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GhostBound Page 4

by Vera Sparks

  “What do you mean? I know he’s not like you; you’re special, like me. But he’s not like Maria either?” Millie frowned as she tried to understand.

  “He’s…” Maria chewed her lip as she rubbed her arms in the cool night air. She was the only one affected by it. She was lost on how to explain to Millie that Alex was a vampire like her killer.

  “He’s the same kind of thing, the same creature, as the man was who hurt you,” I finally told her, not wanting to leave it until when Alex rocked up.

  “He’s a monster too?” Millie’s eyes widened and my throat tightened at the utter terror in her eyes.

  “He’s not like the monster that hurt you,” I lied. He didn’t kill freely, but he had killed me.

  Millie trembled as she pulled her hand free from mine, and I sighed while Maria flinched as Millie disappeared from her view.

  “Millie, it’ll be okay,” I said as I tried to offer her my hand.

  I looked up as Alex’s car pulled into the parking lot, the headlights lighting us up as he came our way.

  “Is she still here?” Maria asked.

  I looked over, and to my dismay, Millie had disappeared even from me.

  “I don’t know,” I sighed as I looked around in hopes of spying her small form in the shadows.

  Alex’s polished silver Jag pulled up before us and the engine shut off, leaving us illuminated only by the streetlight above us.

  “So, where’s this girl?” Alex asked as he climbed out of his car and quickly locked it.

  “She’s not a fan of vampires,” I sneered.

  He gave me a careful look with his jaw clenched, but didn’t say anything as he strode over.

  “Well, it’s not that easy to help if I can’t see her. Vampires are one thing, I’m still getting used to ghosts, I knew they were out there, but…” he trailed off as he watched me carefully.

  His gaze made me shift uneasily, and I cleared my throat.

  “Well, the killer was a black British man,” I shrugged as I crossed my legs, bouncing my bare slender leg against the other as I dipped my heels down.

  Alex glanced down at my legs, his slow gaze rolling up my body and making me uneasy.

  “There aren’t many vampires like that around,” Alex said as he crossed his arms, glancing over at Maria and nodding at her in acknowledgement.

  They hadn’t met before, but they’d both heard about each other plenty. I’d met Maria through my work when I’d helped the associate lawyer, Danny, with a local case. Maria had been a key witness, having sold potions to a shifter who’d disappeared with a lot of money from his place of business. Maria’s testimony on his behavior and the warding potion he’d bought had been what Danny needed to tighten his case. He’d eventually been found by a canine shifter, I never learned exactly what type of canine, who’d tracked his scent. Apparently he hadn’t read the fine print on the potion that it only warded against magic tracking. You had to pay more for one that warded for everything.

  Alex’s tailored suit showed off his lean but solid figure, his broad shoulders, and firm ass.

  I still couldn’t deny the attraction I had for him, but I wasn’t about to act on it. Although it was difficult to fight at times in the office, when he’d brush past me, and we’d both slow down, drawing in each other’s presence. We both still felt the same way as when we’d dated, but things just weren’t the same now.

  Maria had noticed his gorgeous figure and stunning face as she raised an intrigued eyebrow at him.

  I guess I’d been too modest when telling her what he looked like.

  “Well, any ideas on where to start to find this dick?” I said, drawing Alex’s eyes away from my bare legs and back to my face.

  “I personally don’t know any black British men, but I can contact a few people,” Alex said, his blue eyes swallowing me up. He rarely saw me out of the office and in my more casual clothing these days. In this case, a short purple skirt and white button up blouse with black heels.

  I felt the heat of his stare, one I’d grown accustomed to pretending to ignore in the office. But it still delighted me, even despite everything.

  “And what can we do?” I cocked my head at him, making sure to shift my position so he could see down the front of my blouse.

  I enjoyed teasing the charming Australian vampire despite our history. Watching him struggling not to squirm. It was mean of me, but even though I knew nothing could happen between us because of what he did, I enjoyed knowing he wanted me.

  You’d think in over 100 years of life he’d have mastered how to remain unfazed when around women. Maybe I was just too much for him, a deadly sin he couldn’t have. He’d already tasted me, but he dare not try to claim me.

  He narrowed his eyes at me, noting my not so subtle teasing as he did his best to keep his eyes from wandering.

  “I’m sure Maria has her own otherworldly contacts she can ask, I’m sure it’s not the first time he’s killed. Maybe summon her parents, you said her name was Millie Cowan, right?” Alex said, his Australian accent breaking through with ease. He still hadn’t mastered the American drawl yet.

  “Yes,” I nodded.

  “I remember hearing about her murder, there was some uproar in the vampire community that someone would hunt children like that. He murdered the parents in the home but took her into the woods and drained her slowly,” he sighed as he looked around the parking lot, as if hoping the girl wasn’t around.

  Seeing him looking so… dejected, like he actually felt bad for the girl touched me, but I pushed it away.

  I guess there was a small part of him that was still human. Maybe he was more so than me. He’d been a sweet vampire when we’d dated, sometimes I’d forget he wasn’t human unless I’d catch him sitting stock still, not breathing, his pale skin practically glowing in some lightings.

  But to see he did still feel was a nice reminder. I’d seen his emotions before; I hadn’t expected a vampire to be so human.

  But ever since he’d killed me, he’d closed himself off more. I hadn’t seen him laugh for quite some time now that I thought about it.

  Did he actually care that much about me that he was still hurt by what he did?

  “How do you know they drained her slowly?” I asked, pushing aside my odd thoughts about him. No need to start feeling sorry for him; that was his job.

  “The coroner,” Alex said, as if that explained it all. “There are some vampires who enjoy the taste of children’s blood, apparently it’s more sweet and laced with… innocence,” he scoffed at the last word.

  “I can’t believe there’s a monster out there that would do such a thing,” Maria growled.

  “Vampires come in all shapes and sizes. You can have Mrs Green the Law and Order binger and then you can have Freddy Kruger,” Alex shrugged and I managed a smirk at his choice of likeness, which caused a small smile to tug at his lips.

  “Like people. We forget what people do to other people too,” I said. “The rapists, the suicide bombers, the mass murderers, serial killers.”

  “Vampires were once people,” Alex agreed. “And people are the most dangerous thing on this planet.”

  He was definitely right about that.

  “Anyway, I’ve got Catherine finding the address of the Cowans’. Maybe you can swing by there and try to find something that belonged to them. You’d be the best for it,” Alex gave me a sly, knowing smile. Catherine was the legal assistant in the office; her duty was to help out the other two lawyers, Janet and Daniel. Then there was Alena, our accounts woman. Our small team.

  “You mean I can steal and not be seen,” I rolled my eyes.

  “Well, if I have something of the parents, I can summon one of them. They might be able to give us more information,” Maria nodded.

  “That’s assuming any of their stuff is still there, although it’s highly likely the house has been sold and new people live there. The murder only took place about two months ago,” Alex said.

  Two months Mi
llie had been wandering around here, lost and confused and in pain.

  I closed my eyes at the horrid thought.

  Poor girl.

  “Well, text me once you’ve got an address and I’ll check it out,” I said as I opened my eyes to find Alex watching me with a strange look. A guilty look.

  It disappeared though instantly as I raised an eyebrow at him.

  Bloody vampire, trying to make me forgive him. He wouldn’t get off on this one.

  “I’ve got a client to meet with tonight, and you’ve still got those reports to finalize for me tonight, plus your backlog of other paperwork,” Alex reminded me of my shift tonight.

  “I was planning something tonight, considering what happened last night, I thought I could take an emotional night off, you know, the trauma,” I held a hand to my chest. At the time it had made me queasy, but I’d already come to terms with it, strangely. But I’d still use it if I could.

  “Fine, but can you just pop in and finish the reports for me?” Alex scowled. Yes, I’d won this one.

  “Of course,” I said through my teeth as I gave him a fake smile.

  He shifted uncomfortably and moved his gaze to Maria.

  “It was nice to finally meet you Maria, wish it could have been under better circumstances,” Alex nodded at her. “You both have a lovely night.” And with that, Alex turned on his heel and strode back to his car.

  Once the slick silver Jag exited the parking lot, Maria spun on me.

  “Damn, I’d let him drain me dry anyday,” she fanned herself. “And he’s got the hots for you Miss Sweet. And lovely? Damn, you gotta love that Australian terminology coming through so strong. I barely ever hear that term.”

  “I know, but it wouldn’t work, I can’t forgive him,” I shrugged, although his heated gaze had left me burning in areas I’d rather not mention. He was not who I needed in my bed, not that I could ever trust him.

  “Have you ever been with a vampire?” Maria asked, eyeing the parking lot in case our new young friend returned.

  “No, and I don’t think I ever will.”

  “I hear they’re good, verrrry good,” Maria dragged out the last part as if she was imagining it.

  “Danny at work sometimes tells us his conquests in the lunchroom, I thought he was just bragging,” I smiled. Danny the lawyer worked in the office with me, and I’d classify him as a friend if I hadn’t tried to close myself off to vampires. I did let him in, and I knew it annoyed Alex when he’d catch us chatting. I didn’t hate all vampires, just him. But I was wary.

  “He probably wasn’t, if he’s nice, you should try it sometime,” Maria winked.

  “No, definitely not, one, because he’s a known player, he’s fifty years old and hasn’t ever had a serious relationship, and two, he’s a work colleague, and three, he’s a vampire, which I’ve sworn off,” I rolled my eyes.

  “He’s a player, no strings attached, so the work colleague doesn’t really stand there if you’re both on the same page, and not all vampires are bad,” Maria said.

  “Alex isn’t bad,” I immediately blurted, and regretted it as soon as the words left my mouth and Maria’s grin widened.

  “I think you hate him because you still have feelings for him when you shouldn’t,” Maria stated as she ran her fingers through her dark curls.

  “I need to get to work,” I brushed her comment off. I didn’t want to think about it.

  “Shouldn’t we wait around and see if Millie comes back?” Maria turned serious again as she gazed around the secluded parking lot.

  “If she was going to, I think she would’ve by now,” I said as I scanned the area once more. But she wasn’t here now. I did wonder if we just couldn’t see her or if she’d disappeared into the ghost realm for a while.

  “Well, let me know how things go at her parents’ place once you get the address. And let me know how the bar night goes after work,” Maria winked as she stood up.

  “Of course.”

  I pushed through the wooden door with the glass inlay reading ‘Dawson and Associates’ and was greeted by Alena Yorkston, our accounts lady, a petite brunette who was completely human. Apparently Alex hadn’t wanted to discriminate so hired both her and myself around the same time two years ago. She had been in a long-term relationship with a vampire, so she knew of shifters and other things already. I was new to it all.

  “How was your day?” Alena asked as she perched on the edge of the reception desk.

  “Pretty standard,” I lied. I didn’t feel like telling her everything. Besides, Alex didn’t want anyone knowing about James.

  “I heard Heath was taken care of by the Council,” Alena stated as I continued past her and into my office.

  “Yeah, he had it coming,” I said as I sat down in my luxurious leather office chair. Alex spared no expense when setting up his firm here years ago. Something I was glad for.

  “That’s definitely true,” Alena scoffed as she leaned against the doorframe. “Murdering psychopath.”

  “How is Jeremy going? I’m sure he’s pleased to hear the news,” I asked as I pulled the reports from my in tray and powered up my computer.

  “He’s pleased with the call by the Council. He’s doing well too,” Alena twirled a loose strand of hair as she bit her lip. “We’ll be celebrating four years in two weeks.”

  “Wow, congratulations!” Damn. Four years. He was a sweet gentleman from Canada that had popped in on occasion, generally bringing us treats. He owned a bar across town that specialized in Canadian brews and even had a special selection of blood beers. A vampire’s delight she’d said.

  “Yeah,” Alena smiled softly.

  “What are you guys going to do to celebrate?”

  “We’re taking the week off to go to the Rocky Mountains, I’ve never been but the pictures he’s showed me are stunning,” Alena breathed as she took a moment to wonder in bliss about the trip.

  “I hear they are beautiful, I should check them out one day.” I turned to punch in the password as the computer waited for me.

  “Neither of you have been to the Rockies?” Danny popped his head around the corner.

  “Evening Danny,” I nodded as I opened up my files on the screen. “And no.”

  “Damn, you’re missing out on some damn fine sights there,” Danny whistled as he squeezed past Alena to lean against my desk.

  I wasn’t going to get out of work as soon as I’d hoped. But I did enjoy the company of my colleagues. We were like a small family.

  “When have you been?” Alena asked.

  “A few times. I’ve flitted many a woman to the area for some fun dates,” Danny smiled suggestively.

  “Such a romantic,” I rolled my eyes and Alena stifled a chuckle.

  “I am, thank you very much,” Danny’s smile only broadened, showing his slightly lengthened canines. Danny was only fifty years old, and had been turned at the age of twenty-one, lucky for him. He was stuck in a sexy young twenty year old’s body for the rest of his days. Something he was definitely taking advantage of.

  “So, how was that woman, Aliesha wasn’t it?” I queried with an arched eyebrow.

  “Alison, Aliesha was last week,” Danny flicked through the few papers on my desk dismissively.

  “I swear you have a new woman for every day of the week,” Alena let out an exasperated sigh but smiled at me.

  “I’m a lover, not a fighter,” Danny held both hands to his chest as he swooned.

  “Don’t tell Alex that, he’ll sack you as a lawyer,” I chuckled.

  “I’m very good at my job,” Danny defended himself.

  “I know.”

  “One of the best,” Alena giggled.

  “Now you guys are just making fun of me,” he pouted.

  “Big scary vampire can’t take a joke?” I raised my gaze to his.

  “This is workplace bullying,” Danny crossed his arms, but the amused gleam in his stunning green eyes gave way to his joke.

  “You’ll survive
Blondie,” I waved him off.

  Danny smoothed his short blond hair back at the comment. I briefly contemplated what Maria had said, but quickly pushed the thought away as I swallowed. He was a playboy and not something I should toy with. Even if I hadn’t been laid in forever.

  “Well ladies, I hope you’ve had your fun insulting this handsome devil, but I’ve got work to do. Toodles,” Danny waved as he shoved off my desk and strode out the door.

  “Damn he’s full of himself,” I shook my head.

  “With those looks I can understand why,” Alena rolled her eyes.

  “Who even says toodles?” I snickered.

  Alena grinned and shrugged.

  “I’ve got some numbers to run, but there’s some brownies in the lunchroom if you want any,” Alena said before disappearing back into the hall.

  I heard her catch up with Danny and ask him more about the Rockies.

  All I could think about was snagging one of Alena’s famous brownies. That recipe from her grandma was to die for.

  I finalized the reports for Alex quickly, and the timing couldn’t have been more perfect as I said my goodbyes to Danny and Alena for the night and Catherine turned up.

  “Sorry I’m late, I was hunting down that address for you,” Catherine said.

  “Alex isn’t here and we won’t tell,” Danny called out from his office. Vampire hearing had its benefits, but it also meant he could hear every little detail, like when I snuck chocolates to work and he would rat me out at lunch for not sharing.

  Lunch, what we called our food break time at Midnight. That’s definitely normal, right?

  “Thanks Catherine,” I accepted the folded up paper from the tall, leggy blonde. Her icy blue eyes had unnerved me when I first started here, she gave off a strange disconcerting vibe, and she was even more unsettling when I found out she was a cobra shifter. Which was a rarity in the shifter world. Most snake shifters were.

  But she was a kind, professional woman who’d I come to know was quite a softie with her colleagues. But put her in a tough spot and that cobra side shone out. She was a strong, deadly woman when needed.

  Thankfully we were friends. Somewhat.

  “Well, good luck, sounds like you’ve got some interesting work ahead,” Catherine said as she hurried past me to Danny’s office. She was supposed to be helping him with his files tonight.


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