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Madison's Gift

Page 26

by Marie Higgins

  “I killed many people in my life, starting with Spencer Watkins,” Heath snickered. “The bugger wouldn’t stop bothering me about the money I owed him. But I didn’t stop there. I take out people who get in my way. And yes, that included my cousin, Jacob Bailey.” His mouth stretched into a wicked grin and he laughed. “And it looks like you are next, Miss Haywood...or should I call you Lady Madeline Dixon?”

  Where had her strength gone? She needed it back now!

  She gasped, but couldn’t quite catch her breath. Her chest ached and her throat burned. Tears stung her eyes. Slowly, weakness crept over her. She couldn’t let him win. But it seemed she didn’t have power over him any longer.

  Dizziness assailed her as her mind spun out of control. Pain exploded in her head, and she couldn’t think. Her body grew weaker by the second.

  A loud crash resounded through the room just before her world turned black.

  CAMERON FELT NO PAIN as he smashed his shoulder against the door, breaking it off its hinges. Anger was what pushed him now. It hadn’t taken him long to find Heath’s trail—thanks to witnesses who saw the man take Madison—and Cameron rode like the devil was on his heels to save the woman he loved. He sent Alice to the station to inform the other officers, in case he needed back up. When he approached the small hut and heard Madison’s scream, something inside of him snapped. He didn’t care who was in his way, he was going to get Madison!

  Panic consumed him when he saw Heath choking Madison. Cameron flew toward the other man, and knocked him away from Madison. White as a ghost, she collapsed to the floor. Heath scrambled to stand so Cameron slammed his fist hard into the man’s face. Bones cracked, and blood oozed from his face. The man crumbled to the ground.

  Cameron turned back to Madison. He fell to his knees and gathered her in his arms. Red marks the size of fingers streaked across her delicate neck. She wasn’t breathing.

  Fear tightened his chest, but determination guided his actions. “Madison, open your eyes.” He shook her slightly. She felt like a rag doll in his arms.


  She still wasn’t breathing. He needed to help her out. He bent his mouth to hers, covered it, and blew air into her. Pulling back, he looked into her face. She was still deathly pale. He tried one more time, leaning over and blowing air into her mouth. Silently, he prayed this would work.

  He couldn’t lose her. Not now when he finally found a woman to love and respect; one he could share his work with, and his life... No! He wouldn’t give up!

  “Madison! Don’t you dare die on me.” He blew in her mouth again. Her body was as still as death. “No, Madison. You can’t leave me. I-I love you,” he whispered brokenly as he tried one more time to help her breathe.

  As he pushed breath into her again, her lips moved against his. Cameron snapped up his head and peered down into her face. Slowly, her eyes fluttered open and she gasped for air. His heart soared with happiness, and he brought her up against his chest, holding her tight. Tears of gratitude burned his eyes as he rocked her back and forth.

  Her breathing was labored, but at least she was alive. He kissed her forehead and gazed into her eyes. Color was finally returning to her beautiful face. He caressed her cheek and smiled. “You are going to be all right now.” He winked.

  She nodded as her hand fluttered up to her neck. When she touched the red marks, she flinched. “Wh-where’s—”

  “Shhh.” He touched a finger to her lips. Hearing her raspy voice nearly broke him in two. “Don’t say anything for now. Heath Langston is lying on the floor unconscious.”

  Weakly, she moved her head to look in the direction. “Wh-what happened?”

  “I introduced him to my right fist—several times, in fact.” He turned her face back to look at him. “He already had scratches and blood on his face before I got to him. Did that come from you?”

  Smiling, she nodded.

  “That’s my girl.”

  She struggled to sit, so he helped her, keeping her close beside him. “My darling, I’m going to wait here until the other officers arrive to assist me.” He glanced at the still unconscious man. “Although I’m assuming it will be extremely easy to arrest Langston and take him into the station in his physical state.”

  “Cameron,” she said softly, “he killed Mr. Bailey.” She licked her lips. “He’s also killed other people.”

  Cameron nodded. “I know. The talk I had with Rosie made me realize I had arrested the wrong cousin.”

  “And...” She paused in what looked to be a swallow. She grimaced and touched her neck again. “Heath kidnapped Lord Hanover’s daughter.”

  Shock passed through him. “Are you certain?”


  “Did he tell you where she is?”

  Tears collected in her eyes and she mouthed the word yes again. His heart wrenched. Madison must have discovered that the girl had died years ago. He’d do his best to console the woman he loved, and hopefully, he’d be able to help her through the disappointment.

  “She’s...still alive,” her voice creaked. “And she’s talking to you right now.”

  Confusion filled him. “Pardon me?”

  “I’m that girl.”

  “You are Lord Hanover’s daughter?”

  A tear slipped down her cheek. “I remembered everything. The visions I’d had were actually memories sneaking through.”

  Words left his head, and all he could do was take her back in his arms and hold her. Mixed feelings filled him. Shock was high on his list. Thankfully, the doubts he’d had about her not being able to find the girl were not accurate. And yet, seeing the heartache in Madison’s eyes nearly killed him. He would have never guessed Madison would be the missing child.

  She released a sob, and he tightened his hold. “Shhh, don’t cry. I’m here. I will always be here.”

  “Always?” she muttered and lifted her head.

  He hated to see her suffering this way. “Always.” He kissed her forehead. “I love you, Madison. You’re the best thing to come into my life. I want you with me forever.”

  She smiled wide even though more tears fell down her face. “I’m so in love with you. I just didn’t think I knew you well enough to have that emotion.”

  He brushed his lips against hers and grinned. “Sometimes love happens quickly—like a lightning bolt.”

  “It certainly did with us.”

  “I want to protect you night and day. Will you let me?”

  A twinkle lit her eyes, and his heart melted.

  “Cameron? Is this a proposal?”

  “It is, but I promise to give you a better one once we are back at the house.”

  “You have a deal.”

  From outside, Cameron’s name was called. He jerked his head toward the opened door. “I’m in here.”

  Hurrying inside the shack came two more police inspectors. Cameron’s friends, Sebastian Holmes and Julian Stanford, led the way, and Captain Orwood followed. Cameron pointed to the man still unconscious. “Take him away. Mr. Langston has admitted to killing Mr. Bailey. Plus we have him on several kidnapping charges.”

  Holmes reached Langston first. Holmes bent on one knee and shook the man. “Wake up, Langston. Your running days are over. I’ve got a nice brick room with barred windows waiting for you.”

  Holmes was stronger out of the other two men, so he jerked Langston up to his feet as if he was as light as a feather. Orwood slapped on the iron cuffs and they hauled him out to the waiting carriage.

  Cameron lifted Madison in his arms and carried her outside to his horse. When he was certain she was settled on the saddle, he mounted behind her. She looked at him over her shoulder.

  “Cameron? I don’t know if I can handle a new life. I only know Madison Haywood, but apparently, that’s not who I am. I don’t think I can answer to Madeline Dixon.”

  “Your name doesn’t matter, my sweet. You will always be the same wonderful woman I fell in love with.”

  Tears swam in her ey
es. “Don’t ever leave me, Cameron.”

  “I won’t. I promise.”


  Madison fidgeted in her seat and nervously tapped her foot on the floor of the carriage. Meeting her parents after sixteen years was more frightening than she thought it would be.

  Cameron—that wonderful man—promised he’d go with her and support her. Sitting next to her on the ride to Lord Hanover’s estate, the man she loved held her hand and reassured her constantly that everything would turn out well. It was hard for her to believe, since most of her life things hadn’t turned out well at all.

  Would her parents be happy to see her after all of these years? They’d thought she was dead, so she was sure it would be a complete shock to both of them. But she wanted them to love her for the woman she’d become. She wanted that unconditional love she remembered having when she was a child.

  For three days now, she’d been recovering from the shock of her past, and her voice had been recovering from her near-strangulation. Cameron was by her side every step of her healing process. He’d held her so tenderly as she’d cried on his chest. He’d kissed her so passionately and made her realize how much he loved her regardless of her past. He’d made her laugh and smile, and especially, he made her feel loved.

  She, in turn, had tried to console him and convince him not to choke Gaynor, especially once the man was released from jail and came to call upon Rosie. Gaynor had inherited Mr. Bailey’s estate and money, and so the pitiful man could now court Rosie properly. Cameron was hard-set against letting his sister be with the irresponsible Gaynor, but Madison explained that when two people were in love, nothing could tear them apart. Madison only hoped that Rosie loved Gaynor as much as he proclaimed to love her.

  Only time would tell. And speaking of time...

  Madison peeked out the window—again—watching for the Hanover estate. Within minutes, the large house loomed bigger than she could ever imagine. They were coming upon it quickly. Her heartbeat beat wildly in anticipation.

  And fear.

  She’d been nothing but a barrel of mixed emotions since she was kidnapped by Heath. Hopefully, she’d forget all about this crazy week and begin to look forward to her future with Cameron by her side.

  Cameron squeezed her hand and gazed into her eyes. “Did I tell you what Captain Orwood said to me this morning?”

  She snapped out of her thoughts and tried to concentrate on Cameron. Had he said anything before this? If so, she hadn’t heard a word. “I don’t believe you have.”

  He lifted her hand and kissed her knuckles. “Well, it seems you have impressed the captain so much, that he is now considering having you help the Metropolitan Police indefinitely. He wants you and I to work together for a while first.” He winked. “I can’t think of anything I’d want more.”

  “Indeed? He said that?” She looked at him warily. “Are you certain you didn’t misunderstand him?”

  Cameron chuckled. “I’m certain. I was surprised at his complete attitude change, but I’m not going to question him about it. I’ll let him think he believed in your gift all this time.”

  She laughed. “As long as we made a believer out of him, that’s all I care about.”

  “Yes. Him and most of the others at the station are firm believers of your gift.”

  Sighing, she laid her head against his strong shoulder. “All I wanted was your approval, you know.”

  “Well, you have it. I’ll be your number one supporter.”

  When the carriage slowed down, her heart jumped to her throat and she glanced out the window again. We’re here!

  “Remember my love,” Cameron said, “everything is going to be all right.”

  “I worry that they’ll think I’m a fake.”

  “They won’t. You just need to tell them things that only they would know about you.”

  She laughed uncomfortably. “It sounds so easy, doesn’t it? But after sixteen years, I only remember bits and pieces of my life. I don’t know how it happened, but the Haywoods somehow erased my memories of when I was young.”

  “Your memories will return. I know it.” He kissed her forehead.

  Once the vehicle stopped, a footman opened the door. Cameron climbed out first, and then assisted Madison down. Her limbs shook and her teeth chattered nervously. She must appear strong. How else would she be able to make it through this meeting otherwise?

  She wore the prettiest gown she owned, a short-sleeve, dark forest green velvet sensation trimmed in black lace that she’d had for a few years and saved for special occasions. The high collar pinned with a cameo helped to hide the bruises still on her throat. She’d actually pulled her hair back in a loose coil, only because she didn’t want to shock her parents by leaving it long. She wore black gloves, which was a good thing since her hands were cold.

  If Cameron said anything to her, her mind didn’t register it, only because she concentrated on moving her legs as gracefully as she could into the manor and into the parlor. Cameron had previously arranged a meeting with Lord and Lady Hanover. They sat on their large cushioned blue chairs, waiting for Madison and Cameron.

  When she looked at her mother for the first time in sixteen years, she wanted to bawl like a baby. Memories from when she was young breezed through her mind, picturing this very woman. Lady Hanover’s brown hair was the same shade as Madison’s, except touched with streaks of gray. Her mother’s eyes were the same sky-blue color as Madison’s, except wrinkles creased the corners. The older woman was strikingly handsome and complimented her husband well.

  Tears pricked Madison’s eyes, so she quickly blinked them away. She must stay strong until she convinced them of her identity.

  “Inspector Westland. Miss Haywood. May I present my wife, Lady Hanover.” Lord Hanover greeted them and then nodded. “It’s good to see the two of you again.”

  Cameron bowed and she curtsied. “Thank you for taking this appointment,” Cameron began. “I’m assuming you have Mr. Bailey’s estate settled now?”

  “Yes. I’ve appointed my nephew, Gaynor Brailsford, whom I’ve heard, is pursuing his interest in your sister.”

  “He is.” Cameron nodded.

  “Splendid.” Lord Hanover smiled.

  Madison kept switching her gaze back and forth between her mother and father, hoping...praying they would see some resemblance in her from the girl they once knew, and make the first move to question her about it. But so far, there was no kind of recognition. It was up to her to start the conversation.

  Cameron glanced at her and gave her a small nod. It was now or never!

  She swallowed hard, took a deep breath for courage, and stepped forward. “Lord Hanover, forgive me for bringing this conversation up again, but do you recall the last time I talked to you? I asked if I could look into the case of your missing daughter.”

  Both her parents stiffened and their expressions hardened. She must continue quickly before they throw her out of the house.

  “Before you say anything,” she quickly added, “I want you to know I found her.” She took a fast breath. “I found Madeline Dixon.”

  Lord Hanover arched a bushy eyebrow. “I don’t see how you could find her when the police investigators and all the people I’d hired couldn’t find my daughter.”

  “I actually stumbled upon it while helping Inspector Westland find Mr. Bailey’s murderer. You see, Mr. Langston kidnapped me for a few hours, and during that time, I discovered what he’d done.”

  “Heath Langston, you say?” Lord Hanover cocked his head. “My nephew kidnapped you?”


  “And, what did you find?” Lady Hanover asked.

  “When Heath was sixteen years of age, he owed money to a boy named Spencer Watkins.”

  Lord Hanover rolled his eyes and snickered. “Heath always owed people money. That’s public knowledge.”

  She held up her hand, hoping to keep him from making any more comments. She stepped closer to them. “I found out that
Heath was the one who kidnapped Madeline from Gretchen Watkins’ back bedroom. Heath had the key, which he borrowed from Spencer. They meant to seek a ransom from you.”

  Both pairs of eyes were on her, and thankfully, by their wide-eyed expressions, she could tell they believed her. “Madeline was able to break away from Heath, and she ran toward Main Street. There she saw a woman with tattered clothes. Madeline had captured the woman’s attention before the boys could catch up.” She moistened her throat with a quick swallow before she continued. “The woman promised Madeline she’d help find her parents. However, Madeline was afraid to tell them who her parents were because she worried that the woman would try to seek a ransom as Heath had wanted to do. The woman took Madeline far away, and they raised her as their niece. They convinced Madeline that her parents had died in a fire.” She took a breath. “That is how she was raised.”

  “Raised?” Lady Hanover asked. “D-do you mean she’s still alive?”

  Madison’s heart melted from the look of hope in their eyes. She nodded. “She’s still alive, and until three days ago, she couldn’t remember what had really happened to her. But she knows now.”

  Simultaneously, her parents jumped to their feet.

  “You’ve talked to her?” Her father’s voice cracked.

  “How is she?” Her mother held her clutched hands to her bosom as liquid swam in her eyes.

  “, she is fine.”

  “Bring her to us,” Lord Hanover demanded. “Let us decide if she is our daughter.”

  Cameron stepped up beside Madison. “We have brought her, my lord.”

  Lady Hanover gasped. “You did?”

  “And she’s as anxious to meet you,” Cameron added.

  Madison nodded, wringing her hands against her waist. How could she tell them? Would blurting out I’m right here be the way to deliver the good news?

  Slowly her mother’s expression changed and the woman narrowed her eyes on Madison. The woman slowly closed the space between her and Madison. Her heartbeat quickened. She held her breath as the older woman studied Madison’s face.


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