Prince of Hell

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Prince of Hell Page 14

by J N Moon

  A trickle of anticipation rippled through me as I opened the door. I heard them arguing. Rushing in, my stomach seized with shock as they were full on fighting. Turning to me, Rachel hissed, "Ah, there you are my lover! You know your deeds sent me straight to Hell, but come, let me please you again. I will never, never leave you!" As she flew at me, her hands now claw-like trying to tear at my throat, naked like some wild savage and her eyes, crimson, then revealing her fangs as Nathaniel stood smirking. I stood there shocked. Grabbing my hair, she pulled my head back violently, sinking her teeth into my neck whilst rubbing her hands fiercely on my body, joined in an instant by Nathaniel who grabbed at my wrist. For a few seconds, I was too shocked to do anything. They sucked on my body so hard, and I lost myself in both euphoria and horror.

  Mustering my will, I shouted, "Get off!" and willed them away, sending them by the power of determination across the room.

  They didn't stop. Snarling like beasts, they turned, got up and lunged at me, crazed things. "Give us more blood, Prince. We are yours, we're so hungry..."

  Backing away, I had no idea if I could freeze them like Bael did, but I was distracted by a knocking at the door, I fled, locking the living room door behind me. My neck and wrist stung from their vicious bites. They hammered on the door, wailing like banshees. Looking through the spyglass, it was Jack.

  "Thank God you've arrived. Those two...Rachel and Nathaniel have gone berserk. I'm at a loss."

  "You raised them from the dead. What did you expect? Soulless, mindless creatures. Here, let me try, brother."

  I should've been suspicious, but I was too overwhelmed by my zombie friends. All that I'd gone through to get them back and now this...

  Casually, he unlocked the door, puffing himself up, he strode in. They backed off as he opened out his massive feathered wings and a fierce red-gold light shone through him. "Sit," he shouted. They obeyed. No arguing. They just sat where they were.

  "You see, brother, it's all to do with authority. Well, it's not really. It's power. Why not let me handle them for a while?"

  "No. I have to learn, though. God knows how..."

  "The ring? Surely that could work?"

  "Maybe. Why are you here? I thought you didn't have time for anyone now?"

  His face changed, a huge grin, eyes sparkling. "I'm hiding, really. From Bael. I killed five of our brothers," he laughed. "Bael is going to be pissed. But, really, they were losers, and I grew bored of them fast."

  "Where...Where is Bael?" I felt the colour, what colour I had, drain from my face.

  "God knows. He left us at his puny house. They were arguing, so I smote them. Admittedly, I had thought I'd only smite Richard and Daniel, but, well, as it turned out, I smote the lot of them!" he shrugged. "Don't worry. I have no intention of smiting you. You’re my maker and without you... But that ring...that could come in real handy!"

  "Shit, Jack. What the hell..."

  "Indeed. What the hell?" Bael screamed as he appeared behind Jack.

  Turning swiftly, Jack laughed. "Oh, come on, old man. You knew what I was when you sent this one to release me from the confines of mortality. The fact that you presumed that I, me, should share space with those underdogs. It should be me that's mad. I did us a favour, and you know it."

  "I will kill you!" Bael spat, his face red and scrunched, anger seething from him.

  "Well, that's where you're wrong. He will, though.” As Jack spat the words at Bael, he pointed to me! “Now sit down and watch this." Flicking his hand, Jack sent Bael hurtling backwards into a chair, unable to move.

  As I went to step back, my feet were fixated to the ground. Though I could move my body, I couldn't move my feet. "Jack!" I yelled. Ignoring me, he eyed Rachel and Nathaniel. They got up and stepped slowly towards him. He pulled Rachel into him, kissing her, groping her, and turned her around and sent her towards me.

  I couldn't back away. Fear jolted through me as my stinking ex-lover came over, snarling like a frightened cat, once again grabbing my neck, followed by Nathaniel. Their nails shredding into my skin, teeth piercing flesh. I was unable to speak, to thrust them away whilst Jack chuckled.

  "Pretty steamy, really. I like it. I'll take them, both of them, but shit they do smell, and no clothes. Don't you provide anything in Hell, Bael? Well, you'll be going back soon so I hope you've got everything you need on you. Oh, don't look like that. As for your precious Lucius, I set him free. I was going to kill him, but I thought it would be fun to send him back to the Council. Ha...just so they can see how utterly powerless they are. Look, they've nearly bled him dry. How ironic for a vampire..."

  His voice like white noise, my vision blurry, my body tried to fight back, my will to survive, my primal instinct.

  "Get off. Go on. Sit over there!" At his command, they did immediately.

  I bent over, starving, crazed, weak. My legs trembled fiercely. My will shattered, but still, I was unable to move.

  "Perfect. Now, Anthony, see dinner is there for you." Clicking his fingers, my feet moved. I fell forwards on my knees, crawling like a madman towards Bael, whose face contorted with fear. He lifted his hands to cover it. Pushing them aside, I lunged into his neck, biting fiercely and fed, and fed, and fed. Unable to stop myself, the desire for blood so absolute I had no control. None whatsoever. His blood coursed through me, powerful energy surging, lunging at my veins, pumping wildly, so bitter I couldn't stop.

  Finally, full, I realised Bael's body was exsanguinated. It toppled forwards to the floor, crashing like a bag of bones. Looking up, too shocked to speak, Jack stood there grinning at me.

  "There, brother. Now you have the blood of the King of Hell within you, so don’t say I never give you anything. I doubt there's much you can't do." Snapping his fingers, Bael's body burst into black and gold flames. Gone in an instant. No soot. Nothing to ever suggest he'd been here.

  Cocking his eyebrows, holding out his hand, Jack asked, "The ring? And I'll take these two off your hands for now." Scratching his head, he said, "See what I can do with them. I'll keep in touch, but I advise you don't go looking for me unless it's an emergency."

  With reluctance, I pulled off the ring, my body immediately lighter. "Let me keep her. Help me with her?" I handed it over.

  "No, I don't think so, but..." Jack placed the ring on his finger, a blood-red light seemed to shine out of his pores, his huge white-gold wings. He grinned inanely.

  He turned and crouched in front of Nathaniel, putting his hands on either side of Nathaniel's head. The ring illuminated, Jack whispered something, Nathaniel fell back, looking unconscious.

  "He should be all right, I think. He won't remember anything about dying. Hell, you can have him back, but she's coming with me. I need a woman. I'm not one for gender-bending. Now, don’t look like that. I’ll be in touch. You have Bael’s blood, I have the ring. I promise, Anthony, I’ll never kill you. Remember, I’ve given you the keys to the Kingdom. The Kingdom of Hell. It’s yours now. See you brother!"

  And like that, they were gone.

  Bael's blood had me spring up quickly, go to Nathaniel and place him in a chair whilst I sat beside him on the chair arm. Gutted that Rachel was gone, but she was at least alive and with Jack who could cure her disembodied spirit.

  Sighing deeply, slowly Nathaniel opened his eyes, stretching slightly where he sat. My treacherous friend, but he had given me all this. Just me and Nathaniel, like it was in the beginning. Except this time, I had the blood of the King of Hell in my veins...and my brother, the Devil, was once more out in the world.

  And I am the King of Hell...

  I hope you enjoyed this! If you did please take three minutes to leave some stars or a few words. It means A Lot to me, it helps my books be seen.

  JN-MOON Amazon UK


  Author Notes: Prince of Hell.

  I’d had this idea for months before I started writing it, it was complex having to deal with six Princes and all the different locations...and how
Anthony would get there. I hope you enjoyed it, I loved writing it!

  The seven princes in no particular order...

  1 Anthony. Demon name: Asmodeus. Lives in Bath, UK. Vampire. Sin: Lust

  2 Daniel. Demon name: Mammon. Lives in Nottinghill, London. Human. Cybercriminal. Sin: Greed

  3 Tony. Demon name: Beelzebub. Lives in Chile. Human. Nightclub owner. Sin: Gluttony

  4 Jack: Archangel name: Lucifer. Lives in Sun Valley, LA. Cinema manager. Human. Sin: Pride

  5 Tom. Demon name: Belphegor. Lives in Bellingham Australia. Artist. Human. Sin: Sloth

  6 Richard. Demon name: Leviathan. Lives in Cape Town. Personal Shopper. Human. Sin: Envy

  7 Andy. Demon name: Amon. Lives in Playa del Carma, Mexico. Bouncer. Sin: Wrath.

  The detail...

  Asmodeus. Passion is his driving force.

  Ruled by lust and the sins of the flesh. But in the beginning he was a Seraphim, one of the highest orders of angels.

  When God asked Lucifer to bow before man, Asmodeus refused, joined Lucifer and rebelled, so God cast him out of heaven.

  Sent to Hell to become a demon given the title Asmodeus.

  King Solomon and Beelzebub brought Asmodeus to the world, needing him to help build his temple. Solomon needed something to cut stone to build his temple and Beelzebub told him that Asmodeus has access to a stone cutting worm. Solomon trapped Asmodeus, using his ring of power and surrounds him with jugs of water - Asmodeus was afraid of water and was then forced to help build the temple.

  But Asmodeus escapes, tricking Solomon, exiling him and throws King Solomon’s ring into the sea, but Solomon’s lover finds and returns the ring and places Asmodeus in a jar as punishment.

  Asmodeus also appears in The Lore of Lilith, Asmodeus being the result of the union between Lilith and Adam, Asmodeus is the ruler of lust like his mother.

  Other theological tales tell of Asmodeus losing his divine grace, he was turned demon. He was cast from heaven as a Seraphim for supporting Lucifer when Lucifer refused to bow or knee to man. Angered, God condemned them to Hell, where upon they lost their divinity and became demons, or fallen angels, and Asmodeus was given his name and title.

  Daniel. Demon name: Mammon- Lives in Nottinghill, London. Human. Cybercriminal. Sin: Greed. His pull- on greed is so strong that seemingly innocent people can be overtaken by consumerism, corrupted.

  Name Mammon is Aramaic, meaning wealth, but the interpretation into Christian theology gave the name an evil connotation. Jesus being betrayed by Judas for thirty pieces of silver. Mammon is said to attack saints, and in middle ages he was seem as a dark lord over the demonic hordes of Hell.

  How to recognize Mammon? He has no one description but can identified as someone who flaunts his excessive hoard of wealth.

  An enslaver of men, forcing them to focus only on wealth, greed.

  In Roman Christianity some associated Julius Caesar with Mammon as his desire to control and to wealth were viewed as obscene.

  Appearing in John Milton’s Paradise Lost, Mammon is seen as a Fallen Angel who values material wealth over everything.

  “He beheld Lourdes, contaminated by Mammon, turned into a spot of abomination and perdition, transformed into a huge bazaar, where everything was sold, masses and souls alike!

  Extract from: Emile Zola, Lourdes- Three Cities Trilogy.

  Beelzebub: Gluttony- Lord of the Flies. Placed high in Hells hierarchy. Led a successful revolt against Satan. Chief of demons, and summoned as we saw earlier by King Solomon, his name descends from pre-Christian deity.

  Beelzebub however was a fallen angel along with Leviathan and Lucifer.

  Lord of Flies means the devil or filth, the outer reflecting the inner state. Savage and evil.

  Prince of false gods, in the old testament God of Ekron, a Philistine God from the same period. Archeologists have found golden images of flies from these ancient sites, the name meant to worship the Lord of the flies to beget deliverance from injuries from insects- most likely malaria or the sort. As Christianity grew, as with most pagan beliefs it became a name of evil, used to scorn believers or insult others.

  The reference that Beelzebub was a fallen angel comes again from Milton’s Paradise Lost.

  Lucifer. Pride. God’s favourite son, the highest of archangels was cast into Hell when he disobeyed his father and would not kneel to man; God’s invention.

  Always prideful, his heart became proud on account of his own beauty, intelligence, power, and position that he began to desire for himself the honour and glory that belonged to God alone. Hence, he wouldn’t bow to man. The sin that corrupted Lucifer was self-generated pride.

  Apparently, this represents the actual beginning of sin in the universe — preceding the fall of the human Adam. Sin originated in the free will of Lucifer in which - he chose to rebel against the Creator.

  Belphegor: Lieutenant of Hell. Sloth. One the most interesting ways to describe sloth is talents not used. You have the talents, the gifts but are too consumed with laziness to utilize them.

  Belphegor is a demon, ingenious inventions to make you rich without working, laziness, get rich schemes/ procrastination/ appears to seduce you. Phallic deity representing debauchery, orgies, his origins are said to be a patron Moab, a kingdom near the Dead Sea.

  Shapeshifting abilities. Found in the form of a beautiful woman or hideous demon to tempt mortals into procrastination, originally said to be one of the principalities of fallen angels.

  Leviathan. Fallen angel: Envy. Originally a monster created by God, living in the sea huge hybrid crocodile sea snake, Leviathan is also known for human form and high angel of God, but betrayed God in the battle of Heaven and Hell and so was cast out.

  Amon: Wrath. Not much info on Amon but he creates anger and jealously in the human heart, sometimes appearing as a wolf with a serpent tail who can breath fire, he can predict the future

  Bael: King of Hell started off a god...

  A pagan god of agriculture and fertility. In some theology, his dad was El, high god of Canaan, lord of life, ruling death and rebirth. El fought Mot, otherwise known as Death and El, lost and was killed. Heaven decided to make Bael a fallen angel. King Solomon had other ideas and the power of demon, King of Hell, was bestowed on him.

  “Most of you are all fallen angels, rebelled against God, and were cast into Hell to become it’s seven Princes. And for that you should be glad. It probably sucks to be a lesser demon. Well, especially serving under me!” Bael laughed.

  King Solomon’s Ring: Ancient lore is written about a ring of power, or Seal of Solomon. It was depicted in a pentagram or hexagram shape and gave Solomon command over demons and the ability to speak with animals. It is said to have been engraved by God and given to Solomon directly, made from brass and iron both parts used to seal commands.

  Abigor: The name of Bael’s House. Abigor is actually the name of a superior demon who has sixty legions of demons under his command. Also known as the Grand Duke of Hades, he manipulates men inducing them to acts of murder.

  Nimue: Sorceress.

  Zagan: Fallen angel.

  The locations.......

  I was really chuffed when my editor told me my descriptions of LA were accurate! She used to live there, I’ve never been. I did a ton of research on each place, wanting to know how the temperature felt, the ambience, the people. I wanted you, the reader to feel like you were really there with Anthony. It was obvious to me that Jack, or Lucifer needed to be based in the City of Angels and Sun Valley seemed appropriate. I was surprised though to find out that the sea temperature in LA wasn’t very warm! Oh no, it’s cold in the UK too!

  Santa Cruz- just a homage to The Lost Boys film. If you haven’t seen it- watch it and as for the soundtrack, well you’re in for a treat. I saw it back in the day when it was first out at the local cinema. Let me know what you think...

  Playa Del Carma, I’ve always wanted to go, but during my research it was, I guess inevitable that I read abou
t the environmental impacts, the huge detriments of thousands of tourists that are now destroying the jungle around it. I won’t ever visit now, not wanting to play a part in its destruction. It was such a beautiful place, jungle met the sea and the small streets where the locals traded their goods, but now it’s full of chain stores and designer shops! Oh dear....

  Cape Town, windy! Who knew and as it’s situated between the mountains and sea I guess that makes sense. I did a lot of research on the poorer areas, watched videos on people who live there to gain a real understanding. A colonial feel, European...I wouldn’t have imagined that myself either. They do say not to go out after 6 PM unless you get a taxi and stick to the central city, many people live there with private security firms and bars on the windows of their homes. A massive divide between rich and poor.

  Clifton, Bristol. They call it the glass bubble of Bristol, it is very expensive there with hipster cafes, restaurants and shops, lots of green- Clifton downs, a beautiful place, the architecture is similar to Bath.

  Bath. Anthony’s home town, (mine too!) though it’s really a tiny city encased by rolling hills and countryside. Bath is steeped in Neoclassical architecture and some Roman architecture and is an incredible city where artists and independent traders flourish. I’ve started doing Live Facebook videos when I’m in Bath, check out my Facebook Page- give it a like to see for yourself.

  So what’s next for Anthony? I’ve started writing book five...sign up to find out or join my Facebook group/ Facebook page: Moon Council of the Supernatural & Author JN Moon Facebook

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