Lost Omega

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Lost Omega Page 3

by Noah Harris

  Just like now.

  “We’ll try to make it out there as soon as we can, Arulean,” Dylan said, loud enough to be picked up over the phone speaker.

  “I appreciate it. I truly do,” Arulean said, relief clear in his voice. “And this might turn out to be nothing. I truly hope that’s the case, but…”

  “But they’re family, and we want them to be safe,” Blake finished for him. “It’s no big deal. We were planning on coming out there in a couple months for the blood moon anyway. We’ll just bump our vacation plans up.”

  “I can have a private jet pick you up tomorrow evening, if that works for the two of you?”

  Blake blinked, locking eyes with Dylan, who looked equally surprised. Then, as one, their lips curved into small, amused smiles. “Yeah, that sounds great.”

  “Will you be bringing Lily?”

  Blake glanced at Dylan, who offered him a small smile and a shrug. He would feel bad leaving Lily behind again so soon, even if they had urgent business. They were going to the Shadow Pack, though, and Lily had a safe and secure place there. Perhaps it wouldn’t be so bad to take her along. Dylan’s stomach flipped a little at Blake’s cheerful smile. “Yeah, if that’s alright?”

  “Of course. It has been far too long since I have seen her.”

  “She misses you, too,” Blake said with a laugh. “She’s been talking about our trip for months.”

  “Well, be sure to bring her. Rajiah will want to see her, too, when we find him.”

  “And we will find him,” Blake said, in a sure and steadfast tone.

  “I will send you the information for the jet when I have arranged it,” Arulean said, voice soft and thankful.

  “Sounds good. And Arulean?”


  “Try not to stress too much? You’re gonna go gray at this rate.”

  The dragon chuckled, a deep and rumbling sound. “I will try to keep that in mind. Good night, Blake. Dylan.”

  “See you soon,” Blake said, hanging up and tossing his phone aside. “Well…” He said, wrapping his arms around his mate. “Looks like we’re going on vacation sooner than we planned.”

  There was a furrow in Dylan’s brow, a small frown on his lips. “Do you think they’re alright?”

  Blake smiled, soft and gentle as he rolled them over, putting Dylan on his back and hovering over him. “I’m sure they’re fine,” He said softly and with conviction. “And if they’re not, they will be. Because we’ll be there. But we can worry about that tomorrow, there’s nothing we can do about it tonight.”

  He bent his head, kissing beneath Dylan’s jaw, down his neck, nibbling at his collarbone and across his chest. He trailed his tongue lower, hands moving reverently over his ribs and down his sides, pausing at his hips and thumbing circles over his hip bones while his tongue traced over his toned stomach.

  He looked up, eyes heavy and lidded, a small smirk on his lips. Dylan’s breath hitched and his muscles jumped and twitched beneath Blake’s touch. Blake’s scent was dark and heady and Dylan felt himself grow wet in response.

  “For now,” Blake said, voice low and slow, dragging over the syllables as he drew them out, breath ghosting over Dylan’s heated flesh, “let me show you just how much I missed you…”

  Blake took him into his mouth, and Dylan’s back arched, fingers curling into his hair. He found it hard to think much after that.


  The room looked almost the same as the first time they had been there, yet so much had changed since then. The first time Dylan had been with the Shadow Pack felt like a distant memory.

  The bed was still big and extravagant. The furniture was still the same ornately carved wood. The couch was there, as was the coffee table and desk. It was pristinely neat and clean, but there was still evidence of it being their space: an old laptop Blake had left behind, a few books Dylan had left stacked on the coffee table, a few clothes in the drawers and wardrobe, and a picture frame of their wedding on the dresser.

  The room wasn’t entirely the same though. The furniture had been shuffled around a bit to make room for a smaller, single bed set against the wall, nestled between the wardrobe and corner. It was draped with curtains from the high posts to make it look like a private little cave. It had once been a crib, and after Lily had grown out of that, Arulean had replaced it with a grand bed of her own.

  Over the years, they’d been spending more and more time with the Shadow Pack. Every time they visited, per their request, they were given the same room. What could they say? They were attached to it. This was the room where he and Blake had originally formulated their plan to work together. This was the room where they had first touched, exploring each other’s bodies. This was the room where Dylan fell in love.

  The room lacked most of their possessions, but Dylan had never been a very materialistic person anyway. Both he and Blake had cultivated a life where they were always moving, willing and able to drop what they had and move on. They didn’t need things, they just needed each other. Because of that, this room felt just as much like home as their house back near their families.

  Perhaps, he thought, even more so.

  Dylan wondered what ever happened to them. How they had gone from two souls, connected, but both itching with an innate sense of wanderlust, to two stay-at-home fathers in a town they had both hoped to escape. It had seemed like the right decision at the time, like the next logical step after marriage and a child.

  Now, it felt like he was coming home while stepping into a sparse room in a castle far away from everything. Preparing to go on a mission, Dylan felt more at peace and more in tune with himself than he did when he had arrived home just yesterday. He couldn’t help but wonder if they had made a mistake somewhere along the way. He wondered if it was too late to fix it, or even if they could.

  He felt a certain level of relief when they arrived and a warm familiarity spread through him as they walked through the halls of the Shadow Pack castle. Every face they greeted, every room they entered, relaxed Dylan just a little more, easing away tension he hadn’t even been aware he was harboring.

  If he were to think hard about it and analyze the thoughts he normally kept at bay, he might come to the conclusion that it was simply because being home felt like a prison sentence most of the time. It was a home where he felt more trapped with every month he spent there, in a town he never wanted to stay in. While it was a home where he had people he loved, it still felt like he was stagnating. It left him agitated and hollow. It was a feeling that lessened whenever Blake held him, whenever he held their daughter, but it was a feeling that never dissipated completely. It was always there, nagging at him.

  However, those thoughts didn’t matter right now. Those feelings had been set aside while he was overseas with his team, and he hadn’t been home long enough for them to become a problem again. He didn’t feel that way here with the Shadow Pack. Perhaps it was because the Shadow Pack gave him a way to stretch his muscles and enjoy his freedom, a place where the taste of adventure always seemed to be on the tip of his tongue, even on quiet, peaceful days.

  As they opened the door to their room, Dylan felt the last of his worries momentarily fade away. Comforted by the room that held so many happy and pivotal memories, he felt the wash of contentment rush through his chest and the exhaustion of their trip settling on his shoulders.

  It had been a long flight to get here, and while Arulean’s hired private jet certainly made it easier, it was still a long way to travel. Add to that the fact that the closest landing strip was still miles away from the Shadow Pack’s territory, which meant a long car ride after the long plane journey. Thankfully, familiar faces had been there to greet them and pick them up.

  “Excuse me, sir,” Blake said, hand finding its way to Dylan’s hip and gently moving him to one side. “You’ve got a cute backside, but I need to get through.” He grinned and gave Dylan a wink as he passed. Dylan hadn’t even been aware that he had stopped in the open doorway, bl
ocking it, until he was moved out of the way.

  Dylan watched as Blake scooted passed him, stepping further into the room with purpose and ease, completely ignoring their daughter clutched to his side, dangling upside down and squirming. Despite her struggles, she giggled loudly, banging her fists on his leg and grinning. She demanded to be put down, but Blake wasn’t listening.

  “I’m sorry, did you hear something?” He asked innocently, looking around the room.

  She squealed, kicking her legs.

  It made his heart warm to see them interact, but he couldn’t quite keep the sickly feeling at bay. It was a small knot in his stomach, one that writhed with uncertainty and doubt. Blake handled Lily so easily. He adapted to his role as a father so naturally. Why couldn’t Dylan do that? He should be able to. Secondary genders had never had much impact on his way of life, but the fact remained that he was an omega. These things should come as second nature to him, shouldn’t they?

  Blake stopped at the foot of the bed, turning to face Dylan, a smirk playing across his lips. “Honey, where should I put the luggage?” He asked, gesturing to the squirming child in his arms.

  Dylan crossed his arms over his chest, kicking the door shut and walking over to them. “I think you should throw it on the bed, we’ll deal with it later,” he said, smiling at Lily’s squeal of delight.

  “Well, if you insist.” Blake heaved her up and, with the ease and strength that came with being a shifter and an alpha, he tossed their daughter onto the bed.

  She laughed as she bounced, squirming and unable to get her balance as she sank into the plush blankets. Blake was already kicking off his shoes and crawling onto the bed after her.

  “Boy, am I tired,” he said loudly, yawning dramatically before flopping down onto the bed, limbs sprawled out over Lily, pinning her in place. “How about a nap, babe?”

  Dylan’s smile was small as he kicked off his own shoes and crawled onto the bed with a little more hesitance. “Sure.” He said simply, lying himself down at Blake’s side, careful not to touch either of them. He didn’t want to put more pressure on Lily already squirming beneath Blake, but the space he left between them felt like miles.

  He should join in the fun, too, shouldn’t he? Join in with the teasing and the games. They probably expected it of him.

  Still, Dylan didn’t move, as he caught his body tensing with uncertainty. Instead, he curled up a little more, hands slipping beneath his head, knees pulling up to his chest.

  “Papa, I can’t move,” Lily said with a huff.

  “You don’t need to move if you’re going to nap,” Blake mumbled, voice muffled by the pillows. His eyes were already shut, white-blond hair fanned out across the pillows. He was beautiful, and the sight of him made Dylan smile fondly. He wanted to reach out, to brush his hair aside, to feel his skin beneath his fingertips, to taste it on his tongue—

  “I don’t wanna nap,” Lily said, a pout on her face that was mirrored in her voice as she stuck out her bottom lip. Right. Their daughter. Their daughter who was sharing a room with them and stuck to them like glue, making their chances of finding time alone very slim.

  “Aren’t you tired?” Dylan reached out to her, hesitating just a moment before brushing some of her hair out of her face. It made his heart squeeze. Blake wouldn’t have hesitated.

  “No…” She said, crossing her arms over her chest in a little huff.

  “Well, I am.” He forced himself to smile as he pulled his hand back, resting it on the bed between them. He caught Blake’s gaze lingering on him, eyes half lidded, a small loving smile on his lips. He looked so…proud, and Dylan felt like he needed to say more. “Just a little nap? Then we’ll walk around the castle, okay?”

  “Okaaay…” Her voice was muffled, her body already giving in as she curled into the blankets.

  Blake rolled onto his side, too, tangling their legs together and throwing an arm over where Lily rested between them and reaching around Dylan’s waist, pulling them all close. Dylan automatically tucked his face into the crook of Blake’s shoulder while Blake nuzzled into his hair.

  Dylan heaved a heavy sigh, feeling his body sink into the familiar bed. It smelled of detergent and Shadow Pack, and if he concentrated hard enough, he thought he could faintly smell their own scents from the last time they were here. He let the weariness of travel set in, making his eyes heavy and his mind drift. Here, wrapped up with his family in a place that was like a second home, Dylan felt sleep creeping in.

  Then there was a polite but sharp knock at the door.

  Blake groaned loudly, turning his head to bury his face further into his mate and the pillow.

  Right. They were here on a mission. Not for a vacation. At least not yet.

  “Come in,” Dylan’s response was automatic.

  “Go away…” Blake grumbled, but the corners of his lips tugged into a little smile when Dylan rubbed a soothing hand up and down his back.

  “Have I interrupted something?” Came the deep, smooth, and familiar voice.

  “Uncle Arulean!” Lily’s voice was muffled, and she wriggled between them. Dylan leaned back to let her wiggle out. He heard her jump off the bed and sprint across the room.

  “Hello Lily,” Arulean said, voice more gentle and soft than Dylan was used to from the man. He learned pretty quickly that the tall, dark, and usually stoic dragon king actually melted around children. He would be lying if he said he wasn’t a little jealous. “How is my favorite little wolf?”

  “I’m not a wolf yet.” There was a pout in her voice.

  He chuckled. “No, but you will be, and you’ll be strong and beautiful.”

  “Like daddy and papa?”

  “Very much so.”

  “Good to see you, Arulean,” Blake said, shifting so he was lying on his back, head and shoulders propped up on his pillow. He propped one hand behind his head, wrapping the other around Dylan and pulling him into his side. Dylan snuggled in close, breathing in his mate’s scent and closing his eyes, if only for a moment.

  “It is good to see you all, too.”

  Dylan cracked his eyes open to see Arulean stepping hesitantly into their room. Lily was in his arms, propped up on his hip. Despite his calm exterior, Dylan had gotten better at reading Arulean’s minuscule expressions. He was trying to remain outwardly indifferent, but there were a few things that gave him away. The bags under his eyes were dark, lines forming at their corners and around his mouth. His body was tense, his movements tentative. His eyes flicked around the room.

  “I understand that you just arrived, and it has been a long trip—“

  “It’s okay, Arulean,” Dylan said, already pushing himself into a sitting position. “We’ll come with you so you can explain what’s going on—“

  “I’ll come with you,” Blake cut him off, sitting up. Dylan turned to stare at him, blinking in confusion.

  “I’m going, too.”

  Blake just smiled, leaning in to press a firm kiss to his lips. “You stay here with Lily and catch up on some sleep. I’ll speak with Arulean.”

  Dylan’s brow furrowed, lips pursing into a small frown. “I’m not that tired. I can go—“

  “It’s alright, babe.” Blake was already climbing out of the bed, moving around to where Arulean stood. “I’ll take care of this and fill you in later.” He took Lily from Arulean, giving her a small hug and a kiss on the top of her head before setting her back on the bed with Dylan.

  She yawned, crawling across the blankets to curl up in Dylan’s lap. He stared down at her, eyes wide and lips gaping for a moment, hands hovering. He was uncertain as she leaned against his chest, fingers lightly curling into his shirt. Slowly, he let his arms fall around her. Maybe this wouldn’t be so bad. He hadn’t really gotten to spend much time with Lily since he got back, so perhaps this was for the best. Still, he hated being left out of the action.

  When he looked up, his heart melted at the loving look on Blake’s face. He could feel his resolve faltering, b
ut he frowned anyway. “Fine, but you’re telling me everything later.”

  “Of course,” Blake leaned across the bed, and Dylan leaned forward to meet him for a kiss. “Keep the bed warm for me,” he said with a small wink before pulling back.

  Dylan watched the two of them leave, feeling restless and uncertain. But when he looked down at his sleeping daughter in his lap, he knew there was nothing to be done about it. Exhaustion sank into his bones as he laid down, and he curled around Lily, protective and shielding, as sleep tugged his eyes closed.


  Dylan had never been someone who enjoyed attention. Where his mate, Blake, thrived on it, enjoyed taking it, bending it, and redirecting it, using it as a cloak to mask himself and his true intentions, Dylan hated being in the spotlight.

  Dylan was a soldier. He liked blending into the background. He didn’t like attention aimed solely at him. He didn’t like people’s eyes on him. Attention meant expectations. It meant people would be watching him, paying attention to him, expecting things of him. He didn’t do well with that. He didn’t do well with small talk, either. He generally didn’t do too well with any kind of talk. He was a man of action and few words, especially with people he barely knew.

  Unfortunately, being pregnant meant having a lot of attention heaped on him. Children were, after all, a big deal, especially among shifters. Being among humans was a lot easier. Of course, they didn’t know he could even carry children, let alone suspect that he might currently be pregnant. They would assume weight gain, and no one would say anything at all. In the later months of his pregnancy, he would have to stay away from humans altogether to avoid any sort of suspicion.

  Humans were easy to fool because they didn’t bother to look for what they deemed impossible.

  Shifters were difficult to fool, and at this point in his pregnancy, it was nigh on impossible.

  This late into his pregnancy, his hormones were all sorts of crazy. His omega pheromones were at an all time high, changing his body more and more. It made his skin softer, made his hard masculine angles curve and soften. It made him feel vulnerable and self-conscious. During the first trimester, it was easy to hide the pregnancy, even from shifters. As long as he wore a sturdy cologne or a scent blocker, no one could tell unless they were really close and paying attention to his scent.


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