Four Moons: The Complete Collection: (Books 1 - 4)

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Four Moons: The Complete Collection: (Books 1 - 4) Page 69

by Amos, Richard

  The lull before the storm. That’s what this was.

  It was driving me crazy that we’d had no word on Uncle Ryoka. And so was the fact my dad still hadn’t launched an attack on the elves. I didn’t get it. What was he waiting for? Had he missed the opportunity?

  Bloodlust. It fizzed in me like the carbonated drink I was guzzling.

  The destruction of the hospital was being covered on TV, along with footage of the moon change. I’d seen it so many times, that old red moon of chaos having a silverpoint form at its center, then spread across the crimson until the whole thing was sparkling silver. Really metallic and endlessly glittery. Kind of like a disco ball, but not as fun.

  Bob and Rose were ready for action. I gave them a fuss, Rose getting a belly rub, and then they were off to see what the hell was going on.

  I muted the TV, listening to the sounds of the city fill my ears through my babies. Sirens, no traffic. Tokyo’d ground to a halt under the silver moon—which had zero effect on my metaphysical babies running under its rays.

  It was raining out there, proper cool and metallic air, and the stench of burning on the wind. The hospital for one, and tenshi knew what else.

  It didn’t take Bob and Rose long to arrive. Things were exactly the same as before. Blurry, not quite clear, Uncle Ryoka was there still. A prisoner with figures around him. Nothing to indicate who or what those figures were.

  “Check the perimeter for wolves,” I whispered to my babies, “and the surrounding area.”

  They did as I asked. My right foot was bouncing up and down, my fists clenched. A pool cue struck a ball in the distance, beyond the noise of the rain and the city.

  Nothing there.

  I jumped to my feet. “I need to speak to my dad. Like now.”

  * * *

  Placing the cup of green tea on the bedside table, which was supposed to help calm me, I paced the bedroom as the phone call connected to dear old papa.

  Dr. Beppu had given me a phone.

  “I wanted to talk face-to-face, but the connection is too poor for me to video call you,” Dad said. “Hopefully, the issue will be fixed within the next hour or so.”

  “Probably best you don’t.”


  “Cuts and bruises. Not a pretty sight.”

  “There is nothing at Imperial Palace, son.”

  “What? But—”

  “The area has been searched thoroughly, and he isn’t there. No sign of him at all.”


  “Do not leave the pharmacy. That is an order. You will wait until it is safe to move.”

  “He’s there, Dad.”

  “Your senses,” he said.


  “I have observed you over the years and the way you use this ability of yours. It isn’t shifting, yet it is impressive. It has served you well, has it not?”

  “They have.” We’d never really talked about my abilities before. Always thought he didn’t give two flying fucks about them. He never listened.

  “Good. However, the entire area surrounding Imperial Palace has been covered, as well as inside the palace itself. Nothing was found, not even a hint of magic. My brother is nowhere to be found, and you have to take priority now. There is nothing else I can do with the moon at this stage.”

  “Dad…” This softness in his tone was freaking me out. “He’s there. Others too.” There was so much desperation in my voice, and I ended up explaining exactly how Bob and Rose worked.



  “You’re sure about this, Akira?”

  “Hundred percent.”

  “Elves,” he said, the ice back in his voice.

  “Elves? You think its elves?”

  “It transpires I am indeed a fool.”


  “The elves, son. Of course, this is their work. How could I have missed it, even after their attack on you.”

  I tripped onto his wavelength. “The elves knew about me, so they followed me. Oh, shit. That’s right, isn’t it? They followed me to Japan and got their hands on Ryoka for information? No, that’s not right. They had information. Xavier would have told them.”


  “What does that mean? How come I can sense them and Uncle?”

  “I don’t know, Akira. But there is more going on here. You were followed to Japan, there is no question. Yet the only reason for them to kidnap Ryoka is to gain information. If Xavier had shared it, then they would have it. Unless they do not have it, and Ryoka does. Then they would need him for information, wouldn’t they? Their magic is slippery enough to find a way to unlock it.”

  “You’re telling me Xavier might be on our side?”

  “I’m speculating, Akira. Elves are still elves.”

  “This doesn’t make sense.”

  “Neither does their new leader. There is something going within their ranks we are not seeing. I do not accept that Ryoka is being held to be used against me. Striking you down is their best bet at breaking me successfully.”

  My death would break him? For real? “Dad—”

  “I love my brother. I may not show it, but he is my blood. Yet he isn’t my son, not the best tool to use. The opportunity for elves to strike a deal with me is gone, anyway.”

  “Xavier not giving me up?”

  “One theory, yes.”

  “I need to get in touch with him.”

  “Impossible. If this is true, he will be in hiding. A target as much as you.”

  Wow. Things can certainly turn at the drop of a hat. One moment, I’m all burn down the elves, the next, I’m in this headspace wanting to reach out.

  Thank the tenshi I hadn’t lost my mind and, well, done that whole action first, worry about the consequences later thing. I’d been teetering on the edge, no question. A good thing I didn’t throw myself over, right? Another yay moment for me? Not so dangerous and crazy, not gonna be at one with the creepy voice in my head and go gunning for destruction.

  If G dies…

  That was different…

  “I will send the SCU over there again immediately to break through their trickery. If they managed to fool the last round of investigations, then more force will be required to break through.”

  He meant iron. “Dad?”


  “What about the attack? You can’t… Is that why you’ve held off like you have?”

  “Yes. For the moment. The hours inch closer, though. An attack will come, no matter the circumstances. The attempted murder of my son will not go unanswered.”

  He was one scary bastard. I could picture the darkness in his eyes, the quiet menace that passed over his face when he was really fuming. His strength was off the scale. Alpha strength. Not just any old alpha strength—High Alpha mojo.

  I shuddered. Our relationship was fucked up, complicated, and particularly weird now. The weirdness had started in Hitoshi Hospital, London, when he’d shown me a side of him that’d been lacking from, well, my whole damn life. I wouldn’t call it tenderness, but there was fatherly stuff in it. Soft. Kind. He’d acted like he should—how I always thought fathers should act.

  He was doing it again.

  “Okay, Dad,” I said. “What do I do?”

  “You continue to stay where you are until I say. Do not worry, Akira. I will have you back here soon.”

  I licked my lips, an alien sensation creepy up my spine. “Are you all okay? Sarah, Riku…you?”

  “We’re fine. Thank you for asking. The Spire is now coated in reinforced iron and anti-magic. I would like to be able to look out of a window.”

  “I bet.”

  “Frustrating, but my family is safe.”

  Right. His family—the other family, the true family.

  “Most of them.”

  I nearly dropped the phone.

  “You will be safe, Akira. And so will Ryoka. I will do everything in my power to make it possible. I am working on
a means to transport you. Please bear with me.”

  “Will do. Th-thanks.” I didn’t know what else to say.

  “I must go now, son. I will be in touch soon. Thank you for telling me about your babies.” He chuckled ever so lightly to finish it off.

  Now that nearly floored me. Wow.

  “Goodbye, Akira.” He was gone.

  I sank back into the sofa, grabbing my forehead. “Holy shit.”

  Too much.

  Way too fucking much.

  Chapter Five

  The SCU had vanished. A report back from Imperial Palace said that elves were there, yep, but then gone, along with the agents. A second wave went over, vanished too.

  Investigation now suspended.

  Ryoka was still there.

  I had to do something.

  Problem was, the Tokyo Alpha had arrived using some sewer network that linked the three safehouses together. Dad wanted her here. I mean, she was proper tough with a vicious reputation. Normally I’d love that, but not right now. She’d just be an extra hurdle.

  Those sewer tunnels weren’t as deep as the elven ones and were blocked to most peeps. Being alpha, she had access, and they were there as a contingency plan if we needed to run. Having all three safehouses attacked at once wasn’t mentioned as a possibility, so I kept my gob shut.

  Anyway, I had bigger issues to think about.

  Yua Ito was tall, blonde, alabaster skin, and eyes practically purple if it weren’t for the hazel rings and traces of wolfy gold in them. And she had the sharpest cheekbones ever. All cities had alphas like her to run things in my dad’s stead. They were the next step down, High Alpha being the top job and based in London—the birthplace of the werewolves.

  Yua was dressed in a sharp black suit and had cherry red boots I kind of wanted.

  We sat together in the living space as she spoke, us listeners a group of kids submitting to a really grumpy teacher. I’d had a few of those in my time.

  There were two male wolves in black flanking her.

  “I am here to keep watch on your situation,” she said. “Though things have quietened down, for the time being, that will not last. I’m sure we can all be morbidly assured of that.”

  True words, them.

  “The current status will remain the same. Wait. Arrangements are proving difficult. All ports are on high alert, nothing moving in light of the recent incidents. There is no way out of Tokyo for now. Safety is not guaranteed. We will move you only if absolutely necessary, Akira.”

  I didn’t even bother mentioning my uncle. I’d already been told to forget about it. There was nothing that could be done, and no more SCU agents could be spared to go missing again.

  Forget about it him? Like fuck was I doing that.

  Tricky part would be slipping out. Dangerous too. And really fucking stupid. But when had I ever been sensible?

  Okay, yeah, I was putting the whole of the werewolf race in jeopardy if I went strolling over to Imperial Palace, all guns blazing. Talk about a dick move. Really major dick move! But what was I supposed to do?

  Bob and Rose were still over with Ryoka, Yua’s voice pretty much drifting over me. She could talk all she wanted, be here all she wanted. My mind was made up. I was making the ultimate dick move. I’d thought, briefly, that I’d lost my uncle. But he was alive, and I could help him if no one else would.

  My uncle was tied to a chair, grubby, battered and bruised, wankers moving around him, muttering. Couldn’t make out the words.

  It was all pretty straight forward. They had to die. I had to save my uncle.

  Time to plot my escape.

  Calling Bob and Rose back, I said, “Find me a way out.”

  They got to work.

  * * *

  I lay in bed, Bob and Rose spread out either side of me, illuminating the dark. It was gone midnight, heading for one in the morning.

  Timing was everything.

  They’d found me a way out up in the main, locked, pharmacy. There was a stairwell to the roof. Also locked up tight. Fine. But there was also a secured key cabinet in a small office off a corridor linking this room to the living quarters. Attached to that was a bedroom for Dr. Beppu . The same corridor had more rooms, two bathrooms, the kitchen, and then the guarded stairway up to the pharmacy.

  Loved Bob and Rose so hard for their investigative awesomeness. I rubbed their fur, got plenty of licks to the face.

  “Good babies. So, so, good.”

  Not so awesome was the total werewolf headcount. Yua and her two guys, then another seven wolves, plus the two nurses, Kaito the chef, and Dr. Beppu . On last check, before these furry snuggles, none of them had gone to bed.

  This was gonna be complicated.

  G slept in the other bed. Poor guy was knackered, needing some painkillers and a rest.

  I was scared shitless for him. Understatement. And he wouldn’t leave my side. I knew that so damn clearly. I wanted to fill him in on my plans but couldn’t. Same went for Zach. They’d just be cannon fodder. I’d be the twisted shepherd leading his flock to the slaughter.

  I wouldn’t do that to G, to Zach.

  How do you solve a problem like the guy you love, and who loves you back, being so amazing and loyal and wanting to be with you every step of the way even though the risk level had seriously gone up?

  You snuck away into the silvery night.

  This was an immature choice that sat heavy in my stomach, a weird tipping back and forth between reckless me and level-headed me. When I was hunting, I aimed for being cool as much I could be. After all, I wanted to get the job done and line my pockets with paper. But sometimes I just couldn’t hold back.

  Guess that’s what made me dangerous.

  I just wanted my uncle back.

  G would have to stay here. Even though it left ice in my heart to think about, it’d have to be done. He’d looked after me, protected me, been by my side for the past two years, and now it was my turn to give some of that protection back by leaving him here in this safe house.

  He’d be furious. Let down. We’d only just moved past our crap. Tenshi, I was so in love with him. Like really. Had been for a while, even if I wouldn’t admit it to myself. Now I had him, submerged in all these happy sensations, what was I doing? I was prepping to walk out of here, break his trust and—

  Damn. My heart. My chest was seizing up.

  I couldn’t do it. I couldn’t have him look at me with distrust. I couldn’t lie to the man. He deserved better than that. Might as well spit in his face and be done with it if I was gonna go down that avenue.

  Wow. I’d never cared so much about what someone thought of me before.

  I slid off the bed, Bob and Rose staying put, and went to sit on the edge of G’s mattress. Didn’t wanna wake him, but waking him prematurely trumped lies.

  I clicked on the lamp on his side.

  “G?” I gave him a prod.

  Nothing yet.

  Another prod.



  Two more prods and his eyes fluttered open. “Aki? What’s wrong? What time is it?”

  “Sorry to wake you, but we need to talk.”

  I gave him a minute to fully wake up, then he turned his head slightly to look at me. “Mind if I stay in this position? Skull is sore.”

  “Of course.”

  “Talk to me.”

  “Okay, here goes.” Deepest breath ever. “I can’t stay here, G. Not with my uncle out there. It’s driving me crazy. I can’t do this.”

  “Then, we go together.”

  “What? No. You’re in no state to go anywhere.”

  “Doesn’t matter. I go where you go.”

  “Don’t be daft, G.”

  “I don’t care. You’re not going out there without me.”

  I sighed. “I was gonna sneak away.”

  “I’m glad you didn’t.”

  “Me too. But the facts remain the same, G. I’m not leaving my uncle to die. He’s over there b
ecause he was trying to help me. I owe him. He made these swords he…” I had to pause, shake my head, and stop myself from weeping like a little bitch yet again. “He needs my help. I have a plan. I just wanted you to know. Please let me do this.” I stood up.

  “Aki. No.” He tried getting up, wincing and grabbing his head. “Shit.”

  “You okay? Don’t try to move if you—”

  “I’m fine,” he bit out through gritted teeth. “Just had a pain wave.” He sat up.

  “See? You’re in no condition to come with me. Too dangerous. I can do—”

  “Don’t you dare walk out that door, Aki.”

  “You know I have to. Please—”

  “You’re better than this.”

  “Better than saving my uncle’s life?”

  “You know that’s not what I’m saying, Aki.” He pulled off the sheets. “I have a responsibility to you.”

  “What? No, you don’t.”

  “Are you serious? Of course, I do. I always have done. Even more so now.”

  “You’re not obliged to be my protector anymore.”

  Darkness swirled in his emerald eyes. Wolf or not, when G was pissed, he was as scary as my dad. Still wouldn’t tangle with him down a dark alley.

  “So,” he said, slowly swinging his legs off the bed, “suddenly I’m not responsible for your safety because of what happened? That’s total crap.”

  Breathless again. “G, you don’t need to take care of me.”

  “Listen to yourself, Aki. Really listen. Let those words roll around in your noggin.”

  I’d gone all meek. “I’m sorry I upset you.”

  “Good. You should be. I love you, Akira Murakami. I tried not to. I really did. Thought it would be a bad idea that we wouldn’t work. But then I unpeeled your layers and knew there wasn’t another man on this earth I’d want to be with. I have a duty to protect you because you’re in my heart. Deep, deep down in there. It’s not just about what I promised your dad. I want to be there with you through every light or dark step.” He stood, wobbly. “You told me you loved me too. Did you mean it?”


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