Freedom Forged

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Freedom Forged Page 2

by Alan Austin

  Size was the other factor of these trains that made them far unlike the passenger and shipping trains on land. The trans-Atlantic train was six stories tall and just as wide. The forward cars were for those of a lesser station in life while the wealthy rode near the rear, away from the noise of the steam jets that hissed away below the engine.

  Wanting to waste no time, Sam slid most of the way down the six-story ladder to the small outer walkway at the bottom. No one in these cars would bat an eye at him walking by. It wasn’t until he reached the rear cars that anyone would care, but he had no intention of hiding there either. He felt like he was running at superhuman speeds with the strong wind at his back, and he reached the rear of his car in no time at all. Ticks rounded the opposite corner and they passed over the large walkway between cars together, ignoring the danger signs that warned them to stay clear.

  The danger was quite apparent. Despite the car feeling very smooth beneath their feet, the place where the two came together was far from calm. The two cars shifted back and forth, often against the movement of the other, and the platform was over a forgiving joint that contracted and expanded to keep the motion smooth for the passengers. The platform, likewise, was changing size, angle, and direction, which gave both the men a moment of pause.

  “Just hold the railing!” Sam shouted to Ticks.

  He walked out, holding the railing on both sides and felt like he was making good progress until the car in front of him started to move closer and he noticed the railing and walkways sliding together. Sam lifted both hands just before the railing where they’d been keeping their grip came together with the extension in front, nearly ripping his gloves, and likely a finger or two, right off his hand. The suddenness of having to let go caused him to lose his balance for a moment, but after stumbling forward, he caught hold of the railing again and made it to the other car.

  Ticks was already halfway across and seemed to have a good handle on the timing of the movement, bracing and replacing his hands at the moments that the railings shifted. He was across in no time and the men both ran around the next car together. A guard stepped out a doorway only a few feet on front of them.

  “Oi!” he shouted as he reached for his gun, but Sam was too close and slammed his body against the man hard enough to push him right over the rail. There were no windows on either side of the door, so no one had seen him. No one would even notice he was missing until the job was done.

  The two men continued together back to the sixth car where they met Boomer and Ben. The others had landed far enough back to get them in position first.

  “You know what to do!” Sam shouted and everyone nodded.

  They climbed the two ladders at the front of the car to the top two levels with Sam and Ben on top and Boomer and Ticks just below them.

  “You’re not really going to do it this time, are you?” Ben asked him, giving him a pleading look in the process.

  “You know I will, brother!” Sam shouted back with a big smile.

  Ben just shook his head before opening the door as both of them rushed into the very ornate VIP passenger section.

  Just as the blueprints had shown, the front section of the car contained the sleeping cells; individual rooms accessible from the grid of halls that branched off to the right and left of the center hall they were in now. Sam could see the double doors straight ahead that separated this section from the lounge and dining area in the middle of the car. Beyond that, there would be some casual seating, and likely a bar with some tables for the gentlemen to play cards on the long journey.

  Sam opened his leather jacket and pulled his revolver from its holster. He led his brother down the hall toward the doors, but a creak coming from just in front of them stopped them short. One of the doors had opened and a woman stepped out. She was wearing a large green dress and fixing her hair as she emerged from the room. Her back was to the men and Sam thought about just leaving her be, but if she opened the doors, someone might see them coming. He couldn’t risk it.

  “Pst,” he hissed at the woman quietly, causing her to turn with a raised eyebrow before the shock hit her.

  The moment of realization came quickly and Sam took two hurried steps toward her to cover her mouth before she screamed.

  “We’re not here to hurt you – or anyone else for that matter,” he said softly. “I just need you to get your beautiful self back into your room so you don’t cause us any trouble. Do you think you can do that for me, miss?”

  Sam’s hand still covered her mouth, but she nodded with eyes as big as saucers.

  “That’s real good. I’m going to take my hand away now, and you just get on back in bed for me. We’ll be gone in no time.”

  The beautiful brunette shuffled back to her room in a hurry, giving an unintentional show as her large breasts bounced in her low-cut dress. It was tight enough that some of her soft, creamy flesh spilled out over the top and her hurried movement only increased the effect for the men who were all too happy to watch. Ben smiled back at Sam once her door was closed and Sam couldn’t help but chuckle to himself. If he had more time, he’d likely have followed her inside, but he’d need that energy for another on this job.

  The two men pressed forward to the doors and peered through the windows. Just as Sam had hoped, the bank chairman was sitting front and center in the next room. They would have line of sight on him the moment they walked into the room. It was so nice to have a job actually go to plan once in a while!

  “That’s Rothery,” Ben whispered, tapping the glass gently in case Sam hadn’t already seen him.

  “Yup,” Sam confirmed. “You know the drill. Weapons first, then watches and money in the bags. I’ll be quick.”

  “Dammit Sam,” Ben whispered in an angry tone, “it’s not worth the risk. This isn’t a damned bank robbery. Just stick to the job.”

  Sam pulled back from the window and looked right at his brother. “We have a legend, brother. This is a part of it. Sam Rosecrans takes what he wants. They already fear us for it, and this is the best opportunity yet. That man is the head of the entire Bank of London. They are the primary funder of the North American expansion. If he’s not safe, who is? It has to be done.”

  Ben’s eyes lost their resolve. His face sunk as he realized there was no changing his brother’s mind. He clearly didn’t agree, but Sam was in charge and he knew that this mattered. No doubt, there was fun in it as well, but he sincerely believed that it was worth the risk for the effect.

  Sam counted down from three on his fingers and both men kicked the doors open at the same time, rattling everyone in the next room. No less than a dozen guns were pulled on them with expert speed, but it was too late. Both men had their guns trained on Rothery the moment they were in the door.

  “This, my good men, is a train robbery,” Sam shouted with an irresistible smile scrawled across his face. “Don’t anyone get any funny ideas about shooting us now. Both my brother and I have our here guns on your man Rothery there, and if we hear so much as a hammer cocking, we’ll shoot him in the kneecap and work our way up from there.”

  “NOBODY SHOOT!” Rothery shouted with both hands in the air.

  “That’s what I thought,” Sam sneered, giving the other men in the room a glance while keeping his gun trained on the other man. “Now – what I’m going to need you all to do is drop your weapons to the floor and kick ‘em all over here to us for now. Do it slow and smooth unless you want to be the reason your boss here needs a cane the rest of his life.”

  Rothery looked around the room and nodded. He was rather calm and maintained his composure throughout the encounter. “No one here is going to resist you gentlemen. Sam Rosecrans, I presume?”

  “You hear that, brother?” Sam shouted with a grin. “Charles Rothery knows who we are... I’ll be damned!”

  “I thought you’d be taller,” Rothery said with a little smile of his own.

  “Did you now? Perhaps you’ve heard rumors about my size and assumed they referre
d to my height. It’s an honest mistake.”

  Sam could see that all the guns had been kicked over and the room was in good control. He looked past the fat banker in his custom suit with his gold-plated spectacles. Sitting in a chaise lounger behind him was the most beautiful women in the room. She had shimmering blonde hair, a black skirt to her ankles, and a white corset top that highlighted her near-perfect figure well.

  “Mrs. Rothery?” Sam asked, seeing a spark of recognition at her name, even though her eyes never actually looked back at him.

  The portly banker had to be twenty years her senior and looked unfit to satisfy himself, let alone a woman, but money and status were all that seemed to matter in high society. Greta Rothery continued to keep her eyes averted. She considered Sam and Ben to be beneath her. That would soon change.

  “You’ll be coming with me, ma’am,” Sam said to the woman who looked at her husband, suddenly much more concerned with the situation.

  Rothery’s nostrils flared and a vein bulged on one side of his forehead as he shouted, “Not my wife. You take whatever you want, but you leave her alone!”

  “I will take exactly what I want, Charles, and at the moment, I want your wife to come with me. I’d be happy to convince you with a measure of lead in your leg, if that would help.” Rothery glared at them, face flushed, sweat breaking out across his forehead, but he said nothing. “No? Then, sit your fat ass back in that seat and do as my brother says while I have a word with your missus.”

  Sam looked back to the woman and demanded, “Up. Now!”

  Greta swung her legs over the side of the chaise and stood up, running her hands down her skirt out of practiced habit, and giving Sam a good look down her top. He wasn’t much for high society, but they sure knew how to dress their women!

  She walked up toward the front of the room as her sexy, black shoes clicked along the hard floor with each step. Not once did her eyes meet Sam’s, even as she stood right in front of him. She simply looked off to the side, right past him like he was invisible. It was disgusting, but nothing new.

  “Through the door,” he ordered her, and he followed with his gun now trained on her back as he led her back through the doors from which they’d just come.

  He checked his clock as soon as they were through the door. Ten minutes remained.

  “Check that room,” he demanded, pointing to the first door they came across.

  Greta pushed the door in and, in her proper English accent, said, “There’s no one inside. It’s empty.”

  Sam put his hand to her lower back and pushed her into the room. The walls were only just wider than the span of his arms and the small bed that ran along one wall was nothing impressive, but it would more than suffice for what he needed.

  “I’m setting my gun up on this shelf behind me, but believe me when I tell you I can get to it quickly if you try anything. I’ve no desire to hurt you, but I am leaving when we are done, one way or another. Nod if you understand.”

  Greta nodded.

  Sam placed the gun on the higher shelf behind him and turned back to the woman. Her eyes were on the floor and she held her arms crossed in front of her. There wasn’t any time to waste. Sam stepped right up to her, pulled her head back by her hair, and kissed her right on the lips.

  The shock was enough to get her eyes open, and they were right on him. When he pulled back, he smiled wide before speaking.

  “You deserve far more than that husband of yours could possibly be giving you. I’m going to fuck you and show you how good it can really be. All you need to do is enjoy it, and when I leave, you can tell everyone that I forced you at gunpoint. Take off your clothes.”

  “I will not,” Greta snapped back at Sam. “How dare you!”

  Sam opened his jacket and slid it off, tossing it on the seat in the corner of the room. He then unfastened his pants and pulled them down far enough to let his already growing cock spring free in front of him.

  Greta initially tried to make like she was covering her eyes, but her hands did not stay up for long and she was soon gawking at his package. Sam reached back around the woman, grabbing her by the ass this time, and lay her back in the bed. He hiked her skirt up past her thighs and pulled her panties down her legs as she lay there motionless under him.

  Without another word, Sam dropped his face between her legs and went to work with his tongue. His command over her and the shock of his cock in front of her had begun raising her arousal, but only just. When his tongue found her clit, he started very gently to let her pleasure rise more before really diving in.

  This woman was truly spectacular. Her body was exquisite and her attitude of superiority only made him want to use her even more. In another situation, he would have made her beg him for it. He might have even done it in front of her husband for the extra shame, but that wasn’t going to happen on this job. He slid a finger up inside of her as soon as she was wet enough and listened as she gasped. She knew it was wrong, but it felt so good, and doing something so bad with an outlaw – well that always seemed to get the women going pretty quickly.

  He entered her with a second finger and found that she was extremely tight for a married woman. In addition to being fat and disgusting, her husband appeared to have been cursed with an insufficient cock as well. This was going to be a lot of fun. Sam pulled his head out from under her skirt a moment and looked up at her while he continued to pump his fingers into her at an increasing pace.

  “You’ve never felt a cock like mine, have you?” he asked, appreciating that her eyes were very much on him now.

  “I’m going to give you more than you’ve ever imagined, and you’re going to love it. Your pathetic husband is in the other room getting robbed right now, but I’m taking something more valuable than all his gold. You’re going to scream for me. He’s going to listen as I give you more pleasure than he’s ever been able to in the past. All your fake orgasms for him – I bet they don’t sound like what he’s going to hear in a minute. Any time he’s with you from now on, he’s going to know you’re thinking of the outlaw who fucked you dizzy – and he’ll be right!”

  Her lips had parted as he was talking and her mouth hung open wider and wider as he continued to build her up with his words and fingers. He pulled a knife from his pants, which were still loosely around his thighs and her chest stopped mid heave while her eyes widened in fear. Without saying a word to reassure her, Sam flipped the blade up and slid the tool up the front of her body from navel, right to the top of her corset. He sliced through the cords that held it tight around her body and the piece folded open, revealing her loose undergarment which he pulled away from her body and cut back down from the top.

  Taking only a second to appreciate the beauty of her breasts, Sam dropped back between her legs and put his tongue back to work. She let out an immediate, loud moan from the contact and continued to let each breath out with a louder noise as he built her toward her orgasm – perhaps her first ever brought on by a man. Her moans became cries, and then screams as she bucked and twisted her body under his magical touch.

  It had been more than enough to get his cock to its full size and attention, and Sam slid up the bed with a hand around his cock to guide it straight into its target. Greta’s body was ready, as wet as she could possibly be, but there was still much resistance as he pressed deep into her body. Her shoulders lifted from the bed toward him and her gasp was long and tense. It took a moment for her to finally relax, and by that time, Sam was already driving into her at a good rhythm. By his estimate he only had another minute left before he had to dress and leave or he’d actually be endangering the mission.

  Fortunately, the woman’s appeal and the tightness of her sex was enough to get him where he wanted to be quickly. He preferred to spend more time with a woman, but he held nothing back and squeezed her tits with one hand as he felt his pleasure rising to its peak. Despite having just cum herself a moment earlier, Sam was delighted when his prize started screaming out again, even lou
der than before, right at the moment he unloaded inside of her.

  She was just coming down from her second high when he pulled out and fastened his pants again, still looking down at what he’d just done. His cum was leaking from her stretched hole while her breasts rocked atop her body from her heavy breathing. The stuck up bitch who wouldn’t even look at him five minutes prior was holding his stare with her eyes and biting her lower lip like a whore. There was no doubt that this was his favorite part.

  Pulling his jacket from the chair and taking his gun in hand once more, Sam leaned down for one last kiss which was returned this time with great passion.

  “Thank you,” Greta said with a strong blush in her cheeks as he opened the door and rushed back into the main room to find his brother waiting with their two bags, now full and ready to go.

  “You will pay for this,” Charles Rothery snarled. “What you’ve done is beyond indecent. There’s a special place in hell for creatures like you!”

  “I suppose it’s right next to where they’ll be keeping the scum who horde all the money for themselves and tax the working men to get it. If you’re lovely wife joins you there, I may come visit. She’s quite good in bed.”

  That was enough to get the bastard to his feet, but he was impotent to do anything and he knew it. He sat as quickly as he’d risen.

  “Thank you all for your contribution to our cause,” Sam called out as he picked up one of the bags. “We do need to be going now, but I’m sure we’ll be seeing you around.”

  With that, he and Ben left back through the doors they’d entered and made for the exit at the front of the car. Just before they arrived, another sleeping cell door opened and a couple emerged. Sam’s pistol raised, and he was about to tell them to get inside when the woman’s face registered and he called out, “Rosalyn?”


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