drawl, Hartings went on, “That’s why we must mass-produce these things now while we can! When we’re forced to live off grid, we’ll have plenty of books in our possession, including hundreds of thousands of Bibles printed in various languages. With our window for evangelism closing a little more with each passing day, we haven’t a moment to waste.

  “Of course, at the very top of the list is land. But I’ll touch on that in a bit. For now, just know that from here on out we must think in terms of total independence, cut off from the rest of the world. I’m afraid the one-hundred million plus raised this weekend is but a drop in the bucket. Hundreds of billions more still need to be raised if we are to succeed with our plans.

  “All money raised so far will be used to lay the foundation for the End Times Salvation Movement. Whatever’s raised from this point forward will remain in the country in which it was raised, with one stipulation: each country must agree to put aside twenty percent; half will be used to assist poorer countries. The other ten percent will be earmarked for the one-hundred and forty-four thousand God will supernaturally seal in His appointed time. Consider it your tithe of sorts.”

  Hartings took a sip of water and continued: “Anyone invited to live on any of our ETSM properties must fully submit to the one-hundred and forty-four thousand Jewish preachers. To echo what my partner already said, anything these anointed men ask for in the future will be granted, no questions asked, including the use of any of our properties.

  “Which leads me back to the number one item on our list—land. It will be needed in mass quantities, worldwide, for the housing of exiled believers. Each building and parcel of land purchased by the ETSM will need to be retrofitted to house as many people as the land will allow. Blueprints for housing will resemble your basic military camps.

  “Suffice it to say, the days of having personal studies, private bedrooms and baths are gone. Obviously, all land will be paid for in cash. Once purchased, only a handful of members will occupy our safe houses at first, as we reinvent the land, so to speak.

  “No need to have a premature mass exodus all at once. Wouldn’t be smart. If we suddenly went into hiding all at once, we’d surely be caught by the enemy at some point. No, we must remain in the workplace for as long as humanly possible.

  “Anyone chosen to occupy a safe house will have to slowly cut the strings to their old lives, in order to stop any and all paper trails that could lead the enemy to our doorsteps. If and when you’re chosen to join us, you’ll be brought to one of our secluded locations in the middle of the night.”

  In Chicago, Illinois, Jacquelyn Swindell glanced at Brian Mulrooney and smiled. Brian knew why. The dream she’d had. Brian nodded, then set his gaze on the monitor again.

  Hartings shifted his weight. “Now for the most difficult part. Anyone chosen to occupy a residence must be willing to leave your unsaved loved ones behind for good. I know this is a delicate subject, but once they receive the Mark of the Beast, there can be no turning back.

  “So deeply will our unsaved loved ones fall under Romanero’s strong hypnotic powers that they’ll think they’re doing us a favor by turning us over to universal troops. With that in mind, if selected, you’ll have no choice but to cut all ties and become ghost-like. In other words, they’ll need to think you’re dead.”

  Hartings paused to let his words hang in the air. “It will take a massive effort to accomplish everything that needs to be done. Those chosen to manage various locations will move onto the premises immediately, then get busy building, scraping, painting, building irrigation ditches, makeshift hospitals, community cafeterias, and so on.

  “Needless to say, you’ll be busy f
rom sunup to sundown. Each person chosen will come from inside the organization, and only after their loyalty has been proven to us time and again.

  “By the way, the only reason I’m speaking so freely now is because of the dreams you all had. More than one-hundred thousand others showed interest in joining our organization. Many had the money in place and were eager to send it to us.

  “But what we didn’t have from them was confirmation from above in the form of dreams, so they weren’t invited. Clayton and I believe Joel chapter two, verses twenty-eight and twenty-nine is being fulfilled right before our eyes. God is pouring out His Spirit on all flesh; allowing us to have dreams and see visions.

  “So, in that light, we feel certain that if you’re here, you’re here by God’s direct leading. The money was secondary. But as leaders, we mustn’t be naive: like brother Chiang said earlier, we must expect, and even prepare for, a few moles to sneak in among us as time marches on. They’ll claim to be believers but are nothing more than wolves in sheep’s clothing.

  “These false converts will inflict great harm on some of us, at least in the flesh. Perhaps some of our locations will be compromised as a result, and destroyed due to their betrayal, along with everyone residing there.

  “To combat this, excluding the one-hundred and forty-four thousand, only a handful of people will know the location of each ETSM safe house. Those chosen to manage a particular location will be given extremely limited access, if any, to other locations. And even that will take time.

  “Those who are ultimately granted shelter with us in the future will only know the location at which they are residing. Nothing more. There simply cannot be any compromising connections between us, except at the most secret points.


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