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Spirited Page 7

by Nicole Fox



  Your eyes,” she muttered softly. “They aren’t black. Dusky blue just when night falls when the sky mingles with early dusk.”

  Keir‘s heartbeat increased when her eyes searched his soul. He moved away quickly. He didn’t want her seeing into his mind.

  “Let’s eat lunch.”

  Tatum didn’t understand why he moved away from her, leaving her confused, wanting. Keir grasped her hand firmly leading her to a small picnic. Her eyes swept over the finely prepared meats, cheese, fruits, and a big crystal decanter of rich red wine. Gently, Keir lowered to the soft blanket. His large hands made her a plate of food. Smiling, he offered her a small meal.

  “I didn’t spit in it.”

  Tatum flushed when she realized that he knew that she pondered spitting in his cup of tea.

  “I didn’t do it.”

  “You wanted to. Why not?”

  “It’s disgusting.”

  “I would have.”

  “I can’t just do anything. I’m not impulsive.”

  “You can be, Tatum. When you think people aren’t looking, you let your inhibitions run free, almost wild. You’re tired of being constrained and controlled by everyone.”

  Tatum was unsure how to respond. Never had any questioned her random impulsive behavior, a direct contrast to her sense of calmness. Her mother and grandparents ignored it. Her friends, except Ruby, didn’t understand her need to question everything, and Silke attempted to tame her tempers as she encouraged her growth as an acolyte.

  “It’s who I am.”

  “This is who I am, Tatum. I’m the Dark Lord of all things evil. I can be … kind.”

  “Would you switch with Silke?”

  A deep frown marred his handsome as her words bounced around his brain. “Silke? I adore my sister. I like the chase. I love the darkness. I hate the balloons and happiness of my sister’s world. Can you accept me as I am? Not show disgust or disappointment in your eyes when I don’t behave according to your wishes or perceptions.”

  “No problems with who you are. I don’t like your simple comments, at times I believe in acceptance of all people.”

  “Indeed, you are different than most people. Some would like to be lady of the Temple with flowers thrown at your feet.”

  “Who wants to sweep flower petals, those little suckers stick to the ground. I want freedom to explore cultures and lands again. Sometimes, I want to see everything… feel everything, and taste everything,” Tatum admitted.

  “I can show you a thousand different worlds and experiences.”

  Tatum shrugged disbelief. “As your wife or lover?”

  “My wife, of course.”

  “So, your lover doesn’t have freedom.”

  “Sadly, no. I can’t share who I am with just anyone. It’s reserved for my wife. So, perhaps, you should try to win.”

  “Well, I think I’m doing a perfectly adequate job.”

  “We shall see.”

  “As your wife, the world is opened to me. I can see more than just the surface from my pervious hikes.”

  “I’m the Dark Lord of this galaxy. My world is open to you, if you become my consort willingly.”

  Tatum eyed him crossly. “Don’t tease me. Wait, what do you mean by willingly?”

  “I want you to enjoy our time together, if you are my wife. Be yourself.”

  Keir moved closer to her; he could feel her young heart pounding in her ribcage. The desires that she held for him and denied to him frequently. He placed a finger on her soft lips.

  “Place these lips on my cheek. A simple kiss of trust, and I’ll show you lightning hot stars, blue roses, and the sweetest fruit in the universe. Would you like to see them, and so much more?”

  “Can you dance?”


  “I can’t dance. I was gangly like a newborn fawn as a child. I can’t dance. I would love to glide across a room with music floating around me. I don’t need fruit. I think dancing would be fun.”

  “We could dance in the clouds as the moon rose. Then, we could go hiking in my gardens decorating Oceanus, and we could still eat fruit.”

  Tatum looked at him wide eyes brimmed with uncertainty. He reached down and cupped her hand softly, his thumb stroking her palm.

  “Just a simple little kiss on my cheek, not my lips. I would never want to trick you. I want honesty between us.”

  “How can we be honest when this is a test of seduction? You want to steal my virtue.”

  Keir shook his dark head. “I don’t want to steal it. I want you to offer it to me, freely. I need you to see me as more than just a god. Strip away the god, I’m still a man. A man who desires companionship, love, and family. I want things just like you. How about a peck on my chin?”

  Tatum leaned in next to his chiseled handsome face, his scent surrounded her. A gleam of triumph and disappointment surged in Keir’s mind. His fingers itched to remove her dress, and his heart screamed for her to back away from him. I thought I made this easy for her. Just a simple kiss to seal the deal. She should know a kiss signals a pact. She agreed to my seduction.

  Her breath felt hot against her cheek. Leaning up, Tatum whispered “No” in his ear.

  A mixture of relief and pride mingled in his mind when he heard her rejection of his proposal. A ray of joy erupted in his veins when the realization dawned in his mind that he was able to express the full extent of his desire for her.

  “I love the way no sounds on your lips. You pass the test, and I can do this.”

  Grabbing her arms, Keir pulled Tatum’s lips to his hard mouth. Tatum gasped in surprise; his tongue slipped into her warm mouth. His tongue explored her mouth as his hands rose to the bodice of her dress. His hot fingers slipped into her bodice, stroking her firm breasts until her nipples stood hard, straining for his touch. A soft moan escaped from her chest as desire pooled in her thighs. Tatum opened her mouth as her fingers sank into his hair. Her legs spread open; tenderly, Keir slid between her thighs, resting his tight member against her hot softness. Instinctively, Tatum wrapped a leg around his waist. Their tongue tangled as Keir’s hands left a hot path of desire along her soft skin. Her eyes closed tightly; her hands caressed his back as she lost herself in a sea of sensations. Keir reached up to tangle his hands in her hair.

  “Brother, she won the challenge. Release her,” Silke ordered loudly.

  Reluctantly, Keir pulled his mouth from Tatum’s; he rose quickly, giving Tatum one last hot look of desire. He snapped his fingers and disappeared back into his realm. Embarrassed Tatum covered her arms in front of a mocking Silke.

  “You won, barely, you foolish young girl. You could ruin everything by acting like a harlot in heat.”

  Tatum was taken aback by Silke’s harsh words. She couldn’t believe Silke sprouted such demeaning words at her. She had supported and encouraged her participation in the tests.

  “I’m sorry that I disappointed you.”

  Using her hand, Tatum pushed her body from a grassy plain. “I merely human. We make mistakes,” Tatum snapped. “You should know by now that your brother is complicated. Sometimes, I wonder if you as his twin truly know him at all.” Tatum paused to dust grass from her dress before she stomped back to the Temple, leaving behind a shocked Silke.

  She’s going to turn me into a toad or something. Show her respect. No, if I win tomorrow, Keir will be my husband. Sometimes, I’m going to have defend him. He’s not easy, but I can’t have anyone walking over me, not even Silke. I want to win. I want to be his wife. Later, I will offer my apologies to Silke.

  Silke smirked as she watched the young woman stalk to the Temple.


  Langston’s legs shook under his robe as he watched his young lord lost in his thoughts. He hated the Great Room. Nothing good ever happened in the Great Room. Distractedly, Keir stared at Langston. Langston deiced not to mention a few scratches along his arms, or his Lord’s flushed skin with
a fine sheen of perspiration. A ray of late sunlight gleamed on Keir’s dark hair. He reminded Langston of a mountain lion. He saw one once in his travels, a rare time away from Keir. He never wanted to see another wild animal in its domain. A golden beast sat on a green cliff, watching horses, people, and carriages ride by on a dirt road. Many traveled that country road. The lion pounced on a carriage ahead of Langston’s. He lost his stomach that day. The lion waited for its prey. Just like Keir waits to strike. Unlike Keir, his father, Murale, would torment you and move on. His son was smarter and reflective. Keir chose his moments to pounce.

  "Langston, send the Temple’s draftsmen to town. Make a list of all necessary repairs and upgrades needed on the buildings. Then, create a tribute for the wealthy residents of my lands. They will pay to refurbish the town," Keir stated calmly.



  "They might revolt."

  "I'm not done. Other castes will have 30% of their wages taxed. The wealthy will have their tribute increased to 40%."

  "Sire, they will revolt."

  "If they complain, inform them that every warrior will accompany me to another land for an indefinite period. Blane will oversee my lands. The houses of workers, artisans, and healers will outnumber them. I'm sure the results will be brutal. I kept my Uncle’s unfair practices for far too long. Things need to change. After the wealthy have made a fair contribution, we will decide tributes annually based upon what we truly need to survive, not excesses."

  "Yes, sire," Langston muttered weakly.

  "Langston? Are there anymore unjust laws?"

  Langston thought for a moment. "I can think of a few, sire."

  "What are the laws?”

  "They have to wait for a physician's services, even if they are deathly ill."

  "Repeal it. Another?"

  Langston shifted on his feet. Keir benefited from this particular law. Langston blushed. His eyes lowered.

  "Langston, I'm waiting."

  "Sire, women are not allowed to refuse advances of the wealthy."

  Keir smiled. “Of course, it was written by my beloved Uncle as he pursued, seduced, and used women from across the lands. His behavior went unchecked until his much delayed death. Repeal the law. All residents of Temple must give their consent for romantic relationships."

  Langston’s eyes grew wide. "As you wish, sire. Would you like an exception for you?"

  "No, I want one willing participant in my bed, Langston. I am not Azael. I take willing adult women to my bed. You know better than anyone that I never touched a maiden from the Trials, and I won’t unless she is my wife. You have to have a shield around you, protect yourself from hurt."

  Langston paled. He felt a deep sympathy for Tatum and Keir. Keir needed softness in his life, and he didn’t understand the motivations of the girl. Hopefully, her heart was as pure as it appeared. Either way, Keir had determined that he wanted her. Keir sat on his perch waiting to pounce on her. Yet, his lord seemed focused and happy since the girl arrived. Maybe she was the one to become his consort.


  Tatum lost the desire to cry over her roaring wave of emotions without anyone to talk with; she was furious at Silke. How dare she say such horrible things to me, and I just took it from her. I didn’t say a word. What’s wrong with Silke? She’s usually so kind and friendly, motherly. She acted like a shrew to me.

  Sighing, Tatum decided that she needed to stop feeling sorry for herself and prepare for dinner. At least get out of bed and talk with Keir. Perhaps he could discuss his sister’s mean streak. She wondered how she would get herself out of this mess.

  One more test to pass, and I’m done with this mess.

  “Now, now, don’t call it a mess, Tatum.”

  Spinning on her heel, Tatum’s breath race from her chest as her eyes lingered on his trim muscular form. Mischief sparkled in his dark eyes as he leaned against the door with his arms folded across his chest.

  “Didn’t I already ask that you stop reading my mind?”

  “It saves so much time. I don’t have to pry what troubles you out of your mind. You don’t have to play the silent game, or the I’m fine game, or it’s nothing chat when we both know it’s something. I just read your mind, and we work on the issues. Black and white.”

  A heavy dark hair hung over her left eye; Tatum smiled softly. “Sometimes, things are gray and very messy for all parties for a reason.”

  “Nothing is as easy as black and white. Messes are messy. It’s how you clean them up that a builds character.”

  “Such wisdom from the man in black. Life at his fingertips… handsome and cocky, downright rude sometimes.”

  “Okay, we’re playing compliments before dinner. You’re exquisite, sweet and spirited. You make me laugh.” He regretted the words that slipped from his tongue. He wanted to shove them back into his mouth. His loosened tongue would cause his death. “For a human.”

  Tatum arched a dark brow. “A human?”


  “Well, at least… I don’t always wear dead cute animals. We humans like natural fabrics like cotton and silk in a variety of colors, not black leather.”

  He chuckled the rich laughter filled the room and soothed Tatum’s’ frazzled nerves. His chuckle danced along her tingling spine.

  “What’s funny? I’m being honest.”

  He shook his head in denial. “Honesty is appealing and rare in my world.”

  “I thought you prefer other things.”

  Keir offered her a strong hand. “You need a good dinner, and you will learn everything that I prefer.”

  “Are you being fresh?”

  “As a freshly milked cream, and we’ll eat a simple meal with great conversation.” He batted his dark lashes at her sweetly.

  “If you have time.”

  Tatum slipped her cool fingers into his hand clasp. His hand tightened around her fingers as he led her away. He waved a large hand; a shimmering circle appeared. She gripped his fingers fearfully. “Trust me, I’ll never hurt you.” She nodded as she rested her head on his bicep. Her eyes widened when they entered a huge banquet room. Candle flickered around the massive room; steam rose from a sliver bowl, crispy brown rolls sat upon the table, bowls of crispy vegetables and fruit scattered up and down, a large roast surrounded with vegetables made her mouth water.

  Keir drew a chair back and tenderly lowered Tatum into a puffy chair. “I hope you find everything enjoyable.” She hid her eyes as the god joined her at the table. “It looks wonderful.”

  Delicious tender meat melted in Tatum’s mouth as she ate her fill of a tempting bounty of food. She munched on a bite of roast as he sipped a goblet of cool red wine.

  “How’s your dinner, Tatum?”

  Her dark brows knitted together, “Just read my mind.”

  “You said not to read my mind; it’s not right.”

  “So now, you’re listening to me.”

  “I have always listened. I chose to ignore your wishes, it’s better than just hearing you, and I know everything.”

  “My middle name?”


  “Lucky guess. My favorite food.”

  “Rolls with freshly whipped butter.”

  “You watched me eat them.”

  “You devoured the entire basket. I might like rolls with freshly butter, but all of them are in Tatum’s belly.”

  “My first kiss.”

  “Ronal behind the barn. He was lousy. You should be concerned about the last person to kiss you, and that will be me.”

  “Can you do better?”

  “Already did.”

  Tatum’s face flushed. “You were okay.”

  “The best ever.”

  “What a high opinion of yourself.”

  Tatum shivered when he pushed her chair from the table, rising from his seat. He walked like a panther towards her. She could see the muscles moving under his tight black clothing. Her eyes darted away when he approached her chair; he
r fingertips dug into a fine linen tablecloth to calm her emotions. Her senses flamed when his large hand cupped her face, tipping her chin upwards until their eyes locked.

  “Perhaps, I should try again.”

  His lips brushed her tenderly as he wrapped loose silky strands of hair around his fingers. Her lips parted allowing him to slip his tongue into her mouth. Closing his eyes, Keir tasted a fresh sweetness of Tatum’s mouth sweet like fresh berries. He pulled her tightly in his arms as their kiss deepened.

  Self – control, Keir. Don’t lose control, and ruin everything for one night.

  Raising his head, he pressed two quick kissed along her lips. His dark eyes stared at her. “Time for bed, my dear. You need rest to deal with my father. He will do everything to cause you to fail tomorrow.”

  Tatum didn’t know what to make of Keir and Murale’s relationship. He had a deep-rooted anger over his mother’s death, and he blamed Murale for her death. She resisted an impulsive urge to grab his head and capture his lips in another kiss. Those actions would render the Trials mute, and Murale would have something to mock his son over. She had so many questions without answers, and she wasn’t ready to go to bed.

  “What’s your middle name?’


  “Pleasure to give to me? Or to be in my company?”

  “No, my middle name is Pleasure. Don’t tell anyone.”

  “Doubtful of them believing me. What were they thinking?”

  “Our births brought my mother great joy and immense pleasure. Silke’s middle name is Joy. It could be worse; I could be Keir Joy, the Dark Lord.”

  “If you say so,” Tatum teased, swallowing a giggle. “Pleasure boy, I’ll never look at you the same, Pleasure.”

  “Laugh now until I show you the depth of the pleasure in my arms.”

  “You’re such a talker.”

  “You joke way too much. It will be your downfall.”

  “So, you say.”

  “Enough idle chatter. You don’t need any sleep. I won’t be caring, selfish is always good.”

  “Does being good give you a belly ache?”

  Keir rolled his eyes at Tatum. Flicking his hand, a sweet melody surrounded them as a smiling Kier slipped a muscular arm along Tatum’s slender waist and pulled her closer.


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