Fated Volition: The Sapphire Star Saga

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Fated Volition: The Sapphire Star Saga Page 6

by A.L. Meinhold

  Chapter Five

  Seek and Find

  They had been walking for nearly an hour before Ryhan broke the silence. It had been a very awkward morning. When they had awoke, Gavin handed her a few pieces of dried meat that he had found in a crate that had washed up to shore sometime during the night. Starving and grateful to silence her stomach, she ate the waterlogged meat without complaint.

  Something had changed during the night; there was an obvious shift in the connection that she shared with him. He had closed himself off to her again and she could no longer sense his emotions.

  “You promised to tell me things this morning.” She said.

  It was all she could really muster. She would be angry with herself if she had said what she was really thinking. That she did not understand why he was shutting her out or how he could turn his emotions on and off so indifferently.

  “I did?” He asked innocently.

  “Yes!” She replied impatiently.

  He shook his head and mumbled, “No. I do not think that I did. What was it you wanted to know?”

  “What? You can’t be serious.” She said irritated.

  Ignoring her, he kept up his brisk pace. A familiar pain crept into her eyes. Stopping abruptly, Gavin turned around quickly and reached out for her.

  “Ryhan, I was only testing you, I need you to calm down. Breathe.” He said calmly while looking into her eyes.

  “I… don’t think I can.” She gasped as pain shot down her spine.

  “Try. Just try.” He pleaded.

  Closing her eyes, Ryhan focused hard on her breathing, trying to ignore the heat radiating from within her. After several long and deep breaths, she opened her eyes and felt a little more composed.

  “Good job, you did exactly what I asked. It will not take long for you to learn more control over your power. The real trick is going to be getting you to control your anger.” He said amused.

  “You said last night that my power is linked to my emotion, but really it’s just linked to my anger?” She asked.

  “Not exactly. Any emotion if felt strongly enough could ignite a spark in you. Fear, passion, even love. But your anger is what is wild and messy; your power will be unreliable until you can learn to control your temper.” He explained.

  “So you made me angry on purpose, you couldn’t have just explained that to me? Do you know what it feels like when that happens to me, how painful it is?” She asked annoyed and if she was being honest, a little hurt.

  There was more to her than her anger. She would be the first to admit that she had a short fuse, but ever since she learned of her power, it seemed to be getting shorter by the minute.

  “I needed you to see how well you could control it yourself. So that if I am not near, you will not endanger yourself or others.” He clarified.

  He may have been right, but it did not make her feel any better. She thought of the people on the ship, unsure if any of them survived, and guilt washed over her. She never wanted something like that to happen again.

  “I still don’t understand where the power comes from. It feels alien to me. Like something that takes over me when it happens, not something that comes from within me.” She said, trying her best to make him understand. “It’s forceful and dark, and I don’t know if I even want to use this power.”

  “It will feel more natural the more you use it. Power feels differently when you choose to use it instead of letting it consume you.” Gavin explained sympathetically.

  He motioned for her to sit on the ground with him. She obliged and sat across from him.

  “The first thing you must learn is how to center yourself. It is the key to control. Close your eyes and let your breath rise and fall into an even rhythm.” He said.

  Ryhan watched him close his eyes and hesitated a moment before following his actions. She concentrated on her inhalations and exhalations, trying deliberately to keep a steady pace. After a while, it was not difficult, it just happened naturally. Their breathing fell in sync with each other and she became more aware of her body and the space around her.

  Gavin‘s voice broke the quiet, but it was soothing and didn‘t interrupt her focus, “Good Ryhan, now relax your body, allow all the tension to leave you, keep breathing. And let me know if you become conscious of any new sensations.”

  It was easy to do. The rhythmic breathing already had her relaxed. It only took her a few more seconds to let the rest of the tension in her body melt away. As the new sense of peace fell over her, she felt an area of warmth radiating from within her chest just above her heart. It was small at first but as she brought her attention to it, and it began to spread, filling her entire chest with heat.

  It moved into her back and down her spine. It was not like the pain she felt before. It was completely different. The feelings she had gotten before were intense, sharp, and uncontrollable. This was ardent and inviting. Curious if she could manage it, she concentrated on the heat, and tried to will it with her mind, asking it to retreat to her chest.

  She immediately felt chilled where the warmth left her back and settled into her chest. Ryhan could not believe what was happening, Gavin was right, it felt like a natural extension of her, as if it connected with whatever kept her alive. Containing it was not very challenging, she wondered if she could manipulate it outside of her body.

  Letting the heat build in her chest, she held it there allowing it to grow until she felt like she could not cling to it anymore and exhaled loudly as she released and let go abruptly. She let out a cry of surprise as the heat seared through her veins and then dissipated quickly before she collapsed on the ground, out of breath, and exhausted. Gavin went to her side quickly.

  “I told you to talk to me and tell me what you were feeling. What just happened?” He asked sternly.

  Ryhan shook her head unsure of how to answer. She tried to explain it as best she could. It was the first time he looked angry with her and she did not like it. Most of all she didn’t like that he was still blocking her from feeling what he was feeling and she wondered if it worked the other way.

  “Can you still feel my emotions while you block your own?” She asked.

  “No. If I am guarding myself, I cannot feel what is inside of you. It takes too much energy to close myself off. I can’t reach out at the same time.” He said.

  So he was blocking her. Intentionally. Her heart sank a little in her chest and wave of disappointment washed over her. Perhaps it had been too good to be true.

  “That was incredible focus, keep practicing that when we rest. Please be more careful though and do not push your limits until you have had more time to learn control. You need the control before you can start manipulating your power. Okay?” He said as he stood and held a hand out to help her.

  She nodded her head and asked, “Why are you guarding yourself from me?”

  He looked at the ground as if he was unsure of how to respond.

  Several minutes later he replied, “It’s difficult to explain. You do not know so much. You have a lot to learn, in a very short amount of time. I cannot let my feelings cloud your judgment. It is best for us both at this time.”

  “Then I need you to start explaining things to me.” She said tersely.

  She was not sure what to make of it, he seemed sincere, but his sincerity gave her no comfort. He nodded and pointed ahead of them; she followed his gaze and saw mountains appear in the distance. She swallowed hard, nervous about what would happen once they found Evangeline, her head swimming with unanswered questions.

  “I will try to give you as much information as I can before we reach the base of the village. I must apologize. I should have shared what I know with you sooner. I was afraid of how much you could handle all at once.” He inhaled deeply and began again, “The year that we were born there was a great foretelling about the twin princes Ayden and Axiom.

  “One would grow into a great and benevolent leader and the other a dark and evil force over the land. Samhelia is a v
ery powerful seer, as was her mother before her and her mother before her. There will be a great war between Ayden and Axiom unlike any that Watreon has ever seen.

  “At the time the council wasn’t sure which of the brothers would be good or evil, and the leader of the council, Garrel, wanted to eliminate the problem before it began by killing them both. Ava and Samhelia sought out a different option. They felt that killing two innocent boys that were just our age at the time was another kind of evil and convinced the council to reconsider.

  “They gathered five pregnant women they believed were about to give birth to daughters involved in another prophecy, and they were proved right that very night. The girls were split up according to their elemental powers and sent away to be cared for and trained so that they might help defeat the dark prince and restore goodness to the throne.

  “It’s no secret that King Axiom has been a wicked ruler and put his own selfish quest for power over the well-being of his people. The council was not certain that Axiom was bad at first, because after his father passed Ayden disappeared. When people found out that, their beloved king was poisoned and that Ayden fled, they thought that perhaps Axiom was the righteous leader they were waiting on.

  “It didn’t take long to realize that they were wrong. Ayden is still missing, some think he is dead and that Axiom poisoned him, or holding him prisoner. Either way, it makes things more complicated.” He said.

  “How so?” Ryhan asked.

  “Well for one thing, how are we supposed to help restore the throne to the rightful heir if we don’t even know if he is alive or where he is? Also it’s hard to rally people to fight, if they don’t know who or what they are fighting for.” He explained.

  “I’m not sure how all the people of Watreon feel. But I know how the people of my village felt having to leave a place most had called home all their lives. The people of Corafeldon are angry and desperate. It might not be as hard as you think to make them join our cause.” She said.

  “Maybe you’re right, only time will tell.” He said with a sly grin.

  It was well into the evening before they stopped again. With almost no light left in the sky, they gave up on finding cover to camp for the night. It was open plains until they reached the mountains. No cover meant exposure, not only to the elements, but also to anyone or anything passing by. It was a risk they would have to take, they were both exhausted, and before long, they would not be able to see where they were going.

  Ryhan plopped down on the ground hard, “I don’t think I could take another step if I tried. I need food and water soon or I’m not going to make it much further.”

  “I will go and try to capture a rabbit or something, while I’m gone practice centering yourself.” He said and was gone before she had time to protest.

  She gathered a few sticks and as many pieces of wood that she could find in the fading light, and piled them in front of her. Sitting a few feet from the wood, she closed her eyes and focused on her breathing, falling into a natural rhythm more quickly than the first time.

  Radiating warmth filled her chest and she allowed the heat to spread throughout her whole body. It was an exhilarating experience. Even though she knew she probably should not, she tried to push herself a little further. Without opening her eyes, she pictured the firewood in front of her, what it looked like when lit, how the flames flickered and licked at the air.

  She imagined the heat from it against her skin. As she did the heat built up inside her and instead of fighting against it, she released it, never letting go of the picture of what she was willing it to do. When she heard the crackle of the fire in front of her, she opened her eyes quickly. She could hardly believe it.

  “Ryhan what did I tell you? That could have been a disaster!” Gavin said loudly as he approached.

  “But I know where it comes from now. I may not know everything I can do with my power, but I know how to manipulate it now.” She giggled excitedly.

  She felt giddy, like a little girl, but she did not care. It was the first time in as long as she could recall that she felt completely in control of herself. No one could take that feeling away from her now that she knew what she could do.

  “You are quite extraordinary you know that?” He said to her with amazement.

  Ryhan blushed and shrugged her shoulders.

  “Seriously, there are very few people out there that possess the kind of power that you have, and even fewer who would learn to control it in as little time as you have. It is remarkable. I am very interested in seeing what the future holds for you Ryhan.” He said proudly.

  “Thank you.” She said and motioned to his hand.

  “Oh, right, no rabbits, but I found a few field mice.” He said.

  Sighing, she shook her head. Her diet had become quite unusual and it would not bother her in the least if she never had to eat a lizard or mouse again. Still, she was grateful that she was eating at all and she watched as Gavin prepared their meal.

  She did not quite understand what his part was in all of it, their journey, or the prophecy. Nor what sort of gift he possessed. He had made it clear since they met that he had a power of his own, but he never once talked about it. Was there a reason, was he hiding something? And if he was, could he be trusted?

  Up until that point, she had let her emotional connection lead her instincts and she had trusted him implicitly. Since he had so purposely closed himself off, her thoughts were starting to clear. In fact, he had not really given her many personal details at all. She would try to find the truth of some things before they reached their destination the following day. Perhaps she had been wrong to trust him so easily.

  After they ate, Gavin had Ryhan practice putting out the fire as well as lighting it. It was a similar sensation, except that she had to imagine absorbing the fire into herself. It took a bit longer to get the hang of, but she managed to do it twice before declaring that she was thoroughly exhausted and could not possibly do it again.

  Gavin agreed that they should get some sleep and they both made the best of the scratchy earth that night. Thankfully, she did not dream of the ruby-eyed monster that had haunted so many of her dreams. However, she woke up feeling unrested and sore from a fitful sleep. Gavin was already up. She watched him stretch briefly and then wondered to herself if the man ever slept. She was about to ask him when the sound of a galloping horse interrupted her thoughts.

  Scanning her surroundings quickly, she looked at Gavin and questioned him desperately with her eyes. There was nowhere for them to hide. They were unarmed and exposed. Praying that it was a friendly traveler and not some bandit or worse, she moved toward Gavin in one swift motion. He stood in front of her and she held onto his arm hoping to steady herself, certain he could hear her heart pounding in her chest.

  “Relax, I will handle this.” He said as the rider approached.

  Whomever it was, rode a magnificent golden horse. Its head was long and delicate, with large expressive eyes. Its long thin neck sat high on excellent sloping shoulders. The person riding it was wearing a long hooded cloak and she could not make out their face. Ryhan observed the rider and admired the fact that they were riding bareback. The horses speed slowed and trotted up to them carefully.

  Gazing up at the person seated on the sinewy horse, she watched as they removed their hood. Longs strands of blonde hair fell free. Immediately, Ryhan noticed her eyes. Those eyes were unmistakable. They were the same eyes she had been staring into every night since she had arrived in Fishien. Though they were a deep sapphire like her own, the violet flecks that surrounded her pupils were haunting in the same way that Gavin’s were.

  “You must be Evangeline.” Ryhan spoke after Gavin failed to say anything, stepping out from behind him.

  The woman did not speak and simply looked towards her and nodded.

  Evangeline glanced at Gavin and said, “Sixteen years I’ve waited, and now you have nothing to say to me brother?”

  Ryhan watched as he looked at his sister
and failed to find any words. Evangeline stared at him a moment longer and took a deep breath as if she knew nothing would come of that moment. She hopped down off the horse, her pure white blonde hair pulled back off her shoulders, danced in delicate waves around her waist as she moved. She was very petite, and the top of her head only came to Ryhan’s shoulder. Evangeline took Ryhan’s hands in hers and smiled warmly at her.

  “I have dreamt of this day so many times. I had hoped we would meet sooner and I cannot express how sorry I am that we have not. But you are here now, and I truly hope that we can make up for lost time.” She said as she embraced her.

  “Thank you, I wasn’t sure what I would find on this journey, but I’m glad that we have finally found you.” Ryhan said.

  “Seek and you shall find. There are many more to seek out now and so little time to do it. We must talk about so many things. First let us get back to the village and get you food and water. I am surprised that you are traveling without supplies.” Evangeline exclaimed.

  Ryhan sighed and shrugged her shoulders as if to say it was a long story and Evangeline just accepted her silence with understanding. She patted her horse’s thigh and then motioned for Ryhan to come closer.

  “You may ride with me; I know that you have had a long journey.” Evangeline said as her horse brought up its front leg so that she could easily step up and throw her other leg over.

  She reached down for Ryhan’s hand to help her. Ryhan looked at Gavin and hesitated.

  He quickly exclaimed, “Go ahead, I am well rested, I can walk.”

  Before she could protest, he was helping her up onto the horse. She tried to read him, but couldn’t get anything from him, she wasn’t sure what he was thinking or feeling, but she knew he was concentrating hard on keeping someone out and she had a feeling it was his sister.

  Once they reached the edge of the mountain range Evangeline slipped off her horse and helped Ryhan down as well.

  “It’s not much further, but it is easier on foot, Tekkah has a hard time navigating through the foothills. The echoes confuse and spook her. She is an excellent desert horse and can go a full day’s journey without needing a single drop of water, but sadly she was not made for the treacheries of the mountains.” She said as she affectionately patted Tekkah.

  They made their way through the foothills at the base of two mountains. A river flowed lightly to their right side. It was barely an hour hike and they reached a small clearing. The river ended at a small lake, surrounded by several strange dome like huts. In the center, on the far side of the lake, was a large square building.

  Made out of the same wood and putty that the rest of the huts seemed to be made of, it appeared large enough to fit several of the smaller huts inside it. Unlike the round tops of the other buildings, it had a pointed rooftop that slanted on both sides.

  “Where are the people who live here?” Ryhan wondered aloud.

  Evangeline pointed at the large building in the center of the village and answered, “They are preparing one of the young women of the tribe for a coming of age ceremony. Everyone in the village participates.”

  “Coming of age?” Ryhan asked curiously.

  “In the Mastion tribe, when a girl turns thirteen, she is isolated from the rest of the village for one week. During this time, she takes many tonics to help cleanse her body of her old life as a child, several women elders care for her and help her to decide what place she will take in the tribe.

  “And then depending on what she chooses, the isolation ends and another type of ceremony is performed.” She explained patiently as they made their way around to the small village.

  “What sort of ceremonies?” Gavin asked interested.

  Ryhan looked over at him surprised. It was the first thing he had said since they met Evangeline. He had not managed to utter even one word before that.

  If Evangeline was surprised, she did not show it, she simply responded politely, “There are several different rite of passage ceremonies. For example, if the girl were to choose to become a hunter she would be kept awake for three days and then given a mystic soup to drink, which would heighten her senses dramatically. Then she would be sent out into the dessert until she brought home her first kill or died trying.”

  Ryhan gasped.

  Evangeline looked at her with understanding.

  “I know that it may seem barbaric, but I have spent most of my life with these people, they are incredibly kind and extraordinarily talented healers. They know more about the life force that lives in us, in everything, than probably any other being in Watreon. Except maybe for the Dragons, but I’m sure you can imagine how difficult they are to converse with.” She finished with a smirk.

  “But what would they accomplish if she perished in the desert? What was the point of her life then?” Gavin asked disgusted.

  “I would very much like to explain, let’s go inside and rest for a bit, and I will try my best to help you understand.” She said as she motioned to the closest hut.

  Gavin hesitated and glanced at Ryhan and then down at his feet. She wished that she knew what he was thinking. He walked inside and Evangeline waited for Ryhan to enter before following as well. It was not at all, what she had been expecting. Sheer fabrics in deep purples and grays hung from a small hole in the center of the roof and draped the walls closely.

  A fire pit in the center of the room gave off a faint scent of burnt wood and the presence of a small bed on the back wall filled her with longing. Her limbs were stiff from sleeping on the ground. There were various baskets, some filled with fabric and others with colorful herbs and flowers. A small shelf was crammed full of books. Several large square pillows in the same purple and gray colors sat around the fire pit.

  “Do all the huts look like this?” Ryhan asked.

  Evangeline shook her head.

  “This is considered luxury,” She said waving her arms around at everything, “Most of the people here sleep on mats, and only use what is necessary. I was given the freedom to do what I wished with my home, and during the few times I traveled I acquired some finer things.”

  Her tone was almost remorseful, and Ryhan wondered if she was ashamed of her possessions.

  “Well I think it’s beautiful.” She said hoping it would make her feel better.

  “Thank you Ryhan.” Evangeline said gratefully.

  Gavin did not wait for them to sit down. He plopped down on a pillow and sighed heavily. He was either bored or growing impatient, or both, but Ryhan thought he was being rude. If Evangeline thought so she did not say, but looked at Ryan as she grabbed a large jug from one of the baskets.

  “I’m going to get some water, would you mind starting the fire?” She asked and left before she could answer her.

  Ryhan sat down on one of the cushy pillows and concentrated. She reached out and connected to the energy inside her with ease. Allowing the heat to spread through her body, she welcomed the familiar warmth. Releasing the energy made her smile with delight as the fire crackled before her.

  “I still can’t believe how much control you’ve learned in such a short time.” Gavin said with pride.

  “Thanks to you. You really helped me to learn to center myself. If it hadn’t been for you I’d have started a wildfire by now or something.” She said jokingly.

  “I can’t take credit for what you’ve accomplished. You really are one of a kind.” He said seriously.

  He smiled at her the way he had the first day they met and she blushed. Oh no, not again, not after he had been giving her the cold shoulder. Twisting a piece of her hair, she glared at him.

  “What has been with you? Why are you acting so strange?” She asked irritated.

  He shrugged his shoulders and acted like he was about to say something but just shook his head instead.

  She sighed.

  “Fine! Don’t tell me. You do remember that you shut me out, right? I can’t read your feelings anymore, so how am I supposed to know what’s going on in your head
unless you open your mouth and talk to me?” She said exasperated.

  “I thought that I would feel something, some sort of connection with her. She is my twin. I thought at the very least I would be able to sense what she feels the same way I can you. But I can’t. There is nothing there, I sense nothing, and I feel nothing.” He explained, frustrated.

  It was clear that his disclosure had upset him. Ryhan reached out and took his hand in hers. It tingled where his skin touched hers. He brushed her hair out of her eyes and she rested her face in his hand. Forgetting that she was mad at him, she allowed herself that one moment. After all, she did not know when she would get the chance to again.

  “Kiss me.” She whispered.

  She had barely gotten the words out and his mouth pressed against hers. The kiss was urgent and rough and ended as quickly as it began leaving her hungry for more. Before she had time to process what had just happened, Evangeline carried in her jug of water and set it down swiftly.

  Gavin had let go of her hand when she entered, and Ryhan still felt the warmth of where his hand had just been.

  “You can use your power quite well obviously, and with no formal training, that’s remarkable.” Evangeline exclaimed.

  She crossed over to where Ryhan was sitting and looked into her eyes. Ryhan admired the deep sapphire blue like her own, staring back at her, with streaks of pale violet that looked like small-interlaced circles when up close. Gavin may not have felt a connection to her, but Ryhan certainly did.

  It was difficult to describe even to herself, but it was as if Evangeline was a part of whatever was inside her. It was similar to the feeling she got when she centered herself and used her power. Evangeline was motherly and sisterly, a best friend, all at the same time, all wrapped into one.

  Wondering if she felt the same as her, Ryhan got her confirmation when Evangeline grabbed her hand and nodded.

  “It’s nearly impossible to explain what created the connection shared between the five of us, but it is real, I can assure you that. I had the same feelings when I met Alexandra.” Evangeline explained.

  “So you’ve met the others?” Ryhan asked curiously.

  Shaking her head she replied, “Only Alexandra. I never traveled outside of Corafeldon. She trained with the merrowfolk and they have cities in many bodies of water throughout Watreon. I met her at Luna Lake when she was there a few years ago. But I’m certain I would feel the same connection with Victoria and Lillian as well.”

  Ryhan wondered about the girls and where they had went after they were born. How long would it take for all of them to come together? She watched quietly as Evangeline pulled out a kettle and boiled water for tea.

  When she was finished, Evangeline handed Ryhan and Gavin a cup of tea before sitting down and sipping her own cup.

  “I’m sorry there is no cream or sugar, those things are hard to come by here.” She said apologetically.

  Gavin murmured something about it tasting better without all that stuff. Ryhan nodded her head in agreement. She looked around and sighed heavily, her journey had only just started, and yet she had come so far. Not knowing what the next day would bring, it was probably a good idea to take advantage of the moment of relaxation offered to her.

  “So, sister…” Gavin paused letting the word hang in the air before continuing, “I believe you were going to help us understand the ways of the Mastion tribe.” He finished with a slight smile.

  Ryhan thought perhaps that he had brought it up again out of eagerness to end the silence.

  “Ah, yes. Let me see if I can explain it so that you understand the way I do.” Evangeline contemplated for a moment and then continued, “The people of the Mastion tribe believe that everything has a purpose. Everything. You, me, the ground we are sitting on, the air we breathe, the great tree outside the village, even the ants living on the tree.

  “Everything serves a purpose and every purpose is cyclical. Take the tree for example, it is made of all five elements earth, air, fire, water and the quintessence. The roots of the tree absorb water and minerals necessary for growth from the earth. The tree breathes air in and out through its leaves.

  “Receives light and warmth from the sun. If you were to set the wood of the tree on fire, the elements would be released from it. The water would evaporate, light would burn out, and the wood would turn to a nutrient rich ash, which would again serve as a source of minerals for other life forms.

  “The quintessence, or spirit as many call it, is what connects them all together. The life binds them and breaks them apart. Spirit is everything and nothing at the same time. The bridge between the physical, what we see and feel with our senses, and the mystical, what we feel but cannot really see or explain. The tribe understands all of this, so when they perform these rites of passage, it is with the knowledge that each person is fulfilling a purpose in some way.

  “If she were to die in the desert, she could provide food for the animals that could in return feed her people. As her body decomposed, she could provide nourishment for a plant that could possibly serve as medicinal use to sick or injured tribesmen. While it would be a difficult loss for her loved ones, they would embrace her death with full acceptance of her purpose.” Evangeline finished quietly and let them contemplate her explanation.

  Ryhan had never looked at life in such meaningful way. Never considered that all things in life shared connections. Evangeline’s understanding of the cycles of life, and what it all meant left her in awe. Up until that point, she had not really even considered what Evangeline’s power was.

  “Evangeline, what exactly is your power?” She asked curiously.

  The fact that she might have come across as rude was an afterthought. Evangeline’s eyebrows furrowed and she looked perplexed for a moment.

  “It is very difficult to explain my power. Your power comes from a physical element. And although it cannot truly be confined, it can be controlled. Mine is different, it is spirit. Control is not really the correct word to describe how I use my power. However, it is the best that I can explain for now.

  “I can join all the elements, help manipulate them, but I cannot use them on my own. I am an exceptional healer and can interpret the ethereal bonds of the spiritual bones of those past. I have occasionally been able to move things with my mind. I have not tried to practice that much though.

  “Recently I have begun to develop the ability to control the boundary between fantasy and reality to make realistic illusions. I don’t know if that will ever be of use to me, but I find it fascinating.” Evangeline said.

  Ryhan was amazed. She knew that Evangeline had years of training that she did not have, but she couldn’t help but wonder if she would ever be as powerful as her. If the others were that much more advanced than she was, she was not sure what she could offer them.

  As if she sensed her troubles, Evangeline comforted her, “Ryhan you have learned so much in such a short time, you will learn the boundaries of your abilities and what you can do with them soon enough. Be patient with yourself. I believe the most important purpose of my power is to unify the five of us, so that we may fulfill our destiny together.”

  Evangeline looked at her intently and then looked at Gavin.

  “Ryhan I would like to spend some time with my brother, if you don’t mind.” She said eagerly.

  Ryhan thought it was a good idea. She could see that their lack of connection clearly upset Gavin, and she was glad that Evangeline was reaching out to him.

  “Of course, I would like to take a better look at the village anyway.” She replied and squeezed Gavin’s shoulder as she exited the hut.

  Stopping in front of the lake, she took a large breath. The afternoon air was crisp. It amazed her how different the land was nestled in the valley of the mountains. The air even tasted different, it held a sweet yet metallic essence. She exhaled and thought of the many lands she had yet to see, of all the things she was searching for and had yet to find.


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