Broken Hill High: The Broken Hill High Series (Book 1)

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Broken Hill High: The Broken Hill High Series (Book 1) Page 2

by Sheridan Anne

Nate’s grin widens as though he’s won this round before he takes off with Ashley under his arm.

  I let out a breath as Brooke turns to me. “Are you ok?” she questions.

  “Yeah,” I say, shrugging it off. “I’m used to his shit by now.”

  She studies me for a moment and decides she likes what she sees. It’s true. I’ve put up with his asshole tendencies for years now. At the beginning, I used to wonder why he’d suddenly turned on me and if I’d done something to piss him off. Now, I don’t give a shit. He does his bullshit and it sails right over me like water off a duck’s back.

  Yes, sometimes it can suck, especially if I’ve had a bad day, but right now, I’m out having fun with my girls, and Nate Ryder is not even on my radar.

  Chapter 2

  With our drinks in hand, I follow Brooke around Josh’s home with Bec and Courtney right behind me until we manage to steal a couple of guys’ chairs. We sit down and people watch for a while before Brooke decides it’s time to shake our asses.

  I’m more than happy to stay right where I am, but the little minx is not taking no for an answer, which is made clear when she grabs my hand and drags me out onto the dance floor behind her.

  The girls and I dance around, shaking our asses and giving it our all when I finally spot him. Josh Henderson. Broken Hill’s star quarterback and the most popular guy in the room. He’s the guy that every girl wants to be with and every guy in Broken Hill wants to be. It’s sick really, the kind of attention he gets, but that’s just the way things go around here.

  Josh makes his way across the dance floor with practically every cheerleader following him, each of them desperate to be the girl he chooses for the night, though it’s not hard to tell why, especially with that floppy golden hair, hazel eyes, and killer body. It’s simple. He’s absolutely stunning.

  His eyes lock on mine and I watch as that familiar smile cuts across his face. He weaves his way through the throng of dancing bodies and reaches me within moments. “Hey, babe,” he says as he wraps his arms around my waist and pulls my body hard against him.

  “Hi to you, too,” I smile up at him as my arms fall around his neck.

  He starts dancing with me, and by dancing, I mean, he grinds himself into me while Brooke gives me the thumbs up and a big cheesy grin.

  I can’t help but feel the stares of all the cheerleaders in the room and feel as though I currently have a major target on my back. After all, Josh is the quarterback and at Broken Hill High, that means he’s theirs.

  I look up at him and within the blink of an eye, his lips are crushing down on mine with his tongue forcing its way inside my mouth.

  I let him kiss me for a bit and I know had I been drinking, I probably would have been enjoying it a little more, but let’s face it, just like last week, it’s all saliva mixed with the taste of bourbon. It’s not his finest hour, but if he was sober right now, I’m sure this moment would be putting stars in my eyes.

  Not really feeling it, I pull back and he grins down at me. “Let me get you a drink,” he says before releasing my waist and walking away, not bothering to wait for my response. I can’t help but feel a little disappointed. In my head, I had made Josh out to be this amazing guy, but the last two weeks is proving otherwise.

  “What the hell was that?” Bec squawks beside me.

  “I have no clue,” I tell her as Brooke starts to laugh.

  “Tell me it was better than last week?” she questions.

  I scrunch up my face and shake my head. Just like that, the four of us burst out into uncontrollable fits of laughter. “Holy shit,” Brooke says, straightening herself up and wiping at the tears in her eyes. “I think I just peed myself.”

  “You’re such an idiot,” I tell her over the sound of the music as a slight headache starts to seep in from all the noise and dancing.

  She grins back at me. “I’m going to go find the bathroom,” she tells me before promptly turning her back and disappearing.

  “Shit,” I groan after my drunken best friend. I turn to Bec and Courtney. “Can you guys go with her so she doesn’t get herself in trouble? I’m going to grab some fresh air.”

  “No problem,” Bec says before they turn and hurry after her.

  I turn in the opposite direction and head for the back door, passing a couple practically screwing up against the wall. The second I step out into the fresh air, I take a deep breath, letting the cool air rush into my lungs.

  I walk out into the yard and past the massive pool, which even I must admit is pretty damn impressive. I swear, the party must be even bigger out here. There’s a massive yard with a bonfire. People are scattered and dancing all around while others sit around the fire, laughing and drinking as they enjoy their night. Even I have to admit that this is one hell of a good party, even with Nate Ryder hanging around somewhere.

  I pull my phone out and quickly check the time. 12:37 am. Hmm, I hadn’t realized just how quickly the night was going. Mom is expecting me and Brooke home soon.

  I find myself a dark corner and lean up against the brick wall of the house when a set of arms wrap around my waist. I gasp and look up into Josh’s hazel eyes. “I knew you’d come looking for me,” he murmurs into my ear as his hand travels down to grab my ass.

  Just like before, I hardly have a chance to take a breath before he seals his lips to mine with his tongue invading my mouth. Inside, I could mostly handle it as I had the party vibe going on, but right now, I’m tired and I have a headache, and having some guy’s tongue halfway down my throat just isn’t cutting it.

  I turn my head away and he aims his lips for my neck. I mean, this is definitely a much better situation. The way his lips move against my neck has a slight moan slipping out of me. “Yeah, I knew you’d like that,” he says as he presses himself against me, letting me feel just how turned on he is. “Why don’t we go upstairs for a little more privacy?”

  I consider it for the briefest moment before realizing that I don’t want to give up my V-card at a party to the drunk quarterback who wouldn’t remember it in the morning. Most girls at this party would say I’m insane to pass this up, after all, he’s the most popular guy in school, being with him right now would mean setting myself up as Queen B for the whole senior year. I mean, every girl in the school wants to be in my position, and I’m hating myself for not feeling it.

  Why can’t I just be a whore for one night? Just lose all my morals and have a good time?

  I groan before letting him down, hoping this doesn’t ruin my chances for another night. “I can’t. I have to go.”

  His hands on my ass tighten as he gets a good squeeze. “Come on, babe,” he says. “I’ll make it quick.”

  Ahhhhhhh…. Nah. My first time is not going to be a quick, meaningless screw.

  “I’m sorry,” I say. “I really have to go. Rain check?” Or maybe an actual date and a little effort on your part before you try to get in my pants?

  Josh goes to reply when screams coming from behind us steal both our attention. Josh whips around as I twist to look around him, trying to figure out what has people so freaked out.

  It only takes a second for me to work it out as Nate’s matte black Camaro comes tearing through the back yard with his best friend, Parker, hanging out the passenger window, banging on the side of the car and egging Nate on. People duck and dodge as they try to get out of his way while others, like me, stand there gawking at the sight.

  “Fuck,” Josh grunts as his hands ball into fists at his side. As he watches Nate, it’s clear he’s not impressed, especially as Nate heads for the bonfire, but we all know, there’s nothing that can be done. If it was anyone else, this shit would have been dealt with, but not with Nate.

  Nate Ryder does whatever the fuck he wants to do and the way that he doesn’t give a shit about the consequences is what makes him so dangerous.

  Nate drives like a maniac but it’s clear he knows exactly what he’s doing behind the wheel, especially when he reaches the bonfire an
d starts tearing up the grass as he does donuts around it.

  People laugh and cheer at his recklessness while Josh turns bright red with anger. It’s no secret that Nate and Josh have never gotten along. Josh is the golden boy while Nate is the complete opposite. Josh goes to step forward, probably to do damage control before he steps back, choosing not to intervene. I have to admit, that one little move by Josh finally proves that maybe he does have a brain inside that head after all. He’d be a fool to try to stop Nate. He’s just going to have to wait him out and hope he and his friends leave before they do any permanent damage.

  Nate’s car finally comes to a stop and I cringe at the state of the grass, I mean, there’s hardly any left. Josh is going to have to get this shit sorted before his parents return from wherever it is they’ve gone this week.

  Parker stumbles out of the car first and raises both hands in the air before screaming out and putting on a show for all his adoring fans. He brings his beer bottle to his mouth, finishes what’s left, and tosses the bottle towards the fire, though he misses and it smashes against a rock.

  Nate, however, gets out of the car, deciding to leave it right there in the middle of the yard. He leans up against the side of it and pulls a packet of cigarettes out of his pocket before pulling one out and lighting it up.

  He throws the packet through the open window of his car and walks forward. His eyes lock onto Josh and then down at me before he smirks as Josh turns and disappears inside.

  He walks straight past me and I hold my breath, hoping he keeps going, but I’m not that lucky. Nate stops and steps back before smirking down at me. He takes a step forward as he sucks on the end of his cigarette and blows out a puff of smoke, though, I have to give him credit for not blowing it into my face like he did a few weeks ago.

  My instincts take over and I step back which puts me right up against the brick wall of the house. Nate follows and pushes right into my personal space with that wicked smirk of his. He lowers his hands to my waist and I pull back as far as the wall will allow.

  “Looks like Josh isn’t that interested in you after all,” he says with a nasty sparkle in his eye as he leans in and presses his body right up against mine. “But don’t worry, I’ll be more than happy to scratch that itch for you.”

  I worm my hand up in between us and try my hardest to shove him away. “I wouldn’t let you into my bed if you were the last man on earth,” I spit. “You’re nothing but a pig, Nate.”

  He laughs to himself before wrapping his arm right around my waist and pulling me hard against him, making a breath escape me. “You fucking love it, babe,” he says as he runs his nose up the length of my neck. A moment later, he releases me without warning and I fall back into the brick wall.

  He turns his back on me and walks back down to his car as he lifts his dirty cigarette to his mouth before a puff of smoke comes billowing around him and disappears into the night sky. My hands ball into fists at my side while my teeth clench down on one another. I want nothing more than to storm up to him and smack him.

  God. I take it all back. Nate Ryder does know how to get a rise out of me. Most of the time, I can control myself, but then there are times like this. It’s like he knows when I’m at my weakest and he uses it against me, then BAM, he gets me right where it hurts.

  I take a few calming breaths before heading back inside. After all, now I only have a few minutes to find Brooke and drag her ass out of here kicking and screaming.

  I find the girls back at the drinks table with Brooke and Bec seeing who can stomach the most shots. “Damn it,” I groan to myself as I reach them. “Brooke,” I call over the music. “We have to go.”

  “No way in hell, sister,” she sings. “We’re doing shots.”

  “I see that,” I tell her. “Now get your stubborn ass outside and into your car before my mother comes down here and makes you.”

  She throws back one last shot before slamming the little glass down on the table and turning her glassy-eyed gaze on me. “Fine,” she groans. “But you better make it worth my while.”

  “Don’t I always?” I grin.

  She throws her arms around me and gestures toward the front entrance. “Alright, my fair prince. Take me home and give it to me hard.”

  “Sure thing,” I laugh. “All night long.”

  I don’t know how, but at precisely 12:58 am, I pull into my driveway and manage to get Brooke out of her car and up the driveway before dumping her into my bed.

  I pull her heels off and laugh to myself as she promptly falls asleep.

  “Is that you, Tori?” my mother calls down the hallway.

  I stick my head out as to not wake up Brooke. “Yes,” I call back.

  “Did you have a good time?” she questions.

  “Define good?” I grunt.

  “Oh dear,” she says. “Tell me all about it in the morning, k? Love you.”

  “Love you too, mom,” I tell her before closing the door and walking over to my walk-in closet. I rip my dress over my head and get myself into my comfiest pajamas before ducking into my bathroom and washing the makeup off my face. I grab my hair elastic and tie my hair up into a bun before heading to bed.

  I lay beside Brooke, wide awake and unable to get myself off to sleep as thoughts of my night continue replaying in my mind. It’s like an endless loop. Nate then Josh and repeat.

  I mean, how could my last Friday night before senior year be so shitty? All I wanted was to enjoy myself with my girls, and instead, I get stuck with a guy who wants to use me for sex, and an asshole, desperate to make my blood boil.

  Lucky me.

  With nothing else to do, I reach across to my bedside table and find my Kindle before allowing myself to completely get lost in the world of ‘The Mortal Instruments’.

  I don’t know when, but eventually, I must fall asleep as I wake up to sunlight streaming through the window and the sound of my parents' hushed conversation in the hallway.

  I peel my Kindle off my face and groan as I push myself up out of bed. I slide my Kindle onto my bedside table and replace it with my phone. The screen lights up and I find a few text messages.

  Bec – OMG!! You guys should have stayed. BEST NIGHT EVER!!!!

  Courtney – Shit, you need to save me from Bec. She’s drunk off her face and dry humping that guy from her calculus class.

  Courtney – Sorry, Tor… You should probably see this.


  I hit download on the picture and watch as the little circle goes around and around. Then BAM. There he is, Josh Henderson pressed up against the wall with a blonde on her knees and his hand at the back of her head while she goes to town on him, right in the middle of the party.


  I knew that was way too good to be true.

  I study the photo a little closer and take note of the way Josh’s eyes are closed in satisfaction as he tunes out all the partiers around him. It also doesn’t go unnoticed that none other than Nate Ryder is right there in the background, smirking at the scene before him.

  I put my phone back down on the table. There’s nothing there that I should be paying attention to. I should just forget about it. For a moment I was on cloud nine thinking that Josh Henderson was actually into me. How wrong was I?

  “Where're the pancakes?” Brooke groans from beside me as she squishes her face deeper into her pillows.

  “Huh?” I grunt.

  “Pancakes,” she says. “Your mom always makes us pancakes when I stay the night. I don’t smell them.”

  I start sniffing around and realize she’s right. I certainly don’t smell any pancakes. “Come on,” I say, dragging Brooke up out of bed. “We might have to fend for ourselves today.”

  “Damn,” she grunts, but nonetheless, gets up out of bed. I grab my robe and slip my arms through while Brooke pulls off her dress from last night and grabs a pair of jeans and a shirt out of my closet.

  We make our way downstairs and the sound of sniff
ling and a hushed conversation catches my attention. Brooke and I both stop on the stairs and try to listen in to what’s happening in the kitchen, but we get nothing. They’re talking way too quietly. “Maybe I should go,” Brooke murmurs beside me.

  I press my lips together, unsure of what the hell is going on right now. I turn back to Brooke. “Yeah, maybe that’s a good idea. I’ll text you later.”

  “Alright,” she says before pulling me in for a quick hug.

  We walk the rest of the way down the stairs and go our separate ways at the bottom. I watch as Brooke detours past the hallway table and collects her car keys before disappearing out the front door.

  I head into the kitchen to find mom sitting up on the kitchen stool in tears while dad hugs her and runs his fingers down her hair trying to soothe her in a rare display of affection.

  My eyebrows pull down as I take in the scene before me. “What’s going on?” I question as I slowly walk towards them. I mean, maybe they’ve been fighting again.

  “Oh, I didn’t realize you were up,” mom says in surprise before swiveling around in her chair to face me. She hastily wipes at her tears and reaches out to pull me in for a hug. “I’m sorry, love. We’ve had some bad news.”

  She pulls me back but holds onto my shoulders as dad releases his hold on mom. “It’s your Nanna,” she tells me. “She’s fallen ill again.”

  “Oh no,” I gasp with wide eyes. “What’s wrong?”

  “It’s cancer, sweetie. They don’t think she’s going to pull through this time.” My bottom lip pouts out as my eyes fill with tears. “I know,” mom soothes before pulling me back into her arms. “Your father and I are going to go be with her,” she tells me.

  “But she lives in Australia,” I remind them.

  “We know, honey,” mom says, pulling me back once again and offering me the stool beside her. I climb up and she wraps her arm around me. “But she can’t be alone right now. I’d never forgive myself if she passed and she had nobody there by her side. So, we’re flying out tonight,” she explains. “But with your senior year starting on Monday, we’ve decided that you should stay here.”


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