Inhuman Behavior

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Inhuman Behavior Page 4

by Faith Ryan

  Uri smiles and begins humming again. When he’s finished combing through my hair, he stands and strips off his clothes, before picking up the clippers. He continues to hum as he trims my hair, starting at my feet and working his way up.

  He’s meticulous as he works to give me a fresh look, one that I find myself hoping will make him see me as more of a man and less of an animal. Once he’s finished, he cleans up all the hair that’s now covering the floor. The towel helped to keep it off the bed, so he just rolls that up and carries it from the room.

  He urges me to stand when he comes back from discarding the hair and putting away the towel and clippers. Uri pulls me over to stand in front of the large mirror attached to the dresser.

  “Look at you. Such a handsome young pup.”

  It’s the first time he’s called me a pup, and it doesn’t sound wrong like when he calls me a dog or an animal. No, it doesn’t sound wrong at all. It sounds more than right.



  I run my hands through the shorter hairs on Wren’s body. I don’t think he realizes it, but he leans farther into my touch with each pass I make over his lean muscles. His hair still hides a lot of him, but I can see a hint of what lies beneath.

  Now when I touch him, I can feel his stomach muscles twitch and see the quavering muscles flex as I caress him. I can see my effect on him, whereas before I only had an inkling of his desire. Wren’s reactions will aid me in molding him into the perfect pet. He doesn’t trust me yet. He’s still playing to escape, but I’m not above using his own game and his libido for my own ends.

  “Yes. You’re a very handsome pup.” He lets out a moan and pushes into my touch again, a slight shiver wracking his body. I step closer and wrap my arms around him, placing my hands on his hips. “Do you like it when I call you, ‘pup’?”

  A whimper escapes his lips, and he tries to grind his ass back onto my cock. I clench my hands on his hips and use my grip to pull him tighter against me. Leaning in close to his ear, I whisper, “Unless you want me to fuck you, you need to stop. I told you I’m not into animals, but you’re not really an animal, are you, pup?”

  I purposely use the new nickname, pushing him to abandon his bodily needs or give in to the desire consuming him. He needs to shove me away before I devour him whole. But I don’t tell him that, I wait for him to make the next move. Let him seal his own fate, whatever it may be.

  “I, uh, I don’t know what I want.”

  That is not the response I was expecting. “You don’t know? You don’t know if you want me to touch you, want me to fuck you?”

  I shouldn’t be asking him these questions. I shouldn’t be invested in his answers. I have Amalie. Sure, she’s been distant and angry lately, and we haven’t made love in months, but she’s still my wife. Wren is a gift for her. He’s not mine. She is. If I take this any further than I already have, I’ll have ruined her present, soiled her pet along with betraying her love. I should lock him in his cage and walk away until I’m ready to give him to her. But I can’t make myself move, except to get closer.

  “I want you to touch me… I shouldn’t, but I do.”

  “You want me to touch you where?” I ask, moving my hands from his hips, stroking and petting my way up his chest.

  “Everywhere.” The word is a barely formed breath of air. “Please touch me everywhere.”

  Wren is testing my resolve, and he doesn’t even know it. Or maybe he does. Is this part of his game? To push me to take from him what belongs to my wife? I smirk to myself. If this is a ploy, he’ll soon regret it. But not before I have a little fun with him.

  “Just touch pup? Or do you want me inside you too? Do you want me to fuck you while I touch you? Tell me what you want.”

  “I don’t know. I’ve never, I don’t, just keep touching me,” Wren growls.

  I contemplate his words. “You’re a virgin?”

  He nods and bites his lip, then rolls his hips back into me. I’m surprised, but also, I’m not. Wren is attractive even with hair covering almost every inch of his body. Any man, or woman, would be lucky to be with him. But he is a freak. Most people can’t see past his uniqueness to the beauty that is the man. Even I couldn’t. Not until Amalie opened my eyes to him.

  I won’t take his virginity; I’ll save that for Amalie. She’ll be his first, then we can love him together. For now, I’ll give him the touch and pleasure he’s so desperate for. Watching him come from my touch when I washed him captured my curiosity. I want to see that pained pleasure on his face again. I want to be the one to give him the release he desperately needs.

  “Okay, pup. I’ll touch you. I’ll touch you everywhere. But I want you to do something for me.”

  His eyes widen in fear with a small streak of desire bleeding through. “Wha—what do you want me to do?”

  “Feel. I want you to feel every touch, every caress. When I stroke over your cock, when I press against your asshole, when I fondle your balls. All I want you to do is feel. Feel me and the pleasure I’ll be giving you. Can you do that, Wren? Can you be a good pup and just feel for me?”

  His whispered yes is just loud enough to reach my ears. The confirmation that he wants this is the spark I needed to ignite the fire between us.

  I reach for his cock, eager to learn the details that make him different from me. I hold him for a moment. He’s soft, the same as when I bathed him. I loosely stroke him, fascinated at the way his breathing changes yet his dick doesn’t fill.

  “I can’t,” he takes a stuttering breath, “I can’t get hard. I think I have to be inside, uh, inside a woman. Male canines aren’t able— “

  I cover his mouth with my hand, effectively silencing him. “I know how canine anatomy works. But you’re not a canine, Wren. You’re my pup and I think we’ll discover together just how much of you is like the animal you resemble.”

  I didn’t lie; I studied canines extensively after Amalie brought me to the Carnaval that first time. Wren doesn’t need to be inside a woman to get hard. He just needs a tight enough channel to push into so it constricts around his cock with just the right amount of pressure.

  I play with his foreskin, rubbing it back and forth between my fingers and pinching it lightly. Since he’s not circumcised, and he’s not hard, the skin seems excessive to me. I wonder what it’s like, how it feels to have the extra flab around such a sensitive appendage.

  I remember a porn video I watched with Amalie where one man stuck his dick inside another’s foreskin. They seemed to enjoy it, but it did nothing to turn me on at the time. Thinking back on it now and replacing those men with Wren and myself in my mind makes my cock twitch.

  I move around Wren so I am standing face to face with him. I meet his eyes and see they are darker than normal, with lust swirling in their depths. Stroking a hand across his chest, I pet him until I reach his nipple. The tiny nub is still hidden beneath his hair, but I can feel how hard and tight it is at my touch. I pinch it between my thumb and forefinger, applying increasing pressure until Wren takes a pained breath, then I release him.

  I grab my dick and stroke myself a few times. Stepping closer to Wren, I grab a hold on both of us and stroke us together. He makes animalistic noises in the back of his throat, and I take it as a sign to move on to what I really want to do.

  I put my tip against Wren’s so that we are slit to slit, and holding his dick in place with one hand I push forward beneath the foreskin covering him. It’s silky and warm around my cock. I pull back slightly and push forward again.

  “Oh, God,” Wren moans and his hands fling out to grab onto my forearms.

  I fuck myself with his skin, bumping the head of my dick into his on every forward motion. I can feel the pre-cum leaking from his slit and spreading over my length with each thrust against him.

  I have one hand around my cock and one around Wren’s, holding us steady. I speed up my strokes when I feel my balls growing heavy before I hold myself still with my cockhead kissing hi
s. My orgasm rushes over me and I come, pulsing my release out over Wren’s own twitching cock.

  I release my hold on our dicks and pull Wren in for a kiss. His hair tickles my cheeks, but I don’t let it bother me. I want to taste him. So I do.

  “Such a good pup.”



  Uri kisses me again and his hands sift through the hairs on my face until his palms rest at my temples and his fingers grip the strands on my head. My tongue brushes along his, hesitantly and slowly exploring this unfamiliar form of intimacy he’s bestowing on me.

  Today has been a whirlwind of new experiences, all at the hands of my captor. I know I should push him away and run sooner rather than later, but I’m curious what else he has in store for me. Without the imprisonment of the cage holding me here, I find myself drawn to Uri as a man instead of being repulsed by his actions. Everything he’s done to me since he brought me here, the humiliating captivity he’s imposed on me fades away while his hands cradle my head and his lips are pressed to mine.

  I bring my hands up to his chest and smooth them over his almost hairless body to grip him near his ribs. Uri lets his hands wander to my shoulders then down my back, grabbing a hold of my ass and pulling me closer until our bodies are separated by only the short hairs covering mine. His kiss never relents, and I grow dizzy from the mind-blowing intensity that is Uri.

  My hands clench his sides. I want to explore the ridges and dips of his body the way he is unabashedly doing to mine. I’m not sure if my touch is as welcomed by him as his is to me, so I attempt to keep still. I don’t want him to ever stop touching me like this.

  “God, you’re perfect. The perfect pet; the perfect pup. I’m tempted to keep you for myself instead of gifting you to Amalie.”

  And just like that, I remember who he is, and why we’re here. We’re not lovers. I’m his pet and he’s my owner; my master. At least in his mind. I pull back from him slightly, just enough to give me the space I need to get some clarity. I can use this attraction he seems to have found for me, but I can’t let myself get lost in him again.

  Uri is unaffected by the turmoil that is brewing inside me. He lets go of me and moves around me to where his clothes are and pulls them back on. Once he’s dressed, he holds out a hand and smiles.

  “Come on, pup, I promised you bacon.”

  I’d forgotten how hungry I was until he said those words. Slipping my hand into his, I let him lead me out of the bedroom. This time I’m upright as we walk through his home and I take in as much as I can. Everything is immaculate and very few personal items decorate the space. The few pictures I notice on the walls are of Uri and a gorgeous brunette who I assume is Amalie. He told me that night at the pier my hair is the same coloring as hers. Looking at her in the photographs proves his words true.

  “Have a seat.”

  Uri gestures at the table as we enter the kitchen and I can no longer see the secondhand vision of his wife. I sit as directed, wondering when he’ll realize he’s treating me more like a man than a pet. Regardless of the words he keeps telling me, the longer I’m outside the cage and in his presence, the more he treats me with civility.

  Uri pulls a platter out of the oven where he’d stored it to keep the bacon warm and loads up a plate with the thick, crispy rashers. He places the plate in front of me.

  “Enjoy, pup. You’ve earned it.”

  He goes to the fridge and pulls out two bottles of water as I shovel the delicious strips of fat into my mouth. He sets one bottle beside my plate and twists open the other. I stop chewing and stare as he takes a few gulps, his Adam’s apple entrancing me as he swallows.

  “It’s not polite to stare, Wren.” He smirks at me.

  I force the chewed meat down my throat and open my bottle of water, downing half of it before telling him, “Sorry, Uri.” I’m thankful for the hair covering my body because it hides the blush I can feel on my cheeks.

  “Don’t worry about it, pup. I kinda like knowing you can’t keep your eyes off me.”

  I don’t respond, choosing to keep my mouth busy with the bacon instead of engaging with him in what would most definitely be a sexually charged conversation. I finish the bacon and reach for my water.

  “So, I was thinking I’d let you stay up here tonight. What do you say? Wanna sleep in an actual bed?”

  I feel another blush and choke on my water. “Bed?” I question stupidly.

  Uri laughs. “Yes. But don’t worry, I’ll be sleeping in my own bed. You can relax.”

  I can’t determine if I’m relieved or disappointed that we’ll be sleeping separately. If I’m in a room alone, I might be able to find a way out of here. But if I was in bed with Uri, I might get to have more new experiences at his hands. I don’t know which I want more, my freedom or more of Uri’s touches.

  “A bed sounds nice.”

  Uri takes the plate, rinses it, and puts it in the dishwasher. He doesn’t say anything else, just holds out his hand for me when he’s finished. I take it and follow him back to the bedroom we were in earlier.

  “This is the guest room. You’ll stay here for now. Soon you’ll meet Amalie and move into the bedroom with us if all goes well. But don’t make the mistake of thinking just because you’re not caged in the basement any longer that you can leave. You’ll find this room is just as secure, though much more comfortable.”

  I look around the room, gauging whether he’s bluffing with me or not. From a glance it looks like an ordinary bedroom. I’ll have to explore more later once I’m alone.

  “Thank you, Uri.”

  “You don’t have to thank me, Wren. You’re my pup, taking care of you is my job.”

  I’ve noticed he sometimes calls me his instead of Amalie’s and I wonder if that is because of his attraction to me. Does he want me for himself? I don’t know, but I’m wondering if Amalie might be the better option. Perhaps she’ll realize the craziness of keeping me as a pet and convince Uri to let me go. I need to make sure he gives me to her if I can’t find a way out before then.

  “Just the same, it’s very nice of you to let me sleep up here. I really appreciate it.”

  Uri stands by the door as I wander around and acquaint myself to the room. I didn’t really get a chance earlier, too preoccupied with Uri to look about the room. There’s not much other than the bed, the nightstand, and the dresser with the mirror. Just a chair in a corner by the window and a few paintings on the wall. The window is barred, and I know it’s to keep me inside. Even if I break the glass, I’ll never be able to squeeze through to escape.

  Exhaustion takes over my body and I yawn widely as I sit down on the bed. Uri finally leaves his post by the door and comes to sit beside me.

  “You’ve had a long day, pup. Let me put you to bed.”

  He pulls back the comforter then guides me to lie back. The sheets feel cool on my usually overheated skin, the shorter hairs allowing me to feel the cotton. I place my head on the pillow and my eyes close of their own volition at the softness.

  Uri takes the comforter from the bed, folds it and places it on the chair. I’m grateful because the weight and heat that I would have felt laying beneath it would have kept me awake. When he returns to stand by the bed, he runs a hand over my head, and I sigh at the pleasurable sensation of him petting me.

  “Goodnight, Wren. Sleep well,” Uri whispers, having leaned close to my ear. Before he stands back up, he presses a simple and chaste kiss to my lips. I reach for him as he goes to move away, displaying my need for his affections. Uri takes my hand in his and presses a kiss to the back of my hand.

  “Would you like me to stay until you fall asleep?” he asks, and I nod my head in answer.

  Uri goes to the door and quietly closes and locks it. He strips his clothes off as he makes his way around to the other side of the bed.

  “Hope you don’t mind, I usually sleep in my boxers, but I thought the fabric might keep you awake.” He slips onto the bed, completely naked, and turns me to
face away from him. He wraps his arms around me and pulls me close to his body, spooning me. He tells me, “Sleep, pup.” And I do.



  I hold Wren until I’m sure he’s asleep and won’t wake when I leave the bed. Gently, I move my arms from around his body and quietly make my way from his room into the bedroom I share with Amalie. I close our door and turn to my wife.

  “Amalie, look at me, please.”

  She doesn’t turn from facing the opposite wall, it’s become her default position. I don’t like that she keeps her back to me, but it does make it easier for me to slip into the bed behind her. I cuddle her close and breathe in her scent.

  “I spent time with Wren today. I really think you’ll like him.” I twist a strand of her hair around my finger, the color vividly reminding of Wren’s.

  “He’s a good pup. We played fetch, and I gave him a bath. He’s so sensitive to my touch. I trimmed his hair, and he’s even more gorgeous than when we saw him at the Carnaval together that first time. And he loves bacon. Like, really loves it.” I poke her side, trying to get a reaction, but Amalie still ignores me. I blow out a breath at her childish silence.

  “Anyway, he’s nearly fully trained, so I think you’ll be able to meet him soon. He’s really one of a kind. A unique pet for a unique woman. I’ll let you sleep now, goodnight love.”

  I roll onto my back and close my eyes. Wren and Amalie aren’t the only ones who are tired. Splitting my time between the two of them is wearing me thin and the toll it’s taking on me is finally pulling me to rest.

  I open my eyes. Something woke me, but I’m not sure what. It’s dark and silent. I reach a hand across the bed and find Amalie is still lying beside me, sleeping. I strain my ears, listening for any sign of what has interrupted my slumber.


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