Belinda Blake and the Birds of a Feather

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Belinda Blake and the Birds of a Feather Page 20

by Heather Day Gilbert

  “You take care of yourself, Stone,” I said, giving his arm an awkward pat. It was too soon to risk giving him a hug.

  His voice was somber. “Why are you talking like you’re leaving?”

  I had to admit the decision I’d come to just now. “Because I am.”

  * * * *

  Later that night, I lit candles in the carriage house and played some Enya, giving myself time to wallow a bit. This place had been good to me, a refuge when I needed one. But I didn’t belong here anymore. I belonged in Larches Corner with my family and with Jonas.

  I called Jonas first. “I’m coming home,” I said. “I’m not sure when I’ll be able to get out of all my pet-sitting jobs, but I’m going to start referring clients elsewhere.”

  He wasn’t the kind of man who showed his excitement, but I could tell by his voice that he was pleased with my decision. “What do you plan to do?”

  “Spend a lot of time with you, for starters. But I also plan to try to land a job of some kind, maybe write for the paper with Chloe or something. I don’t want to live with my parents. I haven’t even told them yet.”

  Jonas whistled. “You’d better give them a call, then. But thanks for calling me first. Let me know when you’re ready to move and I’ll load the truck and drive you up.” His voice lowered. “This was a big decision, and I don’t want you to feel pressured into it. You’re sure this is what you want to do?”

  I pictured his winsome smile, which was showing up more often than it used to. “I’m sure.”

  * * * *

  After blowing out all the candles, I was just about to launch myself under the covers when my cell phone started ringing on my night table. It was past eleven. Who’d be calling so late? I’d already talked to my parents earlier, and while they were ecstatic about my impending return, they had no reason to call me back.

  I looked at the caller ID and was surprised to see that it was my Greenwich police officer friend, Detective Hugh Watson.

  I picked up quickly, fearing something terrible had happened to Stone or someone I cared about. “What’s going on, Detective?”

  “Sorry to bother you so late, Miss Blake, but remember that conversation we had once? About how I thought you should work your way up to police detective?”

  Where on earth was this conversation going? “Yes…and I did consider it, but it would take so much time and a whole lot of dedication. I’m not the most steady-job type of person,” I said.

  Unfazed by my admission, he continued. “Miss Blake, I have an opportunity for you to do an undercover job for me. I need a woman about your age who won’t be immediately recognized as a local police officer. Someone who notices details, but who also seems young and naive enough that the person I’m investigating won’t suspect anything when she gets close to him.”

  I tried to think of something to say but was completely tongue-tied. “Say what?” I asked stupidly.

  He chuckled. “I know it’s sudden, but I have to get this job underway because someone else went missing today.”


  “I suspect this person of kidnapping and possibly much more. I want to pin him to the wall, but I can’t do it without help. Preferably from someone as sharp as you, Miss Blake. And don’t worry—I’ve cleared everything with my superiors. This would be viewed as a one-time job. However, I can tell you that if you bring us the information we need, it could turn into something more permanent in a hurry.”

  My brain was still refusing to process what he was saying. “I’d need a little time to think about it,” I said.

  “I can only give you a day,” he said. “I have to take another call right now, but just text or call me at this number by Sunday to let me know what you decide. Goodnight, Miss Blake.” He hung up.

  I dropped the phone in my lap, staring at the back of the Legend of Zelda phone case. I’d been so certain of moving to Larches Corner, so sure that it was the right thing to do.

  Now there had been a kidnapping, and it sounded like it wasn’t the first one. And I might be the only one who could get in close to this guy, whoever he was. Probably someone local, since Detective Watson didn’t want a familiar police face for the job.

  I knew Jonas wouldn’t stand in my way if I decided to take the detective up on his offer.

  But should I?

  It was going to be a long night.




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