Quintus rose very early the morning after his visit to ThraxBarbatus, and the stars were still sparkling brightly, when he gotinto his litter and in a weary voice bid the slaves carry him to thepalace. He almost fell asleep again within the curtains, so coollyand indifferently could he look forward to his interview with theawe-inspiring Caesar, who was always treated with a degree of cautiousrespect, even by his intimates and favorites--somewhat as a tame tigeris treated by its keepers. This coolness he derived from a sense of thejustice of his cause; he was still young enough to have preserved thatnoble simplicity of a lofty nature, which attributes irresistible powerto Truth, and which cannot use the specious defences, with which vulgarhumanity is content to arm itself.
In the outer court of the palace a tumultuous crowd had alreadyassembled--of magistrates, senators, and foreign ambassadors. Quintusgave one of the chamberlains on duty[291] a note from the Flamen TitusClaudius Mucianus, to deliver to Caesar in his audience chamber,and so powerful was the effect of this venerated name, that Domitiangranted an immediate interview to the young patrician, in the midst ofthe terrific pressure of official receptions.
Quintus entered the presence chamber with a fearless and independentmien, but with the calm dignity and winning courtliness of the Romanaristocrat.
"My lord," he said, as a sign from the emperor bid him speak, "itis as the son of Titus Claudius, that you have so readily grantedme a hearing, but it is as the future husband of Cornelia, theniece of Cinna, that I craved an audience. I stand before you as apetitioner. Cornelius Cinna, the illustrious senator--whose intrinsicvalue you must certainly have discerned, even under the husk of somesingularities--is suffering under the sense of an insult, as he deemsit. That midnight banquet, of which all Rome is talking, was of course,no more than a harmless prelude to the Saturnalia[292]--the overflowof festive whimsicality. But Cinna, who is rigid and impervious to alljoviality, regards the jest as a humiliation and dishonor. It lies inyour power, my lord, to efface this painful feeling from the noblesenator's mind. One gracious word of explanation...."
Domitian did not let the bold youth finish his sentence. The meremention of the name of Cinna had been enough to set his blood boiling.And now, what was this audacious, seditious, rebellious suggestion?--Ifhe still kept some check on his anger, it was that the grave, steadfastfigure of the Flamen floated, unbidden, before his eyes, and compelledhis respect for all who bore his name. Still, the glance he threw atQuintus out of his cunning green eyes gave grounds for reflection.
"My dear Quintus," he said with forced composure, "our time is tooprecious for such follies. It is not Caesar's business, either toconsole Cinna or to offer him explanations. Remember that. And nowleave us, lest the welfare of the commonwealth should suffer." Withthese words he turned his back on Quintus.
Quintus was speechless; he angrily quitted the audience chamber,feeling as if every slave must read in his face how insultinglythe emperor had treated him. Incapable from indignation, to judgeaccurately and fairly, he felt as a bitter disgrace, what was, in fact,the inevitable result of a false assumption. Standing apart as he didfrom the life of the court, and strongly influenced by his father'sviews, he had always regarded Caesar in too favorable a light; still,he might have been shrewd and judicious enough, to have understoodthe folly and impossibility of his preposterous suggestion; he mighthave told himself that, even under the most favorable conditions, onlythose, who have sinned unintentionally, ever make advances towardsreconciliation.
From the palace Quintus hastened on foot to his father's residence,which lay at no great distance. He desired his clients and slavesto wait in the vestibule, and went first to the women's largesitting-room, where he found his mother and the two girls, with CaiusAurelius in attendance. The Batavian was holding a book in his lefthand, and with an awkward blush on his face was standing near thewindow, while the ladies leaned expectantly on their couches.
A shade of annoyance flitted across Claudia's brow as her brotherentered the room; the young Northman flushed a shade deeper, anddropped the hand which held the roll as he, not too warmly, returnedhis friend's greeting.
"I am disturbing a recitation," said Quintus apologetically.
"Oh! the day is before us!" cried Lucilia, and Octavia asked her sonwhat had brought him so early to the house.
"Nothing of much importance," said Quintus vaguely; "a request to myfather. I am only waiting, till the atrium is perfectly clear. Pray goon reading, Aurelius. I will sit quite still in this corner and listenfor a time. Meanwhile, will Lucilia fetch me a cup of mead[293]; mytongue is literally parched."
"'He spoke, and the dark-browed Kronion nodded assent![294]'" quotedLucilia, going to a side door. "Baucis," she called out, and gaveher orders in a lower voice. Caius Aurelius, obeying Octavia's glanceof request, had already unrolled the book again, and he now began toread in a full and pleasant voice. In truth, the much-lauded PapiusStatius might have been satisfied. He himself, a master in the art,could not have read his own poem better or more effectively. Quintuswas astonished beyond words. What delightful tones, what variousmodulation, and above all what supreme intelligence of interpretation!and though Lucilia now and then struggled with a yawn, it was evidentlyfrom sheer physical fatigue, for it had been past midnight before shehad gone to sleep.
When Aurelius had got to the end of the second _canto_ of the poem,Quintus drank the remainder of his draught of mead and desired oldBaucis to enquire in the atrium, whether Titus Claudius had not yetreceived the last of his morning visitors and, hearing that his fatherwas alone, he took leave and hastened to the priest's study. He foundhis father deep in work, even at his son's greeting he only just raisedhis head.
"Welcome," said he without interrupting himself: "One moment,Quintus--" and his reed[295] went gliding on over the yellow paper.Then he laid it across a little metal rest and rose.
"You find me dreadfully busy, my dear Quintus," he said affectionately."Hardly am I left apparently in peace, when I am overwhelmed witha mass of work, that will bear no delay. I must take advantage ofevery minute, for a decision on the great question of the day is nowimminent."
"I am sorry for that, father, for I came to you as a petitioner."
"Speak on," said the Flamen smiling. "I must find time for my son."
"Thank you very much, but I fear that my petition may be too trivial,to engage your interest at this moment."
"Nay, so much the better. Small matters need few words. Speak plainlyand at once."
"You know," Quintus began, going a step nearer, "that the Empress'ssteward Stephanus is in pursuit of a slave...."
"Yes, I know," said the priest frowning: "A criminal, who was forciblyset free by some unknown hand. All Rome is horrified at such unheard-ofatrocity."
"It is certainly unheard of, that such an attempt should succeed. Toescape in the midst of such a crowd--the cowardly crew of Lycoris'slaves seemed thunderstruck."
"Pah! who can say, if they were not concerned in the abominableconspiracy? My word for it, Quintus, all these villains have a secretunderstanding; they wait only for a watchword to rise and strike asone man, and to overthrow everything we hold sacred. If the statedoes not ere long exercise its authority in earnest, we shall have aSpartacus[296] on the throne of Rome."
"You are jesting, father. Shall the Roman empire, borne by the eaglesof her legions to the uttermost ends of the earth, the unconquerabledaughter of Ares,[297] tremble before her own slaves?"
"She has trembled before now," replied Titus Claudius. "Read thechronicles of the historians. The gladiator, who escaped with a handfulof rabble from the school at Capua, collected an army, before theSenate had realized the fact. He beat the praetors, he defeated thequaestor Thoranius, he overran almost a third of the peninsula...."
"Then, and now; think of the difference," exclaimed Quintus, to whomthe unexpected turn taken by the conversation was most painful. "Thatwas possible in the time of the Republic, but
the strong hand of Caesarwill be able to protect us. Besides, the slaves of our day lack the onething needful--the irresistible Spartacus."
"He will be forthcoming, when the time is ripe. Indeed, from all Ihear, I fancy a candidate for the honor has already been discovered. Heis called Eurymachus."
"Really?" cried Quintus, who was fast losing all his presence of mind."Do you really think....?"
"Yes, my son, I do think.... Does not the very mode of his rescue showhow great and dangerous his personal influence must be? And I hearon all sides of this man's defiant tenacity, contempt of suffering,strength and endurance. It is out of such rough wood as this, thata Spartacus is hewn. And a Spartacus to-day is more dangerous thanhis prototype; he can command a more mischievous force, against whichsword and spear are wielded in vain: that of superstition. I cannotfail to see this plainly; for years I have watched the tendencies ofthe commonalty with all the keenness of suspicion. The creed of theNazarenes ferments and spreads--the next Spartacus will be a Christian."
"Father," Quintus began after a pause, "I know that in this instanceyou are mistaken. This slave--I happen to know certainly--neverconceived such a scheme. Besides, it seems to me, that the acumen ofour statesmen is somewhat at fault, when it makes that sect responsiblefor everything that shocks or shakes society...."
"You do not know them," interrupted his father, "and I do. Enough--wehave digressed. What connection has all this with your request? Speak,for my time is precious."
Quintus stood undecided. What could he hope for in this state ofthings? Well--he could but try.
"Father," he began hesitatingly, "I came to speak in behalf of thevery man, whom you are making every effort to brand as a Spartacus. Isaw him two or three times in Baiae; he pleased me greatly, and I thendetermined to buy him of Stephanus. Then this most unlucky businessoccurred, and I lost the slave whom I had already begun to think of asmy own. When I tell you, that Stephanus deliberately and maliciouslytortured and punished him; when I swear to you solemnly, that thesentence of death...."
"What do you want?" asked his father coldly; "speak and have done."
"Well, father; I want to become possessed of that slave at any price,and I ask you whether, in the event of his being captured, it would notbe possible to mitigate the rigor of the law...."
"You astound me! For a mere whim you would endanger the state, cut atrench in the dyke which alone is able to protect us against the floodof rebellion? And you ask me--ME--to be your accomplice in such aproceeding? I admit, that Stephanus is brutal and tyrannical, nay--frommy point of view--criminal. But then, are there not laws to protectslaves against such barbarities?"
"Laws, yes--" cried Quintus bitterly "but they do not exist as againstthe rich and powerful."
"Every earthly thing is of its nature imperfect. If Stephanus defiesthe law, that does not justify us in leaving the crime of Eurymachusunpunished. I lament deeply, that my own son should so utterlymisunderstand the first and highest principles of my views of life. Go,my dear Quintus, and for the future consider twice, before you troubleyour father with such follies. Eurymachus must die by the hand of theexecutioner, though you should pledge half your estates to buy him. Go,my son, and do not altogether forget that you are a Roman."
Thus speaking, Titus Claudius sat down again to his desk. Quintus stoodfor a moment as if in absence of mind; then he slowly went towards thedoor.
"Farewell, father," he said, as he left the room. His voice was sad,almost gloomy, as though they were parting for a long, sad interval.Titus Claudius, struck by the strangeness of his tone, raised his headin astonishment and gazed, like a man waking from a painful dream, atthe door through which Quintus had departed; a vague presentiment fellon his spirit.
"I was too hard," he said to himself. "His error springs from a noblesource--from pity. I ought to have said a kind word to him before hewent away," and he hastily rose from his seat.
"Quintus, Quintus!" he called out into the hall. "Skopas, Athanasius,did you see my son?"
The slaves flew into the vestibule, but Quintus had long sincedisappeared in the bustle of the street. The Flamen returned to hissitting-room, oppressed with melancholy foreboding.
"I will tell him the very next time I see him.--He has the bestand truest heart that ever beat, and the noblest souls are easiestwounded.--However, away with such thoughts now, and to work once more."
Titus Claudius sat down again and bent over his table and, as he satthere, he might have been taken for a poet in the act of composition,for his fine face glowed with eager inspiration. But the words he wrotewere not those which enchant the populace, but the eloquent flow of amighty impeachment; what he was forging were not lines and verses, butterrific weapons against what he believed to be the most threateningfoe of the Roman Empire; against Christianity.[298]
[291] THE CHAMBERLAINS ON DUTY. At the emperor's formal morning reception a large number of court officials was present, to maintain order, announce those who were awaiting admission and accompany them into the hall of audience. These persons were called _admissionales_ (admitters) or people _ab admissione, ex officio admissionis_ etc. (See Suet, _Vesp._ 14, etc.)
[292] SATURNALIA. A name given to a festival held for several days in the latter part of the month of December, in honor of the old Italian god of the harvest, Saturnus. It resembled in some respects our Christmas festivities, in others the carnival gayeties. The Saturnalia commemorated the happy age of Saturnus. All work ceased. Our "Happy New Year!" or the cry: "Fool, let the fool out!" had their counterpart in the shouts echoing on all sides: "_Io saturnalia! Io bona saturnalia!_" People caroused, feasted and gambled; pleased each other with gifts and surprises. The slaves were admitted to table, in token, that under the rule of Saturnus there had been no distinction of rank; all sorts of jests and amusements were practised, and a certain liberty of word and deed everywhere prevailed.
[293] MEAD (Mulsum, _scil._ vinum) prepared from cider and honey, a favorite drink, especially at the prandium.
[294] HE SPOKE, AND THE DARK-BROWED KRONION NODDED ASSENT. In these words Lucilia quotes a well-known line of the Iliad (Il. I. 528.)
[Greek: HE, kai kuaneesin ep ophrysi neuse Kronion.]
How customary such quotations were--not only in Latin translations, but in the original language--appears in Pliny's letters, for instance, I, 24, where in two different passages lines from the Iliad are quoted, among them the one mentioned here, also in I, 18, (farther below in the same letter) I, 20, (several times;) IV, 28; V. 19; V, 96. Elsewhere in Pliny numerous Greek words and phrases are found in the Latin text (see _Ep._ I, 13, 19, 20; II, 2, 3, 12, 13, 14, 20; IV, 10; VI, 32, etc.) as in our own times a French, English, or Latin phrase occurs in a German letter. Every cultivated person understood Greek; nay, the preference for this language had become a fashionable mania, just as in the last century there was a craze for French in Germany. (See Juv. _Sat._, VI, 185: _omnia Graece_. Everything is Greek!)
[295] REED. A pen made from a reed, cut in the same manner as our goose quills, was often used for writing.
[296] SPARTACUS. The terrible insurrection of the slaves under Spartacus failed only on account of the want of harmony among the rebels. This insurrection, 71 B.C. was conquered with the utmost difficulty. Spartacus, after a famous battle, fell with his ablest comrades.
[297] DAUGHTER OF ARES. A name given to Rome in consequence of the well-known legend, that Romulus and Remus were sons of the war-god Mars and the vestal virgin Rhea Silvia. Quintus here uses the Hellenic name Ares, as the words [Greek: Rhome thygater Areos] which occur in the first verse of a celebrated ode by the Greek poetess Melinno (600 B.C.) flitted before his mind.
Concerning the persecutions of the Christians under Domitian, see Dio Cass. XLVII, 16.
Quintus Claudius: A Romance of Imperial Rome. Volume 1 Page 17