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SLICK Page 10

by Peavey Marshall

  "It's not true?" Caly felt like she could breathe again.

  But apparently, that was the wrong thing to say. Castor's green eyes had darkened with a thunderous gleam. "You believed him? And you doubted me?”

  The quiver of his voice felt like a slap to Callista. She froze, taking in the rush of emotions in her best friend's face. It wasn't fury like she expected. It was the pain.


  He left the room, and the atmosphere dropped to negative four.


  Caly wanted to weep. She had wounded her best friend's heart with her stupid words. She glanced beside her to see Castor nursing a whiskey. The man kept his mouth shut the entire trip.

  Castor Luciano was often compared to a raging beast. An extremely volatile one. Yet, there are a handful of times where he was silent. And that's even more dangerous. She couldn't read him. Worst of all, she seldom apologized.

  Cas worshipped her. From the day they had met, he had told her she was pretty and smart and that she's perfect to be his best friend. She had sneered, wrinkled her nose at his declaration, but Castor had never ceased to follow her around. He had stuck to her like gum until the distance was gone. They were friends, best friends.

  "Cas." She held his hand, but he shoved it away. "Are you going to be like this?"

  Her question was left unanswered as the car stopped. Castor dashed outside without looking back. Caly followed him with a heavy heart. Her mood only changed when she spotted Delilah and Franco. Callista straightened up and swallowed the insurgencies of her heart.

  "You're here!" Delilah shot up from one of the round tables. The bright ceiling lights focused on each table that Del's lavender outfit shone.

  Caly waved while Cas sat without further ado. He raised a hand that a waiter came running. Callista sighed and took the spot next to him. The round table made it that she was next to Castor, but she's facing Franco's steely gaze.

  Franco tapped his spoon against the bowl, a palm under his chin. "Do we need to pretend we're good friends?"

  Caly's grey eyes narrowed at him. "We're having dinner. That's it."

  Delilah smiled at Callista's direction. If she noticed the tense atmosphere, she never gave an indication. "I was planning a beach trip this weekend. You should go with us."

  Callista's reply was cut off as the waiter served the appetizer, a Hara Bhara Kebab. Her bad mood doubled at the vegetarian food at the same time Cas sneered and received his whiskey.

  "It's a seven-course vegetarian set," Delilah announced with a proud smile. Caly didn't know if she was waiting for a compliment as if what she did was commendable. Seven-course was too much, and she wasn't even a vegetarian.

  "Really?" Cas gulped from his whiskey, dropping it on the table with a thud. "You didn't ask us? Caly—"

  Callista placed a hand on his thigh. A warning look flashing in her silver eyes. Cas shook his head, drinking the hard liquor again. "I don't like the leaves. I'm not eating.”

  Cas' sour mood was acceptable, but she hoped he wouldn't destroy her plan. Her nails dug into his upper thigh. She hoped he understood the message despite his liquor addled mind. Caly licked her lips. "Let's eat."

  Del happily dug into her plate. Caly smiled and returned to the topic at hand. "What you asked, Del, I have a meeting that day. But I'll see if I can come by."

  "Really? It'll be so much fun if you're there." Delilah's stare hardened as she turned to Franco. "Right, Franco, dear?”

  Caly's heart raced. There was malice in her voice, and she pondered whether Delilah knew what transpired between her and Franco. Shit, her mind worked as they proceeded to the soup in a somber mood.

  Franco sighed for everyone to hear. He swirled at his soup, lips set in a thin line. "Stop playing games, Delilah. We're all here because you requested it. Luciano and I hadn't burned down anything yet, so that's already a feat. Are you still asking for more?"

  Caly couldn't hide her surprise. That was more than what Franco usually says to Delilah. And it was to her favor.

  Cas snorted next to her. "Just fuck her already, Castellano.”

  Callista gasped as Delilah blushed under the lights. She pinched Castor at the spot above his elbow, but he was undeterred. Which told her he was drunk. Of all the fucking times.

  "She wouldn't be begging for attention if you give her mind-blowing sex every night." Castor leaned forward, the line of diamond piercings glinted at his ear. "Do you want tips?”

  Franco's icy stare didn't waver despite the other man's taunts. He tapped his fingers at the table, drawing attention to his gold rings. "Is that what you do? Every night?"

  Callista frowned at the sudden twist in the conversation. She momentarily forgot her fury at Cas' drunkenness. Her best friend jerked his head to the Gallo girl. "If you're interested, I'm free."

  Caly bolted from her seat, gaining a few twists of heads to her direction. Her livid gaze found Cas' blurry emerald ones. "How about we dance, Cas?" She addressed the other pair with a gleaming smile. "It's lovely music."

  She pulled Castor by the arm. He let her dragged him after downing the rest of his drink. They reached the small dance floor as The Platter's Smoke Gets in Your Eyes swirled in the air.

  The raven-haired girl snaked her slender arms over Castor's broad shoulders. Her lashes casting shadows on her raging face. "Your problem is with me. Why do you have to do that?"

  His rough hands slid down her waist, pressing their bodies closer. "Do what?"

  "Are you making me jealous?" she snarled.

  "Are you?" He challenged.

  Caly's knuckles turned white. This was a confrontation she didn't want to have. "Cas..." her voice cracked. She felt the beginnings of a sob.

  That sound sobered Castor up. He took a deep breath, fingers tracing her cheek. "I'm sorry." Caly nodded in affirmation, not trusting her voice. "My tongue will always tell the anger of my heart, or else my heart concealing it will break.”

  Caly's jaw went slack. He was quoting Shakespeare, and he despised reading. As far as she could remember, she'd given him Shakespeare's collection when he had passed his English class as an insult. She never thought he'd open it, much less read it. "You read it?”

  He shrugged, a tiny smile pulling at his upper lips. "It has its good points. Just don't quiz me on it."

  A giggle escaped her mouth, and the remorseful look on Cas' eyes returned. He sighed, "You're using me right now, aren't you?"

  "Cas..." The guilt was back.

  "You want Delilah to see the bond between us and use it as a standard of what she should have with Castellano. You put something attainable in her mind." Castor placed his forehead over hers. He closed his eyes. "You know I hate people using me, but I don't mind if it's you." His eyes fluttered open, revealing a pair of glistening greens. "My bounty is as boundless as the sea. My love is as deep. The more I give to thee, the more I have, for both are infinite.”

  Callista felt the rush of blood on her cheeks. All the teasing that Castor did over the years, which she forced at the back of her mind, flooded her mind. It was nothing like this. Her veins were alight with his passion. Pure, unadulterated desire fizzled on her skin. At that moment, she wanted him.

  Her fingers gripped at his shoulder as fear seized her heart. "Cas, I'm... I love you." She swallowed. "But I don't know if that's enough to start a relationship. And our families..."

  "I know."

  And his voice made Caly weak in the knees.

  "You don't have to do anything." The resolute set of his jaw told her he was serious. "Just... let me have the right to love you."



  The white and gold building loomed over Callista Genovese. Once again, she had found herself in another branch of Castle. This time it was located in the Hamptons. Thomas had insisted on accompanying her despite her raging protests. As punishment, she had sent him with her luggage to her hotel room while she searched for Delilah.

  She found the girl by the beach, bask
ing in the sun. Her usual fair skin had become flushed. Caly sauntered to her spot, flip flops sinking in the sand with her every step.

  "Delilah!" She peeked at her resting form, blocking the sun in the process.

  The Gallo heiress had called her over with excitement. Caly had to cut off her sleep and travel to the Hamptons in a hurry. Between Castor's fervid confession, her marketing duties, and now, Delilah's predicament, Callista was at the end of her wits. Nevertheless, she smiled like the pretender she was. "Hi!”

  "You're here!" Delilah sat up from her blanket, pushing up her white retro cat-eye sunglasses. "I had a great idea to make Franco like me!”

  Caly hid her exasperation. "What do you mean?"

  "I got the idea that night we had dinner. You know, what Castor said." Delilah stood up, tying a knot on her black cover-up. Her giddiness was apparent as she squeezed the other girl's shoulder. "I will seduce him.”

  Callista's face displayed surprise. "Oh?"

  "What? Is it a bad idea?" Delilah worried her bottom lip, seeking Caly's eyes for approval. "I just thought that sex will eventually turn to love. And I'd like it if my marriage had a little warmth to it.”

  Callista's throat burned with remorse. Everyone wanted to be loved. That primal instinct that was inscribed in the soul that couldn't be erased no matter what. Even the bratty party girl yearned for it. God, she wished this would be over soon.

  "No, no. It's a great idea." Caly linked her arms with Delilah. "How about we go shopping for sexy lingerie? Franco won't be able to say no.”

  "Right?" Delilah's face beamed at her suggestion. "Franco is still resting in his room. So I need to be ready before evening."

  They decided to shop near East Hampton. Delilah tried every nightgown as Caly made judgments. She sighed after saying no to a blue backless dress that Delilah chose. It was her sixteenth try.

  Caly brushed her raven locks backward, fanning herself from the heat. Her white off shoulder lace dress helped her more than the air conditioner. She leaned on the couch just as her phone rang, Victoria's caller id flashing on the screen. "Hello, Tori."

  "Are you alone?" The girl's voice was above a whisper.

  "No. I'm in public."

  "What?" Tori hissed. "At least go to a secluded place, Caly. My information is sensitive. Ears have walls. I mean, news has wings. Do you get me?"

  Callista chuckled. "You're ridiculous. Come on. Tell me it's good news."

  "I've finished what you asked me to do, so I'll fudging get out of here now." Victoria's voice elevated in anxiousness. "And don't forget our deal, Caly! My “milkshakes” better be at my house when I come home.”

  "Thanks, Tori. I'll bring the milkshakes to you myself."

  "Oh no, you won't." Light footsteps could be heard on the phone. "You'll only get between me and Dean Winchester's eyes.”

  "Who?" Caly muttered.

  "It's the hot guy from—”

  "Never mind. " She cut her off at the same Tori grumbled a 'hey'. "There's still one thing I need you to do. It's ASAP." Callista texted her the request just as Delilah strolled out of the dressing room in another revealing nightgown. "Thanks, Tori."

  "Were you talking to someone?" Delilah questioned.

  "Yes. Someone from work. Wait here." Callista stood up, disappearing between the rack of clothes. Her notification sounded with Victoria's message. Caly opened the mail, which revealed several pictures of a brunette with innocent blue eyes. Her fair skin made her look like a real-life Snow White. "So, this is Franco's type?”

  Victoria sent another link, which led to an article about Franco's fianceé. It stated that she had died in a shooting spree at a bar. Caly frowned at the information. There was no mention of the Luciano family at all.

  Callista filed the knowledge in her brain as she grabbed a white lace nightgown. She showed it to Delilah who's face crumpled in confusion. "But that's... so simple."

  "Yes. But do you know that Franco's ex was exactly like that?" She pushed Delilah back to the dressing room. "Franco likes them pure."

  The Gallo heiress shook her head in amusement. "Alright."

  Delilah tried a few more of the same style of nightgown before they decided to end their shopping. The scented paper bags were already on the blonde woman's hands as she waited for her card.

  "I'm sorry, Ma'am. This card's maxed out."

  Callista's ears perked at the cashier's statement. Soon, her plan would reach its climax.

  "What?" Delilah jerked in Caly's direction. "This never happened before.”

  "Well, you always go all out when shopping. I'm sure you failed to notice it." Caly dug through her wallet, giving her platinum card to the cashier. "I'll pay for now."

  Delilah tucked a stray curl at her ear, lips pursed. "Thanks."

  Caly smiled as they left the store. "Let's dye your hair next.”


  "Come on. We'll go all out," Callista insisted, her stormy eyes glistening in elation. "You'll take Franco to a memory lane. He's cold and insensitive but melts in front of the girl he admires. You can pull it off."

  Delilah nodded, anticipation rolling off her. "Okay. But how should I act in bed, Caly? Like a virgin? I should moan less, right?”

  Callista laughed out loud, a hand to her stomach.

  "Caly!" Delilah shushed her to no avail.

  Callista wiped at the tears in her eyes. She realized it was the first time she had enjoyed Delilah's company. The Genovese heiress bit her lip, guilt seeping through the cracks of her shield.

  "Gosh. My concerns are valid." Delilah pouted, arms crossed.

  "I know. I apologize." Caly let out a strained smile. "You don't need to fake the sex, Del."

  'Cause it'll never happen.


  "You're late," Callista muttered, creating a vortex on her cucumber lemonade drink. The pool bar was quiet except for the little splashes she deliberately made. It had been three hours since Delilah went to her room to prepare for her stunt. Caly also had three hours to prepare for hers.

  "I'm not your errand boy." Ethan Ainsley sat at the edge of the pool, carefully yanking his shorts upwards. Despite his dark skin, he had a thick British accent. "Bloody hell! I'm wet! Look at that.”

  Caly rolled her eyes and tugged him downwards. "Come sit beside me."

  "You're bonkers." Ethan fixed his bonnet that covered his eyebrows, disregarding his now soaked shorts. "If Castellano finds out I'm here, I'm dead!"

  "I'm pretty sure Castor will do the same if you keep screaming in my ear." Caly shrugged and gestured the bartender for a watermelon smoothie. Just like Vince, he knew Ethan through Castor. The two had often accompanied Cas when he was on vacation. "Here. I know you like it.”

  Ethan glared between the girl and the red smoothie. "Is this a bribe?" he asked, crossing his arms. "'Cause its working.”

  The boy sat next to the heiress, ignoring the shallow water on his legs. He relished a few sips from the smoothie. "I've set it up as you asked."

  "Oh?" She grinned at the boy. "So, you successfully placed it in the archangel's room without him knowing?"


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