Into The Light (Immortal Hearts Book 1)

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Into The Light (Immortal Hearts Book 1) Page 26

by Katherine Hastings

  “You could see me?” My eyebrows crept toward my hairline.

  “Only for a few seconds, and like a clip from a fuzzy movie, but yes. I saw you. I saw the chair, the room. I saw your eyes. And the fear...” His voice drifted off. “But I couldn’t find you.”

  A sheen coated his eyes, and I realized now just how awful that must have been for him.

  “I had no idea,” I whispered.

  “I was powerless to find you, and knowing you were hurt and scared—”

  “But you did.” I squeezed his hand. “You did find me.”

  He pursed his lips and shrugged.

  While I tried to process his words, I struggled to make sense of everything. “If you had no powers, how did you find me?”

  “You wouldn’t believe me if I told you. Hell, I still don’t believe it.”

  “I’m holding the hand of a man born over six hundred years ago. One who, until recently, was a vampire. Try me.” I winked.

  “I felt you. Not like with my powers or anything... I just felt you. You were like gravity pulling me toward you and I just followed my feet. And then there you were.”

  Though I knew we had a connection, something special and rare, knowing he could feel my presence even at a distance stole the air from my lungs. “You felt me? How?”

  “I don’t know how else to explain it,” he said, his voice soft and unsure. “It’s like we’re connected, and I just felt you pulling me. Like you had tied a string to my heart and reeled me to you.”

  “And that wasn’t one of your powers before?”

  He shook his head. “I’ve never even heard of it as a vampire power before. I don’t think it was a vampire power... I think it was just the power of my love for you.”

  My heart swelled with the admission. “That’s incredible, Aiden.”

  “It certainly was. I still can’t quite process it.”

  “Well, thanks to our love, you found me and saved me. And luckily, your powers came back on just in time. We were so close to Leeya erasing me. How did you get them working again?”

  “Rage. Fear. My need to protect you. It just shot threw me like a bolt of lightning and then they left again.”

  “Was that what happened on the ground when you fell?” I remembered how scared I had been seeing him like that, writhing in agony at my feet and moaning in pain.

  “I think so. It was like I could feel the power, the magic, leaving me. Like I was running on an empty tank of gas and I’d used up the final fumes. Now the tank is empty, and they’re gone.”

  “Is that why you’re so sad? You miss your powers?”

  His jaw ticked and his eye contact deepened. “That’s part of it. I hate that I can’t protect you anymore. But there’s more.”

  “What?” I said, bracing myself for a blow based on the look in his eyes.

  “I think Leeya was right. I think I’m dying.”

  The world imploded around me. A push and a pull both crushing me and tearing me apart all at once. The air felt heavy and thick while I tried to inflate my lungs and struggled for my breath.

  “You’re wrong,” I finally sputtered out. “You can’t be dying.”

  “I’m weak, Emilia. I can feel myself getting weaker every day.”

  “Maybe you’re sick... like the flu,” I tried to rationalize.

  “I’ve been sitting here for two days waiting for other explanations, but the fact-of-the-matter is that something happened to me that night on the beach. I felt it leave, Emilia. The magic. The magic that started this curse in the first place. It’s gone. And without it, what happens? I think Leeya was right and I’ve been trying to figure out how to tell you.”

  Tears slid down my face before I even realized I was crying. “You’re not leaving me, Aiden. I won’t let you. We will figure this out.”

  He shook his head. “I don’t think we can, Emilia.”

  “You’re not leaving me, Aiden!” I shouted, pushing up from the table and storming to the edge of the deck. I heard him come up behind me, and he wrapped his arms around me. Closing my eyes, I let the feel of his touch saturate my skin. I listened to his breathing in my ear and savored the sound. “I won’t let you die. Please don’t leave me, Aiden.”

  “I love you, Emilia. And even if this kills me, I just want you to know I would make this choice over and over and over again. I would choose life. I would choose you. Every. Single. Time. These past days have been happier than any I’ve had in six hundred years. You were right when you said you’d rather live a short life filled with love and light rather than an eternity locked in the dark alone. You were right. I’ve lived longer than I should have, and perhaps this is just my time.”

  “But I just found you,” I said with a trembling voice. “And if you leave me, then what is there for me? A lifetime alone in the dark.”

  “I don’t want to leave you. I want to stay here with you, but I think the magic is gone and with it, my unnaturally long life is coming to an end.”

  “So, what? You intend to just sit here and stare at the ocean until you die?” I spun around, my anger now colliding with my devastation. “If you want to protect me and take care of me, then you’ll fight, Aiden! You’ll do whatever it takes to stay at my side!”

  “I... I don’t know what to do. I don’t think there’s anything I can do!”

  “You don’t think? I need you to know there’s nothing you can do. And until you know, then I won’t accept this. I won’t accept you just giving up. If you really love me, then you will pick up that phone and call your fucking brother. Leeya knew something about this... maybe they will know something, too. And if they don’t know, he’s the fucking leader of the vampires. He can find someone who does!”

  His eyes were wide with shock when he stared back at me.

  “You’re not leaving me without a fight, Aiden. Call your brother.”

  He bit his lower lip and took a breath before a nod tipped his head up and down. “I’m scared, Emilia. I don’t want to leave you.”

  I threw my arms around his neck and buried my head in his shoulder. “Then fight for me, Aiden. Fight with me. Let’s face this together. And we’re not giving up until the last breath slips past those lips I need to kiss.”

  “Okay,” he breathed.

  The sound of his agreement forced my eyes shut. Tears pushed through and streamed down my cheeks, pooling on his shirt. He tightened his embrace and pressed his lips to my forehead before pulling out of my arms.

  “Where are you going?” I asked, wiping the tears from my cheeks.

  “To call my brother.”

  He walked to the door of our bungalow, stopping and turning to me. “I love you and I will fight for you... for us.”

  I stood trembling on the deck, a fear I didn’t recognize gripping me tight. Aiden reappeared in the doorway his phone pressed to his ear. He held my eyes, and we stood frozen in a locked stare.

  “Lothaire? It’s Aiden. I need your help.”

  With those words I closed my eyes and for the first time in a lot of years I prayed.



  STARING OUT THE HELICOPTER window I felt a sense of nostalgia watching the lush, green rolling hills of my homeland passing beneath us. A green blanket woven by nature and unspoiled by development spread out in every direction, with small creeks cutting across the rugged terrain. Even after the sun had set as we got closer to our destination, to my family home, you could still see the colors and the beauty beneath the bright moon.

  “It’s beautiful,” Emilia whispered, leaning closer to the window. She pressed her hand on my thigh and I stifled a groan from the pain her touch caused. Everything ached. Every bone. Every muscle. Even my skin hurt.

  “This is my homeland. Welcome to Dùthaich Mhic Aoidh... Mackay Country,” I answered, pushing the pain back into the box I had been forcing it into. I wouldn’t miss a second of her touch, not even if it brought me agony. Deteriorating at lightning speed, my body might not be able to
savor her touch much longer.

  “You were so lucky to grow up out here. I can’t imagine having that much freedom.”

  “It was a different time back then... a very different time. But things still look the same. It’s remarkable.”

  “When was the last time you were here?”

  “It’s been fifteen years at least. Our clan doesn’t spend a lot of time here anymore. They are mostly in London, Edinburgh and Norway.”


  “They have polar nights there... months of pure darkness. Norway is basically vampire Disneyland several months a year.”

  “Yikes.” She cringed. “And no one knows?”

  “We’re pretty good at keeping our nature to ourselves... and compelling away the memories to any who discover us so yes... no one knows.”

  “The things you learn.”

  I recognized the mountain near our family estate in Mackay Country. My stomach clenched into a ball realizing we’d reached our destination when the helicopter began its descent. Lothaire would be waiting, and from the tongue lashing I’d received on the phone, I wasn’t sure what to expect. Even though I had been his enforcer and saturated these lands in blood, he remained my big brother who could make me feel like a small child beneath his disapproving stare.

  The stone estate perched atop the tallest hill came into view as the helicopter turned. More of a castle than a mansion, the estate had been in our family now for several hundred years. We’d spent little time here in the past century, but something about it always felt like home.

  “We’re here,” I said with a deep breath when the helicopter settled to the ground. “Are you ready?”

  Emilia nodded, but the worry lines creased into her skin gave her fear away. Well placed fear. She was walking into a clan of vampires... pissed off vampires. And I had little doubt in my mind that the fault for my decision would land squarely on her shoulders... though nothing could be further from the truth. Turning human had been my decision but getting them to understand that would be difficult. At least I trusted that they wouldn’t hurt her, no matter how angry they were.

  The co-pilot stepped out and opened the door. The wind from the blades blew back my hair when we ducked out beneath them. Pulling her out of their whirlwind, I squeezed her hand when I stood up straight. My family stood in a line under the lights illuminating the helicopter pad. A row of fixed eyes bore through me before all turning to the woman clinging to my side. Emilia shrunk a little and pushed in closer. I cringed at the pressure she put on my side but fought through and put a protective arm around her shoulders.

  We stood while the helicopter lifted off, the deafening sound of the blades finally thumping away into the distance. I opened my mouth to speak, but before I could, a flash of color exploded and my sister, Annella, appeared in front of me. Before I could breathe, she threw her arms around my neck, a pull so tight I thought my newly fragile bones might break. Her dark hair, the same color as my own but with a slight auburn hue, smothered my mouth when she pressed into me.

  “Dammit, Aiden! I missed you, you stupid arse!”

  Her excitement at my arrival surprised me. I’d expected anger. It took a moment for my free hand to respond and wrap around her tiny figure.

  “I missed you, too,” I said, and I meant it. She was my little sister, and we shared a special connection. Tearing myself from the family was hard, but not seeing Annella had been excruciating.

  She pulled back out of my grip and looked up at me with those bright blue eyes that looked just like my mother’s. The two could have been twins. They shared the same delicate features, including full lips along with ivory skin and wide-set eyes. But though she appeared sweet and fragile, Annella could easily tear apart a man twice her size. Even the strongest vampire foes had proved little challenge for her... and their underestimation of her strength had been the last mistake they’d ever made.

  “Ugh,” she said, wrinkling her nose. “You even smell human. Yuck.”

  “Thanks, Nella.” I laughed, and she softened her face and joined me.

  Thorne walked across the helicopter pad wearing the same goofy grin he’d had since childhood. Blue eyes situated beneath a mop of soft brown hair lit up with excitement as he approached. They looked just the way they had when he’d run to tell me he’d kissed Addie when we were just twelve years old. My oldest friend, and a brother in every way but blood.

  “The prodigal son returns,” he said, pulling me in for a hug. “Holy shit, you do smell human!”

  “It comes with the new human territory, I suppose. I missed you, brother.” I returned his hug with one arm but held Emilia’s hand tight. Her sweaty palms tightened around my hand.

  “And this must be Emilia.” Thorne pulled back and turned to look her over. “You must be one helluva woman to steal the hardened heart of this son-of-a-bitch.” His pursed his lips that were surrounded by his neatly trimmed facial hair, then pulled them into a wide grin. “It’s great to meet you, Emilia.”

  Emilia and I let out our held breaths in unison.

  “You too,” she said after a deep swallow. “I’ve been really excited to meet you. All of you.” She looked at Nella.

  “I’m Annella,” my sister said moving in front of her. “It’s so nice to have you here. I can’t wait to get to know you.” Annella pulled her in for a hug.

  “Me, too,” Emilia answered, and I heard the surprise in her voice. I’d warned her my family may not be pleased to meet the woman I’d turned human for, but so far things were going better than I had expected. But one family member remained. And that one posed the greatest challenge.


  My gaze stretched across the space between us and fell onto the intimidating posture and intense stare glaring my way from my brother. Grizella, his wife, stood at his side wearing the same stoic expression.

  His height, and also the rugged beard he’d worn since before our change, gave him an intimidating appearance... even to me. But it was the intensity in his amber eyes that sent most people scurrying out of his way. The raven-haired beauty beside him with the emerald eyes did just as good of a job shrinking people beneath her gaze. Side by side they were a force to be reckoned with... and right now I tried not to crumble beneath their condemnatory stares.

  Thorne and Annella noticed the standoff and stepped out of the way, both turning with expectant eyes to Lothaire. The space between us felt like a bottomless cavern that would send me tumbling into the vast darkness if I stepped forward. I did it anyway, one long stride after another toward the brother I had come to blows with the last time I saw him.

  But instead of striding confidently to him, my legs wobbled, and pain seared up through them and enveloped my whole body. While I crashed toward the ground, I wondered if I’d actually plummeted into the abyss. I heard Emilia’s scream, but something stopped me from slamming into the pavement. When I looked up, I saw Lothaire’s face staring down at me and his worry-lined eyes met mine.

  My ears screamed with an unyielding ring, my eyes blinking against the impending darkness.

  “I’ve got you, brother,” Lothaire said just before it all faded to black.

  THE DIN OF MUFFLED voices stirred me. Blinking my eyes open, I looked around. My family crest above the roaring fireplace drew my eye first. The same familiar antiques and plaid colors that had been here since we’d bought the place a few hundred years ago still hung on the walls and perched on the rich mahogany furniture. It didn’t take but a moment to acclimate myself. My old bedroom.

  “Aiden!” Emilia gasped when she saw me awaken. “I’m right here, baby.”

  When I glanced down, I saw her fingers interlocked with mine and I wondered how long she’d been sitting here and how long I had been out. Big blue eyes glistening with tears stared down at me. “How long was I out?”

  “Only an hour,” she answered, smoothing my hair from my face. “You scared me, Aiden.”

  “You scared me as well.” Lothaire’s deep voice pull
ed my attention to where he stood on the opposite side of my bed. “Don’t do that again,” he warned with an arched brow.

  “I’ll try,” I said between pained breaths as I struggled to sit up. “Lothaire, I’m sorry. The last time I saw you I–”

  “Don’t.” He stopped me with a raised hand. “Don’t apologize. You were right. I should have said it years ago when I realized it.”

  “So, you’ve still got Mom’s stubborn streak?” I attempted a joke.

  He smiled, an odd sight considering disapproving scowls and frowns were a more common sight on his face. I didn’t blame him, though. As chieftain, he had to carry the weight of the world on his shoulders and it didn’t allow a lot of time for shenanigans. His brief smile made me miss the time before everything changed; the time where three brothers would share laughs and get into mischief all along the countryside. We were best friends, all of us. And then our brother and our father died, and in that instant all the fun and games came screeching to a halt. Lothaire had to grow up in an instant.

  His smile dissipated but the softness remained in his eyes. “What happened is behind us... not worth another thought.” He furrowed his bushy brows. “What needs our attention now is the mess you’ve gotten yourself into.”

  His large hand pressed into my shoulder and I cringed beneath it.

  “You’re getting worse,” Lothaire said, removing his hand when he realized it caused me pain. “You’re in the final stage.”

  “You dumb arse,” Thorne said, appearing beside Lothaire, and shaking his head.

  Annella moved to my other side and slid an arm around Emilia’s waist. “What were you thinking, Aiden?”

  “It was worth it.” I forced a smile and looked up at Emilia.

  “Well, let’s just hope we can change him back in time.” Grizella stepped forward to Lothaire’s other side.

  Change back. Those words, the same ones Lothaire had said on the phone when I’d called from Bora Bora, sent more pain shooting through me than the physical pain ripping apart my body. I remembered the eel darting back into his hole... back into the dark. I didn’t want that. Now that I had lived this life surrounded by light and love I didn’t think I could go back. I closed my eyes to the thought, trying to come to terms with it, like I had since I’d first heard it yesterday on the phone.


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