Her Devils: Devil's Regents MC Books 1-3

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Her Devils: Devil's Regents MC Books 1-3 Page 20

by Sarah Bale

  Jasper raises an eyebrow. “It seems you have your answer.”

  He leaves me standing there. I can’t wrap my mind around this. It can’t be Olivia. She wouldn’t do this to us. But it also makes fucking sense.

  King comes up, grinning. “Just passed Emma’s cop. He acts like he’s got a stick up his ass. No wonder she’s fucking other guys.”

  “It’s Olivia.”

  The grin falls from his face. “What?”

  “Olivia is the fucking mole.”


  “Get Razor and Bash. They’re going to want to hear it from me first.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “Think about it. Our problems started the day she walked into the club.” I pause. “See if Rabbit is here. I want to talk to him, too, since he’s the one who vouched for her.”

  King stands there like he’s in shock. Fuck. Maybe he is.

  “King. I said go. Meet me in Grey’s camper when you have Rabbit.”

  King nods and takes off.

  Inhaling, I look up at the sky. How in the fuck did I not see this before? And what in the fuck am I going to do now that I know?



  King wasn’t kidding when he said the public bathrooms were unusable by the second day. But I’m in desperate need of a shower and I can’t find anyone to let me into the RV that the girls are supposed to use.

  Bash pulls me back. “There’s no fucking way you’re going in there. I’ll just break the window to the RV.”

  That makes me laugh. “I’m sure there’s another way. Let’s go back and see if one of the girls is back.”

  He looks dubious, but walks next to me. When we get back to the RV, Jas is sitting in front of it, smoking a joint with a bottle of booze between her legs.

  “Anyone know where Mama Bear is? I need a fucking condom.” Her words slur together right before she falls to the side and a snore escapes her lips.

  Mama Bear walks up, shaking her head. “These girls are driving me crazy. It’s worse than herding cats.”

  Bash says, “I’ll carry her.”

  Mama Bear unlocks the door and holds it while Bash carries Jas inside.

  To me, she says, “Thank god you have your head on straight.”

  “Drinking’s never been my thing,” I say.

  “We all have our vices,” she replies. “Come on in. It looks like it’s going to try to rain on us.”

  “Will that put a on damper things?”

  “Hell no. Those crazy fuckers will get even wilder.”

  Bash comes from the bunk area. “She’s tucked away. Looks like she fell at some point tonight and scraped her leg up pretty good. She’ll have a nice shiner in the morning.”

  “If it ain’t one thing, it’s another.”

  Bash says to me, “Saint just texted and said he needs me for a bit. You good here?”

  “Of course she is,” Mama Bear answers for me. “Get on out of here before you piss off the Prez.”

  He laughs. “You’re right.”

  When he’s gone, I say to Mama Bear, “I’m going to take a shower, if that’s okay.”

  “Just don’t use all the hot water.”

  Grabbing my bag, I go to the tiny bathroom, turning the water on so it can warm. Belatedly, I realize I don’t have a towel, so I crack the door to ask Mama Bear to grab me one. She’s standing at the back of the RV, where the large bedroom is and she’s talking to someone.

  “I don’t give a shit. You need to get the fuck out of here before they see you.”

  A man I don’t know pulls her toward him. “Don’t be like that, baby.”

  I shouldn’t be watching this, so I move to close the door when the man shifts. He’s wearing an Inferno Bastards cut!

  “Maniac,” Mama Bear whispers. “I need you.”

  “How long do you think we’ve got before that bitch is out of the shower?”

  “Long enough for me to get off. Come on. We can take care of her when we’re done.”

  He grins. “Good thinking, spiking that bottle of Jack.”

  She shrugs. “Might as well take ‘em both down. No sense in leaving a trail behind.” She pulls him into the bedroom, closing the door behind her.

  My heart is beating wildly. Mama Bear is the leak? This doesn’t make fucking sense! Why would she do this?

  Their words come back to me. They did something to the bottle of Jack that Jas was drinking, which means I need to get her out of here, too. Now. Leaving the shower running, I lock the door and close it as I slip from the bathroom. The bunks are right outside of the master bedroom, so I move as quietly as I can. Loud grunts and a squeaking bed assault my ears as I reach Jas. At the rate they’re going, they’ll be finished in a few minutes.

  Jas is out cold, which means this is going to be fucking hard. But I have to try.

  “Jas,” I whisper. “Come on. We need to get up.”

  She mumbles something and moves. Her phone slips to the floor and I pick it up.

  “Oh my god.” My hands shake. “Oh my god.”


  Bash is the last to arrive to Grey’s camper.

  “Sorry. I had to walk Olivia to the RV so she can shower.” He shakes his head. “And then I had to carry Jas inside. She’s pretty fucked up.”

  King meets my gaze, disbelief still in his eyes. I feel for the dude, I really do. I’ve been on the receiving end of this, but it’s something we can’t ignore.

  I say to Bash and Razor, “You’re going to want to sit down for this.”

  “Fuck man,” Razor says as he sits. “What is it?”

  When Bash is seated, I say, “I met with Jasper Brooks tonight, Emma Webb’s beau.”

  “Oh? How’d that go?”

  “I got the answers I was looking for.” I pause. “The leak is Olivia.”

  Both men jump to their feet, spouting off their thoughts at the same time.

  “No fucking way, Saint. You’re wrong.”

  “Liv wouldn’t do this. Not to us.”

  I hold up my hands. “I know it’s not what you want to hear, but it’s the truth. And we’ll have our proof as soon as Rabbit gets here.”

  “Rabbit? What in the fuck does he have to do with anything? Razor asks.

  King answers, “Think about it – none of our problems started until Olivia arrived, with a recommendation from Rabbit.” He sighs. “I don’t want to believe it either, but it makes sense.”

  “But you looked into her,” Bash argues. “You said she was clean.”

  “I was wrong. And, I was never able to unlock her files. Brothers, I think we have to consider the possibility that she’s the mole.”

  Both men are silent.

  Finally, Bash says, “I think you’re wrong, Saint. There has to be something else we’re missing.”

  I wish like hell that were the case. I really do. But, I stopped believe in dreams a long time ago. People are monsters. Why is it any different with Olivia?


  I send the text on Jas’s phone. Right away I get a response.

  Agent Hill: What are you doing with this phone?

  I glance at Jas and make a decision. Stepping away from her, and the bedroom, I dial Agent Hill.

  “I don’t have time for your games, Ms. Mayhem.”

  “Agent Hill, Jas and I are in trouble. I figured out who’s been leaking information to the Inferno Bastards and she’s drugged Jas with something. We’re in an RV at this rally.”

  “Do you know the location?”

  I think. “Somewhere in Mississippi.”

  “That’s not helpful.” There’s typing in the background. “According to the GPS signal, my nearest guy is an hour away.”

  “We don’t have an hour.”

  “Then I suggest you run, Ms. Mayhem.”

  “What about Jas?”

  The line goes dead and I bite back a frustrated sigh. He’s right about one thing – I have to get out of here. But I’m not leaving Jas behind,
so that means I’m going to have to fight.

  I grab my phone and send Bash, Razor, and King a text. With any luck, they’ll be here for it comes down to fighting. I go to the kitchen and grab a knife, putting it in my back pocket. If they don’t get here in time, I’ll do what it takes to protect Jas and myself.


  Rabbit cries as Bash punches him in the stomach.

  “I told you! I don’t know!”

  “Think harder,” I spit out.

  Razor hands Bash a knife. Bash flips it open and Rabbit moans.

  “Oh god. No.”

  Bash takes a step. “This is your last chance, brother.”

  “Fine. I don’t know where she came from. I was told to make an introduction to your club. That Razor would be the point of contact that night and that he wouldn’t be able to resist her when he saw her. That he has always had the same type in women.”

  Razor meets my gaze, his jaw ticking. Rabbit’s not wrong about that.

  “Who told you to make the introduction? Was it the Inferno Bastards?”

  “I don’t know.”

  I give Bash the signal and he strikes, cutting Rabbit’s cheek. It’s just a superficial wound, but it bleeds like crazy, gaining the reaction I wanted.

  “It’s the FBI,” he screams out. “They wanted me to make the introduction.”


  “They’ve been watching your club, but needed more information.”

  “Why did you go along with it?”

  He whimpers. “I’m on probation and had a little mess up. They said if I helped them with this, that they would look past it.”

  Of. Fucking. Course.

  “That’s everything I know, I swear.”

  “I believe you, Rabbit.”

  I give Bash and Razor the go-ahead and they both pound into Rabbit until he’s a heap on the floor.

  “Get him out of here,” I say, spitting on him. “And make sure everyone knows that Rabbit is a snitch.”

  Bash and Razor carry him out, tossing him right outside the door.

  King says to me. “So, which is it? Is she working with the Feds, or Maniac and Psycho?”

  The thing is, I don’t know.

  Razor says, “This doesn’t make sense. Why would Olivia be working with the Feds?”

  King makes a face.


  “I may know why. I discovered something about her. Something I didn’t think anything about, but might explain why she’s working with them.” He pulls out his phone and says, “You have to see it to believe it, though.”

  He turns his phone so the three of us can look.

  “Is that-”

  Bash’s words stop as the video cuts to Olivia dropping to her knees to suck some guy’s dick.

  King says, “It’s a fantasy website. You hire the girl of your choosing and they come to you, letting you do whatever you want.”

  “She’s a prostitute?” Bash looks dazed.

  Hell, I think we all are.

  King looks me in the eyes. “She hasn’t been active on the website in a while. About the same time she started at the club. My guess is the Feds caught wind of what she was doing and made her a deal like the one they offered Rabbit. Work with them and they’ll look past this.”

  Razor shakes his head. “This doesn’t make sense. If she’s helping the Feds, then why do you think she’s helping Maniac, too?”

  “That’s the million-dollar question. One that she’s going to have to answer for us.”

  Bash looks physically pained. “I’ll go get her.”

  “No. We’ll all go. She’s going to have to look each of us in the eyes as she tells us what she’s done.”

  She owes us that much.



  I try again to rouse Jas. This time her eyes flutter open.

  “Jas,” I whisper. “We need to get out of here. Now. We’re in danger.”

  She moans, but nods.

  “Can you stand?”

  I hold out my hand to help her. She manages to stand, but almost falls. I put my arm around her waist to help support her.

  “Don’t know why.” Her eyes lose focus and she sways.

  “They drugged you.”


  Her words slur and I know she’s not going to last long.

  “Listen to me, Jas. We need to get outside. Once we’re out there, we can yell for help.”


  “Okay. Let’s go. One step. Then another. Before you know it, we’ll be outside.”

  Together, we take three steps before she leans heavily against me.


  “Jas, we have to. I’m not going to leave you behind.”

  Her eyes well, but she nods. Slowly, we make our way down the narrow hallway of the RV, to the kitchen.

  “Well, well, well. What do we have here?”

  Psycho stands there, gun in hand.

  He calls out, “Maniac, you need to get out here. I’ve caught a rat. Or two.”

  The bedroom door swings open and Maniac comes out, dick still hanging out.

  “Can’t a man get his rocks off?” He sees me and Jas and grins. “Well, isn’t this interesting. Guess I didn’t add enough drugs to the booze.”

  Psycho says, “I keep telling you that it works better when it’s injected.”

  He reaches out, pulling Jas away from me. He puts his gun on the counter as he grabs something. Jas cries out as he shoves a syringe into her arm. She tries to fight him, but then goes limp. He pushes her down to the floor, where she lies, unmoving. She looks up at me, terror in her eyes. She might be drugged, but she knows exactly what in the fuck is happening.

  “See? Keeps the bitches in line.” He pulls the syringe out. “They don’t even protest when you’re fucking ‘em.”

  Bile creeps up my throat and sweat beads on my forehead. It’s just a coincidence, I reason with myself. It doesn’t mean it’s the same drug as before-

  My arm hung in an unnatural way and no amount of cradling helped the dull throb. He was breathing hard from where I fought him off. But I wasn’t strong enough. I never was. Hell, I was only sixteen.

  “Bitch. Knew I’d have to use this on you sooner or later.”

  He grabbed hold of me and shoved a syringe into my injured arm. I cried out and then I felt… strange.

  He leered at me. “That’s right, baby. Let the drugs do their magic.”

  I fell against the mattress, though I wanted nothing more than to crawl away.

  He struck again, using me over and over in the vilest ways possible. Through it all, I felt everything. I just couldn’t fight back. A tear slipped past my eyes and he brushed it away as he finished.

  “I’ll be back with some friends. They’re going to want to see how well their drug works.”

  When he came back, I prayed that I would pass out, so I didn’t have to feel anything as they hurt me. But I never did. Not even once.

  I shove the memory away. No! I can’t think about that right now! Not when my life is in danger.

  Psycho looks at me. “I’m going to love using it on you, though I’d like to hear your screams as I fuck you in the ass. Such a tough choice.”

  “Fuck you,” I spit out.

  Reaching behind me, I grasp the knife in my pocket.

  “Oh, the kitten has claws. How precious.”

  He lunges for me at the same time I shove the knife into his stomach, twisting it. He wasn’t expecting it and falls back as I push the blade again.

  “What did you do, you stupid bitch?” he screams, pulling the knife out.

  He makes no move to attack again. Instead, he cradles his wound, moving away from me. I turn to Maniac, who’s watching me with rage in his eyes.

  “You hurt my brother, you cunt.”

  I shrug. “He had it coming.”

  Mama Bear comes from the bedroom. “For fuck’s sake, what is going on out here?” She eyes Jas and Psycho on the
floor. “Which one of you is bleeding like a stuffed pig?”

  “The bitch stabbed Psy,” Maniac says.

  Mama Bear turns her gaze to me. “Don’t worry. She’ll be bleeding next.”

  I take a step back and my hip hits the counter. Reaching behind me, I feel for Psycho’s discarded gun. My fingers curl around it, but I need to stall them until help arrives.

  “Why are you doing this?”

  Mama Bear lets out a laugh. “Big E asked the same thing, after the run. The old fucker put two and two together and knew I was the leak. That’s why I had to put the pillow over his face in the hospital and make sure he couldn’t tell another soul.”

  Maniac laughs. “Dumb fucker. He actually thought you were in love with him.”

  I pull the gun closer.

  “You still didn’t answer my question. Why are either of you doing this?”

  Maniac answers, “Because we’re tired of being under other people’s rule. We’re getting rid of the weak ones and starting a better club.”

  “That seems extreme. Why kill people and try to take down the Devil’s Regents? Why not just leave?”

  “Listen to you,” Mama Bear taunts. “You’ve been with the club for a month and think you have all the answers.”

  “It’s simple. We want their territory, which we’ll get. Then, we’ll run our new merchandise.” He points to Jas. “Once people see how effective it is, they’ll fall in line.”

  I shudder. If this drug gets out into the public-

  “That drug is to rape people with. Is that really what you want to be known for?”

  He shrugs. “It’ll make us more money than weed and it’s less risky than weapons.”

  Mama Bear sighs. “Maniac, let’s just get rid of her and get on with this.”

  “I think she might serve us better alive. Hell, she has half the officers of the Devil’s Regents eating out of her hands.” He eyes me. “Or eating out of her pussy.”

  “Then shoot her up and let’s go. That idiot Bash will be back soon, looking for her.”


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