Prince of Hell

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Prince of Hell Page 2

by J N Moon

  As it opened, a man stood before me. Normal-looking, handsome. “Why didn’t you use the knocker? It’s an antique and cost me a bloody fortune. Were you born in a barn?” His eyes pierced through mine, face like stone, then he blurted out laughing, “Come in, Anthony. I’ve been waiting for you!”

  Tall. From the few places not covered in clothes, I saw tattoos, dressed in expensive jeans and a black T-shirt, he didn't look much older than me. Dark as night his eyes, though. Preternatural with slightly longish, dark blond hair. He looked fit, and his accent was hard to place. English, not posh, not accentuated, much like mine.

  Stepping through the entrance, he touched my arm, smiling. An icy touch that penetrated through my clothes, but I had no fear now.

  "So, how you've been? It's been a long time. Decades in fact. By your face, you have no incline of what I'm on about? I’m Bael, your real father. You are my son, Asmodeus. Come on in... don’t be shy now!” he huffed.

  I admit, I was as surprised at my relaxed attitude, and judging by his face, brows furrowed, so was he.

  I knew he was a demon. I'd met and killed many.

  Clearing his throat, "Come, sit down now. You seem calm for someone who’s found out he's a Prince of Hell and his father the King!" As he spoke, he studied my face, his eyes tracing my features, so I guessed he really did believe it. Hum, what if it is true!

  "So, if I'm your son, how...I mean, I am vampire, and before that I was human, so I don't see how you imagine me..."

  He interrupted, his raised voice slightly rough around the edges, "Yeah, I'll stop you there. Your soul, son...that isn't or never was human. Here, sit. I’ve waited over thirty years for this.” He nodded, still surveying me. “You’ve done rather well and made a name for yourself too! I’m proud of that, a bit of notoriety is good, especially considering you’d lost your powers. You look good, done well with the human vessel you have. Smart, so now you’re back...”

  I studied his face too. He was animated, relaxed and sat back, crossed his legs, hands clasped as his index finger tapped his chin.

  Shuddering, it was like looking a mirror. His gestures were my gestures, more so when I was human. As a vampire, I don’t feel the need to move around much.

  But then, maybe that was a trick?

  “What now?" I asked trying to break the silence.

  “Well, I’d like to spend some time with you, now you’re back. I have a gift for you, a gift of immense power, but I need to assess if you’re ready for it. But tell me, tell me of your life so far. I’ve heard a lot, but I’d like to hear it from you. I hear you’re still friends with the Nephilim? Acacius, Aaron and Marcus...hum,” he almost growled and seemed lost in thought.

  “You know them?” I nearly squeaked, surprised.

  “Known them for centuries. Of course, we’re not really friends, more family really. You know, love-hate relationship. We have a mutual respect of power. They try to put me back in Hell, and I try to take them with me, out of courtesy, you understand.”

  It was hard to hate Bael. His dry humour, sarcastic and subtle, very British, could be mistaken for seriousness.

  I nodded. “You know about Marcus, I guess. What can you tell me of Rachel?” As the words tumbled out, my goal of finding the truth about my dead true love intensified. My muscles clenched.

  A small grin, he narrowed his eyes. “Love, good for you. I’m not a hundred percent, to be honest, Anthony. The Council of the Supernatural set that charade up. I believe each of my sons had an entity in the guise of a lover to watch over them. Anything happens to upset the power; you boys get whacked. I’m sorry, but I doubt it was sincere.” He took a deep breath. “But I’m not sure what she was? My best guess is a succubus imbued with a lot of magic. I have my sources, but I was never on the Council. Obviously, that would have been siding with the enemy, you understand.

  “But hey, my plan worked...even though it did take decades. But then, I was stuck in Hell until about five years ago. I sent out a message to any underworlder, to the vampires to find you and change you. I knew that if you became a vampire your first steps on the path home would be completed.

  “Of course, I didn’t realise the amount of chaos that would cause, the after-effects of a Prince of Hell gaining back his power. These were so strong, so violent. Well, you know. You were in the war of the immortals!” he laughed.

  Frowning, I added, “That was nothing to do with me! I got caught up in it, the overspill of bloodsuckers happened before I was turned.”

  “The overspill was caused by your impending return! Bloody hell, being human really did knock your confidence didn’t it! All of it, everything you’ve been through, is the result of the consequences of you regaining your power! You have no idea of the power you hold.”

  I didn’t believe him. I mean, who could!

  Spitting a laugh, I sat back. I wasn’t afraid of Bael. I didn’t doubt he was strong, he had a presence like the Nephilim. Had I met him a year earlier, I'd have been overwhelmed by his innate force. Now, sitting here in this beautiful home, I was at ease. Maybe my dead soul found comfort in his, who knows.

  "I don't believe Rachel was a succubus. As a vampire, I would have known she wasn't human. What aren't you telling me?"

  "Firstly, I don't know. I wasn't much concerned with her but their magic, the ones from the Council, is wild and dark and you underestimating them is what led you to be destroyed in the first place.

  “Secondly, I love how you're not afraid of me, to question me, to doubt. Most suck up to me. You're obviously feeling at home — as you should."

  I ignored his second remark. "I will find a way to bring her back and Nathaniel, with or without your help. I promise you that."

  "You'll need your brothers' help for that, so I suggest you find them, turn them, and bring them home. Together, we can do anything. Anything at all. I'm surprised you're not mad at me for putting out the word to turn you. I'd expected a fight!"

  Almost absentmindedly, I added, "Oh, that. Bit late now. Though you could've chosen better vampires, thanks very much!"

  "I was in Hell! They were clearly the only ones who answered my call. Or followed my demand, more like. Yeah, I heard about them." Bael grinned.

  "Why now? It sounds like you've been away from Hell for some time, and yet only now you summon me?"

  "That's easy, Anthony. Think about it. Would you have come to me before? And if you had, it would have been to kill me, which, by the way, you would've failed. Timing, patience was needed. Now you've been through so much. Now you're ready to be the demonic Prince — your heritage."

  I couldn’t help but smirk. I mean, the lengths he was going to... “I wouldn’t know about that." I narrowed my eyes. "What do you want from me, Bael? You're right, I'm not afraid of you. I've lost everything," I gasped. Moments of burning, of horror knowing she was gone crept up on me, stinging me, like a shock, trembling at the thought of immortality alone without her. "If you kill me now it would release me from this pain. I still love Rachel. I find out...”

  “Look, I get it. You were or are in love. Hell, we’ve all been there. Yes, even me. But you won’t find out anything on your own. My sources tell me that the Council is reforming. Ah, that old witch Emidius has declared it. With their power, even with the both of us and your brothers, you will need to tread with care. But I will certainly help you find her."

  Biting my lip hard, he looked like he cared, did he?

  I admit, the suggestion of being a Prince of Hell, though I still wasn’t really sure what that meant, was seductive. All that power and obviously my soul wasn’t damned since it had been reborn into a human. Or had it? “If you hadn’t of put the word out to change me, would I have lived a normal human existence?”

  “Plodding along with the rest of the tribe? Yes, but you can have so much more. Look, just relax. I need to give you something." He stood up and walked behind me. The room was a typical Victorian drawing, furnished with streamlined modern furniture, a huge firep
lace belting out heat. I twitched as he walked behind the modern leather recliner I was sitting in, feeling his hands on my shoulders.

  "Now, try and relax. This may feel a little...strange."

  I tensed immediately. Breathing deeply, I shut my eyes, who knew what would happen, but I'd come this far.

  Like ice, his hands burned on my shoulders. I shuddered and the cold increased with my breathing. Pulsating through me like waves of dry ice, my body frigid, stinging with his energy, memories of horror flashed through my mind like sped up pictures from a movie. Blinking rapidly, I tried to pull away, but he held me fast without pressure. Twisting like worms all my nightmares, the killing, the loss erupted before me, screaming without sound, my body frozen, paralysed by fear and chilled, I panted.

  Finally, I realised Bael's hands were no longer on me, but his icy touch remained. Yelling out, I lurched forwards off the seat, smashing my knees on his wooden floor and crumpled.

  In an instant he was there, picking me up, placing me back in the chair and in front of the fire. Too weak to speak, he spoke, "I know, I know. That's the worst bit over. You did well. Now you're imbued with my — your — power."

  Shaking furiously, I slumped back, teeth chattering.

  Finally able to speak, “But this title, this power, it comes at a cost. Does mean that everything I do I am damned to fail? A dark energy...And if you're true, my father, does that mean I have some kind of demonic mother? Lilith, I presume?"

  “You’re a Prince. You didn’t start out as human.” Bael got up, huffing slightly at my ignorance, went over to the sideboard and poured two large glasses of red wine. Handing me one, I refused.

  “I can’t drink that!” I croaked.

  “You can now. Trust me.”

  Visions of violent sickness gripped my stomach. He’s either mad or way more powerful than I sensed. Still, I missed eating and drinking, so I took a sip. Rich fruity warmness danced on my tongue, my throat, my taste buds on fire.

  “How can this be?” My head swam, and a mix of emotions rushed around my body like an ocean, swaying, my cold knuckles white as I gripped the chair arm with one hand, the glass with another. Lust suddenly consumed me. Panting, I murmured, “What have you done to me?"

  “I imbued you with your power. Power that is your birthright, you, Asmodeus, Prince of lust. Anthony, how do you think you became a demon? Look, when you were first turned vampire, your lust was uncontrollable. Know your true self is Asmodeus. Passion is your driving force. The darkness always resided in you, the blood gift just unleashed it, allowed it free rein. You are ruled by lust and the hunger of blood, the sins of the flesh. But you were, in the beginning, a Seraphim, one of the highest orders of angels. When God asked Lucifer to bow before man, he refused, and you joined Lucifer, as did we all, and rebelled, so God cast us out of heaven.

  “You were aided by King Solomon and Beelzebub. Losing your divine grace, you turned demon, and your name was then given to you: Asmodeus, ruler of lust. You became embroiled in it, out of control, deviant. So you see, you were never human to begin with. What you identify as human is a short experience. Forty years of your soul living inside the body of a mortal with no memory of what you truly are, and limited by human emotions. Fear, doubting yourself — all the traits of mortals, all their failings that we refused to worship. This was really the worst punishment for you and your brothers. You were cast from heaven for not putting mortals before yourselves. You — we — saw their failings, their anger, wars. The Council knows all this, and so sent your soul to be trapped inside the very thing you despised. A ruthless punishment, even by my standards.”

  I had no words. Why would this demon, this Bael, lie to me unless to manipulate me? But Rachel had told me this. After her death, her spirit had come and told me I was never human. My body stiffened, muscles rigid as I tried to comprehend. Acacius, Marcus, they all must know? I’d thought of them as friends, brothers even, but they must know this dark secret. Perhaps their friendship wasn’t as genuine as I’d thought. They were watchers rather than companions, making sure I didn’t regain my power. I decided to ask Bael. Though my stomach tossed and turned not wanting to know his answer, I had to...

  “So, my Nephilim friends,” I took a large breath before continuing. “They are false? This feels heavy in my heart. I’d thought they were my friends. We’d fought together. I was there for Marcus when he fell into darkness. But they were just making sure I didn’t find out the truth?”

  “Maybe. They would’ve been wary of you in the first instance because you’re a vampire, but you know that. Marcus — I’m not too sure you’d need to write him off as a friend. I am surprised he hasn’t been killed by his kind since he’s committed the worst crime any of his kin could. The fact that Acacius and Aaron are still friends with him, and they’re caring for the demon children from the fallout of vampire and Nephilim breeding, and they are friends or at least comrades to other vampires...but if you find your true power, and you will, then even Marcus will be afraid of you. It will shift then, your friendships, as for Nathaniel. Well, if we could resurrect him, there would be a loyal friend for you for all eternity. Marcus maybe would accept you. That would largely depend on how you wield the power. The others would, no doubt, will try and kill you. Fear would be their driving force. They would see it as their duty.”

  “If I stay as I am, they won’t, but if I do that, I can’t get Rachel or Nathaniel back!”

  “I've got a newsflash for you, son. You can’t stay as you are. It already began the moment you stepped through that door! But come, times have changed, anything’s possible. Look, I’ve been here for a few years, and aside from some unruly underworlders, I haven’t had a single Nephilim come looking for me. I only take souls from those who damn themselves. It’s a new age — different rules. But...we do need to assert our power. Most supernaturals have gone soft, and that makes me mad! We should be feared. Humans no longer mistrust what lies in the shadows. I intend to change that!” As Bael spoke, he was vivacious, gesturing wildly with his hands. He was certainly passionate about his beliefs.

  I couldn’t help but smirk. Rather egotistical of one who’s apparently so powerful! “But surely you don’t want them to fear you. Wouldn’t you rather they came to you willingly?”

  Bael inhaled heavily. “I see your point, and it’s a good one, it is. But humans...they used to revere us, to bow to us. Now all they revere is their bloody phones!”

  Blurting out a laugh, I smiled. “Bael this isn’t the middle ages, thank God! Don’t you see? You — we — have the advantage now. Of course they don’t believe in us. Good! You should come with me this night when I hunt. I invite you. Then you see for yourself.”

  “I’ve been out, I’ve seen the look of surprise. I —”

  “Stop. You’re a demon. You collect souls, that’s different. You should come with me.”

  “In my lifetimes, I’ve never been hunting with a vampire. So, yes, I will. Now, meeting your brothers. More wine?”

  “Yes, thanks. Can I eat too?”

  “Of course. You’re part of me. You’ll still be predominantly vampire but now so much more. You’ll need blood, that can never change, but you can eat what you like. You missed that, your human side?”

  “You have no idea,” Shaking my head, so much to take in. Would I eat first then take blood or the other way around? Would I need to eat every day? If I wasn’t just he said... “My brothers, they’re human? Where are they?”

  “Well, why don’t we discuss this over dinner? My treat. I know a great restaurant. We are after all in the poshest area of Bristol!”

  As I got up, my legs wobbled. Gasping, I put my hand out. Bael steadied me. “All right, boy. That’s enough wine for you today. Ha, vampires...turn them demon and they can’t handle their drink one bit. Don’t worry, you’ll get used to it. Your diet has been just blood for some years now. On that note, I think you should eat light to begin with, maybe don’t have a steak just yet.”
/>   “God,” I croaked as my head spun. “Can’t we just order take out. I’m not up to going out!”

  “All right. What do you fancy as your first meal? Anything. It’s on me!”

  “Well, Chinese. A billion people can’t be wrong?” I sniggered, knowing full well what movie I was quoting but it was lost on him. Obviously.

  “Great, what’ll you have? I’ll go for something hot and spicy...beef.”

  “Mixed vegetables and bean curd, plain rice...prawn crackers. Light beer!”

  “Oh my God...another bloody vegetarian. This century. You’ve all gone soft!”

  I spluttered a laugh, he was archaic. “I drink human blood, that’s hardly vegetarian. Before I was this, I didn’t eat meat or eggs. Deal with it,’s not the dark ages!” I bellowed, the wine warming in my stomach. I'd missed being drunk...drunk and a vampire.

  As Bael went out to get our food, I sat down again, my legs stretched out, put my head back and closed my eyes. I’d missed it. My breathing sank heavy, and I nearly drifted off to sleep, but my phone buzzed. Lazily, I pulled it from my coat. A text from Marcus. I text him back saying I was staying with an old friend and I doubted I’d be back in the next month. I’m Ok.

  Then I went to settings and switched off the GPS, just in case he'd turned it on.


  As I wondered who they were and where they could be, Bael arrived and my mouth watered like a fountain. I could eat. Fighting exhaustion and excitement, my mind still reeling from that good red wine, I went over to the fireplace and grabbed some logs to put on it. As I was fiddling with an old lighter, Bael walked over, stood behind me and put his hands on my shoulders. I shook violently as a bolt of energy shot right through me. My mouth open, bracing my muscles, then he stepped away and I gasped, trying to catch my breath.

  “What the fuck was that!” I yelled, my voice strained.

  “Oh, you won’t need matches now. Maybe I should’ve warned you, but now you’re mostly restored. Go on, point your finger at the fireplace and know, see fire. But!” he shouted, “Do not point it anywhere else! Go on.” Shaking his head as I stood there like a discarded marionette, mouth wide open, my body trembling slightly, I turned back to the fire, pointed my finger like a child and saw fire...


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