Prince of Hell

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Prince of Hell Page 6

by J N Moon

  Seconds later, I shuddered as cool air wrapped around me and shapes of flickering light danced before me. Opening my eyes again, we were stood in front of Bael’s fireplace, the flames dancing thick and bright. England, cold and damp, such a contrast to Los Angeles.

  Bael’s face was animated. A grin from ear to ear as I’d brought home the prodigal son, Lucifer. In a split second, I wondered if I’d live to regret it. Jack was all right now, but Lucifer was known for his pride. Too late either way. I had to remember why I was doing this.

  “Anthony! Brilliant. Just brilliant. I knew you could do this,” he squealed.

  Jack’s mouth was tight and frowning. He muttered, “Who the hell are you?”

  Bael laughed raucously. “My boy, welcome home!”

  Looking at me for an answer, Jack was still waiting for the other shoe to drop.

  “Jack, your soul it was never human. It’s a long story. Basically, your soul is that of the Morning Star, Lucifer, before you were cast out. It’s a lot. You’ve only just gone from supposedly human to vampire but think why. Why would I travel to turn you — you, specifically?”

  Shrugging his shoulders, he said, “I guessed you were bored. I’m nobody. Shit, I don’t even own a car!”

  I shivered. The despondency in his voice, a man who had lost hope but now doesn’t see the tremendous power in his hands. Bael’s face was shocked, embarrassed. Changing the subject, he quickly offered, “Right. He’s fed?”

  I nodded.

  “Come here, son. Time to restore your power.”

  Tentatively, Jack stepped forwards, and Bael signalled to my hand for the ring. As I took it off, lightness came over me. Impulsively, I looked at my feet, thinking for a second, I was floating. The feeling of immense power lifted. A sudden surge of anger welled, and I shoved it back down.

  Jack stole one more worried glance at me. I smiled, and Bael, charged with the ancient power of King Solomon, lay his hands on the now ex-cinema manager.


  Bright emerald light flashed to white-gold as Bael chanted something over Jack. The light echoing through Jack’s body, he convulsed, gasping deeply. The experience more intense, more violent than my own, and I guessed that was because Lucifer had been an Archangel.

  As Bael stopped, Jack fell to his knees crying in agony. I was intrigued that as his maker, I was oddly moved by this. Wanting to rush forwards to stop Bael but transfixed, I watched as the white-gold light shone from his body, shaking him.

  Panting as if fighting to breathe, the light shone with a blinding brilliance from him. Covering my eyes with my hands, it grew brighter and brighter until it reached the height of luminosity.

  Sweat trickled fast from my head from this heat. Then, he collapsed, out cold.

  “Well, this is cause for celebration, and I want to give you something, son, for your efforts,” Bael beamed at me.

  “Why are doing this?” I asked flatly.

  “What, getting my boys back? It’s not out of fatherly love. Power, Anthony. Restoring the old order. I’m back, so obviously I want my sons here too. Now, you ready for a meal fit for a King? Later, I’ll give you your gift.”

  “What about him?”

  “Oh, he’ll be out for hours. He’s all right there, I notice your concern, though. Nice touch,” he winked.

  Before I could say a word, he clicked his fingers, and we were in Bath. He just seemed to think where he wanted to go...We were in a place called The Circus, which is a collection of fine Georgian houses that tower up, built in a circle — hence the name. Just away from these houses, a collection of bespoke shops and eateries that cater for the wealthy residents.

  “I’d like to change. I’ve been in the same clothes for days and want a shower.”

  Raising his eyebrows at my suggestion, he was about to click those fingers again. I interrupted, “Enough already. I need to move normally for a change, and I would’ve rather driven here in Nathaniel’s car.” As soon as the words poured out, I realised I sounded like a spoilt child. But all this zipping and zapping, although I was grateful, my head started to spin. Things looked a little blurry.

  “You mean your car. Well, until you get Nathaniel back. I’m thinking of elevating his position, too. He’s always veered on the dark side, that one.” He turned towards the restaurant, raised his eyebrows, and muttered, “Fair enough. Well, shall I meet you at this restaurant in an hour?”

  “Yeah. Ok.”

  “Blimey, don’t sound too enthusiastic, then.”

  “It’s just...never mind.”

  “Ah, this is a place you and girlfriend went to before you were turned? I see. Well, we can go to another?”

  “No, but thanks for asking. I’ve eternity ahead of me, so I need to get used to it. Plus, it’s familiar.”

  Standing alone in my apartment, a chill ran through me. Who was I? A killer, a maker of Lucifer now all that befalls is my doing.

  One thing was certain, whatever I am, wherever I go, I’m never alone now Bael has found me and is convinced I’m some reincarnation of his dead son. Or at least my soul was. And what of Rachel, a demon from the beginning? How could I not have known that? Especially as a vampire, I was sure I would’ve sensed something. No one, not Nathaniel, not the demigod, Emidius, not Jamie, who must’ve known after joining Emidius, had said a thing to me. Maybe they weren’t allowed. Shivers continued as I went to the closet and pulled out some fresh clothes, dumped them on the bed, stripped off and walked to the shower.

  I wondered what the others were up to. Whether Marcus had gone on his long-awaited holiday. As I dried myself, I caught a whiff of her: Rachel. How had it come to this? Bael had said it was his doing, that he’d put the word out to have me changed into a vampire, and I had just wanted a normal life. I’d always veered away from people who revelled in their own predictions of the apocalypse, drama. They obviously needed to fill a void of sorts, whereas I was happy. Humble. Or had been when human.

  My phone was filled with text messages. Skimming through, I text Marcus to say yes, I was fine, and I’d be away for some time yet, travelling.

  I looked around at this place. Maybe it was time to leave it behind, it represented a life I could never return to. My shoulders weighed me down as I thought of that, but for now, I had to leave to have dinner with my dad, the King of Hell.

  Kind of annoyingly happy, Bael was loud at the restaurant, a bit flashy, but then I guess his position warranted it.

  As much as eating was unbelievably wonderful, my body was taking time to adjust having not processed food for some years. I’d decided to only do it as a special occasion since I’d got cramping pains from last time.

  “So, Amon next in Mexico. He’s a burly lad mind. If you think Jack is gnarly...but keep in mind their temperament is all the worse for being trapped in a mortal body. After tonight, I’ll need to keep a low profile, as will you. We don’t want anyone finding out about this.”

  “You mean the Council? They have reformed, you know. Acacius, Aaron, and Marcus, amongst others, all live in this city, not two miles away.” Impulsively, I stared out of the window. “But they could be on holiday. I know they needed the break.”

  Loudly, Bael retorted, “Well, holiday! I never knew...” Then, realising his stupidity, he whispered, “Nephilim go on holiday?”

  “They’re half-human. Fighting gets tiresome, and everyone needs a break. How about you?”

  He spluttered a laugh, “No. Being the King of Hell, I’ve never found myself drawn to travel agents, but maybe I should. When you boys are back and briefed, I might take myself on a vacation. Usually,” he sniggered, “I guess I do staycations.”

  “You’re really down with the lingo, aren’t you?” I chuckled.

  The waiter standing over us, his eyes wide with shock at hearing our bizarre conversation. “Steak for me and your finest red wine, please. Same for the boy!” Rolling my eyes, the waiter looked perturbed. “Ah, I know I could pass for his brother. It’s amazing what a good
diet and a great surgeon can do these days,” Bael added.

  Higher than I’d expected, my voice squeaked, “You know, I’m really doubting that it was we Princes’ that screwed up last time. You just said...”

  “Calm down, he’s one of mine! I’m not a complete idiot. I’ve got employees all over the city, watching, reporting. How do you think I know so much about you? Now, about Amon, the thing with him is...”

  “No, let’s just take a minute,” I sighed. “He’s angry, I get it. I tell you, though, if he’s a dick, I will not change him.”

  The waiter came back with a bottle. Bael looked down at the table, clearly unhappy with my remark. “All right, I’ll leave it to you, but you know without them all...”

  “Whatever, there’s always a way. Now, tell me what you were up to whilst I was away.”

  My fingers gripped the glass tightly, the aroma filled my senses, and I sipped that rich, fruity wine like it was a gift from the gods themselves. I wasn’t really interested in what he said. Mostly I just nodded, my mind was nowhere. Tonight, I needed a rest. Tomorrow, Mexico.

  When we got back to Bael’s house, Jack had changed. Now he looked a million dollars better. A suave older guy rather than the podgy loser cinema manager.

  Bael ushered him upstairs to a room. Following I saw Bael open a wardrobe. Inside was full of bespoke clothes.

  “There’s various sizes here. Suits, shoes, everything you’ll need. Find something fitting for tomorrow. Now, when you’ve bathed, join us downstairs for a drink. Tomorrow, I’m taking you both to one of my favourite places on this planet, Playa Del Carmen. I’ve rented a house just off Fifth Avenue which overlooks the sea, and I’m renting this from a friend. I expect you both not to be assholes there. We’ll find Amon, but I want to stay awhile.” Looking at me, his voice raised, “The look on Anthony’s ever been there?”

  “No. Wow, though!”

  “Indeed. Don’t worry, we can detour to your flat and your new house before we leave. Obviously, we won’t be flying — who has time for that. So, Jack, carry on. See you in five.”

  He turned, walked past me, a smug look on his face whilst Jack looked on at me, mouth hanging open.

  Whispering, I spoke, “I know, right. Hey, grab some swim gear.”

  He said nothing. This couldn’t last, surely, but I was determined to make the most of it. Especially as it meant not spending two days, or whatever, on a plane.

  When Jack came down, he was almost hard to recognise. Suited and booted, refreshed.

  Bael handed us cigars. I'd never been a cigar guy, but what the heck. We sat around the fire looking like three distinguished men rather than the three demons we really were. We listened whilst sipping on the best red wine I'd ever tasted as Bael told us of Mexico and Playa.

  I slept easily there that night. Dreams of sun, warm sea, food...I almost forgot I was a monster. My life had never been this exciting. If it all goes to Hell, literally, at least I’d have these memories.

  Surfing Vampires

  Breakfast wasn't normal for me, but Bael and Jack feasted like kids in an upmarket hotel. Curious, I asked Bael, "I've never met a demon who eats, let alone breakfast. You eat because you like it, I presume. You don't need to eat?"

  "Exactly that. I didn't eat for a long time, certainly not in Hell. Unless you count consuming souls. But being back here in this world of mortals, bloody hell, the food is delicious. Remember, I've only been back several years. I might tire of eating in the future, but now, these tastes, these options...God, you have no idea. And you? I gather you're still enjoying it. Join us!"

  "I am, but it'll take a while for my body to adjust."

  "Ah, gut ache. Well, you're the only vampire I know of who has been able to eat after being changed. Obviously except for Jack now, but that’s because you’re more than vampires isn’t it!” he winked. “Still, these pancakes are good. Organic eggs, local as well." His voice was high, excited that it was hard at times to remember who he was. I couldn't help but laugh, he sounded like a foodie.

  I waited in the living room before they rolled in and Bael added, "I'm guessing you need to pop home before we go?"

  I did, and after he zapped me there, I grabbed some stuff. Then we went to Nathaniel's home and picked up some books and his Mac then Bael sent us to Mexico.


  Humid doesn't describe it. From the moment I set foot in Playa, sweat dripped from my forehead. In minutes, my clothes were stuck to my normally cool body. Shielding my eyes from the bright sun, relief washed over me with the sea breeze. I was a long way from home with two demons I hardly knew, but I breathed easily. Walking to the balcony, I looked out across the Mexican ocean. The crystal-spotted water bounced and bobbed, a swift breeze lightly blowing my hair back. Now my body was cooling down, the other two chatting, I drowned out their words allowing the experience to wash into me. Relief washed through me that the myths, the movies were all wrong. Vampires can indeed walk in the sun, just as Bram had written in Dracula. In fact, we love the sun on our cold skins, but we are highly sensitive to it. Fortunately, now with Bael’s power and the fact that it was late afternoon, I would have no problems in it. Bael called to me, and I turned to look at him, but my mind was in that ocean, that sea. Walking back into the room I tried to listen as I stripped in front of them, their voices raised as I didn't care that I undressed to nothing as I pulled out my shorts.

  "I need this," I pointed to the window. "I need some time out there..." With their voices like chattering monkeys in the back of my mind, I looked over the balcony, saw it was clear of humans below, and with no one outside looking, jumped over and strode to the sea.

  Bael called something. My stomach churned, muscles tight. I'd been holding on, living in a fantasy of everything working out and suddenly I wasn't so sure. Who was I? Walking past warm mortals, their pink and sun-kissed skin, mine white and not as warm as theirs, only the ocean before me filled my vision. That first moment when the water caressed my skin, warm and soothing my nerves, I sighed deeply and waded out fast, falling into its embrace. On my back, I floated, like a body just being. Maybe I was the only vampire-demon-thing that swam, but man, it was relaxing. Since I'd been turned some years earlier, my life had been one batshit crazy event to another. No let up. I wondered how I hadn't gone mad.

  After all, what was the point in existing if you never took pleasure? If all you did was fight and survive? Fuck that. From now on, I made a pact to make sure I took time out for myself. Sure, stuff would happen, things would go wrong. So, I needed this, and there I lay submerged, a pale English vampire under the sun in the Mexican sea, a world away from Nephilim, Bath and all its grey sky and rain, and all that madness. Twisting around, I dove under water, no need for a mask with my immortal eyes, and looked in wonder at the seabed. Immortals are just as insane as mortals, fighting amongst themselves, living like savages, and all along, Mother Nature is just...there. Being. So much beauty. Maybe, maybe I'd move here once we'd found the other five. Maybe before.

  Like lead weights of reluctance, I eventually dragged my legs up, heavy as I didn't want to leave this watery paradise, and lumbered my way back to the apartment. It didn't escape my notice that some locals eyed me with suspicion. Tourists, however, were oblivious, not surprising here.

  Bael and Jack were gone. He'd left a note where to meet them, a new phone, and some money on the side. After showering that salty water off, I dressed. The air was cooler now, heavier with rich scents of spicy foods as night was settling in. Incredible sounds of birds came from the jungle that was right next door to Fifth Avenue. I felt in heaven.

  I met up with them at a little jungle restaurant, how surreal; the devil had taken me to paradise! They were chatting like humans, dressed down a bit in khaki trousers and shirts with jackets over the chair backs.

  "Hey. Glad you could make it. Look, you've got to try these drinks, and the food here is to die for," Bael winked.

  Jack, far from a few days ago, the portly,
pale middle-manager now looked suave, his skin glowing. He winked as he sipped from a huge glass full of fruit with an orange liquid, lots of umbrellas in it, grinning between slurps.

  "You know what. My gut tells me not to trust this, not to trust you, but I have been through so much shit that I don't care anymore. I need this. Heck, I didn't have this when I was...before...and you know what the last few years have been like. My swim was incredible, thanks for asking. Like a — " I looked around, inhaling the mesmerising scents "— like a cleansing. That sea is warm. Shit, it wasn't in LA."

  "You went swimming when you were with me?" Jack's voice was slightly raised, shocked.

  Shrugging my shoulders as I eyed the menu, "Sure, Jack. I was surprised because I'd thought it would be warm, but it wasn't."

  "Hum. I would've loved that!"

  "You were busy, changing."

  Smirking, Bael piped in, "This a thing for you, swimming? I can see you, the surfing vampire,” he laughed. “Ha! As I live and breathe!"

  Huffing from exhaustion, I replied, "I hadn't swum in over twenty years. Since I met you, I had the opportunity twice. I took it. This place though, I could live here. It's incredible."

  "Isn't it? Well, don't get too excited. It is an incredible place for sure, but now...Now it's flooded by bloody tourists, thousands of them. For the locals, they're being pushed out by the idiotic multinationals. I mean, who the hell comes here to buy bloody multinational takeaways or coffee? Most live in poverty," Bael spat.

  Jack and I looked wide-eyed. "Shit, I hadn't realised.”

  “Look, enjoy, but you've only been here a few hours. All these nonsense fashion shops and chains," he shook his head. "But you won't need to be tied to one place soon, either of you. Before I unleash that gift on both of you, I need to see that you can both be trusted. I have a reputation to maintain. For now, gentlemen, let's order and eat. Later, we'll go get your brother."

  Jack muttered, "I'm surprised you give a damn. About the environment, the humans."


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