Early China: A Social and Cultural History

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Early China: A Social and Cultural History Page 40

by Li Feng

  Archer-Lords 109

  architectural alignment

  Erlitou 二里頭 60

  Shang Dynasty 60

  Yanshi 偃師 60


  composition in Warring States period 199

  Han cavalry 271, 273, 275

  Han crossbows 271

  Han innovations 271

  “Red Eyebrows” rebel army 279

  soldiers’ composition in Warring States period 198–199

  standing army of state of Jin 晉 199

  in state of Hann 韓 199

  in state of Qi 齊 199

  in state of Qin 秦 199

  Zhao 趙 cavalry 199–200

  see also warfare

  assassination attempt on Ying Zheng 嬴政 244

  Austronesian people, Taiwan 4

  “Authority,” Han Fei 韓非 225

  “Axial Age” 209–210, 213

  Ba 巴, conquered by Qin 241

  Bagley, Robert

  late Shang writing 91–92

  Selected Reading 89, 111

  balance of power, Spring and Autumn period 166

  Bamboo Annals 49

  Ban Chao 班超 299

  Ban Gu 班固, History of the Western Han Dynasty (Hanshu 漢書) 315, 318

  Ban Zhao 班昭 317

  Bao Si 褒姒 160–161

  Baoshan 包山 bamboo strips, state of Chu 楚 193

  Being Natural (Ziran 自然), philosophy concept 219

  Beixin 北辛 culture in Shandong 27

  Beizhou 北趙 village burial-ground 133

  Benevolence (Ren 仁), philosophy concept 213, 214, 215, 218, 222–223, 227

  Bielenstein, Hans

  Han officials’ salary 286

  Selected Reading 282, 302

  Bin 豳 as home to Zhou people 113

  Bingong xu 公盨 50

  bipolar paradigm, Neolithic cultures 17

  birds, mid Western Zhou bronzes 126, 127

  Blakeley, Barry B., social transformation in Spring and Autumn period 172

  Boas, Franz, “Cultural Particularism” 20

  Bohai Bay 165

  bone factory, Anyang 75–78

  Book of Changes (Yijing 易經) 157, 158, 211, 221, 312

  Book of Documents (Shangshu 尚書) 49, 157, 158–159, 211, 312

  destroyed by First Emperor of Qin 311

  Shang–Zhou transition 143

  Book of the Lord of Shang 236

  Book of Poetry (Shijing 詩經) 49, 157, 159–160, 211, 312

  destroyed by First Emperor of Qin 311

  Han Empire versions 312

  King Wen 文 117

  Shang–Zhou transition 143

  “The Birth of People” 144

  Xianyun 玁狁 warfare with Western Zhou 160

  Book of Rites 311

  border control, Han Empire 300

  Bronze Age

  bronze cultures contact with Shang culture 86

  centers in Erligang 二里崗 period 64–65

  culture of Lower Ordos 89

  first culture in China 46, 53

  bronze casting sites

  Anyang 75

  Miaopu 苗圃 73

  bronze culture

  incision 203–204

  inlaying gold and silver 204

  lost-wax technology 203

  mid Western Zhou 126–127

  piece-mold technology 203

  preservation of Zhou realm 202–203

  real world images 204

  bronze inscriptions

  “appointment inscriptions” 149–150

  Duke of Zhou’s conquest of Yan 奄 and Bogu 薄古 123

  early Duke of Qin 229

  Heaven’s Mandate to Qin 234–235

  King Cheng’s 成 military campaigns in east 120, 121

  King Kang’s 康 northern Zhou conquests 135

  King Zhao 昭, expansion in Shandong peninsula 136–137

  legal statutes 176

  Shang 8, 92

  Shang military campaigns in Shandong region 120

  Western Zhou 8, 92, 140, 144

  founding of regional states 129

  legal matters 175

  lineages 142

  literacy 156–157

  warfare 197

  Yan 燕 state granted by Zhou king 133

  Zhou 周

  contact with Huai 淮 River region 138

  inspection of regional states 132

  land disputes 154

  land grants of king 154

  regional rulers’ visits 134

  royal cities 123

  bronze technology

  Erligang period 61

  late Shang Dynasty 77–78

  bronze vessels

  dating of 78, 79

  Erlitou 46–47, 61

  Li gui 利簋 120

  Shang Dynasty 47

  Shang Dynasty wine vessels 124–125

  Western Zhou wine vessels 124–125, 126

  Zhengshou 鄭州 59

  Zhou elite tombs 152–153


  Anyang period styles 77–78, 124

  Dayangzhou 大洋洲 discovery 86

  lineage sacrifice 146

  mid Western Zhou

  birds 126, 127

  burial bronzes 126–127

  geometric patterns 127

  Zhou period regional and metropolitan 134

  Zhou and Shang styles compared 124–125, 126

  Buddha 209

  Buddhism, Chinese civilization 5

  Buku 不窋 113


  Han Empire 265, 283–285, 287

  territorial state management technique 195

  Zhou Dynasty 112


  mid Western Zhou government 147–152

  Warring States period 197

  burial bronzes, mid Western Zhou 126–127

  burial remains

  Jin 晉 rulers 133

  Sanxingdui 三星堆 87–88

  Sidun 寺墩 in Jiangsu 34

  Taosi 陶寺 32

  tomb of Lady Hao 好 76–77

  Yuanjunmiao 元君廟 28–29

  see also tombs

  burial sites, Han Empire 318–322

  Cai Yong 蔡邕 313

  “Canon of Law,” Li Kui 李悝 192, 193

  “Canonical Laws” (Jingfa 經法) 306

  Cao Cen 曹參, Huang-Lao follower 306


  Han army 271, 273, 275

  Zhao 199–200

  Censor-in-Chief, Han Empire 284

  Central Asia

  contacts with 5, 136, 279

  Han Empire 299

  states visited by Zhang Qian 張騫 271

  Central Plain, cultural development 18–20

  centralization in Han Empire 260

  Cernuschi Museum, Paris 78

  Chancellor, Han Empire 284

  Chang Chun-shu 299

  Selected Reading 303

  Chang, K. C. 65, 89

  “Chinese Interaction Sphere” theory 18

  Selected Reading 40, 111

  Shang royal government 106

  Shang royal lineage 105–106

  state formation 42

  Chang’an 長安

  Han imperial capital 260

  Nine Temples 277

  Changcheng 長城 (“Long Wall”) of Qi 185

  Changping 長平, Battle of 194, 199

  charcoal samples

  Cishan 磁山 site, Hebei 23

  early Neolithic rice 24

  Peiligang 裴李崗 site, Henan 23

  Chavannes, Édouard, book on Dunhuang strips 7–8

  Chen Ping 陳平, Huang-Lao follower 306

  Chen Sheng 陳勝 258

  Chen 陳, state of 164

  Chen Xingcan 陳星燦 65

  Selected Reading 40

  Chengzhou 成周, Zhou administrative center 123–124, 163

  Chief Commander (Lingyin 令尹), state of Chu 195

  chiefdoms 21, 30
  comparison with states 37–40

  emergence of states 41, 53

  Longshan 龍山 society 37–40


  history of Sima Qian 司馬遷 315–317

  topography 1–2

  unification of 244–245

  “Chinese League” formed by Qi 163

  Cho-yun Hsu

  promotion of lower society members 172

  Selected Reading 139, 161, 182

  Chu 楚, state of 165, 172

  archaeological discoveries 221–222

  Chief Commander office (Lingyin) 195

  conquest by Qin 241, 245

  counties 168

  Fangcheng 方城 (“Square Wall”) 185

  legal procedures 193

  legal statutes 176

  military disaster of 311 BC 189–190

  population registration 193

  royal army 199

  Ch’u, T’ung-tsu, Selected Reading 302

  circulating succession 105

  Cishan 磁山 site, charcoal samples 23

  Cishan–Peiligang 磁山-裴李崗 culture 22, 23–24

  data difficulties 25–27

  rice 24

  civil and military service, Han Empire 288

  civil offices, Warring States period 195–196

  civil strife, Spring and Autumn period 171–172

  clans and clan names 140–141

  Classic of Way and Virtue 217, 222–223, 305, 306

  Clerical Script 249

  climate in early times

  North China 3, 22

  South China 3–4

  Commandant, state of Qin 195

  Commander-in-chief, Han Empire 276, 277


  Han Empire 285

  Qin Empire 246

  Commandery Protector, Warring States period 195

  commoners on Han social scale 292

  “complex society” archaeology concept 21–22

  concepts in philosophy see philosophy concepts

  “Confucian Classics” 157, 312

  Confucianism 311

  criticized by Mozi 墨子 226–227

  Dong Zhongshu 董仲舒 309–310

  Guodian 郭店 texts 222

  Han Empire 308–311

  Confucius 157, 162

  ancestral family 174

  Book of Documents 159

  Book of Poetry 159

  dates of birth and death 207

  life and career 210–211

  parentage 210–211

  as philosopher 212–213

  as scholar 211–212

  Shi 士 status students 174

  in state of Lu 魯 211

  “Well Field” system 191

  conscription 194–195


  deposits south of Yangzi River 63

  mining in Tongling 銅嶺 63

  cosmology, Shang Dynasty 99


  bureaucratic inspections 196

  Han Empire 285

  history and geopolitical context 168–171

  lineage system erosion 173–174

  military service 171

  move from states’ periphery to interior 173

  non-hereditary 171

  numbers of in major states 170–171

  Qin Empire 246, 250

  Qin’s conquered lands 231, 236, 250

  role of 168–171

  taxation 171

  territorial state’s building blocks 187

  Xian 縣 derivation and meaning 168

  see also “County–Commandery” system

  “County–Commandery” system 167–171

  administration 167

  covenant tablets

  Houma 侯馬 174, 177, 178–179

  Wenxian 溫縣 177

  Craftiness (Qiao 巧), philosophy concept 222–223

  Crawford, Gray W., Selected Reading 40

  Creel, Herrlee G. 12

  Anyang 12

  Selected Reading 14, 182

  The Birth of China 12

  criminal cases, Zhangjiashan 293–294

  crossbows 199

  Han army 271

  currency standardization in Qin Empire 249

  Da Qin 大秦 see Roman Empire

  Daluo 大駱 230–231

  Dan 丹, Prince of Yan 244–245


  Dao 道 217–219

  search for natural order 216–220

  three stages of development 216

  Dasikong 大司空 village, stratigraphy 78


  archaeological method 78–79, 116

  bronzes 78, 79

  historical method 79–80

  Nianzipo 碾子坡 113–115

  Daxinzhuang 大辛莊, literary evidence 83

  Dayangzhou 大洋洲, bronzes discovery 86

  defense system, Han Empire 299–300

  deities, Earth, River, and Mountain of Shang Dynasty 100

  “Desert North Campaign” 275

  Di Cosmo, Nicolas, Selected Reading 282

  Di 狄 people 180

  prejudice against 181–182

  relationship with Zhou regional states 180

  Diaotonghuan 吊桶環, domestication of rice 24

  dictionary, China’s first 314

  digitalization, modern sinology 13

  ding 鼎 cauldron 124

  Dinggong 丁公 pottery shard, early writing 36–37

  diplomacy, Warring States period 189–190

  Dirlik, Arif, Selected Reading 14

  Disputation (bian 辯), philosophy concept 222–223


  materials used 92–93

  non-royal 96–98

  non-Shang 98–99

  process of 93–96

  royal 93

  Shaanxi region 98

  Shang Dynasty 92–99


  of animals 27

  of rice 24

  Dong Zhongshu 董仲舒

  career 309

  Confucianism 309–310

  empire and emperorship 310–311

  “Five Elements” theory 310

  historical role 311

  human nature 310

  instructor for Spring and Autumn Annals 312

  philosophy 309–311

  written works 309

  Dong Zhao 董卓 313

  Dong Zuobing 董作賓, grouping of oracle bones/shells 79–80, 96

  Donghai 東海 Commandery 287

  Dongyi 東夷 see “Eastern Barbarians”

  dou 豆 high plate 127

  “Doubting Antiquity” movement 10–11

  Erlitou culture and Xia Dynasty 52

  influence in North America 12–13

  Duke Huan 桓 of Zheng 163

  Duke Jian 簡 of Qin (414–400 BC) 239

  Duke Mu 穆 of Qin (659–621 BC) 234

  Duke of Qin (603–577 BC) 234–235

  Duke of Shao 召 123

  Duke Wen 文 of Jin (576–537 BC) 234

  Duke Wu 武 of Zheng 163

  Duke Xian 憲 of Qin (715–704 BC) 234

  Duke Xian 獻 of Qin (384–362 BC) 234, 235

  Duke Xiao 孝 of Qin (361–338 BC) 235–236

  Duke of Zhou 121–123

  conquest of Yan and Bogu 123

  “Five Announcements” 158

  Heaven’s Mandate 144

  institutions and ritual rules 323

  southern states campaigns 138

  Dunhuang 敦煌

  700 bamboo strips with writing 7–8

  medieval manuscripts inventory 7

  Duoyou ding 多友鼎, Xianyun threat to Western Zhou 160

  Durrant, Stephen, selected reading 324

  Early China

  dates of 6

  floodplains 2

  importance of 1, 5–7

  integral period in Chinese history 5–6

  mining 63–64

  paleoclimatology 2–4

  philosophy 207–228

tudies in North America 12–14

  Early China journal 12

  early Chinese civilization

  Anyang archaeology 9

  East Asian indigenous 5

  evolution of 6–7

  external influences 5

  “Eastern Barbarians” 136–137

  citizens of Qi 165

  Eastern Guo 虢, state of 163

  Eastern Han

  dates of Empire 6

  eunuchs 301–302

  mortuary art 321–323

  succession 300–301

  tombs of nobles 321–322

  ecology, development of human society 2

  Emaokou 鵝毛口, stone-tool workshop 22

  “emperor,” institution of 249–250

  Emperor Ai 哀, of Han Dynasty 276

  Emperor Cheng 成 of Han Dynasty 255

  Emperor Jing 景 of Han Dynasty (156–141 BC) 263–264

  Huang-Lao follower 306

  Emperor Ming 明 of Han 301

  Emperor Ping 平 of Han Dynasty 277

  Emperor Shun 順 of Han 301

  Emperor Wen 文 of Han Dynasty (180–157 BC) 263

  punishment 289

  Emperor Wu 武 of Han Dynasty (140–87 BC) 264, 271–276, 288

  Confucianism 308–309

  statutes and ordinances 289

  Emperor Xuan 宣 of Han Dynasty (73–40 BC) 276

  Emperor Zhang 章 of Han 301

  Emperor Zhao 昭 of Han Dynasty (86–74 BC) 276, 277


  definition 245–246

  definition of Chinese 249–250

  development from “territorial state” 185

  empire and emperorship, Dong Zhongshu 310–311

  Empress Dowager Dou 竇, Huang-Lao follower 306, 308

  Empress Lü 呂, Han Dynasty 263

  Erligang 二里崗

  Bronze Age center 64–65

  culture 58, 61

  expansion 61–49

  influence on Wucheng 吳城 culture 86

  political system expansion 61–63

  Erlitou 二里頭

  archaeology 43

  architectural alignment 60

  bronze 46–47, 61

  culture 42–47

  end of 53

  Longshan 龍山 culture influences 47–48

  luxury items 46–47

  organizational power 47

  relation with Xia 夏 Dynasty 51–53


  description 43–46

  discovery 43

  location 43

  as state-level society 47–48, 53

  tombs 45–46

  transition to Yanshi 偃師/Zhengzhou 鄭州 60–61

  Erudite, position of 311, 312

  “Erudites of the Five Classics” (Wujing boshi 五經博士) 312

  ethnical differences of Rong 戎 181

  ethnical relations in Spring and Autumn period 180–181

  eunuchs in Eastern Han Empire 301–302

  execution as punishment 291

  Explaining Characters (Shuowen jiezi 說文解字) 314

  “Extending Imperial Favor,” Han Empire 265

  fabric, earliest known painting on 320

  Falkenhausen, Lothar von, Selected Reading 40, 182, 206

  families see “Great Families”


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