Mending The Billionaire Movie Star (MacLachlan Brothers Romance Book 1)

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Mending The Billionaire Movie Star (MacLachlan Brothers Romance Book 1) Page 25

by Bree Livingston

  Breaking the kiss, Penelope said, “Angus, I’ve been such a coward. I thought running away from Tom was protecting myself, but it wasn’t. I allowed him to control my entire life.” And nearly miss being with Angus. Someone she could picture spending the rest of her life with.

  “I know the feeling.”

  She ran her fingertips down the side of his face. The biggest revelation she’d had from the day was that she needed to tell him she loved him, and more importantly, he needed to hear it. “I love you, and Clara Brighton is not going to run me off. I’ve got a mean right hook.”

  For a moment, she wondered if he’d even heard her.

  Then he tilted his head and looked at her as if he’d misheard her. “Did you say you love me?” he asked barely above a whisper.

  The way he said it made her stomach flutter. “More than I have ever loved anyone. It goes against everything I’ve ever thought about love or relationships, but yes, I do.”

  “Penelope, you don’t know what you’re getting into here.”

  “Yes, I do.”

  Angus shook his head. “Naw, you don’t.”

  She kissed him again, skimming her lips across his and trailing feathery kisses along his neck until she heard him inhale.

  “I know exactly what I’m getting into.” Her voice was soft as she followed the trace of her fingertips across his cheeks with her lips. “I’m getting you. I need you, and I want you. I don’t know a lot of things, but I’m sure about those two.”

  Angus spread his hand against the small of her back and pressed her into him. “She’ll cut you.”

  “I’m pretty good with a knife too. You can’t quit. You love acting, and you can’t let her win by taking that away from you. You won’t be fighting her alone anymore. We can handle her together.”

  He smoothed her hair back with his hand and stared at her. “Are you sure?”


  Before she got the word out, he was kissing her as though he thought she’d leave. He held her against him, continuing the kiss until she was breathless.

  Pulling back, he said, “I’ve made a lot of mistakes. Would you be willing to stick around for a really long time while I make more?”

  Penelope narrowed her eyes.

  Angus cupped her cheek. “Marry me.”

  In the past six years, every decision she’d made was based on fear. Maybe, just once, she could make a decision based on hope. “Yes.”

  He smiled. “I love you.”

  She threw her arms around his neck. “I love you. George is going to love you too.”

  “You think so? Guess that should have been one of my first questions.”

  Leaning back, she ran her fingers over his eyebrow. “He will. You’ve got four dogs and two cats. Will they like me?”

  Angus nodded. “They’ll take right to you. Somerled will be in your lap before you can get properly seated. Morna’s the baby and has never met a stranger. The old ladies might need some time to warm up, but they will.”

  Penelope chewed her lip. Finn was Angus’s oldest and dearest friend. What if he didn’t like her? “What is Finn going to think of all of this?”

  Angus shrugged. “I don’t care. He’s my best mate, but I make my own decisions.”

  “We still have a week here.”

  “They can do some filler or something. I’m done.”

  An icy breeze ran down Penelope’s spine, and she shivered. “It’s a good thing, because it’s only getting colder. I miss the beach.”

  “I’d say we could stoke the fire, but it’s late.”

  “Not that late.” She smiled.

  Angus used his fingers and combed her hair back. “I still don’t like the idea of Clara getting her hooks in you.”

  “I don’t either, but it’s two years at most. We’ll keep our cool and put up with her. It’s not like she’s going to live with us.”

  He shuddered. “Naw.”

  A thought hit her. Angus missed his family. She’d always wanted to live in Scotland. “Could we get married in Scotland?”

  His lips parted with small intake a breath. “You’d be okay with that?”

  Penelope could see the joy in his eyes. It’d almost be like a wedding present. “The only close family I have is Paige. As long as she can come, I’d like that.”

  “You’d live with me there, wouldn’t you?” he asked, his voice low and husky.

  She nodded. “I would.”

  Angus swallowed hard. “I love you, Penelope Cooper.”

  It was late, and they’d be tired in the morning, but they sat in front of the fireplace well into the night, talking and kissing.

  Chapter 50

  Angus stretched awake. It was still pitch-black outside, but he’d enjoyed mornings with Penelope the past week. He didn’t even mind sharing her with the crew the day she made them breakfast.

  It was strange with the other women gone. Zora and Amber had given tearful reasons as to why they’d lied. Zora about being a nurse and Amber about being single. Not only was Amber not single, but she was engaged. She’d come on the show as a way to get an in with directors to boost her acting career.

  The show was going to air the ex’s coming back and use their tearful confessions, and that would be the second to last episode. According to Barb and social media, the only reason anyone was watching the show anymore was because of him and Penelope.

  Jeanie knew about him and Penelope. He’d expected a face-to-face with Jeanie to be uncomfortable, but surprisingly, she’d taken it well. They’d talked for a while. She was still a fan, but she agreed there was no chemistry between them.

  Before they were done speaking, she even admitted she was talking to Ray again. That relationship wasn’t as done as she initially thought. It made Angus feel better with how things ended. The whole conversation was taped, and it would be aired in the hour-long finale. She’d gone home the next day.

  It was early, the sun was just coming up, and he could already smell Penelope’s cooking floating through the air. It was mouthwatering. Angus threw the covers off, swung his legs over the side of the bed, and strolled to the kitchen.

  Penelope’s face lit up, and he couldn’t keep the smile from spreading on his lips. He’d waited a long time for someone to look at him like that.

  “Good morning.” He slid his arms around her waist and kissed her cheek. “Would you finally like some coffee?”

  “I can’t forgive the creamer yet. Hot tea maybe?”

  “Sure.” Angus understood her reluctance.

  While he made tea, she finished breakfast, and they sat next to each other at the island. It made for a boring show, but he loved the idea of life with her. To him, boring was incredible.

  He covered her hand with his and squeezed it. “I’m sorry I have to wait to give you the engagement ring.”

  Penelope shrugged. “Barb had a point. I mean, the people tuning in to watch the show would want to be there for that.”

  “Aye, doesn’t mean I don’t want to see it on your finger.”

  “It’s not like I’m going to change my mind.”

  Angus leaned in. “Are you sure?”


  “Just double-checking before I ask tomorrow.”

  She palmed his cheek. “I still think it’s nuts, but the answer will be the same: yes.”

  “What’s a life together without a little adventure? Besides, you know me. The important things. The big things. All the other little bits would have to come with living together anyway.”

  Penelope smiled. “That’s true. Still, doesn’t mean it isn’t scary. Are you the least bit nervous?”

  “Naw. We live, we love, we fight, we make up, and make love. It repeats until we’re old, gray, and wrinkled.”

  Penelope gave him a soft kiss on the lips. “I can handle that.”

  Angus took a deep breath and pressed his forehead to hers. “I’ve told my family. Have you told Paige?”


sp; “That didn’t sound happy.”

  Penelope leaned back. “Paige thinks she knows me because we’re twins, but she doesn’t. I know her, but she never took the time to get to know me more than superficially. She loves that I can take care of her when she’s broken-hearted, stay at the house when she’s in town, or any of the other myriad of things I can do for her. Getting me on this show wasn’t done for me. It was done for her because she thought it would be funny. Paige loves, but her love is…”


  “Yeah. She doesn’t do it deliberately. It’s not meant to be mean or self-centered, but it is. I’ve tried to tell her, but she doesn’t see it.”

  “Will she make things hard on you?”

  The corner of Penelope’s mouth quirked up. “She’ll get on board or get left at the airport.”

  “Maybe she won’t give you grief.”

  “Maybe. I need to warn you. She likes to pretend to be me. If you ever get a funny feeling, make sure you ask something that only the two of us know.”

  His mouth dropped open. “She wouldn’t.”

  Penelope nodded. “Once in high school and twice in college. I really liked a guy in high school, and he finally asked me out. He was supposed to pick me up on a Friday for a movie. She convinced him to change the time and took my place. I thought he’d stood me up. I was so hurt and furious. He had no idea why, and then Paige told me. She said she was keeping me from getting my heart broken because he was a player. He wasn’t. I love her, but I don’t trust her.”

  “What’s something she wouldn’t know?”

  She grinned and whispered next to his ear, “I have a tattoo on my hip, and she’s never seen it.”

  His pulse jumped as his gaze dropped to her hip. He wanted to see that tattoo. “Would she think you’d do something like that?”

  She shook her head. “No. I’m careful, boring, and simple. There’s no way practical Penelope would ever do that.”

  “I’ll remember that.” Angus pulled her close. “You are not boring or simple. Not to me.”

  “Angus?” The sound of a familiar voice came from the front of the house.

  Finn? He looked at Penelope.

  “Go. I’ll put the dishes away,” she said.

  He kissed her cheek and walked to the great room. “Hey!” Angus shook Finn’s hand. “What are you doing here so early?”

  His friend shrugged. “This is when my flight got in and I could get a ride here.”

  “How are you?”

  “I’m good. How are you, chief?”

  Angus grinned. “I’m great. Did Barb tell you anything?”

  Finn shook his head. “Not a word. So, what happened? Did you pick Amber? That lass is gorgeous.”

  Angus made a face. Of course, Finn wouldn’t have watched the show. “No, I didn’t pick Amber.”

  Finn blinked. “Jeanie or Zora, then?”

  No way. “Penelope.”

  “What?” Finn’s face scrunched up. “Her?”

  “Her. She’s my heart.”

  “You had three beautiful women to choose from, and you picked her?”

  Angus looked over his shoulder toward the kitchen. “I had four beautiful women to choose from, and I picked her because she was beautiful all the way through.”

  Finn sat down hard on the couch. “Angus, you can do better.”

  Angus couldn’t understand why he was being so contrary. “Mate, there is no better. Once you get to know her, you’ll understand. She’s kind, caring, gentle, sweet, and loving. She’s so much more than long legs and great assets. Penelope loves me for me.”

  “And you can’t find that with long legs and great assets? Come on, Angus, she’s just…average.”

  Angus sat in the oversized leather chair next to Finn. “I’m telling you I love her, and you’re not happy for me? When I told you I loved Clara, you were excited, and look what she did to me. How she treated me. Penelope cares about me and not my money or fame.”

  Smiling, Finn eyed Angus. “I see what this is. You did it to win her over and get your career back. You’re trying to make things look good, and you think I’ll blow it if I know the truth.”

  “Finn! I’m in love with her. I’ve asked her to marry me. This isn’t a joke or an act.”

  He blinked. “So, you’re serious?”

  “Aye. She’s even willing to live with me in Scotland. Can you imagine? Being around my family? Taran? I’ve missed my kin.”

  Finn stood and shook his head. “Angus, are you sure about this? You were so adamant about staying single. Our plan was to use this to remake your image, not for you to find a wife.”

  Angus stood and faced off with him. “Are you going to be happy for me?”

  “I guess. I just need time to process it. I left for a few weeks, and the next thing I know, you’re engaged. It’s a lot to take in. Especially when it’s some dog groomer and I know you can do better.”

  Angus worked his jaw as his eyes narrowed. “You get to processing, then, because if you say anything to hurt her, I’ll knock your teeth in. I’m serious, Finn. You’ll watch your tongue.”

  Finn held up his hands in defeat. “I’ll watch it. I promise.”

  Angus couldn’t gauge what Finn was thinking. They’d known each other so long that they were more like family than friends. “Good. I don’t want to pick between the two of you. And so you know, it would be her.”

  “I get it. Give me a little time. Okay?” Finn looked at the floor.

  “Do you want to meet her? Maybe get to know her?”

  “Sure, Angus.”

  Angus studied Finn a moment. There was something off about his best mate. Why wasn’t the man happy for him? Angus had found love and contentment. He understood it was sudden, but he’d lived with Penelope for twelve weeks. He’d gotten to know her and her heart. She was the one, and he knew it.

  Finn gave him a strange feeling. Whether it was not seeing him in three months or what, he didn’t know, but things were going to change. Angus was done with Finn’s antics.

  Chapter 51

  “Are you ready?” Barb asked.

  Penelope’s eyes glittered with mischief. “Absolutely. I’m getting engaged on national television.” Among other things.

  “Darling, I knew I liked you.”

  She wrung her hands. “Are you sure everything else is ready?”

  Barb lifted an eyebrow. “Oh yeah. It’ll go the way I planned, or someone’s going to find themselves unemployed and black-balled.”

  Penelope nodded. “Did the lawyer agree?”

  “He sure did.”

  “How about the other thing?”

  Barb cupped her shoulders. “Stop worrying. This is going to work.”

  Penelope nodded and smoothed her dress again. She’d paced nervously in her room for most of the day. Twice Angus had asked to see her, and she’d feigned getting ready. She was afraid he’d figure out what was going on, and Penelope wasn’t sure he could keep it to himself.

  Vincent called her name, and she put a shaky hand on the door.

  “Take a deep breath, darling. Keep your cool,” Barb said.

  Penelope took one last look at Barb, pasted on a smile, and walked out. She waved at the camera as she walked to Vincent and noted that Finn stood off to the side, away from the camera.

  “Penelope Cooper. Look at you. You look radiant,” Vincent said.

  “Thank you.”

  He smiled for the camera. “Well, this was like Cinderella and Romeo and Juliet all rolled into one.”

  “I guess.”

  “What made you come around to our dashing bachelor?”

  “He’s not what I thought he was. Angus is sweet and kind.”

  “Aww, that’s great.” Vincent’s teeth were so white they nearly blinded her. “Let’s get Angus out here. Angus MacLachlan, would you join us?”

  Angus walked in, and Penelope’s mouth went dry. She hadn’t forgotten how beautiful he was, but she had forgotten how good he looked
in a tux. He joined her but stood on the other side of Vincent.

  “So, Angus, it seems you’ve found Mrs. MacLachlan.”

  “I have.” Angus shot a glance at Penelope and smiled.

  She needed to keep it together. The combination of nerves and adrenaline made her heart race and her palms sweat like she’d had a million energy drinks.

  Barb slipped into the great room and stayed close to the wall. She caught Penelope’s gaze and nodded slightly.

  The front door opened, and Clara came gliding in. Her gaze immediately landed on Angus. “Starting the party without me?”

  Clara had a bandage over her nose with blue and purple bruises peeking out.

  Vincent looked at the cameraman and made a slashing motion against his throat.

  The cameraman looked at Barb who shook her head no.

  “You weren’t invited for a reason,” Angus spat.

  “That’s not the way to be. After all, I am your agent, and I’m entitled to be anywhere you are.”

  “What’s going on, Angus?” Vincent asked.

  With a wickedly sweet smile, Clara said, “We need a moment, if you don’t mind, Vincent. Why don’t you run along, and we’ll call if we need you?”

  Vincent glanced from her to Angus to Barb.

  Barb nodded and winked.

  “Okay.” He left with a puzzled look on his face.

  “What are you doing here, Clara?” asked Angus.

  “I couldn’t miss the last show, my Angus.”

  Angus’s face turned as red as his hair. “I am not your Angus. We are done.”

  “Let’s not fight. Besides, I didn’t come here for you. I came for her.” Clara leveled her gaze at Penelope. “You do remember I owe you, right?”

  “Are you sure? I distinctly remember you were the one giving out change.” Penelope grinned.

  Barb rolled her lips in, but there was no hiding the snickering.

  Clara clenched her jaw. “Let’s see how smug you are when I’m done tonight.”

  “What are you talking about?” Angus asked.

  Clara leveled her eyes at Angus. “I had our contract checked out again. Seems you forgot a clause.”

  Angus narrowed his eyes. “What clause?”


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