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SLICK Page 14

by Peavey Marshall

  Callista resumed walking as Francisco Castellano smirked with intrigue. Franco remained stoic by his side through his frigid eyes, trailed her movements.

  "Good evening, Miss Genovese. It's been a long time." The boss of the Lucianos greeted her.

  "Likewise, sir and to you, gentlemen." She beamed at the men before her. Caly felt like she was being undressed. Her nose was stuffy from the tense atmosphere the males exude. On top of that, her head buzzed in keeping up with their subtle gestures. She had been mistaken when she thought all the power plays were as effortless as it was in high school.

  Caesar Genoves clapped his hands. "We're not here to chat, so let's get down to business, gentlemen." He led them towards his study but not before he directed a commanding gaze at his daughter. "Caly, take care of your guests.”

  Callista forced a smile. "Of course, Dad." She watched their fathers disappeared around a corner. Her chest hammered when she veered to the two men in front of her. The last encounter he had with both of them was awkward at best. Shit. She was tempted to run.

  "Is it okay if we're not there?" Castor inquired, shrugging off the choking mood.

  Callista had never been more thankful for his brash attitude. "Of course. Dad and I already talked about the terms. They're probably gawking at their prizes right now."

  "So, are we going to stand here all right?" Franco mumbled, eyebrows creasing in vexation.

  Caly clicked her tongue at his cheeky tone. "No. We have something to do."

  Callista led them to their enormous library. The walls were turned to wooden bookshelves that reached the painted ceiling. A comfortable beige sofa set, and a pool table completed the room. "No matter what they talk about, it all comes down to one thing."

  She twisted to face them. "You just need to win me over."

  Castor grinned. "That's easy to understand." He threw a condescending glare towards the blond in the room. "As long as no one is a sore loser."

  Franco rubbed his thumb over his chin, receiving Castor's insult with a smirk. "Yeah. We all know who that is."

  Caly had to disguise her chuckle with a loud cough. She leaned against the pool table. "I'll only accept defeat for three things: love, friendship, or blackmail."

  "Blackmail?" Cas echoed.

  "What?" She raised her brow. "Anybody who can find dirt on me deserves a reward.”

  "And love?" Franco questioned. His back was turned as he inspected the spines of the lined books.

  "Yeah. I have to say it." Caly schooled her expression into indifference. Love was a weapon. It was dangerous and terrible, but it was also enticing and addictive. She included it in the deal because it was where the loopholes are.

  "I want that," Castor declared.

  "Same," Franco said.

  They glowered at each other, emeralds and sapphires clashing hatefully. They were the same height and the same clear-cut features. Except that Castor had a more solid build while Franco was sturdy and lean. They were like big cats, sizing their prey.

  Well, shit. Was nobody interested in blackmail?

  "Stop it." Caly placed one flawless leg over the other, her skirt flowing in silk waves. "Since I can't divide myself, let's have a game that gets to have a date with me first."

  "What game?" Castor asked, jerking his head to her.

  She tapped the red cloth of the pool table. "Nine-ball."

  "Sure." Castor stripped off his blue denim jacket, leaving him in a fitted white tee. He hid his leather necklace inside his shirt and grabbed a stick.

  "I won't say no." Franco rolled the sleeves of his black sweater, revealing the pretty lines of his veins. He pulled out a thin black headband, keeping his golden locks off his gorgeous face.

  "Your hair is longer. It's nice," Caly commented, noting that the hairstyle did suit him.

  Franco only hummed in response.

  What's his problem?

  "All yours then," Callista sighed and padded over to the wooden chair near the table. She let them set up as Eula brought her a cup of English tea. After a few minutes, Castor stood next to her. "You lost the lag for a break? Sounds impossible"

  Cas tutted in indignation. "It just started."

  Franco was already on the fifth ball, and his shots were all clean. He bent on the foot of the table to take a shot on the and their eyes connected. "He'll win." Caly smiled that Franco had to clench his jaw.

  Franco did win after sinking the ninth ball. It left Castor in a rotten mood as their fathers called them to leave. Caly seized her best friend's hand, gaining his attention. "Don't be a sore loser," she chuckled.

  "I'm not." Cas snorted and pressed a soft kiss on her cheek. "See you. Take care, alright?"

  "You too." Callista swiveled to Franco, who straightened his sleeves. "When are we meeting?"

  "Tomorrow," he answered in a clipped tone, marching to the exit. He disappeared, and Caly was ready to collapse when Franco came back.

  He moistened his lips, hiding his hands on his back pockets before scratching his hair. His blue eyes darted all over the room beside her face. "I... don't know your number."

  "Ah." She was amused at Franco's discomfort. Caly held out her right palm, where Franco put his phone. She typed her number but didn't return the gadget to him. "What's wrong?"

  "Nothing." Franco snatched his phone without further ado and stomped to the door.

  "Great." Callista slumped on the couch. She was damn exhausted.


  Castor Luciano threw his back against the car's headrest. He rubbed at his face in frustration. "Fuck."

  "Did you lose?" His father asked beside him. Nicholas squinted his eyes as he typed on his phone with prudent fingers.

  "Yeah. The bastard!" he continued spitting expletives that Nicholas had to flick his ear. "Really?"

  "Calm down." The older man put his phone away. His jade irises focused on his son. They were identical in every way besides the thin beard that lined Nicholas' jaw. "I want you to win, but never forget that there's even more important than winning."

  "What?" He barked back.

  "Callista, of course."

  Castor breathed a rough sigh. Shame erupted in his body as he slammed his head on the window.

  "Cazzo! Tell me if you want to break your skull. My car doesn't need to suffer." Nicholas remarked before concentrating on his phone. "Son, where do I find the smiley face again?”


  Franco Castellano contemplated on what Callista's contact name would be. The blinking cursor was insistent, but he couldn't decide.

  "What happened?" Francisco inquired next to him. He folded his arms, cerulean eyes sharp and calculating as he waited for Franco's answer. "Franco," he repeated.

  "I won," he replied. "It was easy."

  "Good. Keep on doing that." Francisco Castellano squeezed at his son's shoulder. His shaved blond head had streaks of white on it, but it never showed on his youthful face. "Don't ever forget why we're doing this.”

  "Yes, sir," Franco responded and typed in the name that fully described Callista Genovese's role in his life.


  A beautiful one at that.



  Orange and pink colored the usually blue sky as the sun started to set. Callista pulled on an HBA white hoodie and tucked it in her black denim skirt. She grabbed her Gucci sneakers and a mini bag.

  She was halfway down the stairs when she realized that Franco didn't tell her where they would go.

  Caly shook her head at the unwelcome thought. "No. Why would I adjust?"

  She continued outside, where the man sat on the hood of his white Lexus. Franco's golden hair turned a shade brighter with the setting sun. He was in a long-sleeved white shirt and a dark Levi's. A furrowed brow marred his features as he glanced at his watch.


  Callista marched to him. "I'm early. No need to frown like that.”

  Franco straightened. He still had his hairband on, showing off the gold
hoops on his ear. "I'm just checking."

  Thomas sauntered to the couple. "Are you sure you don't need me, Miss Caly?" he asked, his stare remained leveled on the Castellano heir.

  "It's okay, Thomas. You know who to blame if I die." Caly shrugged and plastered a mischievous smile on her face.

  "I promise I'll take care of her," Franco said that caused Callista to gaped at him. He swerved to her. "What?”

  Caly tucked in the errant hair from her braid. "Let's go."

  Franco opened the door for her. They didn't talk as he drove to whatever destination he had on mind. The car finally stopped in front of an amusement park. The neon lights twinkled all over the place.

  "Here?" Caly exclaimed, rushing to get out of the car. Her eyes whirled as excitement thumped in her heart. "Oh my god! It's been a long time since I've been here."

  Franco locked his white Lexus and gestured his head to the entrance. "Want to go inside?"

  "Yeah, sure." Callista nodded. She was in a great mood that Franco's indifference couldn't hamper her happiness. They went inside, and she headed straight to get cotton candy. "What about you?"

  "I'm fine," he replied. His sapphire irises studied her.

  Caly pinched the soft feathery sweet and held it to him. "Try it."

  Franco swallowed, looking away. His jaw clenched. "I said I'm fine."

  "You're missing out." Caly continued eating, savoring how the candy melted on her tongue. "What do you like then?"

  They walked at an even pace. Franco hid his hands in his pockets. His rolled-up sleeves displayed his toned arms. "I don't know. I haven't thought about it."

  Callista threw her garbage at the trash before turning to Franco. "What? So, you don't have a favorite ice cream flavor?"

  Franco shrugged. "Not really.”

  "That sounds impossible." Caly tried to fill in the silence with some more questions, but Franco wasn't helping. She gave up and ran towards a store selling caramelized apples. She salivated at the smell and instantly ordered one. "How about you?" she asked.

  "That's so messy." Another frown materialized on his angelic features.

  "You're damn picky, and just so you know, apples are my favorite." Caly rolled her eyes and disregarded him the whole night. She wiped her hands on a tissue, peeking at Franco at the corner of her eye. "This is the most boring date I ever had.”

  The guy settled his gaze on him. "Why? Have you been here before?"

  "You think that's the reason?"

  "Is that a yes?"

  Callista resisted the urge to slap him. She didn't know if he was naïve in dating or simply standoffish. But the former sounds impossible. Franco was handsome; his features were soft and alluring.

  So it was probably his glacial aura. His cold exterior could make people step back to give him his much-needed space. Or risk losing their heads.

  And Caly didn't like that aloofness. Was he really trying? Damn. She's going to end up with Castor at this rate.

  She counted to ten before answering his question. "Yeah. Three years ago. Cas and I love going here. We bet on how many times we can ride the rollercoaster without throwing up."

  He scoffed. "Oh. Is that so?"

  She snubbed his bitter tone as she spotted the Viking ship. "Oh my god! That's new! Let's ride that." She didn't wait for Franco's reply as she clutched his hand and dragged him towards the ride.

  "Wait. Callista!"

  "Two tickets, please."

  "What! No!”

  Caly whirled to him, grey eyes darkening like stormy skies. She forced the ticket on his hand. "This is the twelfth time you said no to me, Franco Alexander." She stepped closer, their noses an inch from each other. He smelled of mint and citrus that reminded her of the summer breeze. "You know thirteen is unlucky, right?”

  Franco looked torn. His eyes glancing at the swinging ship. "It looks dangerous.”

  "It's not." She held his hand, yanking him to the line. Caly shuffled on her feet, bubbling with excitement when it was their turn to ride. She didn't let go of him in fear that he would back out. "Sit next to me."

  Franco's expression had completely turned frigid.

  "Are you okay?"

  She didn't wait for his answer as the engine whirred. Caly shrieked in delight as her heart squeezed when they reached the highest point. Her blood rushed in happiness that she didn't even notice when they stopped.

  "That was fun." She stepped out of the metal fence, turning to Franco. He was on his knees, clutching a hand to his head. "Hell, what happened to you?"

  Caly helped him up, letting him sit at an empty bench. "You have motion sickness? Why didn't you tell me?”

  "You're... not good at listening." He lurched forward, eyes scrunched in concentration.

  "What? You're the one who refused to talk. Wait here." Callista ran to the nearest shop and asked for a paper bag. She huffed when she reached her date and pushed the bag to him. "Okay. You can vomit."

  "I don't—"

  "Why did we even come here if you can't even ride?" She yelled as annoyance crackled over her face.

  "Because Google told me?”

  Caly's jaw parted in shock. Another burst of anger exploded in her chest, but she took a deep breath through her nose. She could appreciate the thought that he did research her likes. She sighed. "Let's just go. I'll drive."


  Callista kept her mouth shut the entire time Franco and her went up to his floor. She was upset, and she was hungry. The lethal combination made her a pernicious bitch.

  Franco sat on the white couch as Caly tapped her foot impatiently. "Are you okay? Do you need medicines? If not, I can go."

  "It's in my room. In the drawer," he responded, pressing a thumb on his temple.

  "God. This is so annoying." Caly let out another ired huff as she trudged to his room. She didn't even know where it was. Caly opened every door in the hallway before finding a pristine white room.

  She went in and saw the pictures that decorated the wall. It was Franco with Elena. Franco's arm was over his fianceé as layered wools adorned their necks. He was smiling, and it lit up his whole face. Why couldn't she see that?

  Caly ripped her attention from the images and started rummaging through his drawers. She briefly wondered why Franco allowed her in his private space. The girl grabbed the medicine, but her fingers froze at the sight of a ribbon.

  A black ribbon with Tahitian pearls.

  She recognized it. It was the first ribbon she had designed for her birthday party.

  And she lost it when she had been kidnapped.

  Callista shoved the drawer shut. Her head whirled at the realization, heart pumping on her ribcage. She swiveled to the door and got back to the living room. "Here."


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