Always Asher

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Always Asher Page 5

by Lyra Winters

  We stepped into the shop and the smell of coffee overtook my senses.

  “Why don’t you tell me what you want and then go find us a booth?” His hand brushed against mine and I pulled it behind my back slightly.

  “I’ll take a turkey and swiss bagel with a vanilla latte,” I mumbled before I took an empty booth near a window.

  I sucked in another shaky breath and cursed myself. I was engaged to Preston but it didn’t feel like it. I needed to talk to Preston again but I knew he would blow me off like usual. I squeezed my eyes shut and pushed away the guilt. I wasn’t doing anything wrong. I was having dinner with a friend.

  Asher strolled over with a tray filled with two sandwiches and our coffee. He placed it on the table and grinned, handing me my food.

  I took it from him, and our fingers touched. It sent a shock of electricity through me and I dropped the sandwich on the table. I grabbed it and shook my head. “Sorry, clumsy me.” I giggled.

  He arched an eyebrow. “You’ve never been clumsy.”

  I unwrapped the sandwich and looked into his hypnotizing hazel eyes. “Things change.”

  He took a bite of his sandwich and shrugged. “Some things don’t.”

  We ate in silence, while we snuck glances at each other. As soon as I’d look away, he’d look at me and vice versa. It was silly, but I couldn’t help it. There was something about him that felt like home. And now was the perfect time to seek closure.

  I sat my mostly-eaten bagel sandwich down and wiped my mouth with a napkin. “I want to talk.”

  He shoved the rest of his sandwich in his mouth and chewed it up before nodding. “About that night?”

  I squared my shoulders. “It’s important.”

  “Of course it’s important. I’ve been trying to get you to talk to me about it since that first day I saw you again.” His fingers drummed on the table.

  I glanced down. “I know. I’m sorry, but I’m ready now.”

  His drumming ceased and he stilled. I peered up at him and he was staring over at the door with his mouth twisted to the side.

  I glanced behind me to see Preston and a blonde woman with her arm looped through his. She had on a tight black dress with little black heels. Her hair was done up in a tight bun and she had bright red lipstick painted on. Preston had a huge smile on his face as he stared at her. The smile he used to have when he looked at me.

  I sucked in a sharp breath and turned around in my seat to face Asher.

  His jaw was tense and his gaze was unmoving from my fiance.

  “It’s probably his client or something,” I murmured, even though I couldn’t believe my own words.

  “Bullshit. You don’t look at a work buddy like that.” He stood up. “I’m going to go say hi. Would you like to join?”

  “Asher, sit down,” I hissed. “Let’s just finish our food and leave.” My heart was beating fast and I could hear the thumping in my head.

  He grabbed my hand and pulled me to my feet. “Faith, that’s wrong. In so many ways. Did he even tell you he was going out with a client tonight?”

  I shook my head. “No, but—”

  “But nothing. Let’s go meet Blondie,” he said.

  I let go of his hand and nodded. He was going over there with or without me. We approached them and Asher was the first to speak.

  “Hey man, fancy seeing you here!”

  Preston’s eyes widened with panic but he composed himself so quickly I may have imagined it. “Hey. Ashton was it?” he asked, unhooking the woman’s arm from his.

  She looked up at him with her eyebrows furrowed before her eyes landed on me and she avoided eye contact and turned around.

  “Who’s your friend?” He nudged his chin toward the woman, not bothered by Preston using the wrong name to refer to him.

  “This is Bridgette. She’s my client for a case I am working on. We are here to grab some coffee and discuss her case. Which is private, by the way.” He gave me a pointed look, causing Asher to move in front of me.

  “Right. Has Faith met her yet? I mean, if you’re working so closely with this woman, it’s only natural for her to meet your fiance, right?” he asked.

  The woman’s eyes met mine and she pressed her lips together in an attempt to smile. “Hi, Faith was it? I knew Preston was getting married but never knew his fiance was so pretty.”

  I shook my head of the doubts and smiled. “Thanks for the compliment, Bridgette. I hope your case gets settled. Preston’s a good lawyer so I’m sure everything will go smoothly.”

  Preston’s eyes blazed as he glared at me. “Right, well, we have to get back to business. I’ll see you at home,” he gritted out the last part.

  “I’ll make sure she gets home safely.” Asher wrapped an arm around me and walked me out of the coffee shop and to his truck. I couldn’t bring myself to look back at them as we drove off.

  “Sorry Faith, I forgot you hadn’t finished your bagel.” Asher frowned, glancing at me.

  “It’s fine.” I blinked away unshed tears.

  “That was weird.”

  I shrugged it off. “He’s a lawyer. He meets with his clients at restaurants and shops. It’s not that weird.”

  “It’s not right.” He reached over and squeezed my hand. “You should be informed of all the meetings. Especially with other women. It just seems like he doesn’t care to involve you.”

  I sighed and squeezed his hand. I loved the comfort Asher provided me. “It used to bother me when we first got together. I used to think he was cheating on me. I broke down when we first started dating and he explained it all to me and told me it was part of the job that I’d have to get used to because there was nothing he could do about it.”

  “That’s not how a relationship should work.”

  “How would you know?”

  His grip tightened. “I would never treat someone I cared deeply for like that.”

  “When have you ever cared deeply for someone?” I snapped. I pulled my hand away.

  He flinched and rested his hand on the steering wheel. “It was a long time ago.”

  I swallowed the hurt that was creeping up. “There was someone before Preston who I thought was perfect for me. But he left me without any explanation.”

  “Sorry you had to experience that. It happened to me before. It fucking sucks.”

  “Yeah, it does,” I fired back. I couldn’t believe someone did the same thing to him as he did to me. I wondered if that was why he wanted to talk about it. Maybe to ease his guilty conscience. I didn’t know, but deep down, I wished it was more than that.

  My stomach tightened as I laid eyes on Faith. She was listening to Linda spout God knows what as she ate her lunch. I hated to tell her, but I didn’t have a choice. As I walked up to their table in the library I coughed, gaining their attention.

  “What’s wrong?” Faith asked, worry lines creasing on her forehead.

  She always could tell when something was wrong with me. I guess that much hadn’t changed.

  I swallowed hard, willing my stomach not to lurch. “I need to talk to you about one of your students in private.”

  She wrapped her sandwich back up and put it in her lunch box, standing up. “Is everything okay?”

  My head shook. “No, but I’ll explain.”

  “What’s happening?” Linda asked, eying me.

  “Nothing you should worry about,” I said, not glancing in her direction.

  “Asher, you’re scaring me. What the hell is going on? Which student?” Faith asked, beside me as we walked out of the library and toward my office in the gym.

  She kept up with my fast pace walk on the way and I didn’t say anything until we were in my office with the door locked.

  “Which student?” she asked again, as she collapsed on the chair on the other side of my desk.

  I leaned against the desk in front of her. “Rosie.”

  Her brows furrowed. “Jenkins?”

  I squeezed my eyes shut and rubbed my fore
head. “She reached out to me about abuse in her home.”

  Her face fell. “I’ve...met her parents. They’re both very involved. There’s no concern, I mean, no red flags that I was aware of.” She paused. “What did she tell you?”

  I grabbed Faith’s hands and squatted down in front of her. “Not her parents, her uncle. He apparently recently moved in with them. She told me he made her uncomfortable and when I asked what she meant, she told me he touches her when her parents aren’t around. She still doesn’t understand what’s happening. Just that she doesn’t like it.”

  Tears welled up and trailed down her cheeks. “H-Her uncle? Why didn’t she tell me?”

  “She broke down during a self-defense lesson when her classmate grabbed her. I think it triggered something. I took her to the side and she told me everything. The things that the child explained no child should know about.” I dry heaved and covered my mouth.

  Her eyes were panicked as she looked around the room, sniffling and wiping the tears that continued to roll down her cheeks. “We have to report this!”

  I squeezed her hands again. “I already reported this to Mr. Higgins.”

  Her shoulders slumped and she leaned forward. I sucked in a breath when her head leaned on my shoulder. Having her this close was doing things to me. The warmth I got from comforting her was selfish. I was taking advantage of her because I knew she wouldn’t want me holding her in any other situation.

  I patted her back and ignored the urge to wrap her in my arms and not let go.

  “Nobody should be abused. Especially at home. Home should be a safe haven.” She sobbed. “It breaks my heart, Asher. She’s only ten!”

  “I know. Trust me, I know.” Rosie’s face as she told me was something I’d never be able to forget.

  She pulled back and wiped her face with her sleeve. “I’m so sorry. I know this isn’t very professional.”

  I stood up to give her space. “We don’t really have a professional relationship to maintain anyway.”

  She nodded. “You’re right. Thank you for telling me and being there.”

  “Lunch is almost over but we have to meet with Mr. Higgins and Officer Richards at the end of the day. Higgins wanted me to tell you privately because he knows as well as I do how much you care for those kids.”

  Her brows bumped together in a scowl and her fists were balled up to where her knuckles were white. “What do I do with Rosie today? Should I keep her in the homeroom or let her switch classes with her classmates?”

  “Higgins said to keep her normal schedule. Her parents are meeting with him and Richards after we’ve officially reported this,” I said.

  She swallowed, squeezed her eyes shut and rose to her feet. “Of course. I’ll see you after school.”

  I grabbed her arm and she turned to me. “I’m here if you need to talk about this.”

  She smiled and I heard her whisper, “I’m here for you too,” on her way out.

  I sat in the gray-walled office beside Faith on the other side of Principal Higgins’ who was seated at his black-stained desk. His salt-n-pepper hair was slicked back and his tie was crooked. Officer Richards stood beside him in full uniform. He was bald with gray eyes. He commanded a room when he was present.

  My leg was bouncing and Faith kept playing with the ends of her hair. The one thing that made the office bearable was the bay window located behind Higgins’ desk. The view wasn’t much, but there was a weeping willow tree that was on display.

  “She’s definitely become more reserved the past few days.” Faith rubbed her eyes. “I noticed her withdrawing from her friends and being less helpful around the classroom. She used to love volunteering around the classroom. She loved helping.”

  Our resource officer jotted down everything she said with a blank face. He seemed cold and disassociated from the case as he asked questions. He was the same way when I told him the story of her uncle.

  “Thank you both, you’ve been very helpful.” Richards closed his notebook and gave us a reassuring smile. The only expression I’d seen him give so far.

  “What happens next?” I asked.

  He maintained eye contact with me. “I’m working with the Violet Ridge Police Department on this. My job is to collect the witness statements and provide them to the investigator at the department. I’ll be working with him. You both have given a lot of good information. Mr. Wells, thank you for reporting this immediately. You’ve done your job. We may need you to testify in court at a later date, but I will keep you both in the loop.”

  Faith expelled her breath in a whoosh. “Thank you, Officer Richards. Rosie is a great girl. Please, take care of her.”

  He nodded. “I’ll do everything I can, Ms. Reed.”

  We left the school in a state of shock. It was incorrigible to think something so awful was actually happening. We barely spoke three words the whole drive to her house. When I pulled into her driveway, Preston was standing on their doorstep with his arms crossed and his eyes narrowed at my truck.

  I glanced at her, her back was stiff and she looked down at her feet.

  “Do you want me to take you to Eve’s or Mag’s? Or I can come in with you?”

  She shook her head. “No, it’s okay. I’ll have to talk to him. He’s my fiance, after all.”

  Hearing that word, fiance, made my heart drop. I gave her a tight nod. “If you need me, call. I can be here in a few minutes,” I said.

  “Yeah, I will. I’m sure it’ll be fine.” She opened the truck door. “Go home, Asher.” She hopped out and walked down the drive toward him.

  He shouted something and grabbed her hand, dragging her into the house, slamming the door. I slammed my fist on the dash.

  Why the fuck did she stay with him? Why did she let him treat her like that? Why won’t she let me help her?

  I peeled out of the driveway and parked down the street so I could see her house. If he hurt her, I’d call the police. Surely, a domestic charge wouldn’t be good for a lawyer. I pulled out my phone and texted Luca to let him know what I’d just seen.

  He called me back immediately. “What the hell is happening? Do I need to come to her house?”

  I swallowed. “No. I’m parked down the street watching her house.”

  “That fucker touched her?”

  “Fucking grabbed her before pulling her into the house.”

  “Surely, that’s enough to call the cops for?” he asked.

  “I wish, dude. But what proof do I have? Besides, I have no idea what the hell is going on.”

  Almost ten minutes later, the front door burst open and Preston stormed outside. He jumped in his car and took off out of the driveway. The man looked feral.

  “Shit, he just got in his car and left. I’m going in. I’ll text you later.” I hung up.

  As soon as his car was out of sight, I pulled back into her drive and got out.

  The front door was still open so I walked in. A vase full of flowers was smashed to bits on the wood floor by the door. A few photo frames were on the ground, not all were broken. I found Faith curled up on the cream leather couch in her living room.

  She sobbed into her knees. I don’t think she noticed me until I sat down beside her.

  “Get the fuck away from—” She glanced at me and her words stopped. “Asher?” She blinked owlishly.

  I reached out and pulled her to my chest. “Did he hurt you?”

  She shook her head and wrapped her arms around me. “No, not physically anyway.”

  “He’s a fucking piece of work.” I huffed.

  “I know.” She pulled back and looked at me with tears in her blue eyes. “I’m sorry you’re seeing me like this.”

  “You’re beautiful. You’re smart. You’re caring. You’re perfect, Faith.” I tucked a piece of that wild brown hair behind her ear. “I’ll take seeing you any way I can.”

  She parted her lips and stared back at me. At that moment, I knew she wanted me as much as I wanted her. My hand cupped her cheek,
wet with tears and I leaned forward.

  My lips were mere centimeters away from hers when I pulled back. Her eyes were closed and her lips were pouted. She was more than ready to kiss me and that alone felt so good.

  “You’re vulnerable right now. It wouldn't be right for me to take advantage of the situation.” I sunk back on the couch and ran my hand down my face.

  She opened her eyes and nodded, tears falling again.

  I reached out and pulled her close. I closed my eyes as I kissed her forehead. “You’re still engaged. I have to go. If I don’t, I’m going to do something I know you’d regret.”

  “I’d never regret you,” she whispered.

  Walking out of that house and away from her that night just about killed me. I wanted nothing more than to turn around and take Faith into my arms and show her exactly what she was missing.

  My heart was heavy that Friday. Rosie’s situation had been plaguing my thoughts. My feelings for Asher were growing by the second, and I was engaged to a man I no longer loved. I was in a rut and couldn’t fathom how to get out of it.

  After I dropped my kids at lunch, I caught Asher before he left the gymnasium.

  He gave me a lopsided grin and a side-hug. “How’re you feeling? Are you done ignoring me?”

  My face was hot and I tucked a piece of hair behind my ear. “I’m not doing the best.” I paused. “And I wasn’t ignoring you.”

  He snorted. “Sure you haven’t been. Wanna talk about it?”

  I nodded my head and he ushered me into his office.

  He shut the door and I stood in front of his desk. “There’s so much going on right now. I don’t know what to do or how to fix anything.”

  He strode over to me and cupped my face in his hands. On a reflex, I leaned into his warmth.

  “It’s going to work out. I know there’s a lot happening with Rosie. But we are doing everything we can.” His thumb caressed my cheek.

  “I know.” I placed my hands over his. “But that’s not the only thing bothering me.”


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