The Mysterious Key and What It Opened

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The Mysterious Key and What It Opened Page 2

by Louisa May Alcott

  Chapter II


  "Come, child, the dew is falling, and it is time we went in."

  "No, no, Mamma is not rested yet, so I may run down to the spring if Ilike." And Lillian, as willful as winsome, vanished among the tall fernswhere deer couched and rabbits hid.

  Hester leisurely followed, looking as unchanged as if a day instead oftwelve years had passed since her arms received the little mistress, whonow ruled her like a tyrant. She had taken but a few steps when thechild came flying back, exclaiming in an excited tone, "Oh, come quick!There's a man there, a dead man. I saw him and I'm frightened!"

  "Nonsense, child, it's one of the keepers asleep, or some stroller whohas no business here. Take my hand and we'll see who it is."

  Somewhat reassured, Lillian led her nurse to one of the old oaks besidethe path, and pointed to a figure lying half hidden in the fern. Aslender, swarthy boy of sixteen, with curly black hair, dark brows, andthick lashes, a singularly stern mouth, and a general expression ofstrength and pride, which added character to his boyish face anddignified his poverty. His dress betrayed that, being dusty andthreadbare, his shoes much worn, and his possessions contained in thelittle bundle on which he pillowed his head. He was sleeping like onequite spent with weariness, and never stirred, though Hester bent awaythe ferns and examined him closely.

  "He's not dead, my deary; he's asleep, poor lad, worn out with his day'stramp, I dare say." "I'm glad he's alive, and I wish he'd wake up. He'sa pretty boy, isn't he? See what nice hands he's got, and his hair ismore curly than mine. Make him open his eyes, Hester," commanded thelittle lady, whose fear had given place to interest.

  "Hush, he's stirring. I wonder how he got in, and what he wants,"whispered Hester.

  "I'll ask him," and before her nurse could arrest her, Lillian drew atall fern softly over the sleeper's face, laughing aloud as she did so.

  The boy woke at the sound, and without stirring lay looking up at thelovely little face bent over him, as if still in a dream.

  "_Bella cara_," he said, in a musical voice. Then, as the child drewback abashed at the glance of his large, bright eyes, he seemed to wakeentirely and, springing to his feet, looked at Hester with a quick,searching glance. Something in his face and air caused the woman tosoften her tone a little, as she said gravely, "Did you wish to see anyone at the Hall?"

  "Yes. Is Lady Trevlyn here?" was the boy's answer, as he stood cap inhand, with the smile fading already from his face.

  "She is, but unless your business is very urgent you had better seeParks, the keeper; we don't trouble my lady with trifles."

  "I've a note for her from Colonel Daventry; and as it is _not_ a trifle,I'll deliver it myself, if you please."

  Hester hesitated an instant, but Lillian cried out, "Mamma is close by,come and see her," and led the way, beckoning as she ran.

  The lad followed with a composed air, and Hester brought up the rear,taking notes as she went with a woman's keen eye.

  Lady Trevlyn, a beautiful, pale woman, delicate in health and melancholyin spirit, sat on a rustic seat with a book in her hand; not reading,but musing with an absent mind. As the child approached, she held outher hand to welcome her, but neither smiled nor spoke.

  "Mamma, here is a--a person to see you," cried Lillian, rather at a losshow to designate the stranger, whose height and gravity now awed her.

  "A note from Colonel Daventry, my lady," and with a bow the boydelivered the missive.

  Scarcely glancing at him, she opened it and read:

  _My Dear Friend_,

  _The bearer of this, Paul Jex, has been with me some months and hasserved me well. I brought him from Paris, but he is English born, and,though friendless, prefers to remain here, even after we leave, as we doin a week. When I last saw you you mentioned wanting a lad to help inthe garden; Paul is accustomed to that employment, though my wife usedhim as a sort of page in the house. Hoping you may be able to give himshelter, I venture to send him. He is honest, capable, and trustworthyin all respects. Pray try him, and oblige_,

  _Yours sincerely_,

  _J. R. Daventry_

  "The place is still vacant, and I shall be very glad to give it to you,if you incline to take it," said Lady Trevlyn, lifting her eyes from thenote and scanning the boy's face.

  "I do, madam," he answered respectfully.

  "The colonel says you are English," added the lady, in a tone ofsurprise.

  The boy smiled, showing a faultless set of teeth, as he replied, "I am,my lady, though just now I may not look it, being much tanned and verydusty. My father was an Englishman, but I've lived abroad a good dealsince he died, and got foreign ways, perhaps."

  As he spoke without any accent, and looked full in her face with a pairof honest blue eyes under the dark lashes, Lady Trevlyn's momentarydoubt vanished.

  "Your age, Paul?"

  "Sixteen, my lady."

  "You understand gardening?"

  "Yes, my lady."

  "And what else?"

  "I can break horses, serve at table, do errands, read aloud, ride aftera young lady as groom, illuminate on parchment, train flowers, and makemyself useful in any way."

  The tone, half modest, half eager, in which the boy spoke, as well asthe odd list of his accomplishments, brought a smile to Lady Trevlyn'slips, and the general air of the lad prepossessed her.

  "I want Lillian to ride soon, and Roger is rather old for an escort tosuch a little horsewoman. Don't you think we might try Paul?" she said,turning to Hester.

  The woman gravely eyed the lad from head to foot, and shook her head,but an imploring little gesture and a glance of the handsome eyessoftened her heart in spite of herself.

  "Yes, my lady, if he does well about the place, and Parks thinks he'ssteady enough, we might try it by-and-by."

  Lillian clapped her hands and, drawing nearer, exclaimed confidingly, asshe looked up at her new groom, "I know he'll do, Mamma. I like him verymuch, and I hope you'll let him train my pony for me. Will you, Paul?"


  As he spoke very low and hastily, the boy looked away from the eagerlittle face before him, and a sudden flush of color crossed his darkcheek.

  Hester saw it and said within herself, "That boy has good blood in hisveins. He's no clodhopper's son, I can tell by his hands and feet, hisair and walk. Poor lad, it's hard for him, I'll warrant, but he's nottoo proud for honest work, and I like that."

  "You may stay, Paul, and we will try you for a month. Hester, take himto Parks and see that he is made comfortable. Tomorrow we will see whathe can do. Come, darling, I am rested now."

  As she spoke, Lady Trevlyn dismissed the boy with a gracious gesture andled her little daughter away. Paul stood watching her, as if forgetfulof his companion, till she said, rather tartly, "Young man, you'd betterhave thanked my lady while she was here than stare after her now it'stoo late. If you want to see Parks, you'd best come, for I'm going."

  "Is that the family tomb yonder, where you found me asleep?" was theunexpected reply to her speech, as the boy quietly followed her, not atall daunted by her manner.

  "Yes, and that reminds me to ask how you got in, and why you werenapping there, instead of doing your errand properly?"

  "I leaped the fence and stopped to rest before presenting myself, MissHester" was the cool answer, accompanied by a short laugh as heconfessed his trespass.

  "You look as if you'd had a long walk; where are you from?"


  "Bless the boy! It's fifty miles away."

  "So my shoes show; but it's a pleasant trip in summer time."

  "But why did you walk, child! Had you no money?"

  "Plenty, but not for wasting on coaches, when my own stout legs couldcarry me. I took a two days' holiday and saved my money for betterthings."

  "I like that," said Hester, with an approving nod. "You'll get on, mylad, if that's your way, and I'll lend a hand, for laziness is myabomination, and one sees plenty nowadays."

you. That's friendly, and I'll prove that I am grateful. Pleasetell me, is my lady ill?"

  "Always delicate since Sir Richard died."

  "How long ago was that?"

  "Ten years or more."

  "Are there no young gentlemen in the family?"

  "No, Miss Lillian is an only child, and a sweet one, bless her!"

  "A proud little lady, I should say."

  "And well she may be, for there's no better blood in England than theTrevlyns, and she's heiress to a noble fortune."

  "Is that the Trevlyn coat of arms?" asked the boy abruptly, pointing toa stone falcon with the motto ME AND MINE carved over the gate throughwhich they were passing.

  "Yes. Why do you ask?"

  "Mere curiosity; I know something of heraldry and often paint thesethings for my own pleasure. One learns odd amusements abroad," he added,seeing an expression of surprise on the woman's face.

  "You'll have little time for such matters here. Come in and reportyourself to the keeper, and if you'll take my advice ask no questions ofhim, for you'll get no answers."

  "I seldom ask questions of men, as they are not fond of gossip." And theboy nodded with a smile of mischievous significance as he entered thekeeper's lodge.

  A sharp lad and a saucy, if he likes. I'll keep my eye on him, for mylady takes no more thought of such things than a child, and Lilliancares for nothing but her own will. He has a taking way with him,though, and knows how to flatter. It's well he does, poor lad, forlife's a hard matter to a friendless soul like him.

  As she thought these thoughts Hester went on to the house, leaving Paulto win the good graces of the keeper, which he speedily did by assumingan utterly different manner from that he had worn with the woman.

  That night, when the boy was alone in his own room, he wrote a longletter in Italian describing the events of the day, enclosed a sketch ofthe falcon and motto, directed it to "Father Cosmo Carmela, Genoa," andlay down to sleep, muttering, with a grim look and a heavy sigh, "So farso well; I'll not let my heart be softened by pity, or my purpose changetill my promise is kept. Pretty child, I wish I had never seen her!"


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