East End

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East End Page 24

by Nana Malone



  When I knocked at Nyla's door and she answered it, I knew something was wrong. Instead of her usually sleek waves, or any kind of style, her hair hung in a scraggly mess, though it looked quite a bit more full than normal, and she spent a lot of time running her hand through it. Her eyes were red rimmed and puffy. Her skin was blotchy, and she was holding a half empty bottle of Rosé. She was also wearing a T-shirt that read I cannot quit, as I am currently too legit and a pair of gray joggers.

  "Well, I guess we won't be needing this." I held up the bottle of wine I’d brought.

  "Oh, we will. Because this one is for me, and I'll finish it, and then I’ll help you finish that one."

  Her words were slightly slurred, and I followed her into her townhouse. I'd seen it numerous times from a different angle. But somehow, from the inside, it was cozier, warmer. I closed the door behind me and locked it. Then I set the wine on the counter, sliding off my jumper and hanging it on the back of one of the stools at her island in the kitchen.

  She shrugged. "I will probably have to vacate this place, as I was suspended today."

  My brows popped upward. "What?"

  "You see, dear old Dad suspended me indefinitely. Apparently, Denning has been busy writing me up. Meanwhile Denning only got a two-week paid administrative leave."

  I blinked rapidly as I joined her in the living room. “We can fight it. We will fight it." And I was serious. I planned to show a history of stalking. If I only got one burn in life, I was more than happy to use it for Nyla.

  “Denning says I’ve been in subordinate. And basically this is happening because they can’t control me. I’m a damn good agent.”

  “I know, darling. I know.” I sighed and then slid down onto the floor next to her. She dropped her head onto her knees and started sobbing. Fuck. Tears. I was never good with tears. I didn't really know what to do with them. All I knew to do was offer physical comfort, and I wasn't sure she was going to want that. But still, I wrapped my arm around her shoulders and tucked her into my side, because all I wanted to do was protect her and make everything better for her.

  "Your instincts led you exactly where you were supposed to be."

  "Yeah, that's just it. He says I'm too temperamental. I follow my feelings too much. Oh, and I'm too cocky. But here's the funny thing; he would never say that to a man."

  It was my automatic response to frown. And I wanted to say, ’No, Nyla. He's your father. He would never say that.' But I realized that was at the base of the misogyny that permeated so much. "You think that's what's going on here?"

  "Patriarchy. Misogyny, yup. Absolutely. I knew Denning stole my job. I just didn’t know that he hated me that much or that Dad would believe him so blindly.”

  Fury boiled under my skin. Roger Kincade and I had come to an agreement. He, of course, knew about the Elite. He knew what was required of him. And he knew enough to back off from the London Lords. But that was never supposed to touch Nyla. Not once. And I hadn't known about fucking Denning. I had fucked up. "Listen to me, we can fix this, all right? I'm sure that after giving your father some time to cool off, he will come to his senses and realize that you are an asset—"

  She didn't let me finish. “But it’s such bullshit.”

  I couldn't help it, a chuckle burst out. "Ah, my sweet Nyla. Your mouth really does run away with you."

  "I know, but God, I'm just so furious. Denning broke into my goddamn flat. And my father did nothing, said nothing. What am I supposed to do now?"

  "Right now, you finish your wine. You deserve it. But look, the Nyla Kincade I know wouldn't just give up.” I shot her a smile.

  She nodded and then swiped a hand under her nose.

  I reached around the coffee table and grabbed a tissue box, pulling two free and handing them over.

  She took them from me and blew her nose. "Sorry I'm such a mess."

  "I get it, you're upset."

  She shook her head. "I'm not upset. I'm incensed. I'm not sad and simpering and whimpering because my daddy took away my toy. I want to do murder."

  I blinked. Jesus Christ, she was a warrior. That was so goddamn hot. "Look, I want to help. Anything you need. This isn't the end."

  "Oh, sorry, you thought me sitting here and drowning my sorrows in Rosé meant I was giving up? No. This is just the tears before the rage. Denning is getting what's coming to him. I believe in justice, and I will not let it go until it's mine. And my father, well, my father has something going on with Denning. And I love him, but what he's done is wrong.” She gave a slow shake of her head. “And it's not just me. Amelia should have been promoted years ago. Given access to different task forces. I love him, but he has to change. So, I'm going to take my night, drink my wine, and cry. And then tomorrow, I fight."

  The corner of my lips turned up. "You're fucking gorgeous, you know that?"

  "Yeah, I bet you say that to all the girls."

  I shook my head slowly. "No. I don't. I only say what I mean. I have a long history of not being able to trust people. So I don't offer bullshit platitudes.”

  "Good. I don't like bullshit platitudes either."

  I leaned over and kissed her forehead. "Good thing we're a team then."

  She nodded. "And I'm really sorry."

  I frowned at that. "For what?"

  "I don't know what I was thinking investigating you and your friends. I just— Something in my gut was telling me to hunt down Ben. Like I just knew there were secrets around him, and I needed to unearth them all. But people deserve their secrets, I guess. I'm sorry."

  I blinked at her. What was I supposed to say? Her instincts were right. We did have secrets. So many fucking secrets.

  "I had zero business bugging you, and God, you could have had me sacked. And you didn't. I don't know why."

  "Because I was curious about you. I was curious about the woman who was willing to put everything on the line. You intrigued me. There is so much more than meets the eye with you. And I can't get you out of my head. What can I say?"

  "How about you don't say anything and kiss me instead?"

  She lifted her face toward me, and I brushed her lips softly with mine. Everything in my body tightened at her nearness, her taste, her scent. But I forced myself to pull back. "How about we drink this one, put on a terrible action movie, and we have a cuddle, yeah? And then, when you're sober, I want to pet that pretty pussy and make her purr. Does that sound good to you?"

  "I'm sober right now."

  I chuckled. "My love, you are far from sober. So come on, finish the wine. The sooner you finish the wine, the sooner we get to—"

  She smiled sloppily up at me. "Make my pussy purr."

  I laughed. "Yeah. But God, please stop looking at me like that, because right now, I really am desperate to make it purr."

  "So maybe I should just, you know, take off these joggers. In case I should sober up really quick, giving easy access."

  I swallowed hard and glanced down at her long, shapely legs. "Nope, keep them on. Sorry, Agent Kincade, you aren't stealing my virtue tonight. Not again."

  She sighed then started to get up. I frowned up at her. "Just where are you going?"

  "I'm going to put on the coffee and drink loads of water. I'd rather have a purring pussy than wine any day."

  I laughed. "That can be arranged."

  And I did arrange it… several times. Right there on the living room floor.



  I woke to a heavy arm wrapped around my waist, pulling me into a hot, hard body. I blinked my eyes awake, recognizing the drapes in my bedroom, which we'd forgotten to draw last night.

  Oh yeah, you were busy shagging East.

  I smiled to myself as we snuggled closer. His voice was a low purr. "You want to go again? I thought you'd be tired."

  I giggled. Honest to God giggled. When did I become that girl? But there was something about the way he made me feel. Alive and a little bit naughty and li
ke I belonged to someone. I loved that feeling. I rolled over in his arms, and he smiled sleepily at me. The stubble on his cheek was dark. And God, that was so sexy. I could stay in bed with him forever. But if I was really going to do this, really going to take a step and start something new, something brand-spanking new, then I needed to go take care of something first. "I have to go do something."

  "What? Now?"

  I pulled myself up slightly to glance at my clock. It was 6:30. "Well, I know for a fact Dad likes to get in by 7:30, so if I want to go into the office, clean up my stuff, get all my important case files, things that I want to keep to myself, now is the time to do it.” It should have worried me how easily the lie tripped over my tongue, but I didn't want to be the one to tell him that I'd ignored my father's direct order. Yes, I completely recognized that was the wrong move now, because I—surprise, surprise—could be wrong. And I was wrong. I'd been completely wrong about him and the London Lords. The enemy was in my own backyard. I'd been looking outward, not inward. And that was my bad. I was going to clean up the stuff that I needed to, give Amelia what she needed, and I was also going to clean up the wires that I had set up.

  East wasn't my enemy. Sure, he and his friends were powerful, and I probably should pay attention to what they were doing, but they weren't doing anything criminal. And for once, I felt good with someone. Not like I was having to constantly validate my reason for existing. I liked this feeling. I didn't want to chase someone down anymore, at least not when it came to relationships. In terms of the job, I'd have to figure something else out. But for now, if I wanted East, if I wanted to be with him and enjoy this thing between us, I needed to let all that other shit go.

  "Hey, what's going on in that beautiful head of yours?"

  ”Just thinking. I’ve really got to get into the office."

  "Will you stick around a little bit? Maybe we could have breakfast?"

  I groaned. "I like the idea of coming back to you in my bed. But maybe we can arrange that some other time."

  "Okay, party pooper."

  As it turned out, he made it worth my while when I rolled out of bed and he rolled with me, scooping me up quickly.

  I giggled and squealed. "Put me down. I'm heavy."

  "Please. You weigh barely anything."

  "Ugh, I'm tall. I'm not one of those petite little things you can toss around."

  He set me down gently, and then his thumb and forefinger tenderly gripped my chin. "Hey, you are a badass. Anyone who ever told you differently was a complete and total arsehole. Do you understand?"

  I nodded. "Yeah. I understand."

  "Good, now you have a three-second head start before I chase you into the loo."

  I knew he was serious. All he had to do was say one, and I took off running. But he didn't even give me till three before he was already charging after me.

  And what ensued was lots of kissing. Soapy, delicious snuggling, and then, well, he had a satisfying breakfast after all. Of me. In the shower. And as I gripped the towels and closed my eyes, I couldn't believe just how lucky I'd gotten, because how was this my life?

  I could have this. All the time. I just had to let that other part of me go.

  As East kissed my neck and lifted me gently off my feet, placing me against the wall, my brain was unable to think clearly except for one tangible thought; no one had ever made me feel like this before. And I was never going to let that feeling go.

  Thirty minutes later, after I tossed on some joggers, a T-shirt, and a hoodie, and then East had gotten dressed in the same clothes he had worn the night before, we left my flat together. He had to go to the guest parking lot to grab his car, and I just indicated I was going to take the tube. It was faster. Then he gave me a long kiss as he left me at the tube. "I'll text you later."

  "Send me nudes."

  He chuckled and gave me another soft kiss on the nose before heading to his car.

  I jogged down the stairs, but instead of heading left, I turned right. It was time I let the London Lords go. I was going to focus on my future and what was going to make me happy instead of listening to that niggling part of my gut. My gut was wrong. My gut sucked. Two stops later, and I was at the address Amelia had texted me the day before.

  Giving up, are you?

  I'm turning my focus to something else.

  When I unlocked the flat, I found Amelia with a stack of papers, cleaning something up. She turned to me and said, "Jesus Christ, there you are."

  I wrinkled my brow. "What? Have I been missing?"

  "I've been calling you since last night."

  I winced. "Ah, I might have turned off my phone." And then I winced again when I realized I hadn't charged it either. I'd mindlessly grabbed it this morning without even looking at it. "Sorry, I hope it wasn't urgent."

  “I just wanted to make sure you still wanted to pack all of this up. I can’t believe you’re just abandoning this investigation after all the work you’ve put into it.”

  "Shit, Amelia, I'm sorry. That was my bad. I should have texted you right away. I went to see Dad yesterday, and he benched me. He suspended me."

  Her brows popped. "Wh-wh-what?'"

  "I know. Indefinite suspension for insubordination."

  She sputtered. "That son of a bitch. That is some serious bullshit. All this shit Denning pulls, and what he's done to you, and he tags you on insubordination?"

  "Yeah, that’s basically what I said."

  Amelia started pacing. "Oh my God, I am going to write a complaint so big."

  "To who? He's section chief."

  "We can get a lawyer, you know?"

  "What? I'm going to sue my dad? I'm just— I'm so tired of the bullshit. And I told him to take his suspension and shove it, so I'm probably pretty fired."

  Amelia shook her head in disbelief. "No. Don't you dare. There's a lot of work to do."

  "Look I know this is going to feel like I'm abandoning you, but honestly, I just— I'm really tired. Things are changing with East, and I sort of just want to enjoy that for a minute."

  She blinked at me. "East. No, no, no, no, Nyla. Don't tell me. No."

  "Yes." I shrugged and gave her a wink. "Yes. Maybe. A little. Don't judge me."

  Vehemently, she shook her head. "No, Nyla, no."

  "What is wrong with you? Look, I like him, okay? You were right, I have feelings for him."

  The words tripped out and felt foreign for me to say.

  Amelia cursed under her breath. "Fuck. Nyla, no."

  "Yes. I thought you'd be happy for me. You, of all people, wanted me to get in touch with my yang."

  "No, Nyla, it's not that. Look, that's another reason I was trying to call you last night. Remember when I told you a few days ago that I was going to follow the money trail? That whatever the London Lords were up to, these things usually followed money?"

  "Yeah. You said you couldn't find anything."

  She shook her head. "No, we couldn’t because we were looking at their business. Yes, we had a cursory look at their personal finances, but found nothing untoward. Rich bastards. Money, properties, that kind of thing."

  "Yeah, I know."

  "But what we didn't do was really pay attention to the finances of people they know. Did you know that they had some kind of monthly dues scenario? I didn't flag it immediately because it was made up of one lump payment, going back five years. All three of the London Lords made the same payment to Elite Pops Ltd. Care to hear how much their membership dues are?"

  I winced. "I'm pretty sure I don't want to know."

  "Each of them paid a lump sum of one million pounds."

  My eyes went wide. "Jesus Christ. What was it for?"

  "Well, at first, I didn't know. But since they all made the same payment in the exact same amount, I figured maybe some blackmail scheme. Some underhanded deal. After all, they paid it through a shell company. I hit dead end after dead end. And then it occurred to me, when you want to know something, just ask."

  I frowned
. "You went to one of the London Lords?"

  "No. I went to someone who I know hates them. Bram Van Linsted. Obviously, I knew it would be flagged if I went to visit old man Van Linsted because of all his sex trafficking crimes, but the younger Van Linsted is in prison only for fraud. Much easier and less visible to go chat. He hates the London Lords, the lot of them. He insists that they set him up."

  My heart started to race. "What do you mean he insists?"

  "He insists that he and his family had the original Canary Jewel. That Ben Covington and his friends stole it from his family."

  My brow furrowed. "What do you mean stole it?"

  "I'm just telling you what he told me. He said that they stole it from his family, and that if we can locate it, we'll know that they're the ones who belong in jail. I asked him about the finances and if he had any idea what the hell Elite Pops Ltd. was, and you know what? He started talking a mile a minute. He said he'd been abandoned by the people he called his brothers so he owed them no loyalty."

  "Jesus Christ." I couldn't breathe. This was it. This was what I'd been looking for.

  "He said they are all part of a secret group, like the Illuminati or whatever. This is huge."

  "Easy does it. We're not going to jump into conspiracy theories here, but what do you mean a secret group?"

  "Okay, you know how Eton has the Pops, right?"

  I nodded. "That’s no secret. Everyone knows most prime ministers come from Eton and were part of their elite group called the Pops.”

  “Well, there's an even higher echelon, the cream of the crop, and they are absolutely secret. Until now. They call themselves the Elite. So you first have to be tapped to be Pops, and then you have to be recruited from there to the Elite. He says he and our merry band of billionaires are part of this group. Van Linsted says if we are looking for dirt on them, he’s willing to name names. He gave me those three specifically. He said if we can get him out, he's willing to give us more names."

  Holy shit.

  Amelia was on the cusp, and I didn’t know how to stop her.


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