Aiden & Ariel

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Aiden & Ariel Page 18

by Ellie Masters

  Feeling cockier than wise, he prepared to charm her into his bed where he could see how close his fantasy lived up to reality.

  If Gus’s heart issues ruined the chance of a lifetime, at least Brent could spend the night with this beauty wrapped around him as he listened to her breathy moans filling the sweltering night air.

  But she did not approach him. He was not the object of her attention at all. She stopped short, coming to stand beside Gus.

  “Gus!” She gave the fat bastard a hug and kissed Gus’s cheek. “How have you been?”

  What the hell?

  “Well, aren’t you a sight for sore eyes.” Gus beamed at the beauty. “It’s been over a year, Brie. Whatcha doing in Tampa?”

  “Relocating a client’s yacht. Just pulled into dock.”

  “Is that so?” Gus’s bleary eyes brightened and he sat up a little straighter.

  Brent peered around Gus, waiting for an introduction.

  The bartender brought over wine and set it down in front of the woman. Far too inquisitive, he checked out her tits with open-mouthed hunger. Brent wanted to lean over the counter and smack the prick for being such a flagrant asshole. There was a thin line separating admiration and flat out disrespect, one this guy crossed by miles.

  “You headed out soon?” Gus emptied his beer. This time, instead of letting his belch rip, he covered his mouth, and let the burb slip out quietly.

  “Nope.” She glanced at Brent, but made no attempt to introduce herself.

  Gus, being the ass he was, didn’t make introductions. Regardless, Brent held eye contact and gave her a tip of his head. In a second, he would take care of Gus’s oversight. She stared at Brent with curiosity flickering in the depths of her baby blues, but she dismissed him, to continue her conversation with Gus.

  “I’ve got a couple weeks off.” She sipped from her drink. “Although, I may have to change that. Lost my on-time bonus with the storm.” She leaned close and placed her hand on Gus’s thigh. “And guess what?”

  Brent couldn’t keep his eyes off her delicate fingers and wondered what it might feel like to have her hands on him. He was starting to hate Gus.

  “What darling?” Gus ate up her attention.

  “You know the rig that capsized?” Her delicate voice rose in pitch.

  “It’s all over the news.” Gus gave a vigorous shake of his head. “They said it could’ve been the worst spill of the century if not for the guys who capped it before it tipped.”

  “Well, those guys spent a week in a lifeboat and I picked them up.” Excitement lit her face with a rosy glow.

  “You don’t say?” Gus leaned back and crossed his arms. “I’m impressed. Haven’t seen anything in the news about that, but I’m not surprised. You’re a real angel.”

  “I don’t know about that, and that rescue cost me my bonus.” She took another sip, peeked at Brent out of the corner of her eye, then focused back on Gus. “Know of any work?”

  “As a matter of fact…” Gus slapped his palm down on the bar. He turned to Brent. “Looks like I found you a captain.”

  Brent jerked, not expecting the conversation to head in that direction.

  “A chick?”

  The brunette gave a slow, disappointed shake of her head. “Yeah dick-wad, this fucking chick is a captain. Welcome to the twenty-first century, mate.”

  She certainly had the mouth of a sailor. Now why did that turn him on?

  “Look, I didn’t mean to offend—” He held up a hand.

  “Oh, you offended pretty damn well.” She gave him the back of her shoulder. Smooth and bronze from the sun, her flawless skin practically glowed.

  He leaned toward Gus. “Look, I need a captain with experience, not a—”

  “Not a what?” She turned back around, showing him how poorly he’d kept his voice down. “You don’t think girls can drive boats?”

  “It’s not a little boat, and yeah. I don’t need a chick driving a damn boat. I’ve got a real ship out there.”

  Gus giggled. It was an odd sound coming from such a large man. The laughter turned into a wheeze and evolved into a coughing fit. The brunette gave Brent a sideline glare as she smacked Gus on the back until he could breathe again.

  “You don’t look that good.” She thumped him again.

  The bartender brought Gus’s fifth beer over, but the girl picked up the glass and set it out of Gus’s reach.

  “He’s done for the night.” She made it a pronouncement, completely at ease taking control and speaking for Gus.

  “You took my beer, Brie.” Gus gave a little whine. “Give it back.”

  She peered into his eyes. “How many have you had?”

  “One or two?” Gus lied, but the chick wasn’t having it.

  She looked to the bartender who held up five fingers.

  “Yeah, that’s what I thought. Pour him water and keep it coming. You’re drinking two glasses of water, then I’m taking you home. You still with Stella? Or did she leave your ass?”

  “Still with Stella,” Gus said with a grump. “She won’t leave me.”

  “Okay, give me your keys and we’ll get you home.”

  Gus tugged on Brent’s shirt. “Brie is your captain. If you really want to shove off in the morning, she’s your man.”

  “Not a man, Gus.” Her gaze cut to Brent, full of challenge rather than the curiosity he’d seen before. “I’m better than a man.”

  Well shit.

  Brent stepped into that wrong. Not to mention, there would be no twisting in the sheets with this chick, not after pissing her off in what could only be called an epic failure.

  But a chick? Gus couldn’t possibly suggest this slip of a girl had the chops, let alone the credentials and commercial license, to captain his ship.

  Gus leaned over. “Brie’s an excellent captain, man. Seriously.”

  “I’m not operating a weekend charter, Gus. You’ve seen my ship.”

  “I have, and Brie can handle it. She’s a pro at yachts larger than your little research rig. I should know. I taught her.”

  He stepped around Gus and stood behind Brie. “Is that true?”

  “Depends? What’s it pay?”

  “Don’t you want to know how big it is?”

  Her eyes cut down to his crotch, then she slowly dragged her gaze back up his chest. When she met his eyes, a smirk planted firmly on her face.

  “In my experience, it’s never good to ask a man how big something is if you want the truth. They exaggerate and I’m usually left unimpressed.”

  He raised a brow, loving her spirit. This chick promised to be a challenge. It had been far too long since a woman excited him.

  “I’ve never failed to impress a woman.”

  “That remains to be seen.” She turned to Gus. “You ready to go home?”

  “I s’pose. You gonna work things out with Brent?”

  “Depends on whether he’s able to impress me. I still haven’t heard how much, how long, or how big.”

  You can grab Brie’s story, (Brent & Brie)

  Just click HERE.





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