Her Devils: Devil's Regents MC Books 1-3

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Her Devils: Devil's Regents MC Books 1-3 Page 38

by Sarah Bale

  “If you don’t want me to cum in your mouth, you should stop now.”

  She gives me one last lick and pulls my cock out of her mouth with a loud pop. It’s almost enough to set me off. She gives me a saucy grin as she moves over me.

  “I want your cock.”

  “Then take it, baby girl. It’s all yours.”

  Using two fingers, she makes a V and positions the head of my cock at her opening. And then she slides down on me. Torturously slow. We both breathe out when I’m fully inside of her.

  “Your pussy is fucking magic,” I say.

  She grins, rocking her hips. “As is your cock.”

  I let her bump and grind on me as she gets herself off. When she comes, I flip her over, so I’m on top.

  “My turn. Better hold on.”

  I roll my hips, thrusting deep inside of her. Her breasts jiggle from the force and I can’t help but to lean forward, tweaking her nipple.

  She moans out. “Harder, Daddy.”

  I take her nipple into my mouth and suck until she screams out. But I’m not done. I shower her other breast with the same attention. Licking. Nipping. Biting. And sucking as she shatters around me for a third time.


  The plea in her voice makes me grin.

  “Yes, baby girl.”

  “Please come in me.”

  Lifting her leg, I drive into her, hitting that sweet spot that makes her toes dig into the mattress and her head fall to the side. When I scrape my thumb over her clit, she shatters, and it’s enough to set me off, too. I come so hard that it sets her off a fifth time.

  When I finally come off that fucking high, I start to pull out, but she stops me.

  “Don’t. I like feeling you inside of me.”

  “Naughty girl.”

  Her eyes are already heavy with sleep, so I roll us over, holding her close as she drifts off.

  She wakes up a bit later when my dick stirs inside of her. I’ve only gone bare in one other woman my entire life. Liv might not know it yet, but she’s always going to be mine.

  Wiggling against me, she says, “I like waking up with your cock inside of me.”

  “Me, too.”

  We make love, taking our time. After, we move to the shower, where she goes down on me. In the kitchen, I go down on her right there at the table. We can’t seem to get enough of each other, and I’m okay with that.

  We move back to the bed, and I’m about to slide into her when my phone dings

  She pales. “You should get that.”

  Lifting it, I see a text from King.

  King: You need to get back here.

  Me: Tell me now.

  King: We’re not getting anywhere. Bash thinks they’ll talk if you come.

  Me: We’ll be there in an hour.

  Dropping my phone, I say, “They found the roommate. King said they’re not talking. They want us to come back.”

  I hate how she shrinks, but she nods. “Okay.”


  “It’s fine. We should get dressed.”

  She gets out of bed and goes to the bathroom. When she comes out, she’s back in her clothes from last night. Sighing, I get out of bed and pull my clothes on, too. She’s silent as we go outside.

  “Liv. Talk to me.”

  “I’m ready for this to be over with them.” She pauses. “But I’m scared.”

  “I swear I won’t let anything happen to you.”

  “Don’t make promises you can’t keep.”

  Cupping her face with my hands, I kiss her lips. “If you die, I die.”

  I’ve already lost one woman. I won’t survive losing another.

  We get on the bike and head back to the clubhouse. With each mile that passes, I feel like I’m making a mistake. My gut screams for me to take her as far away from here as possible. But I don’t. And that’s something I’ll have to live with for the rest of my fucking life.



  We leave Saint’s house and go back to the clubhouse. Even though the sun is out, everything feels… off. Like something is wrong in the universe. I felt it as soon as Saint’s phone went off and I can’t shake the bad feeling that looms over me.

  Razor meets us as Saint parks his bike. “Glad you’re here. I think the roommate is going through withdrawals. He’s not talking.”

  Saint says to me, “Are you sure you want to come?”


  Razor brushes his lips across my cheek. “Sugar, it’s bad. Prepare yourself.”

  Nodding, I take in a deep breath before following Saint to the shed. King is outside, smoking a cigarette.

  “Hey babe. You look well rested.” But the smile on his face feels… off.

  “How’s Bash?”

  “He’s okay. He’s worried about you.”

  “I’m fine.” I’m not.

  Saint says, “Let me go in first. Make sure-”

  I nod my head once and he goes into the shed. It feels like forever before he finally comes back out.

  “Olivia, you need to prepare yourself.”

  I nod once.

  What I really want to do is run far away, but I follow him inside. The first thing I notice is the coppery scent of blood in the air mixed with sweat and possibly even feces. My stomach roils, but I force myself to walk in.

  Saint stops me. “This is far enough.”

  Chase and Mitch are sitting in two wooden chairs in the middle of the shed. Chase’s head hangs to the side, his breathing labored. Mitch sits ramrod straight, but his eyes are unfocused, and he keeps twitching. Both are covered in a blanket. I glance at Bash, who’s looking away. Are they under the blanket to keep them restrained, or is it so I can’t see what’s been done to them?

  Razor goes to a bucket, filling a cup with water.

  He throws it on both Chase and Mitch. “Wake up, fuckers. Time to talk.”

  Chase is, shockingly, the first one to come to. He jerks and cries out, as if he’s in pain. Maybe he is. Or maybe it’s fear. Or both.

  “Please. Don’t.” His voice is hoarse, like he’s been screaming for hours.

  Bash points to me. “You said she needed to be here. She’s here. Now talk.”

  Mitch rouses, too. He’s lost weight since he hired me on the website, but even more shocking is the missing teeth when he opens his mouth. I’ve never seen meth-mouth like this before.

  “Fuck you,” he spits out, looking right at me. “This is your fault.”

  Bash grabs his face, squeezing.

  “You don’t talk to her. You don’t look at her. You don’t even breathe in her direction. Got it?”

  Mitch nods, but shoots me one last glare.


  Chase is the first to speak. “It was never supposed to go this far. He just wanted to see what she was doing.”

  “Give us a name, fucker.”

  “I told you I don’t know.” He tilts his head toward Mitch. “He might know, but I swear on my both of my fathers’ lives that I don’t.”

  Bash tilts Mitch’s face up. “Talk.”

  Mitch is silent, and I fear he’s not going to speak. If he doesn’t, there’s no telling what will happen.

  But his lips twist into some resemblance of a smile. “You’re fucked. He has everything he needs. When I get home, he’s going to make sure I’m taken care of. And you… you’re going to wish you were dead.”

  Bash asks, “Who is going to make sure? Your other roommate?”

  I’m shaking my head. There’s no way Andrew is involved in this. He can’t be!

  “No. Not our roommate.” He looks right at me. “Still haven’t put it together?”

  The way he looks at me – he’s telling the truth. But I still don’t know who he’s talking about. There’s no one who is evil enough to do this to me. Not anymore.

  Bash strikes, knocking Mitch unconscious.

  Chase is sobbing at this point. “I only saw him once. Acts nice when you first meet him, but
then flips. He’s evil. Oh god. I’m so sorry.”

  My head is starting to spin. I don’t want to be in here. Not anymore. Pushing past Saint, I go outside. And then I run. I have no idea where I’m going, I just need to get the hell out of there. Footsteps crash behind me, but I’m not scared. I know it’s one of the guys making sure I’m okay.

  I run until my lungs burn and my sides ache. I finally stop and put my hands on my knees as I try to catch my breath.

  Saint touches my back. “Are you okay?”

  “I don’t know.” I face him. “Who are they working for? And what did he mean that they have everything they need?”

  “Might not mean anything. He could have been talking out of his ass. Pain does that to people.”

  That’s not it. I feel it in my gut. Mitch knows something. Something bad.

  “Come on, darlin’. Let’s go to the clubhouse. You’re shivering.”

  I nod and take his hand. By the time we reach the clubhouse, I’m shaking so bad that my teeth are chattering together. King is waiting for us.

  “Is she okay?”

  “She’s in shock.”

  They take me through a side door, and we go to Saint’s room. I’ve only been in here one other time – when I was working with the Feds and they unlocked the door so I could snoop on Saint.

  A nervous laugh bubbles up my throat. “Can’t believe this is the first time I’ve been invited in here.”

  Saint goes to the mini-kitchen, putting a tea kettle on the stove while King grabs a blanket from the bed, wrapping it around me.

  He says, “It’s okay, Liv. I swear.”

  I nod, but I don’t believe him.

  Saint comes over, handing me a teacup. “Drink.”

  I take a sip and then shove it away. “What is this?”

  “Tea with a splash of whiskey. It’ll help you warm up and gather your wits.”

  “Can I get plain tea, please?”

  He nods and makes me another cup. This time I sip until I start to feel human again.

  “Sorry,” I whisper.

  “Don’t you dare apologize. This isn’t your fault.”

  I’m saved from answering when my phone rings.

  I put my cup on the table and answer, “Hello?”

  “Olivia. Hi. This is Mrs. Jackson – Lucy’s mother.”

  “I know who you are, Mrs. Jackson. How are you?”

  My voice sounds normal. How can it sound normal right now? Someone is out to get me and-

  “Honey, have you heard from Lucy? I’ve tried calling her and she’s not answering. I thought she was with her boyfriend, but he says he hasn’t seen her, either.”

  A warning whispers in the back of my mind.

  “No, ma’am. I’m actually with my boyfriend. When was the last time you heard from her?”

  “The other night, when you went to that pool party. Her boyfriend said that was the last time he saw her, too.”

  I think back. I never texted her when I left, because I got distracted with Razor, and then Bash. But she never texted me either to say she made it back to Andrew’s place.

  Somehow, I manage to choke out, “I’ll swing by the house and make sure she’s not just sleeping. You know how she gets when she has a test.”

  Lies! I know she’s not there. So, where is she?

  “Thank you, honey. That would be lovely.”

  I end the call and turn to Saint. “That was my roommate’s mother. She hasn’t heard from Lucy in three days.”

  Three fucking days.

  Why didn’t I realize sooner that I hadn’t heard from her?

  Something flickers in his eyes. “When was the last time you saw her?”

  “When I left the party,” I moan. “Saint, what if something happened to her because of me.”

  “We’ll figure it out.” He pulls out his phone. “Razor. Check the cameras at Liv’s place. Can you tell if her roommate has been there at all?”

  I know whatever Razor says is bad news because Saint lets out a curse.

  “Okay. No, I’ll handle it. Yeah, we’re at the clubhouse with King.” He ends the call and says, “She hasn’t been to the townhouse. Have you tried calling?”

  It’s impossible to steady my erratic pulse as I dial Lucy.

  “Come on. Answer.”

  It goes right to voicemail, so I try calling again.

  “She didn’t answer.”

  Saint says, “Razor will hack into her phone. See what he can find.”

  I nod my head once, because what else can I do?

  King takes me by the hands, leading me to a chair. “You should sit, Liv. You’re looking green again.”

  That’s because I’m about to barf. Pushing past him, I rush to the bathroom and empty the contents of my stomach into the toilet. I hear them whispering to each other, but I don’t care. Something has happened to Lucy and it’s my fault. I know this in my soul. A tear trickles down my cheek and I swipe it away. What if it’s something bad? Something she won’t come back from? What then?


  Saint runs his fingers through his hair. “She’s in shock.”

  “We need to find her roommate. She’s a nice kid. She doesn’t deserve this. Neither of them do.”

  I’ve got a bad feeling about all of this. I believe that punk, Chase, when he says the part he played in stalking Liv. It’s the other kid that is lying through his teeth – or tooth. He knows who the third person is, and he’s not saying. The thing is, he’s so fucked up right now that he’s flying high and thinks he’s untouchable. We’re not going to get shit out of him until he’s come down and going through withdrawals. Even then we still might not get answers.

  Razor comes in, looking around. “Where’s Liv?”

  “She’s in the bathroom, vomiting,” Saint says.

  Saint has been through a lot. I don’t know if he’ll be able to handle it if something happens to Liv. Not when he just got her back.

  Razor lowers his voice. “Bash thinks he has a way to make the other guy talk. You can’t let Liv back in that shed though. And when this is over, Bash might need to go away.”


  Remembrance of a life I wish both Bash and I could leave behind cross my mind.

  “Is he okay with that?”

  “He says he’ll do whatever it takes.” Razor says each word tentatively, as if testing the idea.


  “King, he’ll do anything for her. Even this.”

  But we all know he might not come back from it. Hell, he almost died the last time he went this far in. Bash is a good fucking guy. He’s not meant to ever look at this side of his soul and I fear he won’t be able to live with himself when he does.

  “You have to be there with him every step of the way, even if that means doing it for him, Razor.”

  “He’s my brother and my friend. Of course I will.”

  Saint finally speaks up. “She’ll never forgive herself if he doesn’t make it, Razor. Remind him of that. Remind him of it every day until he comes back home.”

  “I will.” He glances at the door. “I’ll try to get back soon.”

  He starts to leave, but I call out his name.


  “You be safe, too.”

  He smiles. “Didn’t know you cared, King.”

  And then he’s gone. If I knew what was going to happen, I would have fucking hugged him or something. But hindsight is twenty-twenty and there are no do-overs in life.



  Olivia still hasn’t come from the bathroom and I hear her soft sobs through the door.

  Saint says, “I’m going to check on her.”

  I don’t know what in the fuck I should be doing, to be honest. When we got Chase yesterday, I truly thought this would already be taken care of. Sighing, I sit at the table and wait for Saint. My cell buzzes in my pocket and I glance at the screen. It’s an unknown number, so I reject the call.

  Unknown: This is Julie
t. We need to talk.

  Juliet wouldn’t call if it wasn’t something important. That’s part of our deal. When my phone rings this time I answer it.

  “This is King.”

  “King. Hey. This is Juliet.”

  “You get a new number?”

  She lets out a small laugh. “You know how this line of work goes. Some internet troll finds your number and posts it on Reddit, along with a conspiracy theory. The next thing you know, you’re getting random calls at two in the morning, asking why you helped cover up some celebrity’s death.”

  “Sounds quite specific.” My phone buzzes with static, so I say, “Hold on. I’m putting you on speaker phone. My POS phone is acting up.”

  “Can you hear me now?”

  “Yeah. So, new number because of a troll?”

  “I wish I were joking. Anyway, I hate to bother, but I have some information for you.” Paper rustles in the background. “Remember that file you asked me to look into? For Olivia Mayhem?”

  I’d asked Juliet to crack a locked file on Olivia, but that was before Olivia and I got together. Besides, Agent Hill implied that the file should remain locked. I know when someone isn’t fucking around, and he meant what he said.

  “Actually, I don’t need that information anymore.”

  “Well, too bad for you, because I was able to open the file.” She pauses. “How well do you know her?”

  “We’re dating, if that tells you anything.”

  Juliet and I fucked around in the past, but it was never anything serious, so I don’t feel bad telling her this. Besides, I want everyone to know Olivia is mine.

  Juliet exhales loudly, as if she’s been holding her breath. “Good. You need to warn her, King.”

  “Warn her?”

  “He’s not dead.”

  “Who’s not dead?”

  I hate that I sound like a fucking parrot, but I have no idea what’s going on.

  “They told her he was dead after he hurt her, but they lied. King, he’s alive, and I have reason to believe he’s in the area.”

  Saint comes into the room at the same time, Olivia at his side.

  Saint asks, “Everything okay man? Is that Razor?”


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