48 Mac (A Junkyard Boys Novel)

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48 Mac (A Junkyard Boys Novel) Page 17

by SH Richardson

  “You better not be calling out sick, girl,” Nipsy shouted from behind the counter as soon as I hit the door. “Not paying for extra security around here for my health.”

  “Don’t worry, handsome.” I saddled up to one of the chairs and gave him my biggest tip-grabbing smile. “Just stopped by to see Maribel. No need to get your panties in a bunch.”

  “In the back,” he growled, pointing his thumb in that direction.

  “Thanks, big boss.”

  I found Maribel hunched over in the storage closet grabbing a few essentials to restock the tables. Fear, remorse, regret. A whole slew of feelings twisted and turned inside my stomach as I watched her happily humming along to a lighthearted tune. She startled, grabbing at her chest in surprise, once she noticed me standing in the doorway. A moment later, she settled.

  “Odie!” she huffed, dropping a bottle of ketchup. “You scared the crap outta me, girl.”

  “Sorry, sorry. Didn’t mean to frighten you.” I laughed.

  “No worries. It’s good to see you!”

  “Same, girlfriend, same.”

  We stood there gawking at each other for a few moments like complete idiots, neither one of us knowing what to say, what to do, or how to act. My fault.

  “Wanna sit down?” She motioned to a set of brown boxes marked Mayonnaise. Hopefully, they were strong enough to hold our weight, or Nipsy was going to shit a brick.

  “Sure, sounds good.”

  We took a seat.

  “How have…”

  “I wanted to…”

  We spoke at the same time before sharing an easy laugh. So many things I wanted to say in that moment. Our relationship had always been easy; she had my back and I had hers, friends till the end. Did she still think me as such? I wouldn’t blame her if she told me to kick rocks and never speak to her again. She had every right. I was the one who’d cut ties after the love of her life returned. I was the resentful bitch who wouldn’t accept the relationship she’d formed with her whore sister. I was the one who’d created this distance between us by demanding a shift change just so I didn’t have to see her every day. I was the asshole in the equation.

  My eyes filled with tears.

  “I’m so sorry, Maribel.”

  “I’m sorry too, Odie.”

  She lunged from her perch on the box and held me close. I sobbed through apology after apology until there were no more left to give. We hugged it out. Forgiveness was understood without blame or finger-pointing. One of the many things I’d missed. When we finally broke apart, we were an us again, and I never wanted that to change.

  “Tell me, how are things at the junkyard now that you’re living with Marcus?” I asked, wiping away the last of my tears.

  “Amazingly…normal.” She smiled.

  It was a good look.

  “And you?” she chirped. “What have you been up to all this time?”

  “Well, you know, this and that.” I felt a blush creeping along my cheeks.

  “I know that look, sly fox!” she all but shouted, pointing in my face. “You have a new boyfriend. Spill, girlfriend, spill.”

  Maribel sat cross-legged at my feet waiting for an answer. What could I say that wouldn’t make me sound like a deranged idiot suffering from Stockholm Syndrome? I was afraid to meet her eyes knowing I had a lot of explaining to do.

  Might as well get it over with.

  “IwentoutonadatewithDarraghMacCabe!” I covered my mouth to stop the word vomit from flowing. Maribel blinked, scrunched up her button nose.

  Blinked again.

  Then lost it.

  “I knew it!” S=she howled through her laughter. “I fucking knew it. Holy shit!”

  “Knew what? How? And stop the damn laughing, retired slut bucket!” I lightly smacked her shoulder.

  “Oh, Odie.” She exhaled. “I knew you had it bad for that man the second he kissed you after Marcus finished off that asshole and won the fight. You were obviously struggling with something that happened between the two of you, so I had no choice but to wait it out until you decided to confide in me. Just to say, this news does not surprise me one bit.”


  How did she know and I didn’t?

  “You don’t think I’m crazy for seeing him again? I mean, the man did kidnap me for forty-eight hours and forced Marcus to fight so he could win a stupid bet.”

  “Hell no!” She waived a hand. “Have you met my man? He isn’t exactly the poster child for appropriate behavior in a committed relationship.”

  “I see your point.” I snickered.

  “Now…tell me more about the mysterious Darragh MacCabe.”

  And so I did.

  As with any good story, you start from the beginning. The first forty-eight hours held in his penthouse, the escape attempts, our trip to the underground fights warehouse, the bar top encounter, not taking a breather until I covered the fish incident and that raggedy bitch, Bella O’Brien. Maribel, bless her heart, listened to every word like a trooper without interruption. Unburdening oneself was supposed to be therapeutic, so why did I feel like hammered shit?

  “You like him,” Maribel surmised. It was a statement, not a question.

  “I don’t know…maybe? He’s…different.”

  “What are you going to do about it, ignore the feelings and hope they go away?”

  Damn good question.

  “There are other things to consider besides feelings before getting involved with a man like Darragh MacCabe, Maribel.”

  I stood from the box and started pacing the small room.

  Step. “He’s dangerous.”

  Step. “He’s bossy.”

  Step. “He’s …”


  I had plenty.

  Maribel didn’t deserve to hear any more of them without knowing the truth, and I prayed it would finally set me free. I sat opposite her again, my chest tight with trepidation. This was it. All the years we’ve known each other, and I’ve never shared this part of my life, not with her, not with anyone. I took a few deep breaths and steadied myself. Sweat formed above my brow. I looked deep within her kind, caring eyes and allowed her to see me. All of me.

  “I met the love of my life when I was fifteen years old. His name was Berkley, but everyone called him by his last name, Gates. It seemed fitting since he was the star quarterback of our high school football team, and that’s what was stitched on the back of his jersey.” I smiled fondly at the memory. “He was everything to me, my heart, my soul, my reason for exiting. We made plans, big plans, for after graduation and college. We vowed to never be apart.”

  My heart was beating so fast I thought I might pass out. My voice had turned thick with emotion. I had to cough to clear it before continuing.

  “One day, during football practice, he took a harder-than-normal hit to the body and had to be rushed to the emergency room. I wasn’t worried; injuries happened all the time during the season. This was just another one to add to his long list of scrapes and bruises.”

  Maribel sucked in a sharp breath. She knew there had to be more. She reached out and squeezed my hands as she’d done before, this time with more force than I thought possible for someone so slight. I needed that strength if I had any hope in hell of getting through this.

  “The doctors did an X-ray of his shoulder as a precaution, and that’s when they found…” A sob broke loose, but I had to keep going. “They found a mass near his lungs that was later determined…it was cancerous. I was devastated, Maribel. How could something like that happen? Gates was young, athletic, strong, healthy, then all of a sudden, there was talk of surgical options, life expectancy, and chemotherapy. It wasn’t fair! It wasn’t fucking fair.”

  “Oh, Odie.” Maribel covered her mouth in horror.

  I could no longer hold back the tears.

  Maribel joined me.

  We held each other through the hefty sobs and soundless tremors, the inhuman wails and snotty drips, till we were both emotionally spen
t and dazed into silence. But there was more.

  “He fought so hard, as hard as he could, Maribel, for me, for us...” I paused. “The three of us.”

  “Three?” she gasped.

  I shook my head and responded with a shaky voice.

  “For the tiny baby growing inside my belly, through every poke and prod, experimental treatment, surgical consults, diminished odds of remission, he never gave up, until he had no other choice. He slipped away, but not before telling me that one day, I’d find love again, and that the man of my dreams was out there somewhere, waiting for me. He said it would be a grand adventure, and I believed him… once.”

  “What…what happened to the baby?” she whimpered.

  “I lost him at twelve weeks, just after Gates passed away.”

  “Oh my god, Odie. You never said a thing.” I felt the sadness in her statement, the betrayal.

  “I know, and I’m sorry. You’re my best friend…my only friend. I just…” Please forgive me.

  “I know how hard it is to trust someone with your feelings, Odie. I won’t throw stones.”

  God, I love this girl.

  “What about MacCabe?” she asked. “He could be the one. You’ll never know unless you take a chance. I know it’s hard to imagine that a man like him would be capable of more than satisfying a physical need, but wouldn’t it be worth it to dig deeper? I want that so badly for you, Odie.”

  I never got the chance to answer.

  The storage room door busted open and revealed one pissed-off diner owner. Nipsy took one look at us with our blotchy cheeks, bloodshot eyes, runny mascara, and clasped hands before he proceeded to lose his shit.

  “The fuck is this?” he shouted. “You tryin’ to get me killed, girl?” he addressed Maribel.

  I knew from experience that if Marcus found out she’d been crying, or was the slightest bit sad, all hell would break loose. I almost felt bad for the old bastard.

  “Nipsy…I…” Maribel tried to interject.

  “OUT! Both of you, get the fuck outta my place and don’t come back till I call you. Never seen two women cry so much in my goddamn life. Sick of it! I’ll pay your daily wage. Just haul your asses outta here before I change my mind.”

  Maribel and I shared a knowing look before climbing to our feet and running past the grumpy old man blocking the door. We kissed him on his wrinkled cheeks, screeching our goodbyes as we headed towards the parking lot, giddy with newfound freedom. We spent the entire day together, and it was just what the doctor ordered.



  WE WEREN’T ANY closer to figuring out how to counter O’Brien’s acquisition than we’d been before scoping out his new place. I still thought killing him was the easiest and most efficient route to take until Ferdi reminded me again why that wasn’t the brightest idea. He and I were finally back on the same page after his lapse in judgment suggesting I bring in my father. We’d settled our dispute the old way, by going to blows in the penthouse gym without any interruptions. We’d been partners for years, so it wasn’t the first time we had this type of conversation, Irish tempers and all that, so there were rules. Three shots each, none to the face, drop the shit when it was over. Since I’d pulled my weapon first, I allowed him to have four; it’s the least I could do. He might have been bigger and stronger, but I was surgical with my shit. Only took me two to bring him to his knees. We hadn’t talked about it since.

  Bella had been calling non-stop since their opening night, each time sounding more desperate than the last. I finally stopped answering after she admitted to playing with her pussy to the sound of my voice. Shit was getting out of hand. Hard to believe she was once my world, that I would’ve given my left nut to be with her a few short years ago. It crossed my mind to mention her mental deterioration to someone, but what would I say? “I think your woman has gone off the rails after I gave her a piece of my dick. Might want to check that out.” Not exactly a ledge I wanted to hang my neck on. Till a better idea came along, I just had to deal.

  The one person I couldn’t keep my mind off was that stubbornly sexy waitress who wasn’t shy about mixing things up in a den of vipers. Taking her along to the fight opening was the last thing I’d intended to do. I’d tried making it difficult for her to stand her ground by implementing certain particulars designed to scare her into staying put. None of them worked. Otelia took everything I dished out and asked for a second helping. I’d be lying if I said her willfulness hadn’t filled me with a sense of admiration, that and a perverse sense of pleasure. I was in charge of her mind, body, and soul. Wicked ponderings kept me hard most of the night when I should’ve been focused on other things.

  Turned out, Otelia was just what I needed to keep a cool head. I’d recognized several of my high rollers as they’d walked around Kellan’s place dropping fuckloads of cash that by all accounts should’ve been mine. The longer I’d thought about her naked pussy under that dress, the less I wanted to choke the life out of Kellan O’Brien and his deceitful-ass wife. Memories of her delicate clit when her taste exploded against my tongue were enough to keep my murderous thoughts at bay. I was unaware at the time that O’Brien had snitched to Otelia about my previous relationship with Bella. Had I known, I might’ve been better prepared for what happened at the end of the evening.

  Exercising particular number three hadn’t been intentional, but in my defense, I’d warned her ahead of time what would happen if she pissed me off. Her attitude was the start, but her spitting of the truth was the finish. It made me ravenous with a hunger I’d never felt before. I ached to push her limits to the edge. Whatever it took to get her to shut the hell up. All that back talk, and she still never got around to telling me what went down with O’Brien during their little walk. Granted, I’d just finished filling her cunt with my hard cock, but there’d been time enough after we both came down from our high to spill the tea. Instead, she demanded I take her home without any room for argument. I was fairly certain I temporarily blacked out when her pussy walls hugged my cock like a second skin. That was the only logical explanation as to why I allowed her to fuck off without answering my questions. I needed that closure.

  It was why I’d been sitting outside her place in my car, waiting like a stalker. I told myself I was there to check on her safety and tie up loose ends. That lie felt better on the palate, easier to digest than the actual truth. I wanted to see her again. When that didn’t work after hour one, I justified my watchman lookout by making it about the fight circuit. She could be holding on to valuable information about O’Brien’s plans. She was with him long enough; maybe he fucked up and let something slip. Yeah, that’s right, business. By hour three, I was still there and flush out of bullshit. I released the growl I’d been holding and tugged on a handful of hair to relieve some tension. I heard my cellphone ring inside my pocket. I answered with an annoyed huff.


  “Um…” Ferdi stammered. “I take it you’re busy, so I’ll call back later. Tomorrow. Never.” Click.

  Fucking hell.

  What was I doing?

  I should’ve been at the warehouse seeing to tonight’s fights instead of here waiting on a woman who no doubt was about to give me hell as always. I didn’t remember the last time I wasn’t ringside or atop the mezzanine observing. I smiled to myself, knowing full well why I felt like an anxious teenager about to get laid for the first time. My dick was already hard at the prospect of having her again, beneath me, screaming my name. Twice, I’d sampled her sweet cunt, and neither time had been in an actual bed. Please have one of those and not a cheap-ass futon. I wanted to look into her eyes, daring her to talk that same shit as the other night, while I pounded her sweet pussy to dust. The anticipation was killing me.

  It was late by the time her car pulled into the driveway. I studied her as she folded her tired limbs from behind the driver’s seat, grabbed her purse, and made her way to the front door with keys already in hand.


  I jumped out and stealthily made my way towards her. She heard me approach from behind. Quick as a whip, she produced an aerosol can of something and flashed it in my face.

  “Back the fuck up unless you want an eye full of this shit, asshole!” she ordered.

  “Whoa, there, kitty cat.” I held up my hands in surrender.

  She looked good enough to eat, albeit frumpy as hell in that outdated puke-brown uniform.

  “Mac?” She sighed in relief. “I could’ve blinded you, you idiot! What are you doing sneaking up on me like that? I could’ve aerated the fuck out of your shifty ass.”


  I was the one with the gun in my shoulder holster, yet she was the threat. Fucking hilarious.

  “I’m a formidable man, Otelia.” I leaned in closer. “Or have you forgotten?”

  “Hardly.” She stuck out a hip and glowered at me suspiciously. “You still haven’t answered my question. What are you doing here, dressed like…that?” She waved the can around, taken aback by my jeans and leather jacket. I always wore a suit, dress the part and all that. I liked that she noticed the change.

  I came to see if you wanted to fuck.

  “Ice cream,” I replied.


  “I came to take you out for ice cream, you know, the frozen sweet stuff that melts in your mouth. Of course, if you prefer sherbet, I’m up for that as well.”

  She looked around as if the answer to my question would somehow fall from the sky.

  “It’s late. Shops are closed, or hadn’t you noticed?”

  “Business never sleeps in the underworld, Otelia.” I smirked.

  “Even for ice cream?” She raised a speculative brow.

  “Especially for ice cream when I’m the one doing the asking.” I smiled smugly.


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