Aiden & Ariel

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Aiden & Ariel Page 9

by Ellie Masters

  “Wow.” She shook her head slowly back and forth. “I thought you were this rough and dirty oil rig guy, but you’re a romantic.”

  He laughed. “Don’t be fooled. I’m a filthy, dirty, kinky fucker in bed.”

  “I’m starting to realize that.”

  “Does that scare you?”

  “I don’t think I can be scared of anything with you.”

  “Music to my ears.” He pulled her close and allowed his emotions to guide him. This wasn’t lust, although there was plenty of that. It was something he’d missed in his life. “I need to feel your hands on me.” He placed her palms flat against his chest, then let go, wondering if she would take the lead or pull away.

  “Since we’re sharing truths,” she began, “let me share mine.”

  “Okay.” The heat of her palms seared his chest. He wanted to feel her soft skin against his but would wait. Once she took that final step, he would take back control. Until then, she needed to come to him.

  “I don’t date.”

  “I find that surprising.” He really did. This woman was a knockout, a rare natural beauty.

  “Introvert, remember?” She cracked a grin and his heart swelled at the rawness of her emotion. He got the feeling there were very few people she allowed herself to be vulnerable with. To be included in that small number gave him hope.

  He cracked a smile. “You can be my introvert.”

  “Anyway, in my experience, when men find out what I do for a living, what I used to do, they run away. I seem to be intimidating to men, although I don’t understand why. I’m not exactly…aggressive when it comes to stuff like this.”

  “I kind of figured, and for the record, I’m perfectly cool with that. I have enough aggression for us both.”

  Her eyes crinkled. It was easy to joke with her, and he could do it while setting the tone for the kind of relationship he enjoyed. In testing the waters, he was beginning to realize how very well matched they would be.

  “It’s like with the boys and girls growing up. I don’t keep female friends for long. They don’t understand me. The men I work with are difficult. If I get too chummy, it gets awkward. Either they think I’m coming on to them, or they come on to me. After that, it’s really uncomfortable. So, I tend to shy away from work relationships. Andrew and Larry are coworkers, and while I know a lot about their lives, they know very little about mine. It’s like that with all the guys, and in my field, I’m usually the only woman. The few times I have been interested in a guy, once he figured out what I did, it became a competition. And not to blow my own horn, but it’s kind of tough to measure up to a war decorated helicopter pilot.”

  “You’re a war hero?” He loved these tiny gems she brought up in casual conversation. Clearly, she thought very little about her accomplishments. Her humility made her even sexier in his opinion.

  She blushed. “Not sure about the hero part. I just did what had to be done. And technically, I was shot down, so… not sure that’s something to brag about.”

  “You got a medal for getting shot down?”

  “Oh, no.” She waved her hand. “I took a bullet for one of our patients.” She rushed on, not sharing, but it was a story he would get out of her one day. His woman was not only hot, but fucking amazing, and a hero. Mary would love Ariel, and she’d be a great role model for his daughter.

  He put his thumb under her chin and forced her to face him. “For the record, you rock, but it doesn’t intimidate me. As for who is and isn’t in charge, I’m more the lead than follow kind of guy, and I’m very comfortable in that role.”

  The flush of her cheeks deepened two shades of red. She lowered her gaze, fluttering her lashes. It was easily the sexiest thing he’d seen in years.

  “I have no problems with a kickass woman by my side. The rest of the world can fuck themselves with whatever they want to think about that. You’re mine and that means mine to take care of however I see fit.” And that’s when he realized there would be a future between them because he couldn’t envision a day without her in his life.

  “You certainly know how to make a girl swoon.”

  “I also know how to make you scream.”

  “Hmm,” she licked her lips.

  They were going to kiss again, and hopefully do a whole lot more. Hot and swollen, his cock took notice and strained against the teeth of his zipper.

  “Do you still think we need to head back?” He asked. “Because my quarters are just down the hall.”

  Chapter 11


  Ariel could barely breathe and didn’t know whether to run toward what Aiden offered or away. Either way, there would be regrets. She listened to every word he said but wasn’t sure if she believed any of it. He could simply be really good at getting women to jump into bed with him, and she the next fool to fall for it. Then again, everything he said could be the truth.

  His words seemed sincere and the way he spoke about his late wife was touching. He made no apologies for loving her, and he didn’t hide that he had a daughter. Most women would find that a turnoff, but he put it out there first and foremost, giving her the chance to make a choice as to whether to proceed or not. She respected that. In him, she saw a chance for the kind of love that only existed in dreams and fairytales.

  Was it possible she could have her happily ever after?

  Maybe he could be the knight who rode by her side as they went to slay dragons together? She liked the idea of that.

  Insecurity plagued her, and she hated the weakness that implied. A lifetime of self-doubt and never quite measuring up left her terrified of being used. She also had a wretched track record with men. Her heart said to go for it. Her gut told her to run.

  He turned that serious look of his on her. Warm, sizzling eyes bored into her as he waited for her to make a choice. If she went to his room, sex would follow. It was an eventuality she craved with the fiercest hunger, but she also had much to lose. He didn’t seem fazed by the risks to her reputation, although he made no bones about standing by her side. He would protect her; of that, she had no doubt.

  Obliterating the space between them, he placed his hands on her bare arms and ran them along her skin, raising goosebumps and lighting her nerves on fire. The electricity of his touch jumpstarted her heart and she imagined what his lips would feel like if his hands felt this good.

  He folded her into his arms, wrapping his bulk around her as he smoothed her hair. It was a tender embrace, full of passion but more comforting than anything she had ever felt. In his arms, she felt safe, as if the weight of the world settled on his shoulders rather than hers. How long had she been the only one she could count on? There was no one in her life with whom to share her burdens and it would be nice not to have to walk alone.

  His touch seemed to bring her back to life, and revive what she’d lost. Hell, she didn’t even realize she’d lost anything. But there were pieces inside of her which had been shattered, and Aiden gave her the promise he’d help her put everything back together again. She could lean on him and know he was strong enough to bear her burdens.

  His words were precious gifts and his laughter the remedy she needed to ease her fears. He was a stranger who was quickly becoming more; not a lover, but one on the cusp of becoming just that.

  She leaned her head against his chest and breathed in his musky scent. He smelled of strength and purpose. With slow and deliberate exploration, she ran her hands up his arms. Sculpted muscles passed beneath her fingers as she traced the hard ridges of tendons held taut with strength. In his arms, she felt safe; if that was the right word for the sensations rushing through her body.

  Pressed up against every inch of him, her body awakened, becoming more alive than she’d felt in a very long time. What would it be like to have something like this in her life? To be safe within a man’s arms, protected, and not always left to fend for herself? She wanted this, and maybe those desires had her rushing too fast. The feeling couldn’t be stopped. No matter what
her rational mind said, this felt right. She wished to be wrapped in his arms forever, with every chance the universe was kind enough to grant. But she wasn’t ready to take that final step.

  “I think we need to change out the laundry.” She expected him to argue and try to persuade her to head to his room, but he huffed a soft laugh instead.

  “We can do that.”

  She peeked up at him, happy to see a smile on his face instead of a frown, but still felt the need to apologize. “Sorry, I'm just not ready."

  He lifted her against his chest and kissed the crown of her head. “Never apologize for needing to take a step back.”

  “You don’t mind? You're not upset?”

  He shook his head. “Luv, we’ve got all the time in the world.” He released her and opened the door. “Let’s take care of the laundry, see what Duncan has whipped up, and check on the others. We’ve got another couple of hours before Julian really gets kicking.”

  She glanced out the window, mesmerized by the fury outside. “It’s incredible, isn’t it? I almost wish it was daylight so I could see the storm better.” She reached over the counter to place her palm against the glass. Deep vibrations shook beneath her palm as the wind whipped and lashed at the thick glass. “It’s a little more frightening in the dark.”

  “I’m sure we’ll have plenty of time to watch the storm.” His eyes were not on the window behind her but rather roving over her body. The desire brimming in his eyes and vibrating in the space between them wasn’t something he chose to hide, but neither did he choose to force the inevitability of their connection.

  She appreciated that.

  Asking to take a breather from the overwhelming heat between them hadn’t been easy, and could have been met with any number of responses. Like everything else, he surprised her with a gentleness she didn't expect. Aiden was genuine, a gentleman and a rogue, he embodied both sides of the perfect coin.

  They returned to the laundry and he helped her switch the clothes from washer to dryer. He gave her a wink as he pulled her black bra and silk panties from the washer.

  “I’m not sure what’s sexier…” He made a point of holding up her black panties.

  “I’m almost afraid to ask.” Normally, a strange man holding her undergarments would make her squirm, but with Aiden, she didn’t feel weird about it.

  “Well, the mystery of what you wear under your flight suit is no longer a secret. I have to say I had a few inappropriate fantasies about that when you first hopped out of your helicopter.”

  She smirked. “I guess men really do think about sex all the time.”

  “Constantly,” he said with a chuckle. “Nonstop actually. Do you know what I’m thinking about now?”

  “I’m pretty sure it has nothing to do with the laundry.” She grabbed for her panties, but he yanked them out of her reach.

  His deep laugh rumbled through the room, bringing a smile to her face and warming her heart. He was an easy man to be around because he held very little back. A genuine individual, he held a smile on his face most of the time.

  “Well, once the laundry is finished I can give you back your clothes.” She held out her hand for her panties.

  “No,” he said, shaking his head, “that’s just it.”


  “The answer to what’s sexier.”

  “My clothes.” She flexed her fingers, demanding he hand over her panties.

  He gave her a look, one which said he would do so only when, and if, he decided. “The fact I know you’re not wearing anything beneath my clothes is a fucking turn on.”

  She gestured at the baggy clothing. “Your shirt hangs down to my knees, and I had to roll up the waistband of your sweat pants and tie it into a knot to keep them from slipping off my hips. I’m pretty sure there’s nothing sexy about what I’m wearing.”

  “Ah, see that is where you’re entirely wrong.”

  “You don’t say.” The infectiousness of his grin had her smiling.

  “I know it for a fact, and I’m a bit jealous.”

  “Of what?”

  “The fact that my clothes get to touch things I haven’t had a chance to touch yet. It’s driving me crazy.”

  “I think you’ll live.” They bantered easily. She'd never felt this comfortable around a man before.

  Every time he looked at her, he stole every bit of her breath, taking it into himself where he held it close like a precious gift. It was the same way when he kissed her, and she wanted more of that now, despising her decision to slow things down. The entire world seemed to stop and hover on what he would do or say next.

  “Oh, I’ll suffer through, but I’m not sure life is worth living if I can’t touch you.”

  Even his gentle teasing soothed her like he eased the tension wound up inside of her and untied all the knots which bound her inside her head. He promised freedom she’d never known.


  Was this what falling in love was like? Could it happen this quickly? She could count on her fingers the number of hours—hours!—she’d known him, and yet he’d already forged a path into her heart and made a home for himself. He made a show of handing over her panties, letting his fingers caress her hand as he did.

  If this was love, it was a story she never wanted to end. This was that connection others shared, a bond she had only ever observed from the outside looking in. She longed for it, and now that it might be within her grasp, she was terrified of losing it.

  “Don’t worry, I’ll suffer in silence, but now you’ll know what I’m thinking every time I look at you.” His wink was a force of devastation.

  “I don’t think I could forget.” She tossed the rest of the clothes into the dryer. “How about we find the others?”

  “Hun, they’re not lost. We know exactly where they are.”

  “Ha, ha, you know what I mean.”

  “Yes, luv, I know exactly what you mean. Come. I say chow and then it’s time for a tour of the place. Don’t want you wandering about and tripping over something dangerous.”

  “Is there anything really dangerous in the crew area?”

  “Actually no, but I’m sure you’ll want to do more than sit in the sick bay. We have a gym and several lounge areas, the chow hall, of course, and I haven’t shown you where my quarters are yet.”

  “It must be a strange life, living out here.” There was nothing comfortable, or homey, about the crew quarters. It felt barren. She didn't like it.

  “It’s only two weeks at a time. The other two weeks are suburbia normal, full of driving my daughter to school, soccer, tumbling, dance, and all the fun stuff.”

  “Who takes care of her when you’re here?”

  “Her grandmother.”

  “Ah, that’s wonderful that your mom helps you out.”

  “Not my mother.”

  “Oh.” There was more than a daughter in his life. The ghost of his dead wife lingered in her mother's raising their daughter. Her brows pinched together, worried how that might change things.

  He grinned, one of those infectious looks which took the sudden pit of worry and banished it to the dark depths. “I think you’ll like Mary. She’s dying to meet you.”


  “Yeah, you.”

  “How would she know about me?”

  “I called to check in on them. Mary is highly intuitive.”


  He centered the weight of his mesmerizing gaze on her and shattered her defenses. “I know what you’re thinking and you need to stop it. Mary is a saint, and she probably already has our wedding planned.”

  “It’s a little weird talking about your…”

  “You mean my dead wife’s mother planning her son-in-law’s marriage?”

  “Well yeah…”

  He made a dramatic sigh. “Whew! I thought you were worried about the marriage part.” Before she could react, he had her hand in his and was leading her through the hall.

  Chapter 12
br />   Aiden

  Aiden decided Duncan outdid himself with dinner. He expected something mediocre, barely palatable. Instead, the man created a five-star mouth-watering feast. Duncan whipped up an amazing treat of shrimp alfredo, Caesar salad, baked potatoes, breadsticks, and even cheesecake for dessert. It wasn’t a fancy meal, but far more satisfying than he anticipated. Andrew and Ariel sat with them, silently clearing their plates. The food was so good, no one was talking.

  “I think you’re in the wrong job,” he said to his friend. “We need to change your position to galley cook.”

  Duncan snorted. “Like hell. There’s no way I’m cooking for a hundred needy mouths. No one is ever satisfied, and everyone wants it done their way. I don't take requests either. You eat what I make and that's that.” Duncan had missed his calling. He should have been a salty sea dog rather than a rig operator. With time, he'd mature into the crustiest curmudgeon.

  “Well, I’m stuffed.” Ariel cleared her plate and took it to the sink in the galley to wash. “I agree with Aiden, that was easily the best meal I’ve had in ages. You may have missed your calling as a chef. It’s a shame the Gulf has stolen you away.”

  “Chef’s don’t make half what I make out here, and who says I'm not a culinary wonder during my time on shore?"

  "Are you?" Aiden said with a playful wink.

  "No. Maybe I just like the view?”

  "Is that why you're here?"

  "It's a nice view."

  Aiden laughed. They truly had one of the best views on the planet, but he knew it was the money which brought Duncan back year after year. There weren't many jobs where you could make good money only working two out of every four weeks. Granted, those two weeks were back-breaking work, but it made the time off worth it.

  “True,” Aiden grabbed his plate and cleared Duncan’s. “You sit. He who cooks does not clean.”


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