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Aurora Page 3

by B M Griffin

  Chapter Three


  Aurora was incredibly powerful, and her beautiful golden wings allowed her to travel faster than any man-made machine could ever imagine. Within minutes of killing the Shaitan and saving Gregor’s life, she landed in her room, flying in through a window hoping no one had seen her carrying a human over her shoulder as she arrived. Walking over to her massive bed, she carefully laid Gregor down; the spell she put him to sleep with was strong, but she didn’t want to take any chances accidentally waking him before she had a chance to figure out what she would say to him. Wiping his memory of the attack, and him possibly witnessing her shift out of her human form to kill the Shaitan, would be as simple as it had been to put him to sleep, but Aurora was not sure that she wanted to wipe his memories just yet. Why bring him here, to her castle in the underworld, to simply wipe his memory clean? She could have just as easily done that in the alley where he had been attacked. After laying him on her bed, she waved her hands over his entire body to make sure she had healed any wounds he may have received as well as cleaning the Shaitan’s poison from his blood. Despite being put to sleep, Gregor’s body had remained very tense since she first laid eyes on him in that alley.

  Now, she watched as his body relaxed and his breathing became normal. He smiled in his sleep and Aurora was transfixed, caught in the beauty of this man. When she realized she was staring for far too long, she jerked up off of the side of the bed where she had sat to heal him and backed away quickly. What was she doing? Thinking of this human male as beautiful. She needed to get a grip and figure out what she was going to do with him now that she had brought him to the underworld, or Tanzahar as Aurora and her people knew it to be. First things first, Aurora shifted back to her human form. Gregor will probably freak out enough waking up in an unknown room, in an unknow world. She didn’t need to scare him any worse by having him wake up to a monster hovering over him. Humans never understood that being supernatural with the ability to shift did not automatically mean you were an evil creature. She needed to report to duty for the night, she was never late and if she didn’t show up the Council would come looking for her, but she didn’t want to leave and chance Gregor waking up alone and wondering around. Her people worked to save humans. But that didn’t mean they would not kill a human if they felt they were in danger, and a human managing to make his way to our home hidden in the underworld would definitely look like a threat. Glancing at Gregor one more time, he was sleeping so peacefully she couldn’t wake him just yet. Deciding he looked like he would be sleeping for a while, she headed down to the war room to check in and grab weapons to head out for tonight’s patrol. She often went off on her own, against the wishes of their underworld Council, so it wouldn’t alarm anyone if she insisted on going off on her own tonight. This would give her the freedom to check on Gregor from time to time ensuring she would be available once he decided to wake. Still, she knew it was risky, he could wake while she was engaged in a fight and unable to get back immediately. She needed help, and there was only one person she knew who would keep her secret; her sister Annalise. Aurora grabbed her weapons and went to find Annalise.

  “I know what you want Aurora. Have you completely lost your mind? Everyone is upset enough that you insist on mingling with the humans during the day, but to bring one here… they will not overlook such a blatant violation of our laws.”

  Annalise stood in the doorway of her room, a scowl on her face, and disappointment shining in her eyes. She was beautiful in her human form, with her shining black hair hanging midway down her back, the most beautiful pale skin, and bright blue eyes that quite literally glowed. Clearly, she’d been close enough to overhear all of Aurora’s rambling thoughts and decided to just pop into Aurora’s room, saving Aurora from having to go and find her. Her ability to read minds could be good and bad. Luckily, they had led her to Aurora when she needed her, but the way Annalise was glaring at her in that moment made it something Aurora wished she could just turn off.

  “Annalise, we both know you have read my thoughts. How could I have left him behind? He was hurt, and I needed to heal him. For all I know, those Shaitan were only hanging around that alley because of me and I couldn’t let an innocent get hurt because I led a beast into his path. You were the one who pushed me to go find him. I didn’t want anything to do with him, but you insisted I needed to find him to figure out what my dreams were about. I couldn’t let him get killed before I had a chance to do just that.”

  “Let’s not pretend you brought him here to heal him Aurora,” Annalise said, her scowl deepening, forming a crease in her forehead. “You are attracted to him, and I get it. I can see he is a fine looking human through your thoughts, but that is no reason to break our most sacred law.”

  “It’s more than that Annalise, and you know it if you’ve been listening to my thoughts the way you say you have. There is something about him, I can’t figure it out, but I am drawn to him. It’s like we were supposed to meet, and no matter how much I try I cannot walk away from him, not right now anyway. Please sister, I would not ask you to watch out for him, to put yourself in such a compromising position if it wasn’t important.” Aurora reached for Annalise, grabbing her hand and pouring her feelings into her. She needed her to understand that this wasn’t some superficial crush, but that there was a mystical connection between her and Gregor, and she knew somehow it was a connection she couldn’t and wouldn’t ignore.

  Annalise closed her eyes and took a deep breath as she opened her mind and allowed Aurora’s thoughts and emotions to flow through her. Her eyes flashed open as she inhaled sharply, her face softening and her eyes glowing with understanding and love for her sister. Pulling Aurora into a hug, Annalise accepted her unspoken request. “Aurora, this human is of great importance to you. I don’t know what his role is in your life or our world, but there is no denying the pull between you two. It is mystical, and all consuming. I will watch over him and if he begins to wake, I will call you right away.”

  “Thank you, thank you, sister. I know it is a lot to ask of you and I am truly grateful.” Aurora hugged her sister tight then went to her bedroom window, shifting into her dragon form she flew out into the night and for the first time eager for the night’s battles to be over so she could return to her home.


  Aurora flew straight for the area where she knew Andros and Camille would be scouting for the enemy, and it didn’t take long for her to find them.

  “Andros, behind you!” Camille shouted.

  Aurora heard the shouting and swooped down to get a closer look. Andros and Camille, her two best hunters and closest friends, were surrounded by Shaitan. She had never seen so many at once, there had to be at least twenty of the monsters attacking the hunters from all sides. They usually hunted in groups of two or three at the most. It was a damn good thing she hadn’t stayed back in her castle with the human male. Andros and Camille needed her help. Aurora swooped down on a group of five Shaitan who were coming up behind Camille. She grabbed two of them around their necks putting her strength into twisting their necks until she heard a resounding snap. The other three abandoned their initial target, and all came lunging at her. Aurora planted her feet on the ground, tearing through the three Shaitan with her claws. One of them managed to land a blow to her gut sending her flying back a few feet, blood oozing from her wound. Aurora screamed and her whole body began to glow, still in her dragon form, her scales shined bright lit up by blue flames, as she brought her hands together and then pushed them out in front of her. Hot blue flames shot from her hands and hit the Shaitan, their screams filling the air until they exploded from the heat of Aurora’s fire and disintegrated into nothing but ash. The explosion distracted the other Shaitan, giving Andros and Camille the upper hand. Aurora joined the two hunters killing off as many of the Shaitan as they could.

  The black oily blood of the Shaitan was everywhere as the hunters and Aurora ripped the monsters apart. They managed to take out t
wenty of the Shaitan before the remaining few escaped to save themselves.

  “We need to clean this up and get out of here before they come back with reinforcements. Camille, call the Council and set up a meeting. If the Shaitan are going to start hunting in these large scaled groups, we need to alert the other hunters and form teams. Until we can figure out what is going on no one should go out to fight alone.” Aurora sent Camille to make the call right away while her and Andros cleaned up all the blood and remnants of their battle. Normally it only took a minute to clean up the evidence of the fights between Aurora’s hunters and the Shaitan thanks to their magical abilities. With an attack of this proportion, however, and all the Shaitan they killed, it took her and Andros working together to get everything cleaned up before they headed back to the underworld to meet with the Council.

  When Aurora and Andros arrived home, Camille had already gathered the Council and the hunters in the battle room. It was chaos, everyone trying to figure out why they had been called back in the middle of the night. They were all so caught up in their own conversations they didn’t notice Aurora enter the room. Camille and Andros took a point on each side of Aurora as she let out a loud roar drawing all eyes to her and causing the room to go immediately silent. She glanced around the room for a moment and when she was convinced she had everyone’s attention she morphed back into her human form. “Tonight Andros, Camille, and I faced the largest group of Shaitan we have ever seen. There were more than twenty of the creatures in one place at one time. While we defeated a large number of them, several were able to get away amidst the commotion. What really has me concerned is why there was such a large number of them in one place. There is no way they were all sent out together just to take down Andros and Camille. Something bigger is going on and until we know what that is, no civilian or hunter is permitted out alone at night.”

  Everyone started talking all at once, each trying to speak over the others to gripe about being capable of defending themselves, others expressing concern for civilians and loved ones, and some dying to go right to battle. Aurora let out another roar so loud the chandelier hanging a few feet above her head began to rattle, but it got the point across and silence stretched out across the room once more. Before Aurora could speak again, she felt Annalise calling out to her. Closing her eyes, she could see Annalise clear as day, “Aurora, you need to get back here. Your human is beginning to wake, and you know what will happen if he freaks out and alerts anyone to his presence here.”

  Aurora opened her eyes to everyone staring in her direction waiting for her to speak again. “My edict was not a request. This is for the safety of each of you and our people. For tonight, everyone is to return home and inform your family and loved ones not to be out alone. We will meet back here at sundown tomorrow to work on putting together a plan to figure out what the Shaitan are up to.” Aurora turned to Andros and Camille to give them additional instructions. As her best hunters, she trusted their judgement above all others. “I want the two of you to start putting together a list of our best hunters. Those who will be the best fit to lead so we can start building teams. The hunters we find to be the best will lead these teams in our nightly canvasing for Shaitan until further notice to ensure our people are protected in case anyone else runs into such a large group of the Shaitan at once.”

  “Are you not going to work with us to make the decisions on who are best to lead?” asked Camille.

  “I want the two of you to bring me your initial recommendations and we will make the final decisions together. Based on our numbers, I would like fifteen teams of five. Meet me in my office tomorrow morning and we will begin putting this all together.” Camille shot Andros a sideways glance, not missed by Aurora in the slightest, before they both nodded and headed off to begin sorting through their soldiers to find the best fit leaders. Aurora wanted to go with them. This was not something she would usually leave up to others to handle without her right there, and Camille and Andros had clearly picked up on that fact before they walked away. However, she had a human to deal with before anyone found out she’d brought him to Tanzahar. If the Shaitan were making changes and planning something, then she needed Gregor to be gone so she could get focused on facing the enemy, and not on protecting one man.

  Aurora left the great room heading for the stairs as discreetly as possible; the last thing she needed was to be followed. Once she got to the stairs and out of sight she ran up the stairs to her room on the top floor of the castle taking them two at a time. In her rush to get there before Gregor woke, Aurora ran into her room still in her natural dragon form, and nearly knocked her sister down. “Aurora, are you crazy! He’ll surely freak if the first thing he sees is what he’d likely see as a monster. You better change back and fast.” Annalise scolded her.

  “Shit, you’re right. I totally forgot.” In a flash Aurora flashed back into her human form rushing into her closet to put on some clothes. When she walked out of her closet, she looked around and noticed Annalise had left. So much for sisterly support, but it was probably for the best. At least Gregor kind of knew her since they had met at his job. Quietly she made her way over to her bed and sat next to Gregor, legs pulled up to her chest with her arms wrapped around them and her chin resting on her knees and just watched him. She didn’t have to wait long before Gregor’s eyes slowing opened. Still groggy from sleep, he rubbed his eyes with his fist then raised up on his elbows. It took a minute for him to realize what he was seeing as he stared at her. She quietly whispered, “Hi” and saw his eyes get wider as he took he in.

  Chapter Four


  Sitting up quickly, Gregor looked around her room, and after what felt like forever, his gaze returned to her. “Um, Aurora?” It was a question as recognition slowly hit him.

  “Yes, hello Gregor. How are you feeling?” Aurora asked.

  “Well, I feel fine, I am just really confused. Where am I, and why are we together in bed?” A blush creeped up his face, clearly realizing he was in bed with her had an effect on him, one Aurora was surprised she liked. Smiling at him she said, “You’re at my home, this is my room. Do you remember anything after leaving work today?”

  A crease formed between his eyebrows as he tilted his head down a bit, clearly thinking and trying to remember. “It’s fuzzy, hmm…” Then his eyes went wide and his face paled as he looked back up at her, “There were, I don’t know what they were, some creatures, terrifying, grotesque.” She saw him shake a bit trying to throw off the fear remembering the attack brought on. Wanting him to continue she urged him to go on, “Remember anything else?”

  “They attacked me, but someone, well maybe something, came to my rescue. I don’t really remember what they looked like because all I saw was them yank the monster off me and then I guess I passed out because I can’t remember anything else. I didn’t get a good look at them, but it was enough to know they weren’t human.” Shaking his head Gregor ran his hands over his face and through his hair. Clearly shook up by what he saw, but surprisingly not freaking out nearly as she expected him to. Most humans would be so crazy with fear that she would have to completely wipe their memory to keep them from winding up in a mental ward.

  “How did I end up here, with you? I mean, I am not complaining, there are definitely worse things than waking up next to you.” Aurora saw a glint in Gregor’s eye and a bit of that blush came back as a small smile pulled at his mouth. Was he flirting with her?

  Pulling her eyes away from his mouth, when did she start staring at his mouth? She looked him in the eye. “I brought you here. After your attack you needed time to heal, and I knew you’d be safe here while I had you in a healing sleep.”

  “What, what do you mean? You saw my attack?” Confusion was written all over his face. Without thinking Aurora stood up. “Okay, don’t freak out. I promise you are safe; I won’t hurt you.”

  “Why would I think…” Before Gregor could finish his question, Aurora transformed. Gregor jumped back off her b
ed, standing on the opposite side putting the bed between them. “Ya, ya, ya, You’re a… dragon?”

  He was shaking slightly, and the stutter was a clear sign he was afraid, but he hadn’t run away screaming; he was taking this much better than she thought. “Well, not exactly. I am the Maharani of Tanzahar, a descendant of the purest blooded ancient leaders. I can take many forms, but yes the dragon is preferred as I am of warrior blood.”

  To prove her point Aurora shifted again, landing on all fours next to her bed. She was a beautiful wolf, with a shiney black coat of fur, and her golden eyes were beautiful and terrifying at the same time. Since she couldn’t speak in this form, and she wasn’t really partial to walking on four legs, she shifted back into her dragon.

  Gregor never took his wide eyes off of her, but she saw him gulp and she could hear his rapidly beating heart. “Tanzahar?” Gregor questioned after taking a deep breath.

  “I believe humans refer to us as creatures of the underworld in your fairy tales, but that isn’t the case. We exist on the same plain as you, we’ve just hidden Tanzahar for our protection. The underworld is a dark place where evil resides. We are not evil, we’re just different from your kind, and humans are not very accepting of those who are different.”

  Aurora had to shut her eyes for a moment. She had to keep her emotions in check and talking about the humans’ treatment of her people always got her fired up. She didn’t want to scare Gregor, so she needed to keep calm. Gregor just stood there staring at her for what felt like forever. Aurora was getting nervous and just about to change back to her human form, when he spoke again, so quiet she probably wouldn’t have heard him if she actually was human.

  “It was you.” Purple eyes caught hers and held her in his stare. “You, you are the one who saved me.”

  Aurora just nodded afraid to speak or move anymore and risk scaring him off. Feeling nervous under his stare Aurora looked down breaking their eye contact. “Thank you.” Jerking her head back up her eyes locked on his again. Gregor cleared his throat, “Thank you. Ya know, for saving me.”


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