Adopted Into the Supernatural

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Adopted Into the Supernatural Page 3

by Francheska Fifield


  "Just let me help you. I owe you, Alastair."

  He sighs and rolls up his sleeve, taking his bandages off. I hand him a stick, the teacher said he will need to bite it to keep from screaming, and open the jar.

  "I've smelled that before. I have it at home. It will help but it will still take hours."


  "What is the stick for?"

  "I was told you would need to bite it."

  He snorts and chucks it behind him. I look to his side after a quick bite inspection. The drawing is professionally done. I wish I had that much talent.

  "Is this the only bite?"

  "He went for my throat; I blocked it with my arm."

  "Smart, the throat would have been worse."


  I can’t help but chuckle; send a quick prayer up that this works as I hope. And start the application.


  Her fingers are cold so the application is not so bad. Then it starts to heat. I feel like I am burning as the venom pushes out and dissipates, sizzling my flesh as the compounds of the cream fight the poison in my system. It only lasts minutes, much to my shock and awe, and then my flesh pales back to its normal color. I will need blood for the wound to heal, but I am not purple and swollen anymore. How the hell?

  "Will the cut heal or…?"

  "It will heal without the venom in it. How did you do that?"

  "I didn’t the cream…"

  "I have some at home. One application a day, hours of pain. Three days later I'm venom-free. That was minutes, for all the venom in my system." Adam will have to do the same thing to get my venom out of his system. It is a different cream but same basic principle.

  She chews on her bottom lip, not looking at me. Instead, she glances at my drawing and toward the stairs likely wondering if she can escape or change the subject. I am not letting her go without an answer. She just performed a miracle. An actual, full-on miracle.

  "It's why I am here."

  "You found some new way to make medication more potent? A miracle drug or something?"

  "Or something."

  "What is that something."

  "Isn't the rule of this school we aren't allowed to ask about the other's special attributes?"

  She is not getting off that easy. That is a rule mostly so the warring types of Fae won’t fight, and to keep the pissing contests to a minimal. "You are human. We all know it, we can smell it. You aren't even a witch, you don’t smell like one. You aren't allowed to ask what kind of supernatural someone is. But since we know you are human…"

  "I know. I am plain old human, I just… I have a quirk in my DNA."

  "A quirk?"

  She nods, still biting her lip and still avoiding my gaze. She backs up toward the stairs. My hand shoots out and grabs her arm, without even thinking about it. It makes her look at me for the first time since arriving. Her eyes are like saucers, her face pale; her breath comes out short and fast. She is not scared of me; she is scared of my reaction.

  "I won't judge you for it."

  "You likely already have. You don’t understand why I am here. You assume I'm like all the other humans; that I blackmailed my way in with proof of the otherworld."

  It is true, it is the only reason humans are allowed here, but honestly, I hadn't ever really thought about it. She doesn’t seem the type, but I hadn't ever stopped to wonder why she is here if not for that. "I never thought that."

  It is the truth but she seems wary anyway. It is no wonder; she hasn't exactly been given a good reception the entire time she's been here. It has been months and everyone still harasses her.

  "If you are here for another reason, why not show everyone so they leave you alone? Half the reason you are harassed so much is that they think you are a mercenary."

  "I shouldn’t have to prove myself. None of you do."

  True, but she is not one of us. Though it seems she is not as far from us as we have all believed.

  "So, what can you do?"

  "I heal."

  "Witches heal."

  "Not with spells. Not just healing I guess. That's just the only thing I ever use my gift for."

  "It can be used for other things?"

  She nods. What kind of magic does she possess?


  "I make potions, creams, medications - anything like that - more potent."

  If that were true, it is no wonder she is here. The possibilities are endless. Potions with a small success rate all of a sudden have a guarantee. Healing takes less time; poison is more potent and works faster. It is quite the… gift. I look at my arm. I know it is true. I have experienced it firsthand.

  "Who knows?"

  "The teachers, and now you."

  It needs to stay that way. We all have weaknesses and she can make them more potent. She will be killed instantly were everyone to find out.

  "So, the other students…."

  "Don’t know why I am here, only that I am good at potions class. We make everything; the teacher tests it away from us so no one can cheat…"

  "And she is the only one to see the results of your work. So you made this cream?"

  She nods.

  "All potions? Do you hold it and chant or something?"

  "No. I just make it. If I make it, it’s more potent."

  So it is limited. Thank everything everyone on Earth finds holy. At least if it ever gets out, people can simply avoid the problem by avoiding using her products if she stays in our world. I have no doubt she will. She seems to be just another one of us. Weird quirks and all.

  "We should get to work. Do you have any input on the painting before I start the watercolor part?"

  I release her arm. She looks confused, with her head tilted to the right and her mouth in an ‘O’.

  "You aren't going to tell anyone?"

  "No. It's no one else's business?"

  She laughs, shakes her head and moves past me to look closer at my outline.

  "That didn’t stop you from being nosey."

  Hmm, true. "You gave me the right to ask questions when you saved me from two more days of pain."

  "Wouldn’t a thank you have been a better response?"

  "Hmmm." Perhaps, but I don’t thank people… ever. Thanking a Fae meant you are indebted to them and that is the one thing you never want, it ties you to them until they think the debt is repaid and the balance is not always fair. You learn fast that thank you is not an option when faced with that.

  "I think this part should be all red."

  "Why?" Why the change of subject? Not making me thank her makes me suspicious. Humans like acknowledgment of things they do. I led an interesting life before coming here a year ago… it makes me paranoid.

  She sighs and launches into an explanation. After which I start the coloring and she starts writing. When it starts to get dark she packs her bag, there is clothing in there and hurries to the stairs. She turns at the top and smiles.

  "You're welcome, Alastair. And thank you, for everything."

  She hurries off before I can say anything. I pack up my things and silently follow her. She is in the same clothing from yesterday, bloody and ripped. She is not eating, sleeping, and I have a feeling she is not getting to shower. She is sleeping somewhere on campus.

  She is clever. She walks fast, slow, jogs, stops at random points and avoids all the people left on campus. I am a trained hunter and soldier, so I have no problem, but most people would have been thrown off or caught at some point during her antics. A human definitely wouldn’t be able to follow her silently and not miss a beat. Too bad for her, she is not in the human world. She is out of her league here.

  She goes into a little-hidden area, the botany club likely uses for secret meetings. She gives a shiver, lays down on her bag, and closes her eyes, trying to even out her breathing. No wonder she looks so horrible. Perhaps, when working on our project next, I should bring her to the house. I am not sure my parents will agree but
she needs food. She is eating only lunch every day, and that is only today since Adam is not bothering her anymore; she started out too skinny. I'd drag her home with me today, but I really should talk to my parents first. Who knows how they will react if I just show up with her. I creep back silently, determined to find a way to get at least one more meal in her tomorrow.


  I sleep a bit better with the threat of Adam partially gone, but it still is not great. I miss my sister, I miss showers, and I miss breakfast and dinner. I am starting to get dizzy while awake and am feeling exhausted all the time. In the past couple of days, I have lost a lot of weight.

  My gym teacher has me sitting out of workouts, thinking I am coming down with—since humans are prone to do that—no matter that it is almost summer. At least I am not expending extra energy, and since gym is my last class I am expected to shower at home since I am not doing it. The extra layers of sweat from workouts would have made my avoidance of home impossible.

  Chapter Four

  The next morning I manage to change without being seen. I have been wearing the same clothing for days; time to break in my second pair. My hair is greasy and I smell terrible, even to my own nose. On the plus side, my potions teacher had let me clean up my cuts and treat them so I don’t have dirty open wounds anymore.

  I sit down in my seat and am shocked when Alastair sits next to me. What the heck? His seat is not next to mine. What about the person sitting next to me? They obviously don’t care, because they sigh and sit in his old seat. He has never sat next to me before. Is this like some sort of witness protection program, or does he need more of the cream I made?


  "Do you have any leftover cream?"

  I nod. Figures.

  "My parents wanted to see it in action. So does the leader of the wolf pack. Can you bring it over tonight?"

  Ahhh, what? "Umm…"

  "We can get you home after…."

  "That's not an issue."

  He nods and pulls out a sandwich bag of pretzels. He plays with one between his fingers and slides the rest of the bag toward me.


  "My parents think I should eat more after being hurt. The wound healed up and I'm fine. You sound hungry."

  My stomach is growling. One meal a day is not cutting it. I grab a pretzel and bite in. The only problem is I will get thirsty. He slides a bottle towards me.


  "Iced tea. They insist my blood sugar is low and packed it. I hate it though. Besides, the pretzels will make you thirsty."

  I am not sure if he is lying but I take it. Sugar and carbs can only help at this point. "Thanks."

  He nods, opening his notebook to take notes. I do the same, trying to keep the crunching to a minimum and enjoy having food in the morning for the first time in days. This will ruin me for the rest of the week.

  At the end of class, I hand the container that the cream is into Alastair.

  "Here's the rest."

  "You don’t want to keep it with you?"

  "No. I have no use for it."

  "Because, if you are bitten, you turn?"

  Well, that is true for anyone else. "No, the teacher thinks it will work fast enough to push the venom out so I won’t, but I can make more and if they want to see it work. There likely won't be any left after they test it."

  "I don’t feel right handing it over…"

  "I don’t want to be involved. The local alpha is Adam's father, isn't he?"

  Alastair nods. Yeah, like I want to go there.

  "My secret is already out if that's the case. Everyone will know what I can do. I have to get a translocation spell so I can go home and my transcript so I can find another school…"

  "They have sworn to keep it a secret, well not from the councils…"

  "Doesn’t matter and you know it."

  I push past him but he follows me. Doesn’t he have his own damn classes? He grabs my arm before I can escape to potions. Damn fast supernaturals.

  "Nothing will happen. I won't let you get hurt. Just meet my parents and the wolf representative, tell them how it works, let them test it and ask you questions. You can stay for dinner, we can finish our project, and then we can get you home."

  I can’t get home and I can’t get back on campus after they lock up at night.

  "I can't…."

  "Because you aren't going home, and you won't be able to get back on campus to sleep if you aren't here when they lock up?"

  I tug my arm free after a moment of shock and run to class. He could follow, but the teachers don’t like people showing up that don’t belong. He will be kicked out. Freedom isn’t far away.

  Turns out to not be that easy. He tells on me. The ass. The only real friend I made and he told. I am taken into the principal’s office; my potions teacher is there, the principal, and the admissions scout that found me. This can’t be good. At least they make Alastair wait outside. He looks ready to argue, only to bite his cheek and leave as the others twitch nervously. He is the student, what the hell are they nervous about?

  I am interrogated. I say interrogated because ‘questioned’ doesn’t begin to cover what the witch does to me. Human lie detector. If I tell a lie the truth comes spilling out of her mouth in a completely unfazed, monotone voice. My wording, my private thoughts, but in someone else’s voice, with no emotion behind it. It is creepy, unnatural, and even knowing it, I still try to lie. After they let me skip the rest of my classes for the day, as long as I agree to stay on the grounds until after classes end for the day. Then another 'talk' will happen. They are going to take me home and 'talk' with my family. How the hell will that work?


  When Amber rushes out tears streaming down her face, she glares. Has she been expelled? I hadn't thought they would do something that severe. She has a gift and here is one of the few places in America she can learn to use it appropriately so she doesn’t accidentally hurt someone. Not that hurting them on purpose would be better, but I don’t think she would.

  "Wait, if they expelled you…"

  "They didn’t! It's worse than that! Leave me alone!"

  I stop in my tracks as she leaves the building. What have they done that is worse? I try questioning every teacher that comes out and then argue with the principal. It is no use; I am not family so I have no right to know anything. I grab my cell and call my mother. She has a friend that works in social services, mostly she keeps an eye out for our kind mixed up in the human world so they can be brought to the nearest hill (the name we give our communities) and raised among their own kind. Mom will do this for me, she has to, and then I will know how I can help Amber.


  I am dragged home with my principal, teachers, and the interrogation witch. A member of social services is there. How does that work? Whatever spell this witch does is different from the one used on me before, because my mother admits to not caring what happens to us and believing we are lying, and my stepfather admits to his crimes. My sister is picked up from her friends, we each pack a bag of clothing, we only have a bag worth of clothes each so it isn’t hard, and any valuables; we are taken away that night. I bring my school stuff, my sister doesn’t bother.

  We are put in a room with a couch and I let my sister stretch out and sleep. She looks tired but nowhere near as horrible as I do. I am not sure where my step sister is or what happened to my mother and stepdad, but honestly at this point, I only care that my sister is safe.

  The social services rep enters with the truth witch. Damn witches and their diverse powerful magic.

  "This is Sally. She knows what we are."

  So I can speak candid, as long as my sister sleeps.

  "What will you do with us?"

  "Us? Our interest is in you alone. Your sister has no special attributes."

  "I go where she goes. If my special attributes stay in your world, she stays with me."

  Sally raises a hand, silencing the witch.

>   "I am a midwife Fae. Do you know what that means?"

  I nod. I had a class on the history of the Fae. My other history class. I wanted to know what I was getting myself into.

  "You are a part of our world because of your gift."

  "My sister is special. In different ways, but special as well."

  "She is special to you, and considering her disabilities, the system would try to place you together or at least in homes close to one another so you can see each other daily. Is that acceptable? If I can find Fae willing to adopt you both or let you live close enough to see each other daily, are you willing to cooperate?"

  "If she knows the truth. I won't drag her in blind and hide everything from her."

  Sally glances at the truth witch who gives a quick nod. What connections does she have to make that kind of decision? So, we wake my sister up and tell her the truth. She takes it better than I had. I laughed, threatened to call the cops and get the scout admitted to a loony bin, then, when I finally believed, I had gone into shock. She asks to see a spell and that is it. Boom, she believes.

  She throws a fit when told we will not be placed together until they tell her that in the regular system we would be put in foster homes not even in the same state. Down the street is better than a few states over. We both agree and they promise to start looking for families, warning us we might end up overseas if no two families that get along and live close can be found on American soil. I have always wanted to travel. How about that, a rich Italian foster parent? Cool. Italian is my fave food.

  When they leave, she looks at me, terrified. I pull her back onto the couch and lay her down.

  "Get some rest. Everything will be fine. They will find us great families."

  The next day see us taking a questionnaire. Normally your interests aren't even taken into consideration, but since we are to be paired with Fae they want to make sure the match will stick. All foster systems really should do it. My sister ends up being offered a meeting with an animal witch named Helen. She had put she likes horses and art. The witch owns a horse farm and makes a living off teaching art and riding lessons. It is a match made in heaven. They hit it off from the start.


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