The Story Of Carnage: The Complete Carnage Collection: Books 1-5

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The Story Of Carnage: The Complete Carnage Collection: Books 1-5 Page 119

by Lesley Jones

  That looks like anus haha and don't marry anyone else. Fuck, don't even go out with anyone else, and definitely don't have any kids. Beau and Lilly remember? Our babies, G. The babies we're gonna have. We still have to think of a name for our other boy. I was thinking about it the other night, what about Frankie? I think your dad would like that. Beau, Frankie, and Lilly, our kids. Mine and yours.

  Fuck, I miss you so fucking much. I don't know what I can say to fix this. I fucked up, I know I fucked up massively, but this is us, we’re talking about, Sean and Georgia. Georgia and Sean. We’re meant to be, baby, wherever you are, whatever you’re doing, there’ll always be an us, and you know it. You fucking know it, G.

  Why won’t you just talk to me?

  Ok, don’t even do that, just answer the phone when I call and let me talk, just let me tell you how much I love and miss you. Your smell, your touch, your soft skin, and those beautiful blue eyes. Your mouthy Essex attitude, even your temper, G, and your tits—fuck, I miss your tits, your perfect, perfect tits. Every part of me aches. My heart, my soul, and my bones, they all ache for you, baby, so much, so, so much.

  I have to go now. We’re in Birmingham, Jimmie’s here with Len. You should be here with me, and you fucking know it.

  I love you, I miss you. I’ll call you tomorrow morning around 8 after your dad’s gone. Pick up the phone, G. Please, please pick up the phone.

  I love you Gia, with everything I am, I love and miss you. Just pick up the phone and talk to me baby. Let me put this right.

  Sean xxx

  Georgia, Georgia give us a kiss

  Georgia, Georgia show us ya tits.

  That’s all I’ve got.

  Just wanted ya to know that I’m thinking of you.

  Love and miss you baby xxx

  Georgia, today has been really hard. We’re in our new shared house near the studios in West London. We had a day off today, and everyone has gone out, except me. I had nowhere to go. This is where I live, but it’s not my home. It’s the place where I eat and sleep. Where I shower and wash my clothes. It’s where I exist, barely, but it’s not my home. My only home is wherever you are. Home is you, the taste of you, the feel of you, the smell of you.

  Today, I spent alone. Today, like all the others lately, I spent homeless, because without you, that’s what I’ll always be.

  I love you, Gia. You know that, it never changes, not even when I think I hate you. Even then, I know deep, deep down that it’s just another way of loving you. I hope you read this one day. I hope you read this and finally understand, finally get it. Xxx

  I wrote a new song, but your brothers, yeah, two of them and your best friend weren’t impressed, and I got a punch in the mouth off all of them. I might just make it anyway. I might just go solo on this one and put it out there by myself, what d’ya reckon?

  What should I call it? I was thinking “A Song for G”, or how about “Fuck You, Baby”. How’s that sound?

  You called this on.

  Now you've got your way.

  Time for me to move along.

  Tomorrow's another day.

  Fuck you, baby, I did my best

  Fuck you, baby, now I'll go fuck the rest.

  I tried to reason, to make you see sense

  But you walked away ... No recompense.

  You gave me no chance to talk or say my sad goodbyes

  You ignored my pleas, ignored my cries.

  So fuck you, baby, now I'll go fuck the rest.

  I fucked you baby … You weren’t the best.

  When you meet another, which I'm sure you will.

  Just remember me and the way I can make you feel.

  When he slides inside you, and when he holds you tight,

  I hope you think and dream of me, all through the night.

  When he pushes deep and looks into your cold hard eyes.

  When he says and does those things only I know you like,

  Don't you forget that I was your first, the first to hear

  your moans, the first to make you sighs.

  So, fuck you, baby. My time here is done.

  I'm through crying, time for me to have some fun.

  Fuck you, baby, maybe see you around some time.

  Then you can join all the others and wait your turn in line.

  You like that? Hurts doesn’t it? Well good. At least if it hurts, it means you still have a heart. If it weren’t for this permanent pain, this continuous ach I have in my chest, I’d be numb. I’ve got nothing else right now, G. I’m done.

  My heart races as I read. I switch from totally understanding the bloke’s heartbreak to wanting to smash his face in. Then I remember that he’s dead and getting pissed off with him is pointless. I don’t understand why she’s putting herself through this. It’s been fifteen years, why would she want to drag up all of these memories now?

  I look down and watch Georgia sleep. As much as I like to think I know what makes her tick, I’d still love to get inside her head sometimes. Like now, just so I can understand the thought process that led to her believing this could be a good idea.

  My eyes are starting to sting, and I decided to wrap myself around my wife and rest them for a little while.

  Chapter Three

  After what feels like just five minutes of sleep, I wake with a start. I open my eyes and see Georgia lying in the recovery position next to me. Her side pressed into mine as I lie on my back. I hear quiet footsteps walk passed the study and on into the kitchen. I assume it’s one of the kids but get up anyway to check.

  At some stage, I must have taken off my jeans, as I’m now just wearing a T-shirt and a pair of boxers. Georgia stirs and so does my dick as I hear her little sigh. I adjust what’s happening inside my Calvin’s, collect the glass things Georgia insists we drink our coffee out of, and head up the hallway.

  Tallulah is standing at the coffee machine with her head resting on her arms, which are resting on the kitchen worktop. Her long dark hair, which is the exact same shade as her mother’s hair, is hanging down her back, and she’s watching the hot dark liquid fill her cup.

  When the fuck did my daughter start drinking coffee?

  Tallulah is probably going to be our problem child. She has a short fuse and a quick wit. She can cut with a glare from her blue eyes or a single word from her sharp tongue. She’s also loyal, possessive, and protective of those she loves. Lu has no fear, and her strong will and defiance have already gotten her into trouble. She takes no shit from anyone—not even her teachers, and I’ve had to go up to the school on more than one occasion. She’s not naughty, per se, just outspoken, fearless, and headstrong. She’s a passionate kid. I don’t wanna sound like I’m making excuses for her, but I don’t want the system to knock her spirit out of her. Despite what life has thrown at Georgia, she still maintains hers to this day. In fact, it’s what I think got her through everything. I want Lu to grow up to be as resilient as her mum. I want that for all of my kids.

  The problem at home is that Lu and Georgia are a fucking nightmare when they start going at each other. Their personalities are identical, and when they clash, most of Essex hears about it. Georgia always thinks she knows best, and Tallulah can’t, or won’t, be told she’s wrong. Like I said, she’s a carbon copy of her mother, right down to her striking blue eyes.

  That’s the other reason I worry. The girls turned fourteen in February, Georgia was just twenty when I first met her. In six years’ time, they could potentially have men like me sniffing around them. I clench my hand into a fist and push it against my chest where it suddenly feels like I’m having a heart attack.

  Lu must catch my movement, because she spins around and her hand flies to her own chest.

  “Shit, Daddy. You scared the crap outta me!”

  “Language, Syrup,” I say in my best warning voice. That’s the other thing Lu has in common with her mother, her foul mouth. She swears more than her brothers, and I blame that on her mother.

  She rolls her eyes
and folds her arms across her chest, and I already know what’s coming.

  “Don’t call me Syrup.”

  Lu hates the nicknames I’ve called the twins since they were babies. She’s always been Syrup, Kiki has always been Treacle.

  She walks towards me, wrapping her skinny arms around my chest.

  “Sorry for swearing, you made me jump. I thought you weren’t coming home till later.”

  “I missed you all and managed to get a flight home last night.” I kiss the top of Lu’s head as I speak. Her hair smells of mint.

  “You been nicking your mother’s shampoo again?” Another cause for conflict between Georgia and Lu, they have the same taste in a lot of things. Lu likes to borrow without asking, Georgia throws a fit, and Lu tells her to take a chill pill and be flattered that at her age, her fourteen-year-old even likes her taste. That’s when I generally step in to prevent my wife from throttling our daughter.

  I feel her shake her head against my chest. “Nah, Mum treated me to the shampoo and conditioner while you were away. If she’d have just done that in the first place, it would’ve saved a lot of arguments.”

  I can’t help but laugh at my daughter’s reasoning. “I hope you also said thank you.

  “Do you think she woulda let me keep it if I hadn’t? You know what Mum’s like with her manners.”

  “Manners cost nothing and will get you a long way in life, Lu, believe me.”

  She doesn’t reply, but I can hear her brain thinking that one through.

  “What you doing up so early anyway?” I ask her.

  “I didn’t muck out last night. I need to get over to the stables and get it done.”

  “What about Kiks and Mum?”

  She shrugs her shoulders and huffs. “No, they did theirs. I went to Lakeside with Harley and Jimmie. We went for pizza after. Mum said it was fine as long as I did the horse stable this morning.”

  She steps away from me and pours milk into her coffee cup.

  “Fair enough, but take your phone.” I tell her.

  “Dad!” She rolls her eyes as she says my name. “You can see the stables from the back patio if you’re that worried.”

  This is true. It had made sense to have them rebuilt reasonably close to the house. Georgia has kept a horse ever since we bought and renovated the place, and the girls have had ponies since they could walk. Kiki still rode with Georgia regularly, but Lu is starting to lose interest, preferring to spend her time at the shopping centre with her mates. I’d threatened to sell Bella, her horse, on more than one occasion, but Lu’s only response was to ask if she got to keep the money, seeing as the horse was a Christmas present and it was only fair!

  Lu drinks her coffee while I make one for myself and Georgia, and then she heads upstairs to change.

  I step back into the office and note that apart from kicking off the throw I put over her, my wife hasn’t moved. She’s not a big fan of mornings and she’s probably gonna have a hangover if she drank the contents of the two empty wine bottles sitting on her desk.

  I park my arse on the floor next to where Georgia sleeps and sip my coffee. We have more bedrooms than the Hilton in this house and my wife chooses to sleep on her office floor.

  I watch her sleep for a few more minutes. Her T-shirt has risen, and I fight the urge to run my fingers along the strip of skin showing at the small of her back.

  I lose the battle, and very gently trace a line along the top of her barely-there shorts with my fingertips. She has the best arse and legs and the most amazing tits. My dick’s hard again, and I close my eyes, debating whether or not I should just slip myself right inside her and fuck her and the consequences.

  I open my eyes and she’s looking right at me. She blinks, once, twice, and then a smile lights up her face and my entire existence. I love the fuck outta this woman.

  “You’re home,” she states, still smiling as she speaks, her eyes sparkling with mischief. I know that look and exactly what it means, I can’t help but smile back at her.

  “I couldn’t keep away.”

  “I missed you.”

  “I know.”

  “I’m so fucking horny,” she tells me, whilst moving to straddle my lap.

  “I know.”


  “Kitten, I’m your husband, it’s my job to know what my wife wants, and besides, I need to be inside you right fucking now.”

  I tap her arse cheek. “Get these shorts off.” She stands, whips them off, and lowers herself back down onto my lap, as she does, I release my dick from where Mr Kline has been smothering him and slide right inside her.

  “Fuck, T,” she groans, whilst wrapping her arms around my neck. I slide my fingers into her hair and pull her face towards me. She resists.

  “Morning breath.”

  “I don’t give a fuck. Kiss me.”

  She does.

  My dick throbs, my heart soars, and all is right in the world.

  I slide my hands over her skin, up under her T-shirt, and brush my thumbs over her nipples, all while moving my hips underneath her.

  “Fuck, Kitten, I’ve missed you.”

  Before she gets the chance to reply, the office door flies open.

  “Dad, have seen— What the fuck? Oh my god!” Tallulah shrieks.

  “Shit!” Georgia shouts.

  “Lu, language!” I shout.

  There are a few seconds of silence as Lu just stands in the doorway and casts her gaze around the room. Georgia buries her face in my chest, and I wrap my arms protectively around her. Luckily, the T-shirt she’s wearing is long and covers everything important. Just as I think Lu is going to step out of the room, the door is pushes further open and our two dogs, Rooney and Becks, come bounding in, closely followed by George.

  Georgia screams, and I jump as Rooney sticks his nose right where I imagine her arse crack must be.

  “Oh god,” Georgia groans, trying to bury herself further into my chest.

  “Get the fucking dog’s outta here!” I shout.

  “Rooney, Becks—” George’s mouth snaps closed, and he stares for a few seconds, taking in Georgia’s shorts lying on the floor and the fact that she’s straddling my lap. “Oh my god, are you two actually having sex?” he chokes out.

  “This is so gross. Who does that?” Lu is still shrieking.

  Rooney barks, and Becks tries to squeeze his way between Georgia and me so he can sit in her lap.

  “Get out. Get the fuck out,” I bellow. “And take the dogs with you.”

  Lu turns to step out just as a bleary eyed Kiki appears.

  “What’s going on?” she asks through a yawn.

  “Don’t go in there, Kiks. Mum and Dad are having sex,” Lu warns her.

  “Ewww, gross,” Kiks replies before turning and leaving with Lu close behind her.

  George is still standing and staring at us. “I didn’t even know you could still do it at your age,” he states.

  “What?” As soon as the words left my lips I wonder why I would even ask.

  “Sex stuff. I thought you were too old.”

  I feel Georgia’s shoulders shake as she laughs silently against my chest. I look into eyes the exact same shade as mine and, as calmly as I can, say to my son, “Take the dogs, George. Take the dogs and close the door on your way out.”

  He calls Rooney and Becks, and they trot out of the room at his side, the door closing quietly behind them.

  I pull Georgia’s hair gently so her face tilts up to mine.

  “And what exactly has tickled your fancy, Kitten?” I ask, feigning seriousness.

  “Rooney’s wet nose, and it wasn’t my fancy he tickled, it was my bum hole.”

  “Lucky dog.”

  “Never gonna happen, T. Besides, you’re too old for that kind of thing.”

  “Like fuck I am. I’ll show you …” My voice trails off as I notice Georgia’s eyes fill with tears.


  “Thank you,” she whispers as tears spill
onto her cheeks.

  “For what, baby?”

  She holds her arms out palms up and moves them around her.

  “For all of this. This life, our home, the chaos, our children. Bum-sniffing dogs. For all of it. Thank you for this second chance.” She smiles and sobs at the same time as more tears overfill from her pretty blue eyes. I shake my head.

  “Georgia, this, our home, our kids. You never have to thank me for any of it. We built this together. Us baby, me and you. We’re each other’s second chance. Don’t ever thank me.

  I pull her in closer. My dick, which is still inside her despite the commotion that just went on around us, starts to stir, and I proceed to show my wife just how old I ain’t.

  Chapter Four


  I turn off the shower and reach for a towel, singing to Chet Faker’s “The trouble with us”, as I do. I wasn’t a big fan of his earlier stuff, but I love this song.

  I walk out of the en suite and into my bedroom as I wrap the towel around myself. Cam’s lying on our bed with his back pressed against the headboard, his big arms folded across his broad chest, and his long legs stretched out in front of him, crossed at the ankles.

  I know he’s waiting for an explanation as to why he found me sleeping on my office floor, surrounded by empty wine bottles, and the contents of the packing crate labelled “Sean’s stuff”.

  I know he won’t ask me about it. I know he’ll just wait until I’m ready to talk, and I know full well he knows I know all of this.

  “That was an interesting homecoming, Kitten.” He both winks and smiles as he speaks, making my insides and toes curl simultaneously.

  “Well, the orgasm was unexpected but most definitely welcome. Becks’ wet nose in my arse crack and our audience, hmmmm, not so much.”


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