Fated Volition: The Sapphire Star Saga

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Fated Volition: The Sapphire Star Saga Page 26

by A.L. Meinhold

  Chapter Twenty Five

  Unexpected Visitors

  When they finished training for the day, Ava told them to clean up and dress nicely for their meeting with the council after dinner. After bathing, Victoria rifled through the wardrobe. She could not find anything formal except dresses. There was no way she was wearing a dress. Not only would she feel awkward in a dress, but also she would look awkward. Finally giving up she slipped on a simple grey dress with sliver stitching.

  When Ryhan saw her, she laughed. “You aren’t really going to let them stuff you into a dress are you?”

  Victoria was not in the mood to deal with her snarky remarks and ignored her.

  Ryhan sighed heavily and took her by the hand. “Come on, I have an idea.”

  They left the room and rounded several corners before stopping in front of a door that looked vaguely familiar. Ryhan knocked loudly and Ayden answered. He took one look at Ryhan and shut the door again.

  “Very funny.” She said loudly. “Victoria here needs a favor.”

  He cracked the door slightly. “You can come in, so long as you keep your hands and your powers to yourself.”

  Ryhan raised her hands in the air mocking him. “No touchy. I got it.”

  Ayden’s room was about half the size of theirs and decorated much more simply. There was a single bed, a wardrobe, and a stand with a washbasin and pitcher. There were no pretty drapes or lovely paintings, just stone walls and floors. She wondered why he resided in such poor accommodations. He was a prince after all. Perhaps he had lost his favor with the council by showing up alive and clearly not dead or imprisoned.

  It did beg to question the stories involving his death. Everyone believed he was poisoned, imprisoned, or even killed by Axiom in his brother’s quest for power. Undoubtedly, he was alive and not poisoned to death. She was about to ask him to clarify, when he spoke.

  “So, what is it that I can do for you ladies?” He asked as he leaned against the wall.

  “She needs something nice to wear.” Ryhan said.

  He stared at her, uncertain of the point.

  “You know. Something that’s not a dress.” Ryhan explained with a smirk.

  Ayden studied Victoria, eyeing the silver dress that draped awkwardly over her figure. “It’s not that bad.”

  “Are you kidding?” Victoria asked.

  “Alright, I see your point. But why did you come to me? Nothing meant for me will fit you. You barely reach my shoulder.” He said apologetically.

  He was right, why would Ryhan take her there, his clothes would hang off her.

  “So, tell me Ayden, why haven’t we seen you on the training grounds?” Ryhan asked him.

  Victoria realized why Ryhan brought her there. He would not have let Ryhan in alone. She needed Victoria.

  He stared at them blankly.

  Ryhan continued. “It would stand to reason, that if you are supposed to take back your throne then you would be fighting along with us right?”

  “Look, I don’t know what your problem is with me. I helped you with the wendigo and I brought you here. What more do you want?” He asked, pushing off the wall and opening the door in annoyance.

  Ryhan ignored his not so subtle suggestion that they leave and raised her voice. “I want you to start telling the truth!”

  Victoria did not like where the conversation was going, it was never good when Ryhan got angry. She grabbed her arm and tried to get her to leave, but Ryhan brushed her off.

  “Why would Axiom say you were on your way to him?” Ryhan asked flatly.

  “I don’t know. My brother is delusional. He stopped making sense long before he took the throne.” Ayden said.

  “I don’t believe you.” Ryhan said.

  “I’m not hiding anything.” He stated.

  “The hell you aren’t.” She spat back, then added, “You spent the last how many years in that creepy forest? After alleged rumors, that Axiom poisoned you. Everyone thought you were dead. Or stuck in some hole of a prison.”

  “How is that any concern of yours?” He was getting angry.

  “Are you serious? You have no idea what it is like out there. Most of Corafeldon is dried up and wasting away into nothing. I don’t know what kind of power he has, but from the looks of the land, what he has done in his attempt to gain it should scare us all. Guards patrol non-stop, ripping apart families and forcing boys to join the centermerge. People cannot survive in their homes any longer and seek shelter in cities that are full of criminals and disease. My family is out there somewhere and I do not even know if they are alive.

  “So yes it is a concern of mine, as well as everyone else in Watreon. Stop being so damn selfish, hiding away in your room like a coward, and DO SOMETHING!” Ryhan screamed then left slamming the door behind her.

  Victoria and Ayden stood a while longer in an awkward silence. When Ayden finally suggested she seek out Farwen’s help with clothes, the look of anger left him and in its place a look of shame. Hesitating, she wondered briefly if she should comfort him, before leaving silently. Walking in circles, she cursed under her breath as she tried to find her way back to their room. Ryhan was waiting for her around one of the corners she swore she had just passed.

  “What the hell was that about?” She asked.

  “What? He needs to know that he has to step up. He has got his head stuck so far up his own butt that he has not even realized that Evangeline is probably his daughter. I don’t know about you, but I am being put through hell, and for what? So that miserable man in there can become our future? No thank you.” Ryhan said passionately.

  Victoria could see her point. She had her own doubts about him, but she was not sure that barging in on him and yelling at him would help.

  “What has been going on with you?” Victoria asked concerned.

  Sighing Ryhan said, “I’m not sure. I just feel all twisted up inside about so many things. A few weeks ago, my life was completely different. I did not know about any of this. It makes me angry, and my anger hurts people. Which makes me angry all over again. Also… I miss Gavin. I miss him a lot, but some things just don’t add up now that I have had time to think.”

  “Like what?” Victoria asked.

  “Well firstly, he supposedly trained with Samhelia. Ya know, the seer who started this whole mess. But why? Why would he train with her? And where the heck is she? Also, the way that he left, it just bothers me. He said he had things to do to help our cause. If that were true then why isn’t he here? He should have been here.” Ryhan said frustrated.

  Unsure of what to say, Victoria joked. “All this time we just thought you were a jerk.”

  Ryhan laughed.

  Victoria threw an arm over her shoulder. “Don’t worry. We’ll just add it to the list of all the other things we have to figure out.”

  Ryhan nodded and thanked her for listening. When they returned to the room, Victoria rang the bell. Farwen appeared almost instantly.

  “What can I help you with my lady?” He asked.

  Victoria merely held out the dress and winced.

  “Ah.” Farwen responded.

  He snapped his fingers and a neatly folded pile of clothes appeared in his hands.

  “I think these should do nicely.”

  “Thank you.” She responded as he handed them to her.

  “If that’s all, I’ll be on my way, lots to do you know.” He disappeared with a small pop before she could utter another word.

  She pulled on the clothes and admired herself in the mirror. Farwen had exceeded her expectations. She wore a short, sleeveless, pale blue tunic with embellished designs of clouds and dragons. When she moved, the clouds and dragons looked as though they soared through the sky. It fit her snugly, unlike the usual loose fitting that tunics typically had.

  A silver belt fastened neatly at her waist and she wore a sheer white long sleeved shirt under the tunic that flowed open at her elbows. Her pants were just a shade darker than the blue of her tunic. A pa
ir of flat silver shoes slipped on easily and completed her outfit.

  Lillian wore a dark green dress that reminded her of the forest. Evangeline looked lovely in a light purple dress that brought out the violet in her eyes. Ryhan looked smoldering in a red dress so dark it almost looked black. Alex was radiant in a pale aqua dress the color of the sea. When they stood next to each other, it looked as if the sky were touching the ocean. It was remarkable.

  Their dinner was similar to that of the night before and they finished it quickly, famished from their day of training. After dinner, Ava led them down a hall and into a tunnel deep below the castle grounds. They stopped outside a large gold and burgundy door. Farwen stood by the door patiently awaiting their arrival.

  “Farwen would you mind?” Ava spoke to him gently.

  “Right away.” He paused and looked them over. “It’s like looking into the past.” He said before opening the door and leading them into a large room.

  Large was an understatement, the room they stood in was enormous. The ceiling went on forever and lanterns floated in the sky above them. There was a group of people sitting at a curved table shaped like an upside down U. A large man sat in the center with six people on either side of him.

  He wore purple robes and a funny hat and stood as they entered showing a long white beard that flowed to his belly.

  They took their place in the center of the U shaped table while Ava introduced them, “Garrel may I present to you, the daughters of the Sapphire Star, Ryhan, Evangeline, Alexandra, Lillian, and Victoria.”

  Ava moved behind them so that Garrel could get a better look at them.

  “This is what you bring me, a bunch of silly girls?” Garrel’s voice boomed.

  “Silly girl is hardly an accurate description Garrel. They are very powerful. I have witnessed firsthand what they can do.” Ava argued.

  “As have I.” Ayden added.

  Everyone one turned to look at him. Victoria had not noticed him enter and from the surprised looks on the faces around her, neither had anyone else. Evangeline beamed with pride and Ryhan smiled at Victoria as she stuck her thumb toward Ayden, as if to say ‘hey check it out’.

  Garrel fussed with the floppy hat on top of his head and shouted, “What is the meaning of this? You dare come in here and interrupt our council. We will deal with you later.”

  Ayden smiled at him. “I’m sorry, aren’t I the leader you have all been waiting on? Aren’t I supposed to fulfill some sort of prophecy?”

  Garrel said nothing.

  “Then shouldn’t my experience and opinions matter?” Ayden glanced at everyone in the room, waiting for someone to challenge his statements.

  Victoria noticed a few nod here and there and was surprised when Garrel uttered, “Very well, go on.”

  Ayden was about to continue when the door burst open and Lord Byron entered.

  Garrel huffed in irritation. “Now what?”

  “Forgive me my lord, but we have found him. He was just outside the stronghold.” Lord Byron said with a short bow.

  “Oh, well.” He threw his hands up in the air indicating just how peeved he was. “We might as well get this all done with at once. Bring him in.”

  Lord Byron motioned to the guard at the door and two more entered guiding a young man by his shoulders. His wrists were restrained, however he had a look about him as though they would not hold him if he really wanted to escape. Victoria noticed his violet eyes as soon as he entered the light.

  “GAVIN!” Ryhan shouted and ran to him.

  He lifted his arms so she could embrace him and put them back down around her. They kissed passionately and Victoria did not know if she should look away or demand they stop.

  Garrel did demand it. “That is enough!”

  Several guards pulled them apart and Ryhan started to fight. Ava whispered something in her ear and Ryhan calmed down a little, but kept switching between angry glances at Garrel and longing looks at Gavin. Victoria was not sure how much more confusing the night could get, that was, until they began questioning Gavin.

  “You were expected back here nearly a month ago. Care to explain where you’ve been?” Garrel asked him.

  “I have been with Axiom.” He said flatly.

  Several people gasped and Ryhan stopping struggling against the guard, looking at Gavin with betrayal and confusion in her eyes.

  “And you dare come back here?” Garrel boomed.

  “I came to inform you.” Gavin said cautiously.

  “Of what?” Garrel demanded.

  “That you are under attack.” He said.

  No one moved. No one even made a sound. It was as if time went in slow motion. Victoria knew something was about to happen, she could feel it in the air. She reached for Alex, pulling her to the ground and under the table. The entire room quaked and rocks rained down around them. She watched as everyone scrambled out of their seats and tried to take cover.

  Evangeline and Lillian joined them under the table. Lillian asked what was happening. Victoria had no answer for her. Glancing at Evangeline, she realized that Ryhan was not with them, she didn’t see her anywhere. Before she could vocalize her concern the far side of the room collapsed and she realized that their only way out was just blocked.

  Looking up she noticed a hole in the slanted ceiling and a massive eye peering in at them.

  “What is that?” Victoria yelled, pointing at the eye.

  It blinked and then moved away. For a moment, all she could see was the night sky and the stars that burned brightly. It would have been beautiful if not for the giant foot that was coming towards them.

  “Giants!” Lillian screamed. “Quick, get as flat against the wall as you can.”

  They made it to the stone wall just before a monstrous foot came down on top of the table.

  “What do we do?” Alex asked her.

  It was a split second decision and she knew they would only have one chance to get it right. “Jump!”

  Confused they followed her lead as she jumped and grabbed ahold of the foot as it raised back up and out of the ceiling. She landed on top of what she guessed was a toe and held on to its course black hair as she leaned over and helped, using a bit of her power to aid them.

  There was not really anything to grip and she worried that they might fall.

  When they were through the hole, she told them to jump once more and she used a gush of air to help them land softly in a patch of grass. They had to find weapons, and Ryhan.

  “Lillian, what do you know about Giants?” She asked.

  “They are pretty much indestructible.” Lillian said.

  “Great! Think. There has to be something, anything.” Victoria pleaded.

  “Fire, they hate fire.” Lillian said.

  “Come on, we have to find Ryhan.” Victoria said. She only hoped they weren’t too late.


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