Fight 4 Us (Book 9): Settlement

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Fight 4 Us (Book 9): Settlement Page 11

by Grenda, Brian

  “Thank you, she was a good woman,” replies Charles.

  Charles coughs.


  “Do you need some water pop?” asks Chelsea.

  “No, I’m fine but thank you,” answers Charles.

  Brody notices a picture hanging on the wall of Charles, Chase, Chelsea, and a woman.

  Charles sees Brody looking at the picture and says, “Charlotte and I adopted Chase and Chelsea. That’s why they don’t look like us.”

  Brody doesn’t know how to respond.

  “You have a beautiful family,” says Jerri-Lynn.

  “You do as well,” says Chelsea as she looks at Sam.

  Sam smiles at Chelsea.

  Jerri-Lynn notices the medical equipment, oxygen tanks, and medical supplies around the house.

  The watch on Charles’ wrist beeps and Chelsea looks at Charles.

  “Time for your medicine pop,” says Chelsea.

  “What do you have?” asks Kiersten to Charles.

  “More like what don’t I have. I have cancer, diabetes, CHF, emphysema, and neuropathy,” answers Charles.

  Chelsea walks into the kitchen to get Charles’ medication.

  “Any of you smoke?” asks Charles.

  Jerri-Lynn answers, “No.”

  Brody, Kiersten, Sam, and Andre shake their heads side to side but don’t respond to Charles.

  “Good, they give you fucking cancer. Don’t do it. I smoked for forty years and now I’m paying for it,” says Charles.

  Chelsea walks back into the living room with a bottle of water and a large pill case.

  Jerri-Lynn, Brody, Kiersten, Sam, and Andre watch as Charles takes several pills and swallows some water.

  “Where are you getting your medication from?” asks Sam.

  “We cleared out a couple pharmacies, medical supply stores, and some urgent cares,” answers Chelsea.

  “We got tons of supplies here,” brags Chase.

  Chase sees Andre and Brody looking at a stack of unopened canned goods and says, “I hope you aren’t thinking about taking our supplies.”

  Charles, Chase, and Chelsea stare at Jerri-Lynn and her group.

  Jerri-Lynn senses the tension in the room and quickly tries to calm everyone down.

  “Of course not. We have plenty of supplies. We don’t want your supplies,” says Jerri-Lynn.

  “I hope not,” says Chelsea.

  “We just wanted to say hello and meet the people who helped us,” says Sam.

  Jerri-Lynn senses the tension from Chase still and says, “Okay guys, I think we have overstayed our welcome. We should be getting home now.”

  “Sounds good,” says Chase.

  Brody looks at Chase, and Chase stares back at Brody.

  “Thanks again, and I’m sure we will be seeing you around,” says Jerri-Lynn to Charles.

  “Take care,” responds Charles.

  Charles starts coughing and Chelsea takes the water and pill case away from Charles.

  “Help pop with his oxygen,” says Chelsea to Chase.

  Kiersten and Sam get up from the sofa.

  Brody and Andre start to walk towards the front door with Jerri-Lynn.

  Jerri-Lynn opens the front door.

  Jerri-Lynn, Sam, Kiersten, Andre, and Brody exit Charles’ house.

  “Sam! Wait up!” shouts Chelsea.

  Sam and Jerri-Lynn stand at the covered front porch of Charles’ house.

  “It was nice meeting you Sam. I’m sorry about my brother. He can be an ass,” says Chelsea to Sam.

  “It was nice meeting you as well,” replies Sam.

  Jerri-Lynn steps away from Sam and Chelsea but stays close enough to hear the conversation between them.

  “How old are you Chelsea?” asks Sam.

  “I’m 24… I know I sound like a teenager though,” answers Chelsea.

  “I like your voice,” replies Sam.

  Chelsea smiles at Sam’s compliment.

  “How old are you?” asks Chelsea to Sam.

  “I’m 27, I know I look way younger though. Jerri-Lynn is my older sister,” answers Sam.

  “That’s cool. Your sister and your niece seem very nice,” responds Chelsea.

  Sam jokes, “They are okay. I guess I’ll keep them.”

  “We are good people. My dad is pretty sick though, and my brother is very protective of our supplies,” says Chelsea.

  “That’s good that your brother is protective of your things. You’ll stay alive that way,” replies Sam.

  “We have taken over most of the homes on this side of the street. I’d love to show you them sometime,” says Chelsea to Sam.

  Sam smiles at Chelsea and replies, “I’d like that.”

  Chelsea says goodbye to Sam, and Sam walks away from Charles’ house.

  “I think she likes you,” says Jerri-Lynn to Sam as Sam and Jerri-Lynn walk down Charles’ driveway.

  Sam blushes and smiles.

  “I hope so,” replies Sam to Jerri-Lynn as they walk across the street towards their home.



  It’s mid-afternoon and the hot Florida sun is shining down. Storm clouds are in the sky, but the weather is nice around Citrus Oaks.

  “You ready to go?” asks Shaun to me as Shaun and I talk in my kitchen.

  “Yeah, I am ready. Who is all going today?” I ask Shaun.

  “Me, you, Bobby G, and Matt,” answers Shaun.

  I sarcastically reply, “Wow, Matt is gracing us with his presence today.”

  I say goodbye to Lauren, Fran, Milo, and Callie and then exit my house with Shaun.

  “You got the stuff for Dutch in the truck, right?” I ask Shaun.

  “Yeah, we are all set. We just gotta get there and pick up your guns,” answers Shaun.

  “I need my guns. I’m excited to see what Dutch did to them,” I say to Shaun.

  “I’m sure he hooked you up. He and his brother do great work. I love the mods that they did to my assault rifle and handguns,” replies Shaun.

  I put a duffel bag into the back of the white electric truck that is parked in Shaun’s driveway and ask, “You ever feel bad about the stuff that we do now?”

  “What do you mean?” asks Shaun.

  “Like killing people and looting,” I answer Shaun.

  Matt and Bobby G walk up Shaun’s driveway and meet Shaun and I next to the white electric truck.

  “I don’t really. I don’t really think about it though,” answers Shaun.

  “Think about what?” asks Bobby G.

  “About the stuff we have done. The bad stuff,” I answer Bobby G.

  “I do. I think about it a lot, and it bothers me from time to time,” says Matt.

  I look at Matt.

  “There is no sense worrying about spilled milk. What’s done is done. We can’t change that. The world is a crazy place. Its dog eat dog now,” says Shaun.

  “It’s always been that way, but now it’s actually people eating people,” says Bobby G.

  “Everyone got everything?” asks Shaun.

  Bobby G and Matt put their trade goods into the back of the electric truck.

  Shaun gets into the driver seat of the electric truck. I get into the passenger seat, while Matt and Bobby G get into the backseat of the electric truck.

  Shaun starts up the electric truck and exits Citrus Oaks.

  “What’s up Matt? I haven’t seen you in a while,” I say to Matt.

  “It’s only been like two days,” replies Matt.

  “That’s a long time in a zombie apocalypse brother,” I reply to Matt.

  Matt looks out his passenger side back window as Shaun drives down the road.

  I feel that Matt is being quiet, and something may be bothering him.

  “So, what’s everyone getting today?” asks Bobby G.

  “I’m getting my guns from Dutch today,” I answer Bobby G.

  “I’m just going to look around today. I hope they have some new
vendors there,” answers Shaun.

  Matt doesn’t answer.

  “What about you Matt?” asks Bobby G.

  Matt turns towards Bobby G and answers, “Oh, I got a list from Kylie and my mom. I know they need a couple things.”

  Shaun sees some activity happening at a gas station and the convenient store of the gas station.

  “Something is going on up ahead,” says Shaun.

  I look out the front windshield of the electric truck and see several people, vehicles, and motorcycles all over the convenient store parking lot and around the gas pumps.

  “Stop here,” I say to Shaun.

  Shaun stops the electric truck, and we all watch the activity at the gas station.

  “What is going on?” asks Bobby G.

  “I don’t know, but I think that’s the same group that we saw before. I recognize the big black guy and the bald white guy,” answers Shaun as he looks at the gas station.

  “Are the bikers with them?” asks Matt.

  “I doubt it. It looks like they are arguing,” I answer Matt.

  “Just give us the gas, and we won’t kill you,” says a motorcycle biker to the bald white man in the gas station parking lot.

  “Come on boss, they aren’t worth it,” says Duncan to the bald white man.

  “You should listen to your big black friend there,” says the leader of the motorcycle crew to Duncan and the bald white man.

  A nervous skinny white man looks at Duncan and the bald white man as he stands by a very large fuel truck.

  “What should I do Hank?” asks the skinny white man to the bald white man.

  Hank answers, “Get in the truck Ben.”

  Hank looks at the leader of the motorcycle crew and reads his vest.

  “President, huh? You are from Miami? That’s a long way from here,” says Hank to the leader of the motorcycle crew.

  “What should we do Ry?” asks Shaun.

  I stare at the gas station and answer, “Let’s see how this plays out, but get your guns ready.”

  “We should just let them handle this,” says Matt.

  Shaun exits the electric truck and goes to the back of the electric truck to get his assault rifle.

  “What’s going on? I can barely see what is happening at the gas station,” says Bobby G.

  I hand Bobby G a pair of binoculars and say, “Here, these will help.”

  Bobby G looks through the binoculars at the gas station.

  I look at Matt and say, “Get ready. Shit might go down.”

  “Why? Why are you going to help them?” asks Matt.

  Bobby G, while looking through the binoculars, says, “Things are getting testy in there.”

  Shaun looks through his assault rifle scope and shouts, “Ry! You seeing this?”

  I exit the electric truck and look at Shaun who is standing in the back of the electric truck bed while looking through the scope of his assault rifle.

  “What’s up?” I ask Shaun.

  “The bikers are trying to get the gas from the fuel trucks, but the gas truck people aren’t letting them,” answers Shaun.

  I look towards the gas station as I hear some shouting and arguing come from that direction.

  “I recognize Duncan and the bald white guy from before. Should we help them?” asks Shaun.

  As I look at the gas station in the distance, I feel that we should help the gas truck people at the gas station from the bikers, but I don’t know how.

  “Ry! Now we have a group of zombies approaching the gas station! We gotta do something fast!” shouts Shaun.

  I run around to the driver side door of the electric truck.

  I open the electric truck driver side door.



  Shaun shoots two bikers in the head.

  “Shit!” shouts Matt.

  I get into the driver seat of the electric truck and shout, “Hold on Shaun!”

  I press down on the gas pedal of the electric truck and speed towards the gas station.

  Shaun falls back onto the duffel bags that are in the back of the electric truck.

  “Get ready guys. I’m going to drive by the gas station. Get your guns ready,” I say to Matt and Bobby G.

  Bobby G takes out his handgun, and Matt nervously unlatches his hip holster.



  Two gunshots go off near the gas pumps.


  A biker is bit by a zombie.


  Hank fires a shot from his shotgun and kills two bikers.


  A biker fires a shot at Duncan.


  Duncan is hit in his left shoulder.

  Duncan falls onto the gas station pavement.

  “Duncan!” shouts Hank.

  Hank runs over to Duncan.

  Three bikers aim their guns at Hank and Duncan.




  A biker and two members of Hank’s crew kill three zombies near one of the fuel trucks.

  The leader of the motorcycle crew walks over to Hank and Duncan.

  Two fellow bikers walk behind the leader of the motorcycle crew.

  “We only wanted the gas. We didn’t want to hurt you,” says the leader of the motorcycle crew to Hank.

  “Just take it and leave us alone,” replies Hank as he holds Duncan.

  “They killed Ron, Tommy, and Pope! We can’t let them live Bobby!” shouts one of the bikers to the leader of the motorcycle crew.

  “You are right Mouse,” replies Bobby.

  Bobby aims his handgun at Duncan.

  Mouse aims his sawed-off shotgun at Hank.




  Bobby, Mouse, and the other biker are shot in the back.

  The last remaining biker sees Shaun, Bobby G, and me shoot his motorcycle crew members.

  “Bobby!” shouts the last remaining motorcycle crew member.


  The biker shoots at us, but his bullet hits a concrete support column near the gas pumps.

  Shaun and Bobby G duck down next to the gas pumps while I hide behind an abandoned car that is parked at a gas pump.



  The biker is out of bullets, but he keeps pulling the trigger on his handgun.

  Matt, who is sitting inside the electric truck still, sees the biker get onto his bike and ride out of the gas station.

  Matt exits the electric truck and takes aim at the biker with his handgun.

  The roar of the motorcycle engine is heard as the biker rides away.

  Matt takes aim at the biker.

  The biker drives further down the road.

  Matt keeps his aim on the biker, but he doesn’t fire his handgun.


  Shaun shoots a zombie and Matt turns towards the gas station.

  “Matt! On your right!” shouts Bobby G.

  Matt turns to his right and a zombie is bearing down on him.


  Matt kills the female zombie with a headshot.



  Shaun and I kill the last two zombies that are staggering around the gas station.

  Bobby G walks towards Hank and Duncan.

  Hank points his handgun at Bobby G.

  “We helped you. We are here to help,” says Bobby G to Hank.

  “Stop right there,” orders Hank to Bobby G.

  Shaun, Matt, and I run over to Bobby G.

  Hank points his handgun at me.

  “We can help you. I’m a doctor,” I say to Hank.

  “You okay Duncan?” asks Shaun.

  With his soft Southern voice Duncan answers, “I got shot.”

  “My son can help you,” says Bobby G to Duncan.

  I walk closer to Duncan and Hank lowers his handgun.

  I say, “Get his shirt off. I need to see the wound.”

gets Duncan’s black long-sleeved shirt off.

  I introduce myself to Hank and Duncan.

  “Can someone get me one of the medical kits from our truck?” I ask as I look back at Shaun and Matt.

  Shaun runs over to the electric truck and grabs a medical kit from the back of our electric truck.

  The three remaining members of Hank’s crew walk over to Hank.

  “We lost Frost and Patton,” says a member of Hank’s crew to Hank.

  Shaun hands me the medical kit.

  “How are you three doing, Sharper?” asks Hank.

  “We are okay,” answers Sharper.

  Shaun and Matt examine the bodies of the dead bikers.

  “Marauders,” says Matt as he sees the back of one of the bikers’ vests.

  “These bikers are from Miami,” says Matt to Shaun.

  “Round up the guns and grab anything worth taking from the bikers,” says Shaun to Matt.

  I examine Duncan’s gunshot wound and say, “Your gunshot looks pretty clean. I see an exit wound, I can stitch you up and you should be okay.”

  “Thank you,” says Duncan.

  “Do you have antibiotics and pain meds?” I ask Hank.

  “Yeah, we do. We have a lot of meds back home,” answers Hank.

  “Where is home?” asks Bobby G.

  “We have a couple places that we call home now a days,” answers Hank.

  Shaun and Matt put some of the belongings they found around the gas station into the back of our electric truck.

  “We got some more goodies for World of Trade,” says Shaun to me.

  “You are going to World of Trade?” asks Duncan.

  “Yeah, we are going there next,” I answer Duncan as I stitch up his left shoulder.

  “My brother works there, and we go there a lot,” says Duncan.

  “Easy Duncan,” says Hank.

  “Sorry sir, but it’s the least I can do. They saved us,” replies Duncan to Hank.

  Hank looks at Duncan.

  I trim the last stitch on Duncan’s left shoulder.

  “There you go. Good as new,” I say to Duncan as I put a bandage on Duncan’s left shoulder.

  “Thank you, Ryan,” says Duncan.

  “Who is your brother Duncan?” asks Bobby G.

  Duncan looks at Hank.

  “He’s your brother. You tell them,” says Hank to Duncan.

  “My brother is DeMarcus. He’s a security guard at World of Trade,” answers Duncan.

  I look at Duncan and see that he looks a lot like someone we know at World of Trade.


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