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Rebirth Page 17

by Devin Auspland

  “I’m sorry to hear that Kezdet. That must have led to a lonely life, isolated like that.” Breck thought back to his own life on Earth. He lived in isolation too. He never really let anyone get close in fear that they were doing so for personal gain. It was a dog-eat-dog world after all, and only the strong survived.

  “It wasssn’t ssso bad. I alwaysss had my tribe by my ssside.”

  “But what about other dungeons? Couldn’t monsters form contracts or join other dungeon tribes?” Jeeves interjected.

  Kezdet nodded. “Sssome form contractsss but it isss extremely rare. Why would a being like yourssself, able to create anything you desssire, need to accept a lower life form like a kobold? You could jussst create your own if you ssso pleasssed. Alssso, when a dungeon is dissscovered, the other racesss generally flock to it and take ownerssship. That makesss it imposssible for lowly monssstersss like usss to make it inssside. We were lucky to find you, massster.” Kezdet then shuffled uncomfortably before nervously adding. “But that isssn’t to sssay we are not eternally grateful for your hossspitality and will ssserve you admirably, massster.”

  “Calm down, Kezdet. I’m not going to get rid of you. If anything, you’re someone new to talk with.”

  “Am I not satisfying to speak with, Sir?” Jeeves questioned.

  Breck chuckled. “I’m just messing with you, Jeeves.”

  Kezdet looked confused. “You are a ssstrange massster indeed.”

  All three laughed together while Breck thought of ways to best utilize his new boneless tribe kobolds and what to do about the tree wrapping itself around him.


  The Supporter

  It took almost a full day for Zach and Droknal to reach the village near the dungeon. They passed through several plowed fields full of half-grown vegetation, but only saw a handful of farmhands as they traveled. The first actual signs of life didn’t spring up until they reached the village proper.

  As the dirt path became laced with stone, Zach blurted out, “Finally!”

  Droknal turned to Zach with a confused expression. “Finally, what?”

  “We reached the village and finished our quest.” Zach looked around. “I wonder if they have a guild representative here who I can speak with.”

  “I doubt it >>click<<. There doesn’t seem to be much to this settlement. We should look >>click<< for the inn. Its proprietors would likely know more.” Droknal gestured toward a sizable building near the center of the village.

  There were twin plumes of smoke coming from its dual chimneys. It was a two-story building, one of only a handful around, and it had the most foot-traffic going in and out of it. The building was mainly made of wood on a stone foundation. Every step closer raised the ambient volume a few decimals. This was clearly the inn. If all those signs weren’t enough, the actual sign hanging on a post near the door confirmed their previous suspicions. The sign read ‘The Boiled Pig Inn.’

  “Shall we?” Zach grinned and headed for the door. When he didn’t hear his companion following, he turned, a puzzled expression on his face.

  “It might be best for you >>click<< to get a room by yourself. I can join you after.”

  Zach shook his head. “Nah, we’ll go in together. If they have a problem with you, they have a problem with me.” Droknal put on a clearly fake and shaky smile. “Listen. If they really have a problem with you, we can just sleep outside the village. It's not like we haven’t been doing that for the past few weeks, anyway.”

  Grabbing Droknal’s forearm, Zach pulled him inside. The inside of the inn was as busy as they expected. The first floor was covered with tables of different sizes and shapes. Most of them were occupied, but there were still several empty tables and spots at the bar. Zach pointed to a pair of empty stools near one corner of the bar, and they both took a seat.

  A large, burly, older woman with gray and white hair approached. “What can I get you fellas?” She had a warm and welcoming voice that sounded much too young for her appearance.

  “How much for a couple of warm meals and a room for the night?” Zach questioned.

  The woman looked at the pair, with her eyes lingering on their weapons for a long moment before she answered. “I could give you some stew and a room for five copper.”

  Zach nodded, and the women walked off. She returned a moment later with two bowls and a key. Placing them on the counter, she crossed her arms in anticipation.

  “Oh right, you probably want some money.” The women groaned. Zach pulled all six coppers from his pocket and placed them down in front of him.

  “You gave me one-too-many, sonny.” The woman pushed a single copper back toward Zach, but he shook his head.

  “I’m looking for some information and I’m hoping you can help.” She nodded for Zach to continue and pocketed all six copper coins. “I’m looking for an adventuring guild representative in the area. Do you know where I could find one?”

  “Hmm.” The woman scratched her chin.

  Droknal nudged Zach on the side to get his attention before whispering in his ear. “You should ask about the dungeon >>click<<. Perhaps someone else has discovered it.”

  “Do you also know anything about a dungeon in the area?” Zach added.

  “Well, now that you mention it. A girl came back raving about some dungeon in the swamplands a few days ago. I believe she has an affiliation with a chapter of the local area’s adventuring guild too, but that won’t do you much good?”

  “Why’s that?”

  “She checked out of the inn this morning. She’s likely left the village by now.”

  Zach stood so fast it sent his stool crashing to the floor. The crash wasn’t loud enough to draw any attention in the noisy room, however. “Which way did she go!?” Zach blurted.

  “I think she mentioned something about stopping at the general goods store before leaving town. You have a chance at finding her there. Sorry, but I don’t know what her plans were from that point on.” Zach and Droknal nodded and ran for the door. The woman called out for them to stop. “Don’t you want to know what she looks like?” She smiled. “Her name is Thao and her family is originally from the far east. She has long black hair and dark eyes. You can’t miss her, she's a porter support class. Look for an enormous pack.”

  Zach nodded, and they ran off. It didn’t take long for them to realize they had no idea where they were going. They stopped the nearest pedestrian, received directions and were off again. A short sprint later and they reached the general goods store.

  The store was a large one-story rectangular building made primarily of wood and plaster. There was only a handful of windows and a number of people had set up small stalls outside the store selling their crops. After a quick glance around they realized that there wasn’t anyone in the general vicinity selling anything other than food. Unfortunately, that quick glance didn’t reveal anyone matching Thao’s description.

  “Maybe she’s inside?” Zach hesitantly stated.

  The pair rushed up the steps leading to the front landing and entered the store. The inside was similar to the last general goods store they were in. Dozens of tables adorned the floor, and every wall was covered in shelving that ran from floor to ceiling with things for sale. There was food, armor, weapons, and potions. If you could name it, it was likely present.

  There were several people perusing the available merchandise, but only one drew the attention of the pair. A youthful woman matching Thao’s description was in a corner looking at some potions. Droknal and Zach approached, Zach taking the lead and striking up a conversation.

  “Hello. Are you Thao?” he questioned.

  Thao looked up from the different colored potions in her hands to meet Zach’s eyes. “Umm… yes. Can I help you?” she answered hesitantly.

  “Hi. I’m Zach and this is my associate Droknal. I was wondering if you were a member of the adventurer’s guild?”

  Thao looked the pair up and down. “Maybe. Why do you ask?”

/>   Zach could tell she was being guarded, so he put his cards on the table. Pulling his guild crest out and revealing it, he spoke. “I’m a member of the guild as well. I was wondering if you could point me in the direction of the local guild representative and perhaps tell me about your time in the nearby dungeon?”

  A bit of the tension washed off of her. “I’m not a member of the guild, just a local adventurer but I can point you in their direction. Do you mind if I ask a question first?” Zach shrugged before nodding. “Why do you want to know about the dungeon?”

  “My friend and I just came from there. We cleared the first room and headed here to convey some information to the guild. We plan on returning after we get some extra party members.”

  Thao frowned. “Did your party all die too?”

  Zach shook his head. “No, it's just been the two of us up to now. We’d rather not return without a full group though.”

  “Wait. You cleared the first room and none of you died?” Zach nodded his confirmation. “My group lost our first member to the beetles and the remaining two died before we made our escape.” Thao tilted her head downward to hide her shame and sorrow.

  “I’m sorry to hear that. Droknal and I tend to take a more… cautious approach. He’s still teaching me to control my essence and master my chakra points.” Droknal nudged Zach to stop him from over sharing.

  Thao perked up at the last comment. “He’s teaching you to use essence!?” She turned to face Droknal. “Do you think you could teach me? I want to become a better supporter and mastering my essence would go a long way.”

  Droknal pulled Zach aside and lifted a hand to stop Thao from following. “Zach >>click<<. You shouldn’t over share with this one. We don’t know >>click<< if we can trust her. Besides, I’m an Anthronoid. It’s best we don’t draw attention to ourselves >>click<<.”

  “She seems all right. Besides, we need her to show us to the guild. I’m not saying you have to teach her or anything, but we should at least hear her out. Don’t you agree?” Droknal looked uncertain but eventually gave a curt nod. The pair rejoined Thao. “He’s not available to teach you at the moment but we would really appreciate you showing us to the local guild.”

  “If your friend there gives me a few lessons, I’ll show you.” Thao pointed at Droknal, but he shook his head adamantly.

  “I’m sorry, but he’s not taking on more students right now. Could you please just direct me to the local guild? I don’t have any money at the moment but after I hand in a quest, I could give you a couple copper for your trouble.”

  It was Thao’s turn to shake her head. “No deal. Either he teaches me or you don’t get to the guild.”

  Zach sighed. “I guess we’ll have to just wander around until we find it.” He and Droknal turned to depart, but Thao called out for them to stop.

  “You won’t find it. There isn’t a guild representative in this town, but there's an outpost nearby. I could take you both there and he could teach me along the way.”

  “Where’s the outpost?” Zach questioned.

  “Nice try. I’ll take you there, but I’m not telling you where it is. I want some essence lessons.”

  Zach sighed again. “Excuse us for a moment.” He took Droknal aside. “What do you think? I really don’t want to travel all the way back to Solaris if we can turn the quest in closer.”

  “As you humans would say, she has put us between a hard place and rock >>click<<.”

  “It's stuck between a rock and a hard place.”

  “Human phrases are so strange. I also do not wish to >>click<< travel to Solaris. We may need to accept her proposal. It would be wise to inform her who I am though >>click<<.”

  Zach scratched his chin. “She seems all right. Let’s find out how far it is, though.” He turned to face Thao again. “How far is the outpost?”

  Thao smiled, knowing she hooked her fish. “It's about a day's travel from here and I can confirm they have a map mage there. He should be able to get a message to anyone you need to report to.”

  Zach and Droknal looked between each other. Zach sighed and faced Thao. “Ok. We’ll leave first thing in the morning then. We’re staying at the Boiled Pig. Meet us there at first light.”

  Thao squealed in joy and ran out of the shop before Zach or Droknal could change their minds.

  “That seemed to make her happy >>click<<.” Zach nodded his agreement. “We should get back to the inn and prepare for tomorrow. I feel it will be a long day >>click<<.”

  “Long but fruitful. If all goes well, we could be getting paid tomorrow. We can use that money to hire some mercenaries and clear the dungeon.”

  Droknal nodded his head. “Let’s take one step at a time >>click<<.”

  The pair left the store and returned to the Boiled Pig Inn. They apologized for running out on the woman before and she gave them two fresh bowls of stew to replace the ones they didn’t touch. After finishing dinner, they retired to their room, all the while unaware they were being watched by a familiar pair of eyes.



  “Where is she?” Zach questioned.

  “I do not know. Should we go back inside >>click<<?” Droknal proposed.

  Before Zach could respond, Thao came running down the street waving her arms frantically.

  “I’m here. I’m here.” When she reached them, she stopped to catch her breath before continuing. “Sorry I’m late. I ran out of the store so quickly yesterday that I forgot to pick up more potions.”

  Thao was carrying her over-sized pack on her chest. It seemed to be stuffed to brim with the stitching barely holding it together.

  How does she even carry that thing? It must weigh as much as she does, if not more. Zach stepped forward. “Better late than never, I suppose. Shall we get going?”

  Thao nodded, and the three left toward the west. They quickly entered an area with wide open rolling hills. There was a single mountain in the far distance. Based on where Thao was taking them, it was clear that the mountain was their destination. They continued walking for over an hour in silence before Thao spoke up.

  “Soooo, about my training. Can we start now?”

  Droknal stopped the group and looked to Zach for confirmation. He nodded and Droknal removed his hood, revealing himself as an Anthronoid. For her part, Thao didn’t flinch or react in any way. She simply repeated her question.

  “Does that mean we can start?”

  Droknal cocked his head. “Does my appearance not bother you >>click<<?”

  “No. I mean, should it?” she questioned.

  “Most people do not like my kind. I am an Anthronoid >>click<<. The last great war was against us. That doesn’t bother you >>click<<?”

  Thao shook her head. “No. I grew up in the east. We weren’t part of the war. You're the first Anthronoid I’ve met and you seem nice. My parents taught me to judge people by their actions and not the actions of their people. A lot of humans have done terrible things throughout history, but you don’t see the other races judging us by those actions. You're even willing to teach me something about essence, so I think you’re an exceptional person.”

  Droknal turned to face Zach. “I take back what I said earlier >>click<<. I like this one. She is wise beyond her years.” Thao’s smile widened. “Would you mind practicing your essence gathering while I teach her the basics? Remember, focus the essence through your chakra points. Feel it enter your body >>click<< and channel it.”

  Zach nodded and got into the lotus position as Droknal pulled Thao aside for more one-on-one training. Zach dug a small hole in front of him with a rock and filled it with water from his waterskin before closing his eyes.

  Focus. Feel the energy. An icy chill bit at his skin as he drew in essence. Before learning about chakra, he would normally just allow the energy to enter him while doing his best to compress it and pass on all non-ice essence. Now, with additional tutelage from Droknal, Zach reached out to his chakra points. As instr
ucted, he kept the essence out against his skin and funneled it the best he could to enter through his points.

  Ice essence entered his body and ran through his chakra system. Rather than bombarding his entire body like before, it flowed like a raging river. The energy coursed through him and filled his body, which made it remarkably easy to condense. Not only that, but by using his chakra points as gates, he could shut out most other essence types and only let in water and air. It would take more practice for him to master the technique and some other essence made its way in, but it was still leaps and bounds above his original technique for absorption in terms of efficiency.

  “Good work >>click<<.” Droknal placed a hand on Zach’s shoulder, causing him to look up. “Are you ready to continue?”

  “You're done already?” Zach stood and stretched out his stiffness.

  “Yes. It’s been an hour and I believe she understands the basics now >>click<<. She will just need to practice more and rank up. She is only beginner rank three after all >>click<<.”

  “An hour? I keep losing track of time when I absorb essence.” Zach packed away his water skin and covered the small hole he dug with fresh dirt.

  Droknal nodded. “Your awareness will grow with time >>click<< and practice. How did it go?”

  Zach explained the flow of water feeling and opening his chakra points.

  “That's marvellous. It seems my instructions over the past few weeks were helpful then >>click<<,” Droknal added.

  “Your instructions were great!” Thao came walking up. She was covered in sweat and had a grin from ear to ear. “Humans are stupid for not sharing this knowledge. No one's ever agreed to teach me anything.”

  “Humans are not the only race who guard their knowledge. Anthronoids gave all their knowledge to our queens >>click<< but that knowledge was not shared within the colony. Other races, such as dwarves and elves, also have similar knowledge protections >>click<<,” Droknal commented.


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