To the Stars End- Original Soul

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To the Stars End- Original Soul Page 21

by Demetri Grim

  “They are not a thing. They are a living, intelligent individual.” Red growled low and her chest ached as she felt the vibrations in her broken rib. It lasted only a moment before Red half-turned and called over his shoulder to the horned savage. “Is that true Brown?” Red asked, not once taking his unblinking gold eyes from her.

  “Heh. Just a poke. To see if kid was alive.” The massive furball shrugged and limped in a circle. Its hoof still wounded from Grey’s attack. It ran its hands along the stones of the floor like it was looking for something but otherwise was not paying any of them much attention.

  “A poke?! You call that a poke! You almost killed me!” If that was just an innocent prodding, Beka did not want to know what would've happened if she had been outright attacked. “He, He tried to crush me!”

  The bovine monster laughed a deep and oddly melodic laugh for a dangerously destructive savage. It shook its thick mane and picked something up from the floor before turning to look at her. “If wanted to crush, you would be little red smear on stones. Like I did to Grey.” It laughed again and the grey shapechanger shook an angry fist at the cow, provoking another laugh from the beast.

  “I don't believe this! You’re all…” she trailed off.

  “Monsters.” Red cut in with a flat emotionless tone, eyes flashing a deep inner fire at her before looking away. Turning his attention to the shapechanger who was insistently tugging on his sleeve, almost like a child begging for attention.

  Beka felt herself flush. It was true, that was what she was going to say. Even Red was some sort of monster, despite his intelligence and regal bearing. They were all monsters, and all of them surprisingly intelligent. Her entire life she held an image in her mind about monsters. All the stories told from the adventurers who did business at the shop. The mercenary who ordered weapons made from monster parts. They always had tales about savage beasts, wild primal creatures without any humanity. All of them mindlessly driven to kill and eat. Yet the three very different beings she found herself with now were anything but mindless. Savage, yes. Brutal? No doubt. But not the stupid animals the adventure stories had led her to believe.

  “So, are you going to help? Or clean this up?” Beka gestured to the trails of blood and the broken door before running her hands down her own blood-splattered and bruised body. She gave him her best defiant glare and pursed her lips into a thin frown.

  “No. The master will be displeased regardless. I will have the guards fix it.” He turned away from her in his usual sharp and slightly too-fast motion. Grey.. as it was apparently called, shrunk away as if Red was going to strike it. Its arms coming protectively over its head. Red let out a long sigh and put his hand onto the grey creature’s bald oversized skull. Patting it softly. The oddly affectionate gesture made her feel terrible. She was still thinking of them as just monsters, with little more feeling than an animal might have. Her perceptions were quickly changing. The fear of the intelligent trio of monsters was quickly ebbing, despite the pain of her broken and bruised body claiming that to be a mistake.

  “I said you not to be here Pest. You not listen. Takagi not going to be happy you slip out of cell again,” The carnivorous cow rumbled as he clopped over to the three of them.

  “Why did you break your chains? The Master will not be pleased at you as well.” Though his tone was still monotone and dry, his words were almost sarcastic, teasing. Red crossed his arms and turned his reptilian eyes on Brown. This question Beka actually wondered herself. Though for much different reasons. If it was not trying to attack her then why did it break free?

  “Was tired of sitting, wanted to see new girl. She smells like coal and metal, but sounds like young elf maiden.” He rumbled another deep chuckle. “Not exactly something we get down here often, no? As for Takagi, don't care. What can he do? Kill me?” He laughed loudly, though this time it was more a defiant and bitter one than actually mirthful. Grey covered their face with a long fingered palm and Red sighed.

  “That's your reason to attack me?” She blinked a few times still trying to process it. They were all insane. She was insane for even still being there listening to it!

  “Did not attack. Was taking little girl who fainted back to only chair in room.” He pointed back to the pile of chains near the center of the cavernous room and the tipped over stool and bench. “Then Pest was, well, a pest. You had freak out, and I am very, very, strong.” The bovine monster stepped in front of her and reached out a closed fist. Beka blinked in confusion, scrunching her nose and taking a step back, only to find herself pressed up against the forge once again. The monster huffed a sigh and with his other hand lifted her arm up to his outstretched fist. He dropped her chisel into her open palm. She must have lost it in her dash to the door. The monster... no, not a monster. She had to try and stop thinking of them as just monsters. This... cow man, had kindly returned what she didn't even know she had lost.

  “Th-Thank you?” Beka looked at the chisel in in her hand, the entire morning beginning to feel very surreal in her mind. Anxiety, fear, pain, and now guilt were not what she was expecting when she came to work today, especially guilt. These creatures, they were not anything she expected. Her own stupid presumptions about them is why she — as the monster, or cow man, put it—“freaked out.” It’s why she ran. Even the shapechanger who took her form did not actually hurt her. Frightened her yes, but a prank like that is exactly something she would have done herself only a few years before with Lizzy. If she had the ability. The beastly thing had even spoken to her first, it's not like he tried to startle her. If she had just remained calm and answered his question none of this would have even happened. Beka shut her eyes and took in a breath, closing her fist around the chisel. Nodding once as she came to a conclusion. She was going to put an end to her panicking. No more being a frightened little girl. This entire thing was ridiculous and she only had herself to blame for her injuries. “I’m sorry, I was very rude to you earlier. You asked my name. My name is Rebeka, Rebeka Galten. But you can just call me Beka.” She forced a smile to her lips, the pain in her side making it difficult.

  “Heh, whatever you say kid. I am sorry I squish you.” He huffed and gave her another chuckle before Red put an end to it with a very fake-sounding cough.

  “Enough pleasantries. Miss Galten has a job to do. I must secure Grey. And tend to our other guests. As always Brown I will deal with you later.” Turning away from them he took Grey by the arm. It flinched away and dug in its heels, very much like a child being drug off to their room. It turned its oversized head around much like an owl might and looked back at her. It waved at her as it was dragged away. Red took only a moment to pull what little remained of the door closed behind him.

  Beka waved back a little hesitantly and shook her head. "Why am I still here?" The thought kept creeping into her mind the longer she lingered. “Nice... to meet you I guess?” Her voice trailed off as Red left the room, dragging Grey along with him. Her focus turned to the bovine monster. Who was now regarding her with an odd expression. A massive hand on his chin and an eyebrow lifted over his large amber eye. “What?” She sounded a little snappy, but she was in pain. Hopefully it did not provoke the beast any further now that she was once again alone with him.

  “Heh, you should not have told me name. I only ask if you have one. Not what name is. You, may call me Brown. For now. It is not my name. It is just what Red say I will be called until my match. Unless you have something else you wish to call me? Just not Cow, I not cow. I Kathani! Not cow. Minotaur is what humans call my kind. But I not know why. I suspect it mean Cow.“ He nodded his massive head, and she bit her lip trying not to make a comment about how he looks like a cow and ‘cow man’ was indeed what she was planning on calling him. The pain and adrenaline was making her feel a little loopy and she giggled again. She was already in enough trouble here she did not need to make it worse. “I don't really care what my name is,” he continued, undaunted by her giggling next to him. “I will not tell you why, so
do not ask.” He snorted at her and gave her a sidelong glance as he turned away. “Will happily answer questions while you work, however.” He clopped slowly back to the center of the room and she followed slowly along after him. His tail swished at the floor as he walked. “Oh, do not ask about anything that has to do with names down here. Or the boss, Takagi that is. Or about Red, who I sometimes call boss, can be confusing so keep up. Oh, and don't, tell anyone you are speaking to us, especially Takagi. We are to be quiet at all times, and act the part of ‘stupid beasts.’” The monster huffed a laugh. “Did you know that is a dark elf name? Takagi... Heh, he hates it, was name from hero who saved his father, long, long time ago.” He chuckled again and turned to look at her.

  “You talk a lot...” Beka said without thinking, clapping a hand over her mouth as her eyes widened. How could she just blurt that out! "What the hell is wrong with me?" She mumbled into her hands.

  “Heh, heh, ha ha ha ha!” The monster leaned over and rested its hands on the floor, hooves clopping back and forth as it laughed. “Heh! I do! Heh, you see I no get many visitors to talk to, and rule is very strict.” He snorted and rubbed a palm over his face as the laughing subsided. “That is why the boss muzzles me! And Red hates it when I chatter at him!” He tipped the stool back onto its feet as he passed back into the center of the room.

  Beka smiled a little as the mood in the room lightened, before she felt a wave of nausea wash over her. Another spike of pain cramped up her side. She turned just as she was trying to sit on the stool and this time could not stop herself. She retched. The Kathani’s massive hand stopped her from tipping over and held her ponytail. She was just thankful he did not try to grab on or squeeze her again. Once she was stable she wiped at her mouth and grimaced. He huffed and bared his teeth in a sympathetic grimace of his own.

  "Gross," he rumbled, teasing as he settled himself down on the far side of the cinder block. Taking a moment to kick away the chains he had broken earlier. The furry beast man turned to regard her, his thick nose puffing out a small cloud of steam in the cool cell air. “Red will be back. No worry. He sound all serious and angry, but we all together in this now kid. He will take care of you, no worry.” He nodded his big shaggy head.

  “What do you mean by that?” Beka regarded his reaction. The hair all over his massive head fluffed out and he looked away with a huff. Was that a sign of embarrassment?

  “That, not for me to say, I may just be pessimist.” He shrugged and Beka narrowed her eyes, tucking her hair behind her ear and debating the right thing to ask.

  “I mean, why will Red be back? Why do you think he will even care to look after me? I’m not one of the Menagerie’s, ahh, guests.” At least she hoped she wasn't. She was not an exotic monster or even that skilled as a smith. She knew she was in the mage’s pocket now but the idea of being locked away in one of his ‘private collection’ cells sent another shiver of spiders down her spine. That's exactly something she could see him doing, considering his other ‘guests’ were clearly intelligent, civilized...people.

  “Heh, you are here under Takagi’s order. Red say you be okay. He make you okay. Red never goes back on word. Too much honor, too much pride.” He nodded again. “You be okay, he put Pest away and be right back, you see.” He bumped her with a knuckle nearly the same size as her arm. It was then she realized she was still clenching her fist around the chisel and relaxed her grip. “So, what is it you do with that?” he asked looking to her open hand.

  “Oh, this? I'm carving a pattern on your horns to lay golden filigree that Lord Kindredstar wants to use as...” Her voice trailed off and she blinked up at the monster, her face flushing. “To use as a reward for the knight who takes your head. A trophy in the opening games.” Beka swallowed hard as the monster’s eyes seemed to light up.

  “YES! Fantastic! Ha ha! It will be glorious!” The monster pounded the ground next to the stone cinderblock, sending chips of the floor spraying everywhere and making her flinch. Covering her eyes with her arm as bits of stone pelted her.

  “What? How is that a good thing? He's going to kill you!” This monster really was insane, that or his time chained and alone in here made him suicidal. What in the worlds would make the news that their head was to be a trophy a good thing?

  “Heh, it is good thing. All Kathani wish for glorious death in battle. To have name carved on stone is an honor....” His voice trailed off and his head sunk, the cheer draining from his body. “At least, I can have glorious death. Even if name is not remembered.”

  “I still don't know why you would want to die.” Beka shook her head and tapped the monster’s horn, gesturing for him to lay his muzzle on the stone. Her work ethic fighting her pain as she started to resume her chisling. Only this time with his large amber eyes watching her progress. They held a glint she recognized. The same intense shine of fascination she felt when she first started training as a smith.

  “Fantastic...” His drawn out word made his head lift slightly and she scowled at him. Though his attention was not on her but on his horns. He was enraptured. Once more his head shifted to speak and she dropped her hands to her lap with a sigh. “Never mind what was being said before. Forgot own rule. No name talking, right kid?”

  “You can't? Or you won't, talk about the names in here? Like why everyone is a color.” Beka was indeed about to ask more when he spoke again, his tones low, rehearsed. His gaze vacant and distant.

  “Takagi, gives us purpose. We are chess pieces, actors on stage. Our names are given at time of match to fill a role. Once our purpose has been determined we get a name. Until we fight, we are only what you see. I have brown fur. I am Brown.” He sighed and looked past her towards the door. “I have said too much already.”

  “Yes you have. Do not say any more. It will not be healthy for our young guest.” Red’s voice sounded from right behind her, giving her a start. Beka turned to stand but stopped halfway as her side protested. Red’s hands fell to her shoulders. “Do not stand. You talk too much Brown. Forget what you hear from him Miss Galten. For you own good. Drink this.” He pressed a small vial into her hand. It was a warm dull red bottle. She gasped, knowing exactly what it was. A healing potion. The overpriced alchemical mixture that was as iconic as adventuring itself. The bottle in her hands was likely to be over 100 gold in price and she felt the blood drain from her face. Why would he give her one of these? The one use healing spell infused in the alchemical bottle was far too expensive to just have on hand, much less in the hands of the Menagerie’s disposable monsters. Had he stolen it?

  “A healing potion? Red, this is too much! I can just go the clinic when-” She cut herself off as a flicker of light in his reptilian eyes stole her words. A spike of fear she once again attributed to magic and being in the presence of a predator. Beka swallowed hard. This was not going to be a debate she could win. She slowly uncorked the bottle. Bringing it to her lips. Beka nearly gagged as the smell hit her nose. "The stories that these taste like cherries are a vile lie!" The thick, warm, coppery liquid tasted like rotting garbage and old blood, she wanted to vomit again but the sludge numbed her throat and insides as it did its work. The pain in her side first going to pins and needles as her entire rib cage fell asleep. She felt her rib shift and pop inside her chest. The last of her pain ebbing away, all but the dull ache of her many bruises remained. “Ugh! That's horrid! Ahh! Why does my side still hurt?” She tenderly poked at her ribs, the bruising sending a twinge of pain that was numbed only slightly. “Aren’t healing potions supposed to cure all wounds and ailments?”

  “Heh, blood potion, don't work on bruises, only cuts and broken bones.” Brown chimed in, he huffed and wheezed, trying clearly not to laugh as her face contorted into a look of pale horror.

  ‘Blood Potion!? That was not a healing potion?” Beka felt her stomach churn into a knot.

  “Heh! Troll blood make fantastic healing potion. Heh He he he, Red must have visited Green after dropping off Grey.” The bovine sadist actuall
y winked at her and she retched. clambering out of her stool.

  “I said you will be safe. You were hurt. It is my responsibility to correct that. Continue your work. The master will arrive at lunch. I will retrieve you before then. You will depart before he arrives. You will return in the morning. The same time as today. You will speak nothing of what you have seen.” He took the empty bottle from her as she stood trembling, her hand on her knees and her stomach dry heaving. The troll blood potion not letting her vomit despite every fiber of her being demanding she do so.

  “You, are terrible! Despicable!” She mumbled under her breath before turning watering eyes to Red. The corner of his mouth was turned up in a smirk! The first expression she had seen from him besides pain when Kindredstar had nearly frozen him to death. “Are you laughing at me?!” Beka coughed and retched again as another wave of nausea swept over her.

  “Heh Heh He he he he,” bellowed Brown as he pounded the floor once again. From the corner of her eye she caught Red actually roll his reptilian eyes, his regal bearing drifting away for a heartbeat before he fixed his posture and turned back towards the door.

  “Four hours to lunch. Work hard. You will be away from the despicable monsters in no time.” He left the room, this time not bothering to shut the door. Beka shook her head still feeling... green… literally apparently. Wondering what more there was to the strange red man. Her mind drifted back to considering what exactly he was. Dragon was definitely on the top of her list now but that seemed impossible. No one can control a dragon, not even a dozen Magi more powerful than Lord Kindredstar. She shook the thought from her mind. She really did not need to go digging around any more, at least not today. She had her hands full with a laughing ball of fur already. As she returned to her stool, the Kathani was huffing, and wiping tears from his eyes.


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