Destiny Collides Past and Present

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Destiny Collides Past and Present Page 30

by J P Sayle

  Joe’s answering smile had him chuckling, exhaling sharply he winced as pain radiated up his sides, clutching his arms to his chest he breathed through it. Joe bent quickly, touching him gently as if trying to ease his pain. Love pulsed inside Stuart at the thoughtful gesture.

  The air seemed to spark with electrical energy, sapping Stuart, unsure where it was coming from, he looked between Aaden and Greg. Both men, it appeared, were apparently having a stare off competition making the situation weirder by the moment. Each appearing to antagonise the other, his eye watered trying to focus but his fascination kept him riveted. Aaden finally broke eye contact first, his rigid stance giving nothing away as he looked back at him and Joe.

  “I will go into the museum and distract our friend while you get Stuart back to the car, Joe.”

  The audible gulp from Greg had them all turn to stare at him. Stuart was convinced he saw pleasure bloom across Aaden’s face before he’d masked it at Greg’s obvious concern.

  Greg’s normally timid voice turned forceful as he spoke. “Surely we should call the police? Doesn’t one of you have a phone we could use? They have to be better equipped to deal with whatever this fucked up situation is, hey?”

  Stuart’s pounding head struggled to comprehend what was going on with Greg and Aaden, the angst between them seemed to be escalating. Hell, the air all but vibrated with tension that didn’t appear to have anything to do with Joel.

  Stuart spoke up, unable to contain his worry any longer. “Please, we need to do something and now, if you haven’t noticed it’s gone really quiet in that building. I think he might be planning something, and I for one don’t want to hang around and find out what it is. He has already fired one shot and I don’t want to be around for the next.” His quavering voice unrecognisable as he trembled, knowing full well what Joel could inflict on any of them.

  They were wasting time they could ill afford as the thoughts pushed through, Stuart used Joe and Greg’s arms to help him stand. Dragging his screaming body to vertical, he swayed, panting like a birthing mother winded from the exertion. Stuart clung on, cold sweat coating his sticky skin while the smell of stale sweat wafted around him. Stuart had the insane urge to pull away from Joe not wanting him to be disgusted by how bad he must stink. He had to force himself to stay put at his own ridiculousness, he was grateful when Aaden spoke, taking his mind of his woes.

  “I want you three to go now, head to the car and don’t argue. I’ll take care of Joel. I need you lot to keep as low to the ground as possible. Walk in the longer grass which will help shield you a little. I’ve got your backs. Joe, ring the police when you have signal, but I’d only do that when you get back to the car and are safely on your way to the hospital, okay? Joe don’t forget, we use our back up plan, make sure you follow that.”

  Joe and Greg stilled at Stuart’s sides, neither speaking.

  “Now, go.” Aaden’s biting command had them all moving at once.

  Taking one last look at Aaden’s retreating back, Stuart looked up at the dull grey sky. “If there is a God up there, you’d better make sure Joel doesn’t hurt Aaden, you hear me?” The dry chuckles on either side of him had a flush creeping up his cheeks. Hoping they would put it down to the effort it was taking to progress down the uneven grassy slope.

  Stuart felt the dried grass scratch his bare skin, his body rebelling with every step his jellified legs took. He worried his bloody lip, panic building with every passing minute Joel could get at them. Keeping his eyes focused on the car he willed it closer, as his muscles screamed from the exertion.

  Panting, his chest heaved as he collapsed against Martin’s car, not sure how long it had taken, minutes, hours? He laid his feverish body against the cold metal, hoping it would ease the constant pain and cool his burning muscles. The sound of the car unlocking was music to his ears. Helped into the soft cushioned leather seat. Stuart was never more grateful for Martin’s lavish car. Groaning in pleasure at the soft cushioned seat cupped his pain ridden body that cried for a merciful God as the car cocooned him when the door shut. He was never sorrier for how pungent he smelt in the confined warm space. His mind seeing the funny side, he would have thought it was hilarious stinking up Martin’s expensive car if it wasn’t for the direness of their situation.

  Stuart blinked several times trying to keep his eye on Joe as he walked towards Greg, pulling out his phone as he moved. When he got off the phone he could see them discussing something, but the closed doors muffled the sounds. He was getting the gist it wasn’t good when Greg bounced up and down, arms flailing as if in temper. Unsure whether he should interfere, Stuart dithered not entirely positive his legs would hold him. Grabbing the door handle, praying he didn’t end up on his ass, he paused when Greg flounced off towards his car.

  The roar of the engine broke the silence as gravel spat at Martin’s shiny paint work making Stuart cringe. He watched Greg’s little Skoda Octavia fly down the road, heading towards Douglas. Surely he should have waited for the police? What on earth was going on?

  Frowning at Joe’s obvious dejection, he was unable to refrain from asking what was going on when Joe got into the car.

  His voice strained to be heard, the earlier relief from the water long gone. “What was that all about, surely he should have waited for the police?” Joe’s lack of response and eye contact had his insides fluttering with anxiety. The car rumbled to life as Joe started the engine. Stuart grabbed Joe’s arm, trying to contain the moan he spoke through gritted teeth.

  “Hey, hold on, what are you doing? We need to wait for Aaden.” His alarm grew as the silence continued. Watching in horror as Joe put the car in gear and taking off fast, pain exploded through his chest from the seat belt making his body throb with agony. This time the groan escaped past his clenched jaw. Sucking in several breaths through his teeth, Stuart was grateful Joe had at least stopped.

  Swallowing past the pain Stuart pleaded with Joe. “Please, tell me what’s going on.”

  Joe’s distressed eyes glittered with unushered tears making him see the truth of the situation. Stuart sagged under the weight of the responsibility for putting Aaden at risk.

  “Aaden doesn’t want any help, does he?”

  Joe’s shaking head pounded home the reality he didn’t want to acknowledge. “Please believe me, you don’t want to know what Aaden is capable of, Stuart. It’s for the best we don’t wait. I have rung the police, but I’ve asked them to come to the hospital instead. I’m taking you now so we can get you taken care of.”

  The plea in his voice had Stuart settling. Unable to cope any longer he shut his aching eye, wanting nothing more than to hide from everything that had happened. Stuart could feel the effects of the pain pills taking hold, his limbs grew heavy while his mind floated in a cloud of drugs. Trusting Joe, he let the drugs pull him into an exhausted sleep.

  Joe looked out the side of his eye pleased to see Stuart had finally drifted off to sleep. The pills he’d given him would knock a horse out, but with all the adrenaline that must have been coursing through him it wasn’t a surprise it had taken a while for them to kick in.

  He could taste the bitterness of his guilt at the back of his throat. Joel may as well have taken his heart and ripped it right out of his chest before shredding it. Joe could see now why he’d taken Stuart, the fucker must have somehow figured out how important Stuart was to him. He figured Stuart’s body would heal with time, but what about the psychological damage Joel had inflicted? Would they be able to get past it? A conviction filled him that Stuart would never love him after this. Why would he, why would anyone want someone with so much baggage?

  Joe swallowed back the sob, blinking rapidly, willing himself to keep it together. He knew where the blame sat, fair and square at his door. Willing himself to concentrate on the road and not on Stuart’s bruised and battered body. His initial relief at finding him alive had worn off pretty quickly with each painful moan and whimper Stuart had thought he’d hidden. That first r
eal look at his face had pulled the rug right from under his feet. Dear Lord, he is almost unrecognisable.

  How on earth he could still see through that puffy slitted left eye, was anyone’s business. His once beautiful face was deformed; triple the size, with a colour spectrum that could rival any rainbow. Joe got it big time what Joel had wanted to achieve, steal Stuart’s beauty and wreck his body. He couldn’t stop the swift glance that took stock of all the damage, swollen limbs, a myriad of bruises, raw skin and deep cuts to his wrists. Sucking in a breath, Joe tried to stem the tears feeling them leak down his face as he struggled to hold his anguish in. His mind bombarded him with image and after image of what had to have happened to create all that damage.

  Swerving quickly to avoid the fallen bit of wood poking out, Joe cursed up a storm for not paying closer attention. Wiping at his wet face, he quickly glanced at Stuart, relieved he had remained asleep. That would just be about right he’d nearly added insult to injury. Gripping the steering wheel he turned his full attention to the road, satisfied when they eventually managed to get to hospital in one piece.

  Joe’s brows arched in concern, spotting the police car as he pulled into the car park in front of the emergency department. Parking next to the entrance he took a fortifying breath before getting out of the car. “Here goes nothing. I hope to God they don’t ask me too many questions.”

  Joe went in through the front doors spotting a few wheelchairs, shrugging he grabbed one, hoping they were for this purpose. He quickly headed back out bracing himself, convinced he was going to have a fight on his hands. He figured Stuart would insist on walking, but that was so not going to happen. The fact he had barely made it to the car and by now his body would have well and truly given up the ghost. Stuart would be lucky if he could manage to even get out of the car.

  The argument as expected had been pitiful when Stuart had demanded to walk, only to find he couldn’t get more than half a step before is body gave out and he’d collapsed into the wheelchair, crying in anguish. Puffing his cheeks out in frustration Joe sat down next to Stuart’s trolley, ignoring what could only be perceived as a swollen scowl.

  Joe watched the nurses like a hawk scurrying around the room they’d put them in. He was grateful they were on their own and not in the four bedded area they had been wheeled through. Stuart had enough people gawking at him without other patients doing it as well.

  Joe could feel his will to live drain with every hour that passed. The twenty thousand questions they’d encountered and the several hours of tests and waiting around for results were taking their toll on both of them. Joe could see the exhaustion etch deeper into Stuart’s face with every hour that passed. Why was it taking so bloody long? Had they found something and they weren’t letting on?

  He twitched in the plastic chair from sitting so long, his back and ass numbed into submission. Joe stretched his arms up, once again looking at the monitors and equipment bleeping. The room, though not awfully big, seemed to be filled to the gunnels with stuff. Every counter had bits and pieces scattered on them. Cabinets had numerous drawers underneath filled with odd looking equipment that gave him the willies at the thought of what and where they went.

  Joe quivered, inhaling deeply. The distinct smell of disinfectant didn’t quite cover the stench of Stuart’s clothes which sat in the bag next to his feet. Booting them further away, he wondered why they didn’t have a bag that sealed that shit away. Joe gave the nurse a questioning look wanting to be distracted. When she avoided making eye contact he slumped into the chair figuring he’d probably pissed her off with his own incessant questions about what the delays were, but they just didn’t seem to be answering any of his questions.

  Stuart had been for a CT scan, x-rays, and who knew what else they’d done behind those closed doors. They had taken reams of blood samples, but still he’d had no answers. Seeing the doctor come back through the door, Joe gave up pretending to be calm when the guy roused Stuart from his dose to ask yet another question that he had already answered ten different ways.

  “Enough, okay? There is nothing more you can do it would seem? He hasn’t slept or eaten properly for over twenty-four hours. We’ve had enough, we want to go home. Just give me the painkillers and whatever else you think he will need and I can look after him at home. Unless there is something you aren’t telling me?” Poking his chin out in defiance when the confidence he’d aimed for fell short, sounding more like a whiny child. Joe sagged in relief when his non-existent patience was rewarded at the doctor’s next words.

  “Yes, you can take him home, but he will need plenty of fluids and rest. I would suggest you give him the medication regularly in the first few days so that he is able to move about, though he may struggle until the swelling goes down. I have referred him to the vascular surgeon as a precaution; to follow up on the damage to his wrists. He has full movement and sensation but when the swelling abates we need to double check for nerve damage. If he has any issues with his genitals or passing urine bring him straight back, otherwise you’re free to go.”

  The doctor’s sympathetic stare got on his last nerve, especially when he crossed his legs when speaking about the damage to Stuarts genitals. Joe could only imagine how Stuart felt, poked and prodded, photographed, questioned endlessly. All his dignity removed with every prying thing they had done and said over the last few hours.

  Joe gave Stuart a ten out of ten for trying when he observed him attempting to smile at the doctor, though it was hard to tell with lips that resembled a baboon’s ass. Coughing into his hand, Joe tried to disguise the wry chuckle that escaped at his errant thought.

  Accepting the packets and the written instructions, Joe tucked them away in his rucksack, desperate to leave. The shed load of drugs they’d given Stuart allowed for him to move a little more freely. Though Joe wasn’t sure which one of them struggled more to contain their emotions by the time they’d reached the car and escaped the hospital’s brand of torture.

  Joe got Stuart settled in the car, taking a deep breath he rounded the hood, ignoring the blatant stares of the people milling around the front entrance smoking. The fading light had him looking at his watch, fuck they’d been there eight hours. A heavy sigh filled the car making him glance at Stuart whose head was drooping back on the head rest, fast asleep. Realising too late it had been him sighing, he was glad Stuart had missed it. The last thing he wanted was for Stuart to worry about what he was thinking.

  Blindly looking out the windshield at the hospital entrance, he thought about the doctor’s assurances. They went a long way to easing his worries, but what if he wasn’t able to give Stuart everything he needed? He wasn’t a nurse, what did he know about caring for someone with Stuart’s injuries? This wasn’t some random accident, no, this time he’d been beaten to a bloody pulp.

  Oh Christ, sucking back his emotions Joe put the car in gear and focused on getting them home. He’d have plenty of time for recriminations once he’d spoken to Aaden. He prayed that would give them back some kind of normalcy, if that was at all possible.

  The one thing he knew, he’d do anything in his power to make Stuart see how sorry he was for his part in this fiasco, and show him how much he truly loved him. If it wasn’t enough, well, then he would cross that bridge when he came to it. Sniffing, Joe wiped his nose on his jumper, pretending not to hear the nagging voice that said he would never get over it if Stuart didn’t want him anymore.

  Shaking off his negative feelings, he thought about what they would need to deal with Stuart’s injuries which were definitely going to give him some grief over the coming weeks. The doctor had said he’d been lucky not have had suffered any internal damage due to the pounding he’d taken to his stomach and genitals. Joe couldn’t stop the shudder that wracked his body, lucky? Lucky my ass.

  The damage Joel had inflicted to Stuart’s body was anything but lucky. He might have had a lucky escape, but the bruising and swelling, hell he’d all but crossed his own legs when they had remove
d Stuart’s pants. The shocked silence and expressions all around him had spoken volumes. The sheer size and colour of Stuart’s penis and balls had every man in the room pale and wince. The genuine sympathy had nearly brought him to his knees. He felt the weight of their stares as if he had a neon sign stuck to his forehead, flashing ‘this is all my fault.’

  Stuart’s whimpers roused him from his pity party, the dash light showed Stuart’s furrowed brow, the deep grooves making him appear older. Joe immediately lifted his hand from the gear stick to gently touch Stuart’s cheek, hoping to soothe him.

  “Shush, you’re safe,” Stuart seemed to settle, quieting he drifted back to sleep. The urge to stop and hold him had him looking for somewhere to park. Realising they were closer to home than he’d anticipated, he carried on. Trusting Stuart would stay that way till they got home and allow him to check in with Aaden.

  Joe’s stomach roiled thinking about what might have happened after they left. He trusted Aaden to take care of things, but what his mind conjured had his Pepsi Max, he’d drunk earlier, want to escape via the same route it had originally taken. Breathing through his nose he pushed past the nausea, opening the window to let in a little air.

  The one and only text he’d received from Aaden, a few hours before, told him nothing, other than it was sorted. What the hell did that mean? The unanswered questions circled around his mind wanting answers. He was desperate for information, but he knew better than anyone what data could be traced on electronic devices so he held back from texting, demanding answers. His knuckles whitened gripping the steering wheel. Viewing Stuart, Joe strained to reassure himself that they were safe. He would get the answers he needed from Aaden, and he would just have to suck it up because he needed them, like yesterday.


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