His Secret Submissive

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His Secret Submissive Page 14

by K. L. Ramsey

  “Tell me I’m not alone in the way I’m feeling, Zara,” he begged. “For fuck’s sake, say something,” he ordered.

  Zara wasn’t sure if she was being foolish by admitting it but she didn’t care anymore. “You’re not alone,” she admitted. “I feel the same way but I was too afraid to tell you. I wanted so much more than to just be your sub but I didn’t know how to ask,” she whispered.

  “Thank you for saying that, baby.” Aiden wrapped his arms around her and she felt like her whole world was right again. The entire day had been chaotic except for the parts when she was with Aiden. There was something about him that just made her feel as if she was finally home.

  “So, we have to tell the girls then?” she asked.

  Aiden chuckled, “Yeah, I don’t think we have a way around that,” he said. “I’m pretty sure I won’t be able to keep my hands off you and they are both smart enough to figure this all out for themselves. We need to tell them before someone else does.” Zara knew Aiden was right but she worried about upsetting the girls. It hadn’t been very long since their mother left and she worried telling them she and Aiden were together might just confuse them. On the other hand, if they heard the news from the whispered rumors that were sure to be circulating about her and Aiden, that would be far worse.

  “Fine,” she said. “We can tell them when they get home from having ice cream. I promised I’d read Lucy two bedtime stories.”

  “And how did you get roped into that deal?” Aiden teased.

  “I missed watching the last ten minutes of their dance class because Ava called to tell me about the story,” she complained. Aiden laughed and she winced. “Yeah, you’ll stop laughing when I tell you I promised to do the princess’s voice but you have to do the prince’s.” She was right, Aiden stopped laughing when she told him about his end of the bargain she made with his daughter.

  “How did I get sucked into your deal?” he asked.

  “Well, it is only fair since the news article was about both of us and it’s the main reason I missed watching the end of the dance class.” Aiden’s pout was adorable and reminded her so much of Laney. Zara took his hand and led him back to the kitchen. “How about I warm our dinners and we can eat before the kids get home?”

  Aiden sat down in his chair and pulled her down for a quick kiss. “Deal,” he said and then released her. “After we tell them our news, we’ll read them their stories and tuck them in, and then I get you all to myself again,” he said. She nodded and grabbed his plate. “I think I’d like to tie my little sub up and do all kinds of naughty things tonight,” he said. Zara could hear every dirty promise Aiden was making in his gravelly voice and she honestly couldn’t wait.

  Corbin and Ava didn’t get back home with the girls until it was almost their bedtime. Little Laney looked about ready to drop and she wanted to tell Aiden they could talk to the girls another time. Judging by the determined look on his face, he wasn’t about to agree to that.

  When Zara asked if they had a good time, Corbin mumbled something about them not having as good a time as she and Aiden and Ava looked about ready to punch him. She loved her best friend for wanting to stick up for her, but she had a feeling Ava’s reaction had more to do with liking Corbin and less to do with wanting to protect Zara. Aiden was right, it was going to be fun to watch the two of them dance around each other. She had a sneaky feeling it wouldn’t take time for them to fall into bed together and a part of her felt bad for Corbin. Avalon was a force and she knew from experience once her friend set her mind to something, there was no stopping her. From the way Ava was staring down Corbin, she more than wanted him and he wasn’t going to even know what hit him.

  They said their goodnights and Aiden took the girls up for a quick bath while she finished cleaning up the kitchen. By the time she got upstairs, both girls were sitting in Lucy’s bed anxiously waiting with their favorite princess books in hand.

  “Before we read your stories to you, Zara and I have something we need to talk to you about,” Aiden said. Lucy stared him down as if she was ready to negotiate the terms of how long she was going to have to wait for her story. Laney sat back, sucking her thumb, ever the patient one of the two.

  “Is this about you and Zara kissing?” Lucy asked.

  “Kissing?” Aiden questioned. “When did you see us kissing?”

  “This morning,” Lucy admitted. “I came down for breakfast and you were kissing in the kitchen,” she said, squinching up her nose as if she found the whole idea of kissing utterly disgusting.

  “Um, okay—yes. This has to do with Zara and I kissing,” Aiden said. He looked over to where she stood in the doorway and motioned for her to get in there and give him a hand. Honestly, she had no idea what to tell the girls. This could completely change her relationship with both of them and she hated that was even a possibility.

  Zara sat down on Lucy’s bed and pushed back a strand of her wet hair. “Why didn’t you say something this morning when you saw your dad and me kissing in the kitchen?” Zara asked.

  Lucy shrugged and Zara wasn’t sure if she was going to give her an answer or not. “Daddy used to kiss Mommy like that and then she left. I don’t want you to leave now.” Zara pulled Lucy onto her lap.

  “Oh Lucy, I’m not going to leave. Your Daddy kissing your Mommy had nothing to do with why she left. Just because he kissed me doesn’t mean I’m going to leave either,” Zara said.

  “Then why did Mommy leave?” Lucy asked. Zara looked back to Aiden, hoping he’d field that question. She didn’t even know Allison, so answering why she left shouldn’t be up to her.

  “Mommy and Daddy just couldn’t stay married anymore, honey. Remember we talked about that when we were on vacation? Mommy decided she needed to live somewhere else and she comes to see you girls when she can.” Laney nodded her little head as if she understood every word, but Zara wasn’t so sure that was the case. How could someone so small understand such a big problem.

  “I remember,” Lucy said. “Is Zara going to be our new Mommy?”

  Aiden smiled over at her and for just a minute, Zara was sure her entire world had stopped spinning. They were nowhere near that point in their relationship. Hell, as of just two days ago, she was agreeing to be his sub and now he was smiling at her like a loon at the mention of her being the girls’ new Mommy.

  “No, honey,” Aiden said. “Daddy and Zara are dating. Do you know what that means?” he asked.

  “Yes,” Lucy said excitedly. “I have a boyfriend at school and he said I’m his date.” Zara stifled her giggle and it was a good thing, judging from the murderous expression on Aiden’s face.

  “Well, we can talk about you dating and having a boyfriend when you are much older. The rule is you have to be sixteen before you can date, young lady,” Aiden chided. “So you tell this boyfriend of yours you aren’t allowed to be his date.” Zara cleared her throat, hoping Aiden would take the hint he had gone off course with their little talk. This was supposed to be them explaining to the girls they were together and not him grounding his five year old for seeing a boy behind his back.

  “Right,” he said. “Do either of you have any questions about Zara and me?”

  “I have one,” Lucy said, raising her hand as if she was in school. “Will you do the wizard’s voice too? Zara should only do girl voices, since she’s a girl.”

  Aiden looked at Zara and smiled, “Yep, I think they are just fine with everything,” he said. “And yes, Lucy. I would be happy to do all boy voices, if that makes my little princess happy.” Aiden sat forward and tickled both girls until they were giggling uncontrollably.

  “Okay, girls. Let’s get these bedtime stories done because Daddy is ready for bed.” He winked at Zara and she could feel her cheeks heat. Honestly, she was counting down the minutes until she could have Aiden all to herself again, especially with the way he was looking at her like she was his next meal.


  Aiden shut off Lucy’s light and took o
ne last glance back at his two sleeping daughters. He couldn’t believe he was so worried about telling them about him and Zara. They took the news in stride and Lucy didn’t seem to miss a beat. His girls were so strong and resilient, he should have known they would be fine with this latest change in their lives.

  The house was so quiet, he thought maybe Zara had fallen asleep, but when he walked into his bedroom to find her kneeling in the middle of the floor, completely naked and waiting for him, he felt like the luckiest man on the planet.

  “You are so fucking gorgeous, baby,” he growled, circling her body. He let his fingers lightly brush her skin and loved the way she shivered with anticipation. “You disappeared after story time,” he whispered.

  “I wanted to give you and the girls some alone time, in case they had questions they wanted to ask. I worried they might be too shy to ask certain questions in front of me. I’m still so new to them,” Zara admitted. Aiden knew Zara cared for his daughters, but hearing just how much made him appreciate her even more.

  She looked up at him and paused. “I hope that’s okay,” she said.

  “It’s more than okay, honey,” he agreed. “I’m just trying to figure out how we got so lucky in finding you,” he said. “And now—here you are in my room, kneeling and ready for me—I’m the luckiest fucker on earth.”

  She gifted him with her shy smile, “Well, you did say I was still your sub and I’ve done a little research and I think this is right.” Zara assumed the kneeling position and put her hands on her thighs, probably having seem pictures of other subs on the internet.

  “Baby, you don’t have to kneel for me but I have to admit I like it. Seeing you here like this makes me crazy,” Aiden whispered. “Come here, Zara,” he ordered. He reached a hand down and she didn’t hesitate taking it, allowing him to help her up from the floor. Aiden pressed her against his body and kissed her mouth as if he hadn’t just taken her hours earlier in his family room. He couldn’t get enough of her and he had a feeling he never would.

  “I have a surprise for you, honey,” he whispered into her ear, loving the way she shivered against him.

  “A surprise?” she asked.

  “Yep,” he almost boasted. Aiden dug into his nightstand drawer and pulled out a blue velvet drawstring bag. “This is for you,” he said, handing her the present he ordered for her. Zara hesitantly took the bag and smiled up at him.

  “What is it?” she questioned.

  “Well, you have to open it to find out,” he teased. Honestly, he was a little nervous about giving her something so daring but she did say she wanted to try anal. Zara pulled the little strings and opened the bag letting the three heavy, silver, bullet- shaped butt plugs slide into her dainty hands and looked up at him, questions clouding her beautiful features.

  “My question stands. What is it?” she asked. Aiden chuckled and took the anal plugs from her, turning them over in his hand.

  “These, my lovely sub, are butt plugs,” he whispered the last part.

  Zara’s gasp was almost comical but he knew better than to laugh at her right now. This was another new toy he was hoping she’d agree to; so there was no place for humor. “You have all the power here, baby. You say the word and I put these back in the bag and we forget the whole idea,” he offered.

  Zara squinched up her nose and took the anal plugs back from him. She looked over each one carefully and help up the smallest one. “I wouldn’t mind this one,” she said, handing it over to him.

  “That’s my girl,” he praised. “And yes, it’s always best to start small and go up in size to train your ass.” He gently pulled her along to his bed and sat on the edge, patting his thighs. “Over you go,” he ordered.

  Zara did as he asked, laying over his lap with her ass up and ready for him. “I’m going to spank your ass red and then I’ll put this in,” he said. “I want you to put it into your mouth and suck on it until I finish spanking you,” he ordered. She took the plug and looked at it as if it offended her.

  “Like a pacifier?” she questioned.

  “Yes,” he said. “I’ve already cleaned it and your saliva will act like a lube, along with your arousal. Plus, your mouth will help warm the metal and that will be a lot more comfortable for you, honey.” Zara nodded and took the plug from him and gingerly sucked it into her mouth. Watching her do what he asked always made him hot, but knowing she agreed to letting him train her ass was over the top sexy.

  “Fuck, that’s hot, honey,” he said. She settled on his lap squirming against his cock and he was sorry he had decided to spank her first. He knew she liked to be spanked but he wasn’t sure if his cock liked the fact he was going to have to patiently wait his turn.

  “I’ll count, since your mouth is full,” he teased. She squirmed about and he gave her fleshy ass a good swat, knowing the first blow had to sting the most. “One,” he whispered, rubbing where he landed the first slap. He alternated cheeks, never landing in the same place twice and worked her up to twenty and stopped. Her pussy was soaked; he could feel just what his spanking did to her every time he’d dip his fingers through her folds and back to her ass.

  Aiden knew Zara was fully in the zone when he asked her for the plug and she seemed to ignore him. He gently pulled the metal piece from her mouth and she moaned her protest. “Sorry, honey but I need in that tight little pussy of yours now. We can play some more later.” Aiden parted her ass cheeks and ran the warm metal plug through her drenched pussy, gathering her natural lube to help the plug slide into her ass. Zara whimpered and bucked on his lap and he landed another sharp slap to her ass.

  “Hold still, Zara,” he ordered. “I will tie you up if you can’t be a good girl for me,” he threatened. From the moan that ripped from her chest, she like the idea of him having to tie her to the bed. He worked the smallest plug into her ass and she seemed to fight it at first.

  “Just relax, Zara,” he ordered. “This will be so much easier if you don’t fight it, baby.” Zara took a deep breath and he could feel her whole body relax across his lap. He worked the plug past her tight ring and when he had it fully inserted he inspected his handy work, loving the way the little blue jewel peeked back out at him.

  He helped her off his lap and onto the bed. Aiden quickly stripped out of his clothes, loving the way she shamelessly watched him. “Spread your legs for me, honey,” he ordered. Zara did and he could see the plug was still firmly inserted into her virgin hole. The thought of being able to take her ass had him nearly coming into his hand. Aiden grabbed her legs and shoved his cock into her pussy with one thrust, causing her to cry out.

  He stilled inside of her worried he hurt her. “Tell me you’re okay, baby,” he said through gritted teeth. It was taking all his willpower not to move.

  “I’m good, Aiden,” she purred. “I just feel so full with both holes filled,” she admitted.

  “You feel tighter, honey,” he agreed. “This is going to be fast.” He pulled his dick free from Zara’s drenched folds and slammed back into her, repeating that move over and over until she cried out his name. Aiden pumped into her body a few more times and lost himself deep inside of her and collapsed on the bed next to Zara.

  “Well, that was different,” she teased. “I think I like my new gift.”

  “I’m happy to hear that, baby because you have to leave it in all night,” he taunted.

  “All night?” she asked. “Yep, and I’ll be checking in the morning to make sure it’s still there. If not, I’ll have to come up with another punishment for tomorrow night.” Zara groaned and rolled over to cuddle into his side. He chuckled and kissed the top of her head. “Now you’re getting it, honey.”


  Zara woke the next morning to Aiden standing over her gently spreading her ass cheeks, to check to see if the plug was still in. “Good girl,” he praised and she heaved out her sigh of relief. She hadn’t slept much during the night, worried she would relax and let it fall out. She rolled over to face him and Aiden�
�s face turned from amused to worried.

  “You look awful, honey. Are you alright?” he asked.

  “Gee, thanks for that,” she teased and got out of his bed. “I didn’t sleep well,” she admitted.

  “Is my bed uncomfortable?” he asked.

  “No,” she stretched and yawned, loving the way Aiden’s gaze roamed her naked body. “Your butt plug was uncomfortable. Every time I started to let myself fully relax and drift off; I was afraid that damn thing would fall out.”

  “Fuck,” he swore. “I didn’t think about that. How about we train your ass during the day, so we don’t interrupt your sleep. I’m sorry,” he said. He turned her around and bent her over the bed, so her ass was once again presented to him.

  “What are you doing?” she squeaked. She had learned not to question Aiden, knowing that nine out of ten times she loved every kinky thing he did to her.

  “I’m taking the plug out and you can wear it some tomorrow. Let’s give this sexy ass a break,” he said. He gave her a smack and pulled the plug free. Her entire core spasmed and she wasn’t sure if she felt relief it was out or if she already missed the weight of it filling her.

  “Let’s get you into the shower,” he ordered. “We need to get a move on if I’m going to make my meeting this morning and fire my campaign manager,” he said.

  “So, you’re really going to do it then? Fire her and quit your campaign?” Zara hated the idea of him giving up his dream because of her. She wanted him to be happy and Zara worried quitting his run for the Senate would be a huge mistake.

  “I think it’s for the best,” he whispered. “I won’t have you hurt by all of this.” Zara turned and wrapped her arms around his neck.


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