Kayne's Fury: A Savage Saints MC

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Kayne's Fury: A Savage Saints MC Page 19

by J. Lynn Lombard

  “Kayne, who’s that?” My voice trembles.

  The man steps forward, I back up into Kayne. “Sarah, it’s good to finally see you.” His voice is rich and smooth with an Irish accent. He doesn’t reach for me, just watches my reaction.

  “Can someone tell me what’s going on?” I scrunch my eyebrows, trying to get a read on the situation. I look around the auto body shop. Blayde is watching me carefully, his blue eyes full of grief. Siren is standing next to him, her hand resting on his forearm. Stryker is pacing back and forth, his boots stomping on the concrete. Holly, Butch, Duke, Ace and Rooster are at the back of the SUV, they’re also watching me, but avoiding my line of sight each time I look at them.

  “Poison,” my mother steps forward tentatively, away from the guy who looks like her. Her dull eyes are shining with love toward me. “I’ve wanted to tell you some things you needed to know for so long, then everything happened with Drex when you were little. I swear I was going to tell you when you got older, but that was taken away from me.” She looks back to the guy and he gives her a small nod of his head.

  “This is Cahal McKenna.” She gestures behind her. “He’s my brother. Your uncle.”

  The world falls away at my feet. My head is spinning and my stomach is revolting. “Your what? My what? How? Why?” I look at Kayne, “Did you know? Have you known this whole time?”

  Kayne’s blue eyes are full of grief, “About Cahal, yes. That your mother was sold to Rage? No. I didn’t find that out until you were taken. Poison, I’m so sorry. I wanted to tell you, but I was sworn not too.”

  “You’re sorry? You’re sorry? Here I’ve thought this whole time, my family was dead and you knew?” My voice is rising with panic with each passing word. “What the fuck Kayne? What else have you kept from me? How long did you know?”

  Kayne gathers me in his strong arms, wrapping them around my waist, anchoring me to him while my world tumbles around me. “When we first started running for Drex. Cahal called me after the first meet. He said…” Kayne’s words are cut off from Cahal as he steps forward.

  “I was hiding in the shadows afraid I would scare you off. I called Kayne told him you looked just like my sister. She was missing for the last ten years. Last time I heard from her, she married Drex and they had a little girl around eight years old.” Cahal interjects. Love and compassion in his eyes. “That’s why I would only do business with you, not him. I had to get close to you, even if it was through my men. That way I could keep an eye on you and keep you safe.”

  “A lot of fucking good that did. Anything else I need to know?” Bitterness lacing my voice. My mother grips my hands with her shaking boney ones.

  “One more thing. I’ve been keeping a secret for as long as you are old.” A loud bang crashes from outside, interrupting my mother.

  Kayne releases me and runs to the security cameras. “Who the fuck is that?” he growls.

  I step behind him watching the same thing. A man dressed in black is hitting the metal door with a steel pipe, creating a loud echo in the shop. Stryker disappears out the back door with Blayde in tow. We watch as the man looks in the direction they should be coming from and takes off in a dead sprint, out of the camera. Stryker and Blayde appear on the camera for a split second, guns drawn, heading in that direction. Shouts and loud pops ring out, making my already frazzled nerves jump from the noise. Blayde and Stryker come back on the camera. Blayde has his arm around Stryker’s waist, dragging him.

  “Fuck, Butch we need you,” Kayne shouts, running to the back door. He swings it open and Blayde comes in, still dragging Stryker. Stryker has his arm wrapped around his side, blood flowing through his fingertips.

  “He needs help,” Blayde shouts, panic in his voice. “Fucker shot him, then got away.”

  “Can you tell us who it was?” Kayne asks, helping Blayde lay Stryker down. His blood is flowing from a gunshot wound. “Keep pressure on it. Butch where the fuck are you?” Kayne shout’s holding Stryker’s side, trying to curb the stream. Stryker’s face is turning pale and his breathing is shallow.

  “I’m right here. Move the fuck out of the way Prez, so I can work.” Butch growls. Kayne moves out of the way for him, watching what he’s doing. His hands are covered in blood as he grips Stryker’s hand.

  “Stay with me brother. Don’t you fucking die on me. Not tonight.” Kayne repeats, holding his hand, watching Butch work.

  I can’t watch what Butch is doing anymore when Stryker coughs up blood and it trickles down the corner of his mouth. Holly is on her knees next to Stryker’s head, cradling it in her lap. Tears are streaming down her face.

  “Didn’t know being shot would get you on your knees for me, babe.” Stryker jokes then winces from the pain.

  “Stryker, shut up.” Holly sobs. “Or I’ll shoot you myself.” She smiles a little.

  “Holly,” Stryker starts, but she cuts him off.

  “Don’t. Don’t you dare say anything right now. Stop talking.” Pain etches on Stryker’s handsome face.

  “Got it. Now to sew him up.” Butch shouts. I look at him and he’s covered in blood, holding a bullet in a pair of tweezers. Sweat dripping down his forehead, into his eyes. He wipes it away with the sleeve of his shirt and grabs a suture needle and surgical string. “This is going to hurt like a motherfucker.”

  The needle pierces Stryker’s skin and I watch in fascination as Butch meticulously sews him up with perfect stitches. Once he’s done, Butch wraps the wound up with gauze. “He will be OK. The bullet missed any major arteries. What happened Blayde?”

  I drift my attention to Blayde as he leans up against the wall, a pissed off look on his face. His blue eyes are cold and distant. “The motherfucker shot at us. He hit Stryker while he was running. I fired back. I think I hit him, but I can’t be sure. Instead of leaving Stryker there to bleed out, I let the asshole go and brought Stryker back here.”

  “Did you get a good look at him?” Kayne asks, his blue eyes are full of concern for his brother, but there’s a hint of fear there too.

  Blayde nods his head, his eyes land on me. “It was Drex.”

  My breath catches in my throat, making a strangling noise. “How is that possible? He’s dead.” I whisper.

  My mother wraps her arms around my shoulders trying to comfort me. I shrug her off, storming over to the SUV and yank open the back door. Inside Rage is awake but bound and gagged. I’m going to make this motherfucker talk. He’s going to sing like a canary.

  “Welcome to hell asshole.”

  I grab Rage by his feet and drag him out of the SUV. His head bounces off the tailgate on the way out. The sound of his skull striking the floor brings me satisfaction. He’s clawing and trying to get out of my grasp, but I’m filled with adrenaline, I don’t let him go.

  “Shit, someone help her,” Kayne shouts. Big, strong hands help me drag a kicking Rage to the spot where I ended Damon’s life a few days ago. I tie his hands to the metal cuffs, suspended above his head. His nose is flaring and his eyes are cold and deadly. This is going to be fun.

  I remove Rage’s gag and his eyes drift to my mother. A sneer crosses his lips. “When I get out of here, I’m going to slowly watch you bleed out while I fuck your lifeless body.”

  I punch him hard across the face, making his head shoot off to the side and blood to fly from his lips. I yank on his jaw, forcing his head toward me.

  “Don’t you ever talk to her that way. Now, I have questions and you’re going to answer.”

  “Fuck you, bitch. Once I get done with your junkie mother, you’re next. And I’m going to enjoy it.” He smirks at me, blood covering his teeth. I release his jaw from my grip, knocking his head against the wall.

  “Chain him up. I want him dangling, begging for mercy, while I do my job.” I demand.

  Ace and Blayde yank Rage up while I go and search for my weapon of choice. I turn to my mom and new-found uncle. “You might want to take her in the back. What I’m about to do won’t be pretty. O
ne thing I learned from my father is how to make someone talk. At least he taught me something useful.”

  “Sarah,” my mother’s small voice echoes in my ears. “I need to tell you something.”

  “It’s going to have to wait. I have a job to do.” I hold up my hands stopping her from talking. “Please, take her out of here,” I ask Cahal. “We’ll talk later.”

  Cahal grabs my mother gently by the shoulders and leads her to the back office. I turn toward the radio and crank it up Five Finger Death Punch. My music of choice while I do my work. No one else says a word. Kayne steps up behind me and kisses me on the cheek.

  “I want a piece of him too. Do you mind if we work together?”

  I turn around and look into his handsome blue eyes. His face is cold and deadly, he’s been waiting for this for just as long as I have.

  “Yes of course. The two of us together.” I grab the pipe wrench resting on the workbench.

  Kayne grabs his cane, looking at the artwork admiringly. “Together.”

  We stroll over to where Blayde and Ace bound Rage. He’s suspended in the air by his wrists from a long chain hanging from the ceiling, normally used to hoist engines out of cars. His toes are barely touching the floor. Rage sees us coming and tries to kick out. I swing the pipe wrench hard at his left knee cap, Kayne does the same to his right. The spikes on the cane biting into Rage’s skin. He screams from the pain as his kneecaps shatter.

  “That all you got bitch?” Rage snarls through the pain.

  “Not even close, bitch.” I swing again into his ribs, getting a solid blow to his body. He grunts out in pain.

  “I’ll never talk.” Rage groans.

  “Oh, you will. It’ll be the last thing you do.” I drop the pipe wrench on the ground, it makes a loud clanking noise. The music fills my head, bringing me peace in what I’m going to do.

  Kayne swings again with his cane, ripping Rage’s right arm to shreds. I step back and watch my man work. His muscles are bulging from exertion, sweat beading on his brow. He delivers blow after blow, mutilating Rage’s body. He’s falling out of consciousness from the pain.

  “Kayne,” I rest my hand on his arm, stopping the next swing. “Give him a minute. He’s passed out.”

  Kayne’s chest is rising and falling in rapids successions, his blue eyes are wild and full of hate and passion, turning me on like you wouldn’t believe. He grips the back of my head with a bloody hand and kisses me hard. His tongue plunges inside my mouth, demanding. A whimper escapes my throat, heat pools between my legs, my core is throbbing for attention. Kayne kisses me stupid before we both need to breathe. I’m panting, my chest heaving. “Holy fuck.” I groan.

  “That’s what I’m going to do soon. Just you and me. I’m going to fuck you so hard, you won’t be able to walk.” Kayne pants, resting his forehead against mine.

  “I’ll hold you to it. Now it’s time to make him talk.”

  “Do your thing, Princess.” Kayne releases me and I walk toward the tools lined against the wall. I close my eyes and channel my inner rage hiding in the depths of my soul. I need to stay focused for this part. Selecting a long-serrated knife with a black grip, my reflection shines back at me. I run my finger down the tip, it’s time to poison Rage.

  Turning on my heels, my boots carry me toward an unconscious Rage. Blood from Kanye’s handiwork drips onto the concrete floor. I grab the remote attached to the hoist and lower Rage’s limp body down so his feet are touching the floor.

  “Wakey, wakey.” I run the blade of the knife gently down Rage’s face. He stirs a little, cracking open his eyes.

  “Still not talking,” he mumbles.

  “That’s OK. I get it. Why would the President of an MC talk to little old me? I don’t deserve any answers.” I sink my blade into his chest, just piercing the skin and slice down, causing blood to follow my path. Rage hisses through his teeth. “I don’t need to know why my father is still alive.”

  I pull the blade out, blood coating the tip. “I don’t need to know why you took me and chained me up in your basement or why your boys wanted to rape me. I don’t need to know why you took my whole family away from me.” I sink the blade into his skin again, creating another slice down the other side of Rage’s chest. He groans in pain.

  “I can make this very quick for you or we can do this all night. Either way, you’re going to die here. Make the choice. Do you want to bleed out all night or end it now?”

  “Fuck off.” Rage pants.

  “Fine, bleed out all night.” I cut into Rage’s chest a little deeper. He hisses out in pain as the sharp knife breaks the skin slicing his chest wide open. His blood dripping onto the concrete floor in a steady trickle.

  After a few more slow and steady slices, Rage’s face is pale and his body is shaking from shock. “Are you ready to end it now? Tell me what I want to know. I have a lot more of your body to cover if you’re not. Just when you’re begging to die, I’ll bring you back and do it all over again. I have nothing but time, Rage.”

  “He’s alive because that’s the way we set it up that night. He wanted you to believe he was dead and run to Kayne for protection. He wants you both dead so he can take over. But he didn’t count on you two actually working together. He didn’t know the kind of pull Kayne has with Krimson. He was hoping it would be a quick in and out job. Both of you dead in one quick swoop. I took you because we thought you knew about the trafficking.”

  “What are you talking about? What trafficking?”

  “I’m going to die anyway, might as well tell you everything.” Rage looks up before he releases a deep breath and continues. “Drex and I would kidnap and sell women to the highest bidder. It’s how we came into business together. He’d find the girls, I would take them and sell them.”

  “Why did he want me to believe my mother was dead and why did you keep her?”

  “She found out about our side deal and tried to stop him. Her and MadDog went after Drex during one of the meets. Only thing is that they weren’t expecting me to be there. Drex drugged her and I was supposed to sell her, but the only way we could keep MadDog in check is by keeping her with me. Crazy, fucking asshole was in love with your mother. So, I kept her with me to control MadDog. That’s why he went to Kayne. He was trying to get your mother back by taking out Drex and myself.”

  I turn toward Kayne and he’s standing right behind me, his arms are crossed over his chest, his face is impassive. “Did you know?”

  “I didn’t find any of this out until you went missing. We found all the evidence in a false floor at the strip club. He was using the business to move women through. We didn’t know your mother was still alive. Just that she and MadDog had what they thought was a secret for years.”

  “What about the Alyssa chick you found?” My mind is swirling with a million questions.

  Rage coughs up blood. “Your mother had a secret of her own. There was a time when you were little she disappeared for a few months. That’s when she was pregnant and gave the baby up for adoption. Alyssa is your sister.”

  A small hand wraps around my arm, making me jump. “It’s true. I gave Alyssa up for adoption when she was born. I told Drex I wanted to visit my family in Ireland. He couldn’t know about her because he’d know she wasn’t his.” My mother has tears in her eyes and one falls down her cheek.

  “Who’s her father?” My voice quivers with sadness for this poor girl. Given up for adoption at a young age. Not knowing who your family is.

  “MadDog. He’s her father and yours too. That’s what I wanted to tell you. Drex is not and never has been your father.”

  “What?” I don’t know what to think anymore. “Why would you make me believe all these years Drex was my father?”

  “To keep you alive. If he found out the truth, he would kill you.” My mother replies softly.

  “Why did you marry him if you loved another?” So many questions and not enough time. “Never mind, we’ll talk about this later. I have to finish
my job. Don’t go anywhere.” I turn my back on my mother and come face to face with Rage. His eyes are closed and his breathing is shallow. He’s on the verge of passing out again. A small part of me feels pity for this monster, but then I remember all the woman he sold, used and abused and that pity disappears.

  “Rage,” he doesn’t respond so I tap the side of his colorless face.

  “Rage,” his eye flutter open. “Where would my fath… Drex go? Where can I find him?”

  “He has a cabin in the woods about three hours north of here. If he’s not there, then I have no idea.” He coughs up blood dribbling down his chin, his breathing is choppy. “Just end me now. I’m ready to go. I’ve told you everything I know.” I step up next to Rage, my knife resting against the side of his neck.

  “May God have mercy on your soul.” I plunge the knife deep into his throat, the blade slicing into it like butter. “May the devil keep you for eternity.”

  I watch as Rage’s blood flows down the handle of the knife, he makes a gurgling noise before his body goes limp and his eyes are dull and lifeless. I pull the knife out and it drops to the floor. My stomach is churning and bile is climbing it’s way up my throat. Someone turned the music down at some point and I fall to my knees, trying to calm my breathing. Kayne’s warm hands rub my back soothingly. I’m repulsed by my actions and tears are streaming down my face. It’s my second kill and it didn’t get any easier.

  Images of Rage’s blood flowing freely from my hands come back to my mind and I can’t hold in my vomit. I dry heave several times, crying for another life lost, even if he deserved it.

  “It’s going to be OK, Poison. I promise.” Kayne’s deep voice centers me. He wraps me in his warm embrace, comforting me in my time of need. “It’s OK. I’ve got you.”

  “Thank you, Kayne. Thank you for being here for me.”

  “I’m not going anywhere. You and me together.” He pulls my face to meet his. His lips gently brush against my own. “I love you, Poison.”


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