Bringing down the Star: Small Town Bully Romance Book 1

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Bringing down the Star: Small Town Bully Romance Book 1 Page 6

by Joanna Mazurkiewicz

  “Well, you’re going to have to deal with the fact that there’s going to be more people like them.”

  Her statement did nothing to ease my fury. I had been there to save her from those two assholes, but she was right. Unfortunately, there would be more like them who assumed Tori would be desperate enough to give out whatever they wanted for a measly few bucks.

  She wasn’t the type, but they didn’t know that.

  Everyone had a price though, didn’t they?

  “You don’t need this job,” I tried from a different angle. “I’ll give you money.”

  “To be what? Your personal slut? No, thank you,” she fumed. “As I said, I fuck men, not boys.”

  “Does this scream boy to you?”

  At that, I pushed her hard onto the concrete wall. She gasped as I dug my rock-hard cock onto her front while gripping her waist to keep her from moving. She swallowed, and from the way her face went a little red, I knew she was turned on. I wrapped my hand round her neck, giving it a light squeeze as a whimper escaped from her body.

  Fuck. Me.

  Her eyes slowly found mine, and she bit her lips. “What…” She trailed off and tried again, ‘What are you doing?”

  “Giving us what we both want.”

  With that, I crushed my lips onto hers in a desperate, sloppy, and feverish frenzy. There were no initial gentle, suggestive kisses or any other build-up to this moment. No, there was only pulling, pushing, and crashing. I devoured her soft lips, and she loved it. I thought she would push me away when she placed her hand onto my chest. Instead, she crumpled my shirt in her tiny hand and pulled me closer before her other hand went to my hair. She arched her back, pressing her tits against me, and I bucked my hips into her in response. She tasted better than I imagined and I bet she was already soaking wet for me.

  The whole thing was explosive and unlike anything I’d experienced before. I could feel myself leaking even though she wasn’t even naked yet. In fact, she wore the most disgusting outfit I’d ever laid eyes on while we made out in the back of a shitty diner just a few feet from the dumpsters.

  But I didn’t give a damn. I needed and wanted more. I had this vision of me tying her hands above her head and shoving my fingers into her pussy. That thought made me batshit crazy, but I wanted to see her wriggling her tight hole around my fingers.

  She moaned into my mouth, and I couldn’t help but smirk before I shoved my tongue past her soft lips. Her kiss was almost novice-like. A groan escaped my lips as she raked her nails over my scalp while grinding against my erection.

  “C-Colten,” she whimpered into my mouth before we pulled away so I could delicately suckle on her pale, white neck. I wanted everyone to know this little Starlight was mine. I lowered my hand to massage her breasts, loving how plump they were. I was finally breaking her—her cries were like music to my ears.

  “Fuck, I can’t wait to hear you calling my name like that over and over,” I ground out. “Keep going, baby. Tell me how much you want this. How much you want this fire. How much you want me.”

  And she did exactly that, as I nibbled on her neck, giving her visible hickeys. She writhed and mewled against me, driving me crazy. Pulling at my hair, she then dug her nails into my scalp, while I kept suckling on her neck and throat. I wanted to leave dark marks all over her creamy skin, so every single motherfucker in this town would know she was taken.

  I slowly unbuttoned her uniform, feeling her stiffen when my lips brushed against what seemed to be some sort of severe scarring as I pushed her bra downwards. Just like that, the moment was lost, and she pushed me away.

  It was so over in fact, she slapped me straight across the face. Disoriented, still fucking hard as a rock, I raised a hand to my cheek, which burned like hell.

  There was murderous intent in her eyes, yet she couldn’t be more beautiful. “Touch me like that ever again, and I will skin you alive.”

  Little did my little Starlight know that it would take more than her threat for me to stop—not when I finally understood what forbidden fruit tasted like.

  Chapter Eight


  “You did what?” Cleo screeched on the other line.

  “Warned him off and told him I’m not interested in fucking a little boy,” I stated rather proudly as I flipped to the next page of my book. I lay on my tummy across the bed I still hadn’t gotten used to. More often than not, I’d move my blanket to sleep on the floor. “Also, that I’m not interested in being one of his sheep, and I only would like to fuck real men. He seems immature.”

  There was something unique about talking with the only two people you considered family. I felt comfortable with them. I should make an effort to develop a better relationship with Nina or even my aunt. As it was, we barely communicated. This would help me in the long run, to become better me.

  Since my father murdered my mother, my whole life was turned upside down, but Cleo and Justin never changed. For that stability alone, I loved them.

  Admittedly, I had omitted some details about what had happened today, like the kiss that had made my whole body heat up, and my growing attraction for a guy who represented everything I hated about the world. I lost my everloving mind when we were outside that diner. God, I nearly let him fuck me there.

  “Aren’t you a virgin?” Justin asked. I could practically see his eyebrow creasing into a frown. I didn’t know why he was mad. I was the one who got assaulted.

  “Yes, but it was just a kiss and I hate to say it, he made my toes curl,” I said, feeling a little embarrassed that I was sharing this kind of details with my friends that I considered family. I hated that he made me feel this way. “And they don’t know that I have never slept with anyone. This kind of thing just doesn’t belong to their world.”

  “Tell me more about him? I have missed talking to you,” she said.

  “What about me? You never said you missed talking with me,” Justin injected, sounding a little irritated. I have never really been that honest with them, especially Justin.

  “Oh, I love you, but this is more a girly talk.” She laughed and he muttered something about women.

  “Yes, me too. I feel less lonely when I can hear your voices.” I sighed. “There is nothing much to tell. He’s rich and arrogant. I don’t see us being a thing. We are from completely different worlds.”

  “But you have a good soul Tori,” Justin admitted. “And he sounds like a prick. You should stay away from him.”

  “I’m trying, but he makes this very difficult for me. He doesn’t know me. No one in this town knows who I am.” I shook my head.

  “Then maybe you should let them see it inside. Remember that time when you called CPS on those two pricks from the other trailer park?” Cleo reminded me, and I dragged my hand through my hair.

  Yes, that memory was brutal, but the little boy—Ruben—wasn’t even five and these vile human beings barely fed him.

  I just couldn’t take their shit. I didn’t even have a stable home myself, but I took him inside my own trailer whenever they left him to fend for himself.

  “Yeah, but what’s your point? That was a long time ago and I don’t think it matters now,” I agreed, still clenching my fists.

  Ruben had been so well behaved, but his parents, just like mine, were too hooked on drugs to take care of him. I stopped counting how many times I had tried to interfere. His mother had kept calling me a whore and I didn’t deny when she’d angrily asked if I’s called sSocial Services on them.

  “Well, he was adopted by a good family and it was all because of you,“ Cleo added, and warmth spread through my chest. Ruben’s departure hit me hard, but I knew his life was going to get better.

  “Exactly, so just grab the opportunities in this shitty town. Let people in, even that rich boy,” Justin said, staring at me through the video chat.

  “Very true. Maybe show him the funny and caring lady that lives inside you.” Cleo giggled, and I couldn’t help rolling my eyes. I could picture h
er lying on the pull-out mattress as she played with her hair. She quite often stayed over at Justin’s if her step-parent or step-brother came over. “When are you coming to visit us?”

  “Hopefully soon,” I said, meaning it. “I’ve been stuck with Nina, and I’m about to lose my mind. Everyone here is so stuck up and uptight.”

  “Yeah, but you have the bad boy wrapped around your little finger,” Cleo sang out. “How lucky of you.”

  If only she’d heard the whole story. I’d omitted the parts where he threatened to destroy me because I knew Justin would come running and haul my ass out of town before I could even take my next breath. Then there was the part I couldn’t bring myself to tell them. My deepest secret: how his cruelty turned me on. What would they think? That something was wrong with me. The thought of being unworthy in their eyes filled me with fear and pain. If I lost them, I’d have nothing left.

  I knew where this shit came from. Growing up, I heard the kind of fucked up shit my parents did to one another, and though at first their fights terrified me, I tamped down the emotion and started to get off on the spectacle. Like it was a TV show or something.

  Besides, the apple didn’t fall far from the tree. That’s how the saying went.

  But then, the bastard kissed me.

  What was I supposed to do now? How was I supposed to feel?

  That kiss was something entirely different from anything I’d ever experienced before. When we pulled away and I saw that look in his eyes, I almost came undone. I was about to let him pull up my uniform and fuck me right there. I’d have given him everything he wanted.

  Then, he touched me there… and I had to run away. For a moment, I almost saw a different person in him. But I knew his kind.

  Cleo and Hudson were wrong about Colten.

  “I don’t think so, I’m just the shiny new toy he can play with. He will get tried of me, but I can’t stop thinking about him. Did you know he found out where I work on the very first day?”

  “Wait, you’re working?” Justin interjected. “Where?”

  “O’Malley’s Diner on the outskirts of town. You have no idea how hard it was to get Aunt Winnie to approve. She couldn’t believe why I even wanted to work when I have an ample allowance that pays for practically anything I want or need. I had to open up and tell her it was the only normal thing I had left.”

  “So she let you, just like that?”

  “Hell, no. She contacted the manager of O’Malley’s and gave my work schedule to our personal driver to pick me up when my shift is over. They think I’ll try to run away the first time I get the chance, so I think my manager, Yvette, is watching me like a hawk as well.”

  “Let’s back it up. So, Colten knows where you work?” Cleo asked.

  “It appears so,” I murmured, letting my head fall back. I thought the diner would be my safe haven as I’d been working as a server for years before all this. But, even that small enjoyment was snatched from me.

  “Is he stalking you?” Justin demanded, sounding furious. I didn’t get what his deal was. He never acted like that before. “Please don’t tell me he is.”

  I cringed at the thought, but needed to keep calm so Justin wouldn’t do something stupid. “Nah. I think it was just a coincidence he found out where I worked.”

  “So, what happened?”

  I rubbed my temples in dismay. “Nothing,” I lied.

  “Aw, boo,” Cleo huffed on the other line before gasping. “Shoot, I didn’t realize two hours have passed already. I’m going to go now if that’s okay? I’m planning to retake my SATs soon in hopes of a higher score, but—”

  “No, do it,” we both said. We wanted her to achieve the best in life. She was five years younger than us. There was nothing left for us, but Cleo still had a whole future ahead of her. Saying goodnight to her, Justin paused before sighing.

  “Tell me the truth now that Cleo’s gone.”

  My heart sped up as I shook my head with a sigh. “What do you want me to say?”

  “How are you really?”

  “I’m getting by,” I confessed. “Don’t get me wrong. I’m standing up for myself—”

  “As I knew you would,” he proudly agreed. “But that doesn’t mean I want you to fight alone, especially with the bullshit your aunt puts you through.”

  “It’s fine. I can survive one year. You know I’ve been through worse,” I whispered, closing my eyes as I desperately wished I was back in the trailer with them—the nights when I smoked weed and drank with Justin while we told each other our dreams. If I were any kind of normal, my eyes would sting with tears.

  “Did Levi try to make contact with you?”

  “What do you think?” I snarled at the mention of my twin brother’s name. “He’s been missing since the night he walked out and left me all alone with our psychotic parents.”

  It was also the first night my mother had attacked me. Her mental state only deteriorated after that.

  There was a pause before Justin spoke. “Run away with me, Tori.”


  “Hear me out,” he cut me off, knowing far too well I would reject his crazy idea. “I have everything figured out. I’ll take care of you. I’ll give you the home that you want so badly. We’ll be a family, and I’ll make sure nothing will ever hurt you again.”

  Though it sounded like a dream come true, something about it didn’t feel right. The way he said it, the way he seemed to want more than what I was willing to offer. “What about the money?” I murmured. “What about the trailers? Cleo?”

  “We don’t need it,” he informed me. “Cleo has already been offered a full ride at several colleges she applied to.”

  “What about your dreams to travel?”

  “Tori, we don’t need a lot to do it,” he groaned. “As I said, I’ve thought everything out since your aunt dragged you there. We can sell our trailer, and since we’re both working, I’m sure it would give us enough for us to get a second-hand RV. So just think about it, you and I, on the road.

  While it did sound tempting, in the end though, that was his dream.


  I wanted a home.

  I’d long given up on that dream, but Justin seemed to be offering it and more to me. I could have taken him up on the offer, but something held me back. I swallowed the lump in my throat, hating the feeling, and exhaled. “I’m getting tired, Justin. I’ll talk to you tomorrow.”

  “Will you think about what I said?”

  For the first time in years, I couldn’t help but lie to my best friend. “Yes.”

  Hanging up, I sighed and walked over to the open window. I’d never felt so out of place and alone. A soft breeze flowed through, and I had the urge to run away from everything and everyone there and then—the desire to go back to the normalcy of not feeling anything. Emotions were getting the best of me lately and I wasn’t used to that feeling. It was … uncomfortable.

  Ever so gently, I rubbed my fingertips over my lips.

  I wanted to go back to when my heart didn’t yearn for anyone.

  What was Colten doing to me?

  Sighing, I closed the window and started to change into my pajamas. Peeling off my shirt, I couldn’t help but stare at the ugly raised scars across my breasts where I was attacked and almost raped. The disgusting mark was a reminder of how I was abandoned by my twin brother. Though to this day, I never understood why.

  Why did Levi run away without me?

  I shook away the dark thoughts. If Colten hadn't touched that part of me and made me self-conscious, I wouldn’t have stopped him. I would have been fine giving him my virginity at the back of a restaurant building like some whore. Even the hickeys staring back at me were angry and hateful … yet I perversely loved them. I loved his markings and how he was able to match my dark inclinations.

  I needed to stay the hell away from him. He had somehow managed to get right under my skin—something no one had accomplished after Levi left. Grabbing my pillow, I laid it do
wn on the floor, along with a small comforter, and closed my eyes.

  For the first time in years, I dreamt of a happier time when it was just my twin and I.

  Chapter Nine


  Two weeks.

  It had been two weeks since that kiss.

  The more I thought about it, the more I convinced myself Tori Watson was hiding something. And the more I wanted to bring her to my bedroom and fuck her into oblivion. That said a lot as I’d never brought a girl here before. Hell, I’d use a guest bedroom if I had a party going on or go to their place. But nobody came inside my sanctuary. That was off limits and I wasn’t sure yet if I could break that rule for her.

  The hickeys I’d given her were camouflaged under a thick layer of foundation which almost made me lose my goddamn mind. I’d taken a paper towel and pinned her down to wipe the makeup away. With the fight she had put up, Tori would obviously much rather be strangled to death than allow people to see those hickeys.

  If only she understood the honour of having my hickeys on her, or even my cardigan. I’d never done either of those things before. I’ve jacked off several times since that kiss, every time thinking about her soft, smooth skin. The way she’d pulled my hair and matched my roughness. The way she moaned out my name still rang in my ears every night when I closed my eyes, as I death-gripped my cock.

  My mind played the memory on repeat.

  I was never that bothered about foreplay or pleasuring the girls I slept with. It was all about me, and I couldn’t care less if they were able to come or not. But with Tori, I wanted to see her writhing in ecstasy, consumed by her orgasm. I wanted to taste her cum. I wanted to knead and caress her breasts while I shoved my cock down her throat until she choked on it.

  More than anything else, what startled me the most was how much I wanted to do it again and again with her. I don’t think I could ever tire of her. She seemed just the type who would always keep me entertained both inside and outside of the bedroom. I didn’t think she was inexperienced, maybe quite the opposite. But I was sure of one thing: something pulled me to her, a desire that I couldn’t understand. It felt like I was struck by lightning, this unbearable electricity keeping me up late at night.


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