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Stay Page 12

by Ivy Kovacs

  - What the fuck? – Dylan walked out from the bathroom, water dripping from his brown hair. He was only wearing a towel around his waist just like the rest of them and water droplets covered his perfect body. – What are you doing here? Naked. – He glared at me furiously before he glanced at Debby.

  - Ben sneaked in and took pictures of us. I followed Debby to help… - I replied gathering the bravery I had but my voice still trembled.

  - But now that we’re done, have a good shower, assholes. – Debby let go of Ben and threw his phone on the wet ground. I glanced at Dylan but followed Debby out from the locker room.

  - What were you thinking? – Dylan grabbed my arm and stopped me outside. – Coming inside a room full of dudes, in a towel? – His eyebrows were raised.

  - I’m sorry okay? I had to delete those pictures. – I spoke more calmly now. I was rather annoyed than embarrassed. He ran his fingers through his wet curly hair and sighed.

  - You’re insane. – He said in a friendlier tone. He realized that I did the right thing by making sure our picture wasn’t on anyone’s phone.

  He pulled me into a hug and wrapped his arms around me. His chest was warm as our skin touched. – Now go get dressed before someone else sees you like this and I’ll have to murder them too. – He joked and I rolled my eyes walking inside the girls’ locker room.

  - Was he mad? – Debby asked while getting dressed.

  - Only a little. –

  - What an idiot. He’s lucky I wasn’t dressed. He would’ve gotten one. –

  - I adore your braveness. – I chuckled tying my shoes.

  - You, my dear, are the bravest. – She stroked my shoulder gently. I knew she was thinking about my accident. – Let’s get a drink. – She locked her stuff and I did the same, grabbing my phone. We filled our cups with vodka and clinked them before taking a sip.

  - You made my girlfriend walk into a room full of naked, horny jerks, only wearing a towel and now attempt to get her drunk. – Dylan walked up behind us with a sarcastic grin on his face.

  - You’re annoying. – Debby rolled her eyes.

  - Are you not drinking? – I asked looking at him.

  - Someone has to drive. – He grinned again and wrapped his arm around my waist.

  - Alright, I’m gonna go find Nathan. – Debby took a big sip from her cup and walked away.

  - Did you leave any of them alive? – I turned around to face him and he embraced me.

  - Only some. – He joked with a serious look on his face though I was certain he’d hurt Ben or is going to hurt him for what he did.

  - You should’ve heard what they were saying about you. – He grumbled.

  - What do you mean? – I raised my brows curiously.

  - They think you’re the sexiest girl in school. Madison used to have that title. – He didn’t look at me while talking.

  - Oh wow. – I said impressed and he nodded. – I’m surprised she hasn’t killed me yet. – I chortled. She was probably plotting her vengeance somewhere.

  - Hey love birds. Mind if I join? – Oliver grabbed a cup and filled it with beer. I shook my head but Dylan didn’t respond.

  - Are you okay, Grace? – James walked up to us, looking worried.

  - I’m fine. – I replied curtly.

  - Ben was always a creep. Don’t mind him. – Max appeared next to us and lit his cigarette.

  - I think Debby handled him pretty well. – I responded and crossed my arm in front of my chest.

  - Oh, believe me, darling. He won’t stop. – Cameron stood in front of us. We were forming a circle now.

  - He’s done this many times before. – James said filling his cup with beer.

  - And he hasn’t been expelled yet? – I scowled.

  - Nope. – They shook their heads.

  - He’s not worth the effort. His dad is the principal. – Dylan looked at me and my eyes widened. Of course, he was…

  I took a big sip from my drink and focused on the music in the background, to calm myself down. There was always some jerk that got away with pig things like this. It was disgusting.


  Soon the drunk crowd began to dance and some cheerleaders pulled Dylan’s friends into the crowd. I sipped my vodka and watched them have fun. Debby and Nathan danced closely, sometimes their lips touched and they smiled brightly. It made my heart happy.

  - Alright, come on. – Dylan grabbed my hand.

  - What are you doing? – I wrinkled my forehead in confusion.

  - Going dancing. – He pulled me inside the crowd and held both of my hands intertwining them. I grinned at him as he began to move his feet a tad. He had no rhythm and it made me laugh. He scowled at me.

  – I’m sorry it’s just… so funny. – I tried to hold back my laughter by biting my lower lip but the grin remained on my face.

  - This was the first and the last time you saw me dance. - He shook his head and spun me.

  - You did great out there. – He whispered into my ears after he pulled me closer, holding me against himself by my waist.

  - You weren’t so bad yourself. – I pulled away and looked into his eyes smiling. – Though I had literally no idea what was happening. – I admitted.

  - We won. – He shrugged with an attitude.

  - You didn’t tell me you invited my uncle. – I spoke against his ears.

  - We’re mates. – He shrugged again and grinned at my expression.

  - You wrapped my whole family around your finger. – I stated facts.

  - Not to mention yourself. – He smirked and pulled me closer again. He leaned over and kissed my lips passionately. I wasn’t the kind of girl who wanted to make out in front of everyone. I’d rather keep that stuff private. But it felt good so I didn’t overthink.

  - You look beautiful. – He whispered into my ear and my knees trembled. I blushed looking down but he pulled my chin up to make me look at him.

  - Assholes and bitches! – The music stopped and we looked at the bleachers to see who took the microphone. Madison.

  - So as you all know I am no longer a cheerleader thanks to Miss Grace Smith. – My teeth clenched together. Dylan tried to pull me away but my feet were stuck to the ground. – That’s alright, though. She deserves it. – She added and broke her ceaseless glare from me to look at the crowd. – Especially after what happened to her in April, right? – She glared at me again. Tears burned my eyes and I felt my body go numb. My heart thumped inside my throat. – Oh, right. You don’t know why she’s here. –

  - Madison! – Dylan shouted and rushed towards her.

  - Mr. Protective! I wondered why her… but then I realized. – She paused lingering her eyes on Dylan. - You like damaged goods. –

  Dylan grabbed her arm and she fell off the bleachers. Debby yanked the microphone out of her hands and grabbed her by her hair.

  It felt like I was there again. On the cliff, floating between heaven and earth. I had to get away from here.

  The tears began streaming down my cheeks, the wet mascara dripped on my grey sweater. I moved my legs as fast as I could. It didn’t matter where, just away from here. But then my legs stopped and I fell, losing my balance. Then everything went blank.

  I saw her again: on the beach sitting in the old hammock chair. Her brown hair brushed by the wind. I stepped closer to approach her with my hands reaching forward. She looked back at me and I gasped. – Mom? – I asked with a shaky voice.

  - Grace! – She jumped up from her chair and hugged me tightly. – What… what happened? - She grabbed my shoulder and brushed a strand of hair away from my face.

  - I don’t know… is this really you? – Tears rolled down my cheeks.

  - You can’t be here. Not yet. – She shook her head.

  - Yes, I can. I should’ve been here six months ago. –

  - No, listen to me. – She cupped my cheeks. – You have to live. You have to be a mother, a wife. – She teared up and added: – A grandmother… -

No. – I shook my head disagreeing.

  - It’s okay. I’m okay and I’m very proud of you. – She wiped the tears away from my cheek. – I’m happy. –

  - Mom… I miss you. So much. – I sobbed and squeezed her hands. She looked so real yet deep down I knew she was only a part of my imagination. My subconscious created a space where I could fulfill all my absent desires.

  - I miss you too, honey. But I’m there with you, always. – She pointed at the necklace that was hanging from my neck.

  - Now go. It’s not your time yet. – She said hugging me tightly and kissed my head. – And I totally approve Dylan. – She grinned and I chuckled with tears.

  - I love you so much, mom. – I held her hand and saw the blinding white light that was waiting for me.

  - I love you, Grace. – She let go of my hand and everything went blank again. My ears rang in a high pitch that increased the already existing headache.

  - Grace? – I heard my name being called as my ears slowly started acclimatizing to the surrounding sounds.

  - Grace! – I saw a blurry picture when my eyes slightly opened. I tried to focus my vision and saw my uncle holding my hand. His eyes were red. Everyone’s were.

  Grandma, Lily, and my aunt were standing at the end of bed. Dylan was holding my other hand on the other side of the bed. Men dressed in blue were above my head. It took me a few minutes to adjust to the situation.

  - Gracie? You’re going to be fine. – My grandma cried happily, then the doctors told them to leave. Dylan didn’t want to so the doctors had to force him out of the room.

  - How are you feeling? – The doctor gave me something through an injection.

  - Strange. – I mumbled. – What happened? – I couldn’t recall anything because of the headache.

  - You were unconscious, sweetheart. – The nurse stopped what she was doing and looked at me. – Don’t you remember hitting your head? -

  I dug deeper into my memories and finally remembered. – I saw her. –

  - Saw who? – She asked, checking my heart rates.

  - My mom. – I replied and searched for the necklace on my neck.

  - The doctors took it off in the ambulance. – She said and touched my hand. My hand yanked away in an intense response. – That’s a normal response. Your brain is processing. – She nodded and gave me another shot of something.

  - She sent me back. – I probably sounded like a crazy person. Maybe I was.

  - I’m happy she did. – She smiled oddly. She didn’t believe me.

  - Can you send my family back in? – I asked politely.

  - Soon. We have to run a few tests. – She checked my files. Her eyes widened when she saw the files from April. Maybe it just hit her that I wasn’t totally crazy.

  A few scans and tests later they allowed my family to come inside.

  - Grace! – My uncle rushed in followed by everyone except Lily. Dylan’s eyes were red and glossy. His face completely changed but when he saw me his mood shifted.

  - H…how are you? – Dylan asked warily and stood beside the bed.

  - I’m okay. – I assured them. He watched my hand and his slowly and unsurely reached towards mine. I moved mine closer to his to tell him that it was okay to hold it so he did.

  - You scared us. – Grandma sat down on the couch with my aunt.

  - I’m fine, I promise. Whatever’s running down in that tube, helps. – I tried to joke but they didn’t lighten up. I sighed. – I talked to her. –

  - What? – Seb asked and they looked at me with confused reactions. It sounded incomprehensible.

  - She was there… She told me to come back. – I squeezed the necklace in my hand that once belonged to her.

  They were shocked. It was okay, I would be too, but at that very moment, I was happy.

  - Are you sure? – My uncle asked and I nodded.

  - How…? – Nana questioned.

  - I used to dream about her being on the beach in a hammock chair but whenever I approached her, she disappeared. – I explained my frequently occurring dream. – She didn’t now. She told me to come back because it wasn’t my time yet. She said she loves and misses me and that she’s always with me. – I showed them the necklace I was clenching in my hand.

  My family fought with their tears. My heart felt lighter now that I was convinced she was with me. I saw her, I spoke to her, I hugged her.

  My family went home to get me clothes but Dylan insisted on staying. He sat beside my bed and held my hand, not letting it go for a second.

  - I’m fine, Dylan. Really. – I could tell he worried even now that I was awake.

  - When I saw you… bleeding. – It was hard for him to remember.

  - What happened? – I wasn’t sure I wanted to remember but I probably should. For my own sake.

  - Madison started talking bullshit. I pushed her down from the bleachers and Debby stopped her before she could say anything. – He said getting furious. – You ran away. Dominic followed and saw you falling and hitting your head on the blocks. – He stopped for a moment. – He screamed for help because you were unconscious… -

  - Grace… I don’t think I was ever more scared than when I saw you lay lifeless. – His voice shook as his face distorted.

  - I’m sorry… - I whispered and he shook his head, chuckling humorlessly.

  - You almost died and you’re sorry? – He looked into my eyes and I carefully nodded. I couldn’t tell if he was mad or disappointed.

  - I love you. – He looked into my eyes and I let out a small gasp. – There’s not a better time to say this and I feel like we’ve known each other for years rather than months. – He held my hand tightly. – I’m madly in love with you, Grace. –

  It felt like my heart stopped for a few seconds. The beeping sound quickened and he looked at the monitor with a distorted face. – Did I say something wrong? – He winced.

  - No. No… - I shook my head. – It’s just… I love you too. – I said quietly and he smiled with glossy eyes.

  He leaned over me and pecked my lips deeply. His lips tasted salty from the tears he had shed. He climbed into my bed and I cuddled up to him.

  - She said she supports our relationship. – I said with a soft chuckle after laying in silence for minutes.

  - I’m glad. – He smiled stroking my hair. It felt sticky from the blood.

  - What happened to Madison? – I asked eagerly.

  - I don’t know… I left when… - He said and I nodded softly. I was curious about what happened there. They probably saw me after I fell… The school will be talking about me for the rest of the year. Even if they didn’t know about my first accident.


  Dylan was exhausted and he fell asleep on the small couch soon after we started watching Twilight on Netflix. For some odd reason, I really felt like I was in Bella’s shoes. She was always on the verge of death and it seemed like so was I. Death certainly didn’t want me yet, but I felt magnetized by it.

  I couldn’t sleep for a while after finishing the movie. My brain was trying to remember the short time period it had missed. I was trying to figure out why mom sent me back here. I couldn’t be that lucky to almost die twice and come back to life. I was neither a superhero nor a supernatural creature, like Edward Cullen from the movie I just watched.

  The only logical reason I could find was that my mom had made a treaty with God. She was the angel sitting on my shoulder and following me everywhere. I had no idea what happened to her after she died, but now that I knew she was at peace my mind could rest.

  After the next dosage of IV mixed with pain killers dripped, my heavy eyes closed and I managed to fall asleep.

  My sleep didn’t last long because I had to call in the nurse to give me another dosage of painkillers for the headache. Dylan woke up soon after the sun rose and his eyes searched for me in the small room. I probably looked like a creep watching him sleep.

  He smiled sitting up on the couch. – Hey. –

sp; - Hi. – I smiled back at him. His hair was messy from sleeping.

  - How are you? – He attempted to comb his hair in place using his fingers but failed. He still looked incredibly handsome.

  - I’m fine. – Though I was used to lying about being fine, I was telling the truth now. I felt fine. Not great, but fine.

  I noticed that he looked unsure about my answer. – I am. I promise. – I reassured him with a low and serious voice.

  - I’m just… worried about you, Grace. – He sighed and walked closer to me. – I haven’t felt like this with anyone and I can’t lose you. I know I’m selfish for keeping you from your mother but I need you. – His low voice cracked under pressure. He wasn’t selfish. I decided I would never leave my family on purpose. I didn’t want them to go through the same pain I went through when mom died.

  He truly changed for me, or I truly changed him. I’ve never been in love before but it sure was a powerful feeling.

  - I’m here. Breathing. With you. – I whispered slowly and he took my hand squeezing it softly.

  - I love you. – He kissed the back of my hand.

  - I love you, too. – I smiled and stroked his hand with my thumb. He winced when he looked at the cannula in my hand. I wasn’t sure if he felt sick by seeing it or if he was mad that I was in this situation.

  - I should’ve killed Madison myself. – He grumbled.

  - Sure, that would’ve solved the problem. – I added sarcastically. – She’s just a stupid, jealous girl. – I sighed. – Believe me, if she’ll see me on my feet again it will bother her the most. – My mom taught me that bullies were bullying because they were jealous. If they saw that you didn’t care, it’d annoy them the most.

  - This near-death experience really changes you. – He joked humorlessly but I laughed anyway.

  - You should go home, shower and rest. You’re probably exhausted. – I knew he wouldn’t go but I tried to prompt him.

  - I’m not tired. – He shook his head.

  - Dylan… - I said softly and fluttered my lashes.

  - Don’t try and seduce me into leaving you. You know I can’t say no to that. – He groaned again but I kept my puppy eyes to soften him. – You are cruel. – He sighed trying to avoid looking into my eyes. – Fine. – He scowled. – But only to shower and change. – He added and I looked at the bloodstains on his shirt. How didn’t I notice that before?


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