Fighting For Grace: Worth The Fight

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Fighting For Grace: Worth The Fight Page 3

by Ford, Hope

  I reluctantly got up and followed him to the back. My plan today was to search for a job a few towns over, but without a car, that’s a little hard to do. Plus, he wasn’t having it. He doesn’t want to let me out of his sight until he figures out a plan to take care of Buck.

  He sits down on a therapy bed and points at a chair next to it. He’s about to ask me something when the physical therapist walks in. She’s all smiles—that is, until she sees me.

  “Oh, hello. I didn’t know Evan brought someone with him today. Are you his sister?”

  I look between her and Evan, and he’s smiling, almost laughing at the prospect of being my brother.

  “No, not my sister. I’m trying to convince her to be my girlfriend, but she doesn’t think I’m good boyfriend material,” Evan tells her while he’s pulling the leg of his sweat pants up above his knee.

  The therapist smiles at me then, but it doesn’t quite reach her eyes. She turns back to Evan. “Well, she is young. She just doesn’t know how good she’s got it.”

  Evan smiles, like her opinion of him should matter to me. When really, I just feel ganged up on. And honestly, does he not realize that this woman likes him? I sit there and stew for a half hour, watching her slide lotion up and down his leg. I mean, his knees hurt, not his leg. Does she really need to touch him that far up his leg? She massages him and when she gets close to the knee, he groans. I know it’s out of pain, sort of anyway, but just hearing another woman bring that noise out of him has me wanting to rip out her hair and every damn one of her fake eyelashes. I open and close my hands in my lap and try not to stare at Evan. He’s almost too big for the table and when I look at him and the therapist, I get a twinge in my gut. She’s beautiful… thin, long bouncy hair, big boobs, God, everything I’m not.

  She ignores me the rest of the time and when his treatment is over she tells him what all he should be doing and not doing the next few weeks. I think we’re finally out of here when she stops him with a hand on his arm. “When you start fighting again, it’s probably a good idea to come and let us stretch you out really good. And also, Evan, if you can’t get her to change her mind, I’ll gladly go out with you.” She blushes when she says it and if possible, she looks even prettier.

  Over it at this point, I walk out the door, not wanting to hear him asking her out. When he finally gets outside, I’m standing by the passenger side of his truck.

  He walks over to me. “You okay?”

  He opens the door for me, and I scramble to get up in the seat, ignoring him. He shuts the door and walks around to the other side.

  He reaches for me, but I flinch and he stops. “Talk to me, Gracie. Tell me what’s wrong.”

  I take a deep breath. I know I shouldn’t be mad. All he’s done is helped me and I’m repaying him by being a bitch. I take a deep breath and count to ten. Then when I finally feel a little bit calmer, I apologize to him.

  “I’m sorry, Evan. I’ve just got a lot of stuff going on.”

  He tilts his head and I can tell he’s not buying it. When I don’t respond, he puts the truck in drive and starts to pull out. It’s quiet and I know I shouldn’t but I can’t stop myself. “So are you going out with her?”

  “Who?” he asks with his forehead creased.

  Who. Really, like he has no idea who I’m talking about. “Ms. Therapist. Ms. Fake Boobs with the fake eyelashes.”

  “You think her boobs are fake?” he asks, and I swear I’m about to call him a bad name when I look over at him and he has a smirk on his face.

  “Har, Har, Evan. You know they’re fake.”

  He just shakes his head and tries to hide the smile on his face. “Are you jealous, Gracie?”

  “What? No! I’m not jealous. Why would I be jealous?” I cross my arms across my chest, simmering in my seat. Heck yeah I’m jealous, and I hate this feeling. I told myself I wasn’t going to get involved. Now look at me. I’m a mess, even more than I normally am.

  The truck is quiet and I reach over to turn up the radio, wanting to fill the cab with something other than silence.

  Evan reaches over and turns it down. “I’m not interested in her. I’ve seen her three times a week for several weeks and wasn’t interested then. Now I’m definitely not interested.” He stops at a stop light and turns to me. “You’re the only woman I’m interested in, Gracie.”

  I search his eyes and sincerity is shining in them. I want to argue with him. I want to tell him all the reasons why we shouldn’t be involved, all the reasons I’m bad for him. But I can’t. Luckily, the light turns green and he looks back at the road.

  Evan turns the radio back up and we ride to the sound of country music all the way to the gym.

  Walking in, Maria comes around and hugs me. “Are you here for another lesson?” Teddy is looking between Evan and me, smiling.

  “Actually, can I talk to you and Teddy for a minute?” Evan asks them.

  Teddy comes closer and we stand at the front of the gym while Evan tells them about last night. When he finishes, he tells them, “Teddy, I don’t want Buck anywhere near the gym. I’m going to find a way to handle this.”

  Teddy puffs his chest out and instantly I know he’s the type of man that would never back down. “In my gym? He won’t be in my gym. Look around you, Evan. He knows better than to come to my gym. Now what do we need to do to protect Gracie?”

  I interrupt and I can feel Evan staring me down. “I’ll be fine. I’m moving to a shelter today and I filed a report. I’m sure the police will find out it was Buck that broke into my apartment and that will be that.”

  Maria, who’s been listening quietly, jumps in. “At a shelter? Oh no, you will stay with us.” She gestures between her and Teddy.

  Holding my hands up, I shake my head back and forth. “No, no. I can’t…”

  “She’s staying with me.”

  The three of us turn to look at Evan. He says I’m staying with him with a firmness that no one, not even me, wants to argue with. “Evan…” I start.

  “No. The decision has been made. You’ll be safe with me. You’re staying with me. I won’t give in on this. You’re with me until I know you’re safe,” he says with a finality in his voice.

  I want to ask him how long that will be. I want to stay with him but I know the longer I’m with him, the more I’m going to get attached. And I don’t need that. I’ve been on my own this long. I wouldn’t know what to do if I had someone else to depend on.

  Instead of arguing in front of Teddy and Maria, I just nod since they’re all looking at me.

  Evan turns to Teddy and Maria. “I am going to work on some self-defense with Gracie though.”

  We talk a little more and Maria hugs me before I follow Evan to the other side of the gym. “Evan, I appreciate this, I really do, but I can’t stay with you. And I can’t do a lesson. I have to be at work in thirty minutes.”

  “You’re not going to work!” he yells, stopping in the middle of the gym. I look around and all the fighters and people working out are staring at us.

  I bend my finger at him to follow me and lead him to a side room. He follows me and as soon as we get behind the door, he’s apologizing.



  I sit in my truck outside of the diner she works at. Yep, I definitely didn’t handle that well. But when she fought with me on staying with me at my house and then going to work, I sort of overreacted. I just want her safe. I have a burning desire to take care of her.

  When she pulled me into that side room and fire was raging in her eyes, I knew I’d fucked up. With her finger pointed in my face, she told me exactly what I could do with my demands of what she can and can’t do.

  It took every ounce of control I had not to kiss her then. Her cheeks were red and all her sass was in full force. Finally, I got her calmed down. But she still won, even if it was a compromise. She was going to go to work, but she’s staying at my house, not the shelter.

  I dropped her off at work and have been s
itting outside since then. I have a bad feeling about this and I can’t make myself drive away. I get a glimpse of her every once in a while as she passes by the large windows.

  She smiles at every customer and my balls ache just watching her. Somehow, this little spitfire has got a hold of me and I can’t let her go.

  When she got out of the truck, I still didn’t feel that things were settled between the two of us. I grabbed her by the waist and helped her down. Her soft rounded body sliding down my hard one almost made me come in my shorts.

  I couldn’t stop myself then, I had to make things right. I tucked a piece of hair behind her ear and said, “Gracie, I’m sorry for being such a bossy, controlling ass. I know I fucked up, but I just need to make sure you’re safe.”

  She opened her mouth and shut it again, tilting her head to the side and looking up at me. I wrapped my arms around her, pulling her to me. We stood there for I don’t know how long, until I kissed her forehead. “You sure you want to do this?”

  She blinked up at me. “I have to do this. I have to work.”

  I could’ve argued with her, but I didn’t want another blow-up. I simply nodded at her. “Okay, don’t go outside. I’ll come in and get you at the end of your shift.” And before I ticked her off again, I added the word “please.”

  She grabbed my hand then and it was the first time she’s touched me first. I felt that I was finally making progress with her. I wanted to punch my fist in the air and scream “Yes!” at the top of my lungs, but I didn’t. I squeezed her hand and walked her to the restaurant. I almost kissed her before she went in, but I didn’t. I don’t want our first kiss to be rushed. I want to be able to take my time with her and I have a feeling that one taste of her will not be enough. I’m going to want more.

  Lost in thought, I barely notice one of Buck’s goons walk up to the restaurant until he’s already inside. He sits down at the counter and Gracie goes up to him. I’m out of my truck in an instant, running across the street to get to her. I feel each pound of the pavement on my knee but it doesn’t slow me down. I have to get to her. I see her face go from smiling to a frown and then she tries to walk away but the big man has his hand on her arm, stopping her.

  As soon as I get in the front doors, I holler for the man to let her go. He, along with every other person in the place, turns, but he doesn’t release her.

  I spare a glance to Gracie and her eyes are wide and filled with fear. I’m not going to let him take her, I promise myself. “Gracie…” Even though rage consumes me, I soften my voice when I talk to her. “Come here, honey.”

  She starts to walk toward me, but the man tightens his grip on her. I walk slowly toward them. “Let her go, Rig.”

  He doesn’t look shocked that I know his name. I would say anyone in the fighting world knows him. He’s the one that does most of Buck’s dirty work for him.

  He lifts his chin at me. “This doesn’t concern you, Evan. She’s Buck’s and I have a message for her.”

  The restaurant is filled with silence and everyone is staring at us. I take a deep breath and step toward them. “That’s where you’re wrong. She’s mine. Any message you have goes through me. So why don’t you let her go and you and I go outside?”

  “No!” Gracie shouts and the man squeezes her until she cringes and bares her teeth in pain.

  I run toward him then but stop when a shotgun is aimed at his head. The cock of the gun is loud and the owner who’s holding it yells out, “Get out of here. Now. You have two seconds to release the girl and get the fuck out of my restaurant before I start shooting.”

  Rig looks menacing when he looks at the man holding the gun. “Do you know who the fuck I am?”

  The owner shrugs his shoulders. “I don’t care who you are. I’ve killed men for less so I suggest you leave.”

  I can see the way Rig is calculating his next move and I hope he makes the right choice. Finally, he releases Gracie and she runs straight into my waiting arms. Her body is trembling and as soon as Rig walks past us and out the door, I wrap my arms around her and hold her tightly against me. I feel like I can’t breathe. I’ve fought men twice his size, no problem, but the fact he had his hands on Gracie brought out a fear like I’ve never known before.

  Holding her against me, I walk up to the owner. “I’m sorry about that.”

  He puts the gun down to his side and shrugs. I still feel bad though. “Look, Gracie may need to take some time off until we get this settled,” I say. “I can’t imagine having Rig or Buck Jamison here is good for business.”

  “Sure, sure. Just take care of Gracie. When she wants to come back, she’s welcome,” the man says. I nod at him, waiting for Gracie to put up a fight, but she doesn’t. I pull out my wallet and lay five one hundred dollar bills on the counter. “I’m sure you will have some complaints and I saw a few walk out without paying their bills. Let me know if it doesn’t cover it.”

  I pick up Gracie then. A woman hands me her purse and I carry her out to my truck. She doesn’t say a word. I settle her in the seat, put her seatbelt on her, and take her straight home.

  She doesn’t resist when I carry her in the house or take her straight to the couch and sit down with her in my lap.

  I considered taking her to the hospital on the way here, but stopped myself. Now, I’m wishing I hadn’t second-guessed myself.

  Her hands are pressed into my chest, curled around the material of my T-shirt. She’s holding on to me like I’m going to leave her, but there’s not a chance in hell of that. She will be by my side now until I take care of Buck.

  “Gracie, honey,” I say to her.

  She sniffs and pulls away from me, trying to get up.

  I stop her. “No. No. Please just let me hold you.”

  She bangs her tiny fist against my chest and at my grunt, she apologizes. “I’m sorry, Evan. I just want to kick myself. I was so scared.” She looks at me then with all seriousness. “I need to know how to defend myself. I need to know how to take care of myself.”

  Looking into her eyes, I would promise her the world right now. But she’s right. She needs to know how to defend herself. Even though I plan to take care of her from here on out, I won’t be able to be by her side all the time. “Tomorrow we’ll go to the gym. We’ll work on every self defense move I know.”



  I can’t look away. The compassion in his face means so much to me. I saw the fear in his eyes at the restaurant and I knew if he was scared I should be too. But I hate living like this, living in fear. I curl my hands around his neck. “Now, Evan. Can you show me now?”

  He wants to say no, I can see it, but he finally nods his head at me. When he stands up, his hand goes to his knee and he grimaces in pain, but quickly hides it.

  “No. Evan. I forgot about your knee. Forget it, you can show me tomorrow,” I tell him.

  I’m standing next to him looking up at him and he’s looking down at me. I’m captured in his gaze and I couldn’t look away if I wanted to. I start to rise on my tiptoes, wanting to feel his lips on mine, until he breaks the silence. “No, I’ll show you now.”

  Taken aback, my face flushes. I must be reading all of this wrong. I thought he was attracted to me, but maybe he seriously just wants to help me.

  I shake my head at him. “No, really, we can work on it tomorrow.” I start to walk away but he grabs my arm, the same way that the man at the restaurant did.

  His voice is tight and I know he’s thinking about what happened earlier. “First lesson, how to get out of this hold.”

  I nod, curious now. He tips his chin at me. “Grab the hand of the arm he’s holding and pull it close to your body.” I do what he says and he doesn’t let go, but he leans forward. “Okay, now raise your knee into my groin.”

  I raise my knee but stop before I get close to him. “That’s right. But you need to be quick with the movements. If he lets go of you, you need to get away. If you were bigger, you could stay and fight, but your
plan should be to get loose and get away.”

  I shake my head, smiling.

  “What are you smiling about?”

  I shrug my shoulders. “I’ve always wanted to be smaller. I just never thought I would wish I was bigger. I would love to be able to fight that Rig guy… and Buck.”

  He pulls me closer to him and I grab his shoulders. “That’s what you got me for, honey.”

  I should pull away, but I don’t want to. I like being in his arms. “I can’t have you fight my battles for me, Evan.”

  “Why can’t you? I mean, I want you to be able to defend yourself in case I’m not there, but I want to be the one that stands by you.” He bends down then and I lean up on my tiptoes. When our lips meet for the first time, it’s like a thundering storm is beating in my chest. My heart is throbbing, I can feel the blood flowing in my veins, and my sex is on fire, wanting him closer.

  I’m a frenzy of need and desire when he deepens the kiss. I moan and he swallows the sound. As he lifts me up into his arms, I wrap my legs around him and I can feel his hard cock pressed against my ass. My hands are gripping the hair at his nape, holding him to me, hoping and praying that he doesn’t stop, that he never stops.

  He takes a step and limps, causing us both to tilt. He pulls away from me then and lets me slowly slide down his body until my feet are touching the ground. “Fuck!” he grunts.

  I pull away from him. “I’m sorry, I’m too heavy for you to carry, Evan.”

  He grimaces in pain, but still grabs on to my hand. “No, you’re not. It’s this damn knee.” He bends down to rub it. When the pain passes he reaches for me again. “I want you, Gracie.”


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