Into The Light (Immortal Hearts Book 1)

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Into The Light (Immortal Hearts Book 1) Page 23

by Katherine Hastings

  I almost choked on my sushi. With my mouth full, I couldn’t respond.

  “What? You do.” He flashed that sly smile, and I felt the familiar roller coaster drop in my stomach.

  I grabbed my glass of champagne and took a sip to wash down the sushi.

  “Is this champagne?” he asked, fingering the stem of his flute.

  “It is. Haven’t you tried it yet?” I was thoroughly enjoying experiencing all these new tastes and this new world with him. Everything was so fresh and new, and it made me stop and appreciate things even more. I felt like I was seeing everything again with fresh eyes.

  “When you drank it in New York, I was so curious what it tasted like.”

  “Well, now’s your chance.” I held up my glass and clinked it to his. “Cheers.”

  “Cheers.” He took a sip and furrowed his brow before taking another one. “It doesn’t taste at all like I imagined.”

  “Do you like it?”

  “I love it.”

  “And I love you.” I smiled and took another sip of my own.

  His contented sigh lifted his shoulders and the look I started recognizing all too well crept inside the eyes matching the ocean surrounding us. I gasped when he appeared at my side and squealed as he hoisted me into his arms. Suddenly I was in the bed, and the sheer white scarves hanging around us blew from our speedy entrance.

  He was on top of me, greedy hands removing my clothes while I pulled off his shirt. The sight of his smooth skin and rippling muscles still sent shivers down my spine. Sitting back, he let his gaze rake over my naked body. I melted beneath his stare and every nerve in my body sprung to life, desperate for his attention and touch.

  The newfound warmth in his hands still shocked me and I moaned when his fingers glided down the length of my body. Sliding back up inside my legs, his fingers continued their way to the place I hoped he’d never stop touching. I slammed my eyes shut with a gasp when his fingers parted me and slid up the silky skin.

  His hungry mouth discovered mine, and I inhaled him while his tongue parted my lips and pressed past them. His fingers found their way inside of me and I pressed against him, desperate for more. I reached out and found his hard shaft, gripping it in my hand. He moaned into my mouth and I moved my hand in time with his. My pleasure built, and from the way his body tensed above me, I could feel his own ready to explode.

  Releasing my grip on him, I pushed him backward. He gave no resistance and settled back onto his elbows. Ravenous eyes watched me while I climbed on top of him. I met them with my own mirroring his desire as I positioned myself above him. Matching moans rolled out from us as I made my descent.

  His arms wrapped around me as he sat up, pulling me deeper into his embrace and further down his cock, filling every inch of me. Holding me still, I breathed, and my body begged to move. I let my hips move against him, rocking my body against his hard chest. His grip around me tightened and held me against him while I increased my speed. He moved below me, his breathing increasing along with my own. I felt the heat building between us while I writhed above him, my arms encircling his neck as I held on tight. My body buzzed and vibrated while I rode him, moaning my excitement as I reached the highest heights. I clung to him and tossed my head back. The electricity crackled between us while our bodies exploded in unison.

  We collapsed together in the bed, panting and sweating in a heap of tangled limbs.

  “I think I’m going to pass out.” I panted. My head swirled, and the humidity wasn’t helping to cool me down. “It’s really hot down here.”

  “I think I know how to fix that.”

  I scrunched my brow and turned to look at him. Eyes filled with mirth met mine, and before I could protest, I was in his arms and we stood on the edge of our deck, his toes dangling over the edge.

  “Aiden!” I protested, slapping his chest. “Don’t you dare!”

  “Don’t you want to be with me for my first dip in the ocean?” He arched a brow and peered back down at the rippling aqua water below us.

  I groaned and closed my eyes, nodding my approval. Without wasting another second, he jumped. I screamed while he launched into the air. We plunged into the ocean together and the cool water shocked my senses when we disappeared below it. The force of our landing ripped us apart, but we surfaced together, spitting water and coughing. The sound of his deep laughter carried across the open ocean. I wiped the water from my eyes and smiled when I saw the joy that lit up his face like the sun itself radiated inside him.

  “This is incredible!” he shouted and spun around in the water, spraying an arc of it along with him. “How have I been alive so long and never done this?”

  “Well, you’re doing it now.” I swam up to him and slid my arms around his neck. His beaming grin closed for just a moment when he planted a kiss on my lips. It grew back to full size when he pulled back and looked at me.

  “Thank you,” he said.

  “For what?”

  “This. All of this. For bringing me to life again. For showing me what I was missing. For showing me how to live. And for loving me.”

  And love him I did. More than anything. I answered him with a kiss. The world around us faded from thought as we floated together on the soft waves of the sea.



  “I HAVE A SURPRISE FOR you,” Emilia whispered in my ear. I blinked open my eyes and rolled over to find her propped on an elbow staring at me.

  “Good morning.” I reached out, pulling her into my arms. The soreness in them surprised me, another new sensation brought on by two days of wild sex and swimming naked beside her in the ocean. I finally understood why Mark had griped after each of his grueling workouts. My whole body ached, though it wasn’t an unpleasant feeling. Just another reminder I was alive.

  Kissing her forehead, I closed my eyes and squeezed her tighter. These past two days had been nothing short of magical. The valets left food on our doorstep and we hadn’t left the little bungalow except to dive into the ocean surrounding us and paddle around. Last night we had floated together beneath the shooting stars, and I was certain my heart would explode from happiness while we lay there side by side, fingers entangled as the water continued to lift us up over the gentle waves.

  I saw the excitement bubbling in her eyes. “Well? What is this surprise?”

  “We’re going snorkeling.”

  “Snorkeling?” I quirked a brow.

  “Yep. I chartered a boat and you and I are going swimming out in the sea.”

  “Does that mean we have to leave our bungalow?” I frowned.

  With an eyeroll, she snuggled in closer. “We have to leave eventually.”

  “And see other people?”

  “Yes, Aiden. We’re going to interact with other humans.”

  My frown deepened. “I’m not ready to share you, yet. Besides, we have the sea right here.”

  “Aiden,” she soothed. “We are going to leave this bungalow for few hours. It will be worth it. Trust me. I’ve never been snorkeling either so it will be a new experience for both of us.”

  “Fine.” I sighed, but I knew she could detect the jest in my voice.

  We climbed out of bed and she went to the door to retrieve the fresh fruit and juices that the staff left for us every morning. I pulled on the pair of black trunks Mark had gotten for me and felt a pang of sadness that he wouldn’t be waiting at the house when we returned. He was likely getting turned in the next few days if it hadn’t happened already. I had wanted to be there for him when it happened, but he had insisted he was fine and demanded we let him do this alone. The transition was brutal, and I hoped that he would get through it quickly and with ease. My good friend Thorne would be there, and I knew my brother and sister would look out for him. Still, I worried about my friend.

  “The boat will be here in a few minutes.” Emilia stepped into the room while she took a bite of the fresh starfruit plucked from the nearby trees this morning.

What should I wear?” I asked, flipping through the folded t-shirts.

  “You’re in it,” she said, looking at my shorts before quirking an eyebrow and letting her eyes move to my exposed chest.

  “Just shorts?”

  “Yep. We’re going swimming, baby. That’s all you need. And I don’t want all of that covered up any more than it needs to be.” She wiggled a finger at my abs.

  “As always, your wish is my command.” I laughed as I stepped away from the shirts.

  A sheer white fabric covered her suit and left little to the imagination, yet it begged me to tear it off her body. Before I could make good on my idea, I heard the boat putter up to the dock outside.

  “They’re here!” she squealed and grabbed my hand, pulling me out into the bright sunshine. Two men waved us over, and we made our way to the small fishing boat. I held her hand while she stepped over the side before hopping in to join her.

  “Good morning!” the Captain said in his cheery Tahitian accent.

  “Good morning!” Emilia chimed back, and I gave him a smile and a nod.

  “We have a wonderful coral reef for you two to explore today. It’s pristine... the best in the world!”

  “We’re looking forward to it,” I said and followed his first mate to the back of the boat where a bench seat waited for us.

  He waved his hand over it. “Have a seat. Enjoy the ride and we’ll be there soon.”

  Emilia took my hand and pulled me down beside her. Her face lit up with anticipation, her smile contagious and coaxing me to join in on the excitement. The boat puttered away from the dock before the captain pushed forward on the lever and sent us surging forward. The salty ocean water sprayed up around us and droplets splattered across my face.

  At first, they startled me, and I cringed, closing my eyes against their assault. But then I heard Emilia giggle, and I peeked open an eye to look at her. The sight of her relishing the experience encouraged me to do the same. Tipping my head back, I closed my eyes and let the sun beat down on me. The wind and the water whipped across my face and I delighted in the sensations the warmth and the wind brought. A smile pulled my face up and soon I laughed with her, sucking every last drop of joy from this human moment at her side.

  The boat slowed down a few miles away, and I scowled when the ride ended. I was half-tempted to offer him another hundred to take us around again.

  “We’re here!” he said as they dropped anchor.

  Emilia hopped up and her excitement to jump in stayed my hand and reminded me what we came here to experience. This would be my first time snorkeling, so I listened closely while they explained how to put on the flippers and how to relax and breathe through the funny little tube. She slid on her fins and then pulled the blue and white mask on over her head. When she looked at me, the sight of her in the goofy getup sent a roll of laughter shaking through my body.

  “Not sexy?” she asked, her voice nasally from the contraption.

  “You’re always sexy,” I answered and pulled on my own fins before securing my matching mask.

  When I looked at her, I saw the corners of her mouth twitch.

  “It’s all right. You can laugh,” I said, chuckling myself.

  She burst out into laughter and almost tipped back off the edge of the boat.

  “Not sexy?” I asked with a smile.

  “You’re always sexy, too,” she lied.

  “Don’t go too far,” the captain said before sending us on our way.

  I took a staying breath and reached out to hold her hand. Together we tipped backward off the boat and the water engulfed us. My grip on her hand never let up and together we surfaced, each sending a spout of water out of our snorkels. Her eyes and a nod of her head beckoned me to follow her, and I had no desire to be away from her, so I obeyed the silent command. Hand in hand we paddled away from the boat and I let my eyes focus on the hidden world around me for the first time. It nearly choked the air out of me.

  Colors and lights flickered everywhere I looked. It was like a secret world trapped beneath the cerulean waves. Fish darted in and out of the corals, moving like one... moving like Emilia and I as we twisted and turned together, our bodies mirroring one another while I closed my grip on her hand and tugged her closer. She turned to look at me, and I could see the smile even with the snorkel in her mouth. It was her eyes that smiled now, and they stole my attention from the beauty surrounding me. Even behind her goofy mask, she was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen.

  She gestured for me to follow her through the maze of corals covered in bright plants. We turned a corner, and I saw an eel peek its head out before darting back into the safety of the dark. For a moment I felt sorry for him. I knew what it felt like to live in the dark and I never wanted to go back. But the light of Emelia’s love had freed me, and now nothing could force me back into that hole ever again.

  A flash of movement caught my eye, and I turned to find it but saw nothing but endless aqua blue. I saw movement again, now on the other side. But once again, when I turned there was nothing there. My stomach tightened, and I recognized the all-to-familiar sense of danger. My instinct to pop my fangs in response to a threat sprung forward, but no fangs responded to my demand. While I still had my powers, I’d forgotten I no longer had my fangs. My muscles twitched while I spun around to find the threat. Emilia looked to me with a puzzled expression. She hadn’t seen the shadows and searched my face for answers.

  Then I saw it. The gray shape closed in on her and the shark darted straight at her. With a bolt of power, I pushed her back just before the gaping mouth clamped down on her. The force of my blow sent her tumbling in a whirlwind through the water. As I pulled my arm out of the way, the shark’s teeth sliced through my skin. Rage exploded through my other arm with a force I had never felt as I slammed a fist into its head. It spiraled and flipped through the water in the opposite direction before righting itself and swimming away.

  Spinning around, I searched for Emilia. I saw her kicking toward the top just a short sprint away, so I pushed all my energy to bolt to her side.

  But nothing happened.

  My body didn’t respond, and my speed didn’t come. Gritting my teeth, I tried again, but my powers wouldn’t answer. I started swimming toward her, panic gripping me that she was so far away, and I couldn’t move any faster. I felt powerless while I cut through the water at an agonizingly slow pace, and for the first time I truly understood the vulnerability of being human. It wasn’t fear for me I felt, but fear for her. Fear that the shark would come back, and I couldn’t reach her in time. My heart pounded as I struggled against the water, eyes searching for the reemergence of the fish, only breathing again once I reached her.

  I popped up out of the water with her, pulling the snorkel out of my mouth. “Emilia! Are you hurt?” I panted as she stared at me with wide eyes behind her mask.

  She spit out her mouthpiece and took a sharp breath. “No, I’m all right.”

  A full body exhale washed over me hearing those words. I pulled her into my arms and held her tight while we tread water. Not only could the shark have hurt her, but the force of my blow to push her to safety could have broken bones in her fragile human body.

  “We need to get back to the boat,” she said, gesturing to the boat floating just a short swim away.

  I nodded and grabbed her hand, searching the waves for any signs of an attack. I could only hope that my response had shaken the creature and sent it staggering away. The swim back to the boat seemed to take an eternity. Knowing I couldn’t protect her tore me apart while I pulled her forward. I tried to use my powers several times on our way back, but nothing worked. My hearing picked up nothing but human levels of sound; there was no speed, no strength... nothing but human responses. I had prepared for this when I’d decided to change, but since the powers had remained even after the change I reeled from the new loss. Knowing they weren’t there when I needed them only deepened the dread.

  We reached the boat, and
I pushed Emilia up over the edge. The captain could see the anxiety in our faces, and he reached over the edge and pulled me up. I yowled in pain when his hand slid across the bleeding gouge in my arm.

  “You’re hurt!” he said as I collapsed onto the floor. Blood bubbled out of the wound and ran in a red stream across the white bottom of the boat. “Get a bandage!” he shouted to his first mate.

  “Aiden!” Emilia dropped to her knees beside me.

  “I’m all right,” I said, sitting up to examine the wound. “It’s just a cut.”

  “From coral?” the captain asked, pulling out the bottle of disinfectant and pouring it onto the cut.

  I grimaced as the liquid deepened the sting the saltwater had already started. “Shark.”

  His eyes bulged, and he shot a look to the first mate. “Holy shit. That’s a first. They never swim around here and the rare ones who wander over never attack.”

  “Aren’t we the lucky ones,” I responded and shook my head.

  “Let’s get you back to shore,” he said, finishing up his wrap around my arm. The pressure felt good and the throbbing subsided. I climbed to my feet and took Emilia’s hand, giving her a once over before we went back to our seats.

  I tried tuning in my powers the entire boat ride home, but like a dead battery in a car they refused to respond. A pang of despair settled deep in the pit of my stomach. Emilia stroked my neck, and I looked over to her, wondering now how I would keep her safe for the rest of our lives without my special powers... if I was just human. If my powers had faltered only seconds earlier, she may have been ripped from my life and I would have been able to do nothing to stop it. The pit in my stomach deepened, and for the first time I questioned my decision to become human again.

  The captain dropped us off back at our bungalow after we agreed I didn’t need stitches or medical attention. I’d been lucky the shark had only nicked me with a tooth rather than taken a chunk out of my arm. With ample apologies, he bid us good day and drove away. Emilia and I collapsed on the bed side by side, and for the first time since I saw that shark, I took a deep breath.


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