A Family Affair Anthology : An Extreme Taboo Anthology

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A Family Affair Anthology : An Extreme Taboo Anthology Page 5

by Ally Vance

  When she turns her gaze on me, I feel it right down to my soul. She watches me for a moment, as if I’m a stranger. I guess I am. It’s been almost five years since we’ve been in the same room.

  She’ll be twenty-one soon, August fifth is her birthday. I remember wanting to call, to pick up the phone each year and ask her how she’s doing, but I was afraid of the fallout.

  “Why are you here?” She finally questions as she lifts the cup to her lips. My gaze is riveted by the way her lips sip the hot liquid. Just like her Daddy, she loves the dark roast of Colombian coffee. She doesn’t take sugar, and she’s lactose intolerant, so no milk.

  Nothing like her mother.

  “I had to see you.”

  “It took you four years to find me?” Her snark and sass makes me smile. She’s always had the ability to make my day brighter by just offering me a grin or wrapping her arms around my middle and giving me the tightest hug until I had to pry her from me.

  “I knew where you were, I kept an eye on you,” I admit, lowering my gaze, waiting for her to lose her shit. If she’s anything like me, she will. Her fire burns like an inferno taking out a forest in one go. It’s one of the many things I love about her.

  “So you send me away, then stalk me?” Her incredulous tone is warranted. I did push her away and I paid for it. “I loved you, Dad and you acted as if I had the plague.” The hurt in her voice smacks me right in the chest. I caused her pain when all I wanted was for her to move on, to finish her studies and find a career for herself, and one day find a nice young man and get married, have kids. Not be stuck with a goddamned old biker who’s no good for her.

  “I shouldn’t have pushed you away, but I wanted you safe.”

  “And I wasn’t safe with you?” She asks in shock.

  I finally lift my gaze to look at her, to really take her in. There’s still a hint of pain, of hurt, in her pretty eyes. Those same eyes that used to stare up at me in wonderment.

  “You’re always safe with me, but things got complicated,” I tell her honestly. I can’t lie to her anymore. I have to admit that my feelings had grown. They were wrong, forbidden, even that would be an understatement. “For years I was happy, raising my beautiful daughter, being the man in her life, the one she always looked up to.”

  “But then you got bored?” Her question jolts me.

  How on earth could she think that?

  “No,” I respond, my brows furrowed in confusion at her words. “I love you. I could never be bored giving you a life that’s safe and happy.”

  “Then why send me to mom? She hates me. It was a nightmare living in that house with her. The only thing she cared about was getting her rocks off,” Rylee confesses.

  “I made a mistake,” I admit with a nod. “There was more to it than just sending you away, I needed space from…” My words filter off into nothing. Silence is our friend for a while as we both stare at each other.

  “Can I get you anything else?” The waitress breaks the standoff, and I turn to her, nodding as I hand her an empty coffee cup.

  “Another one of these for me,” I smile, hoping it doesn’t look like I’m sitting here on a coffee date with my daughter. I turn to Rylee. “Did you want anything else?”

  “A bagel with cream cheese and cucumber,” my blonde beauty smiles up at the waitress who jots down the order and disappears once more, leaving us with the heavy tension that’s threatening to break me apart.

  “I need you in my life, Ry,” I tell her finally. “I was afraid of my feelings for you. They became…”

  “More?” She offers. “You looked at me like a woman,” she says nonchalantly. “I looked at you like a man.” Her confession has my dick jolting. Fuck. “I was old enough to know desire when I saw it. And I’m old enough to make my own decisions. I don’t want to leave again.”

  “I don’t want you to leave, but this is… it’s dangerous, Ry. I love you so much, and hurting you—”

  “You already hurt me, when you sent me away. If you walk out that door again, I’ll never be able to survive without you Dad,” she says, reaching for my hand. The contact sizzles with electric desire which courses through my body. I’m alight with need, with want. “You’re my hero, my knight in leather armor. I want to be yours.”

  “Your mother—“

  “Doesn’t give a shit.” She interrupts, cursing when she sits back, her hand not leaving mine, and I twine my fingers through hers, needing the connection. Even though it’s not the intimate one I crave, it’s the one I can offer her in public.

  The small town I found her in is only an hour from the clubhouse in Arizona, and when I told Jackal I was coming out here, I have a feeling he knew why. Of all the men I trust with my life, he was more like a father figure, even though he’s only a few years older than me.

  “You want to be my old lady?” I ask, my brow quirking in question. The waitress appears with the bagel, my coffee, and the check. Once she’s gone, I watch Rylee, waiting for her to respond.

  “Do I get to hang out at the club?”

  I don’t like it. Her being around all those assholes, but they’re my family, and so is she. It’s time the two coincided. “Yeah,” I mutter. “But you’re going to go to work, not sit around with the club whores drinking all day.”

  Ry scrunches her nose in disgust. “Eww, Dad, I don’t drink.” Her admission lightens my heart. Alcohol has been a thorn in my side. My younger years have been filled with people who were addicted, not only to drink, but to drugs as well. It’s not something I want in my house, and in my life.

  Even though we run weapons at Fallen Saints, I’m no longer part of the drug runs. I told Jackal I’ll help when needed, but I know coke brings violence because there are a few clubs who would love to encroach on the dealing. I want Rylee with me, and I can’t put her in danger. Thankfully, he understood, agreed, and he’s given me leniency about it.

  “Stay with me?” I ask her, holding my breath as she chews on the doughy confection, the cream cheese sticking to her upper lip, and she swipes at it with her tongue which doesn’t help my erection.

  “Always.” When she finally responds, my heart leaps into my throat, beating wildly to a rhythm I haven’t felt in years.

  We settle into easy conversation, but I know the moment we walk into the house, the only thing I’m going to want to do is rip every piece of clothing off and devour my sweet princess.

  Chapter 5


  The ride to my childhood home is silent between us, but there’s an underlying tension that hangs in the air. Every now and then, Dad’s hand finds mine in my lap and he offers it a squeeze of reassurance.

  I want to talk to him, but I’m nervous, so all I can do is cast glances his way every now and then. I don’t even move to turn on the stereo which is something I would’ve done when I was younger.

  We’re twenty minutes into the hour-long drive into Arizona when Dad finally says something. “I think you’ll like what I did to the back yard,” he tells me, a smile dancing on his lips.

  “Oh yeah?” I turn toward him, my gaze drinking him in. Every part of him is older, more mature, and it makes him even more handsome and rugged.

  “Yeah, there’s a hammock on the porch, and I had a pool put in.” He sounds so proud. I can’t help but grin.

  “A pool? I begged for years and you said it was a waste of money,” I squeak excitedly, remembering how many times I asked.

  “I know. I think not having you there made me feel empty. The house wasn’t the same. I needed to fill the void and I guess I thought that one day maybe you’d come home.”

  “Well, I am coming home,” I tell him. Placing my hand on his thigh, I allow my fingers to hold onto him, just to have a connection with the man who’s held my heart in his hands since I knew what love was.

  I wish how I felt wasn’t seen as wrong. And I know he sent me to live with mom because of it. But now that I know it wasn’t just a teenage infatuation for me, or just a rando
m obsession with him, I can’t help but allow my feelings to show.

  Dad pulls into the driveway, killing the engine, he turns toward me and grabs my hand. He brings it to his lips, placing a soft kiss on my knuckles.

  “Ready to go inside?”

  Nodding, I grin stupidly and tell him the truth. “I’ve been ready for years.” I’m sure he notices the inflection in my voice. He most certainly knows that I’m not only talking about living with him, but so much more.

  With a nod, he releases me and exits the car. I follow, pushing open my door and we make our way to the front door. Once he unlocks it, he steps aside, allowing me to enter first and the moment the click of the lock sounds, I shiver with anticipation of what’s to come.

  The living room is still the same. I take it in, the photos of me and him, the large fireplace in the left corner, and the two comfy sofas that face each other still look like they did when I was a kid. The armchair where Dad used to sit and read to me makes me smile. And when I reach the coffee table, I stop, turn toward him.

  Lines blur as he moves closer. A hunter coming toward me, a man in leather. His hair is longer than I remember. There’s a small smile he gifts me, it’s special, only for me. It’s the same one he gave me when I was growing up.

  “This is why I sent you away,” he saunters closer, his body looming over mine. It’s as if he’s trying to burn me alive with a mere look. “Because this—” he gestures between us, “—is wrong.”

  “Is it? Do you feel guilt for wanting me like you want every other club whore you fuck?” I bite out. Anger taking over, desire swirling with the rage that I feel. The two most volatile emotions taking over me.

  “Ry, this isn’t a game. If people—”

  “Like you said, nobody knows about me. You hid me away like an errant child. I was nothing to you because all you cared about was that goddamned club.”

  In seconds, Dad closes the distance between us, his hands gripping my shoulders. Even though he’s so much older, he’s still strong, and when he’s angry, it’s as if the Hulk has taken over and I’m met with a stranger.

  “Do you want to taunt me, Ry? I love you. I’ve loved you all your life.”

  “Then why did you send me away when all I wanted was you.” My words shock him, at least, I think they do because his body turns rigid in front of me.

  “I was scared. I was stupid, thinking about what society would say if they knew our true relationship. The moment you walked out the door, I knew I made a mistake, but I couldn’t go back on it.” The regret in his tone makes me stall all movement. My lungs no longer take in breath when he leans into me, his mouth hovering over mine like I’d fantasized about all those years ago. When I left, it didn’t stop my feelings. They only grew stronger every time I thought of him.

  Dad reaches for the locket around my neck and tugs it toward him. Clicking the clasp open, he smiles when he sees what’s inside. The photo of him in his cut, his hair only shoulder length, no beard. A young man in his prime, not a man who had an almost seventeen-year-old daughter.

  “Why do you push what’s so right away?”

  “Because it’s all kinds of wrong, princess,” he murmurs along my forehead, slowly down my cheek, and when he finally reaches my pouty lips, he presses his mouth to mine. Sparks shoot through me at that moment, my body turning hot and needy at nothing more than a kiss.

  I don’t move.

  I’m scared if I do, he’ll get spooked by what he’s doing and leave me again, so I allow him to take control of what’s happening. His hands grip my hips, holding me steady as his tongue dips into my mouth, licking and laving at me.

  A low groan rumbles in his chest. His body is taut, and my fingers explore those unchartered dips and valleys of his muscled torso. With every touch, with each tender movement, I feel him trembling.

  He’s a taut rope, and he’s pulled tight around me. Soon though, he’ll snap, and I wonder what will happen then. Will he walk away again?

  Our tongues dance—hungry, unsure, and tentative. His lips are hot against mine, and he tastes of mint and cigarettes. His hands move roughly to my ass, gripping the cheeks hard causing me to whimper into his mouth. The sound is stolen by him. He swallows me whole, and I don’t want to ever come back from this.

  “We… We can’t…”

  “We can,” I urge, needing him to finish what he started. I roll my hips, hoping he’ll feel my heat, and his groan is the response I needed to pull away and tug off my tank top that’s hindering him from seeing what I’m wearing under.

  My bra is sheer, gifting him a glimpse of my hardened rosy nipples. My breasts aren’t huge, a handful at best, but when his gaze lands on the fleshy mounds, I know he appreciates the view.

  “Fuck, Rylee,” he moans against my lips, pressing his hips against mine. The hardness behind his zipper nudges my core and I smile at him, giving him a nod because I can’t find words to plead with him.

  I crave this. I’ve wanted him for as long as I can remember finding pleasure in my bed at night. He was always the man who made me ache, made me whimper, and he’s always going to be the one in my heart.

  “Please, Daddy,” I beg, the words scratchy against my throat as I claw at his neck, tangling my fingers in his long hair. Tugging the strands, I elicit a hiss from his full lips.

  “You’re a fucking temptation.”

  “And I want you to take me, show me what you couldn’t all those years ago.” Our gazes are locked in a standoff. He wants to refuse me; I can see it in his eyes. He’s wavering on the line. A thin barrier that blurs between right and wrong, between socially acceptable or morally improper.

  He moves his left hand, cupping my cheek, his other hand gripping my ass. We’re so close, melding together as if we can get impossibly closer. I want him to be closer, to be inside me. I want to be part of him.

  “Please.” My whimper snaps all the restraint he’d been holding onto and his fingers find the thin layer of material covering my core. He plays me like a goddamned instrument.

  “Fuck, princess, this is all kinds of wrong and right.” Fire washes over me and I'm burning up at his rough, husky tone. My body is a toy and I love when Daddy plays with it. A mewl tumbles from me, from deep within me, causing another hot grunt from the man before me as he uses his expert fingers to take me to the edge.

  I’m so close. I’m almost there, as euphoria settles over me like a blanket, but Dad stops the moment I reach the precipice.

  “If we’re doing this, you ain’t comin’ in a pair of fuckin’ yoga pants,” his grin is dark, dangerous. “You’re comin’ on my cock.”

  I’m no virgin, but the moment he takes me down the hall to his bedroom, I feel like this is my first time. As if I’m a stranger to pleasure, to men, to naked bodies writhing with desire.

  He lifts me in his strong arms, and the moment my hands land on his muscled shoulders, I feel the tension. His body is pulled taut and I realize he must be holding back.

  Daddy places me on the mattress, the softness soothing to my heated skin and he stands back, watching me as if I’m the most beautiful object he’s ever laid eyes on. His gaze lit with lust and desire, with love and affection. The emotions swirl together, igniting want inside me that only seems to lick along my insides, turning me molten.

  “Open your pretty thighs, princess. I want to see your wet little cunt,” he growls like an animal about to feast which only makes me shiver and I want to beg him to devour me.

  I lie back, my legs spread before him. I feel bared to him even though I’m fully clothed. My gaze is locked on him as he shrugs off the cut, then the dark tee. Once he’s shoving his jeans down thick, muscled thighs, I’m met with the body of the man I’ve known all my life.

  “You can say no,” he warns.

  “I’m saying yes, I’ve always wanted to say yes.”

  Chapter 6


  “Once we do this, there is no going back. And I honestly don’t ever want to,” I tell her
finally, my voice is raspy, I sound like someone else. Not Vincent Wilder the dad, but Vincent Wilder the man, the biker, the person who does bad shit. “I want to see the woman beneath those tight yoga pants and that lacy bra. I want to see what’s under everything. I want to see your soul.”

  A small smile dances on her lips, igniting my need more than I ever thought possible. Nobody, no woman can ever compare to her. She’s perfect in ways I can’t explain. I’m far too old, far too forbidden for her, but I don’t give a fuck. Not while she slips her pants, along with her flimsy panties down long, lithe legs.

  Her bra meets the floor quickly, and I’m met with her perfect tits encased in dark lace. Her tummy isn’t perfectly flat, it’s soft and beautiful. She has a belly button piercing that glints at me as if teasing me to come closer. I want to admonish her for it, but that’s the Dad in me. No, the man loves the fuck out of it.

  “Touch yourself, like you used to do in bed at night. When you used to taunt me,” I tell her. The gasp that falls from her lips is evidence that she didn’t think I knew what she was doing.

  Her delicate fingers slip between her legs, touching the sensitive, yet wet folds of her perfect pussy. She’s got the most beautiful body I’ve ever seen. Her moans tumble free when she dips a finger inside her. Slowly, she pulls the wet digit from her body, and lifts it to her mouth. Her full, pink lips wrap around the index finger, and she sucks the juices that shine on her skin.

  “You like tauntin’ me, princess?” I question, watching the erotic show before me. She does it again, tasting herself as she watches me, our eyes locked in a heated standoff.

  “I do, Daddy,” she teases, her tongue darting out to lick at her bottom lip which makes my cock jolt against my boxers. Shoving my underwear down, I allow the item to fall on the carpet leaving the clothing in a heap on the floor before I make the decision to do what I’ve been dreaming about for years.


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