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Flawless Page 8

by Evans, Gabrielle

  He wasn’t sure how much time passed while he sat there in numb silence. All he knew was that his life was over. If Kieran didn’t come back, nothing else mattered. While he stared blankly at the wall, a shiver raced up his spine as he was blasted with a wave of magic not his own.

  Panic seized him, and he jumped to his feet, dashing out of the room, unconcerned with his nudity. “Kieran!” He ran as fast as he could through the house to the wide-open front door, but he wasn’t fast enough.

  Lynk came awake with a scream, panting for breath while tears streamed down his cheeks. It had been years since he’d had that Flawless 77

  particular dream, but it was still just as painful as though he’d lived it only moments before.

  When his mate’s hand smoothed down his spine, he flipped over and burrowed into Kieran’s arms, clinging to his neck as though the big werewolf would disappear if he didn’t keep a strong hold on him.

  “I’m so sorry,” he breathed against the side of his mate’s neck. “I wasn’t fast enough. I should have never let you leave like that. I’m sorry, Kieran.”

  Kieran petted his hair, stroking it back from his face. It was only then that Lynk realized his lover was holding him just as tightly while his big frame trembled and his breathing came fast and shallow against Lynk’s temple. The fingers on his other hand dug into Lynk’s hip, gripping him hard enough to leave bruises.

  “I was coming back,” he whispered shakily. How fitting that they’d been having the same dream. “I just needed air, needed to think. I was so young back then, and I didn’t understand. I get it now, Lynk. I know what I have to do. I won’t mess it up this time. Please forgive me.”

  If anyone should be begging forgiveness, it was Lynk. He was the one who’d pushed his young mate too far. He’d been nearly fifteen years older than Kieran’s twenty-two years back in the 1600s. Lost in his own selfishness, he hadn’t seen what he’d been doing to Kieran then. He’d pressed too hard, asked too much.

  Kieran had always been so much bigger and stronger than him, but it was Lynk’s job to protect his Infinity. Kieran was a treasure, a gift given to him by the fates, and instead of nurturing and cherishing that gift, he’d neglected it. That wouldn’t happen again.

  His lover wasn’t the only one to have an epiphany about past mistakes. Lynk understood precisely where he’d gone wrong and what he needed to do differently this time around.

  “You have nothing to be sorry for, love.” He stroked Kieran’s hair, his shoulders, and down his back. The roles had reversed, and he now found himself the comforter. Surprisingly, it was a position in 78 Gabrielle


  which he was completely comfortable. As much as he needed Kieran, he was beginning to realize that Kieran needed him as well.

  There was a reason they were meant for each other. From their shared souls and their past lives all the way to the present moment, they were so intricately connected, each designed solely for the other.

  It was the reason that none of their past relationships had worked, why everything felt hollow and superficial.

  “They were witches, weren’t they?” Kieran asked. “I only made it to the front lawn when I realized how immature I was acting. They stepped out of the trees just as I turned around to go back inside.” Lynk swallowed hard and dipped his head once. “Yes, they were witches. They wanted the Book of the Banished.” That book had caused so much trouble for so long. There had to be a way to destroy it. They just had to find it. “I came for you when I felt the magic in the air, but I wasn’t fast enough. I watched the dagger sink into your chest and wanted to die.” Lynk dropped his head and squeezed his eyes closed. “They gave me my wish when I wouldn’t tell them where the book was.”

  Kieran didn’t reply, seemingly lost in thought, and Lynk went back to gliding his fingertips along his lover’s spine. They’d both made mistakes in the past, but that didn’t mean that history had to repeat itself. Lynk wouldn’t let it.

  “It’s kind of like I’ve been playing a game,” Kieran mused, his muscles finally relaxing under Lynk’s attention. “Do you know what I mean?”

  Not a clue. “Tell me.”

  “Well, it’s like I’ve never really fit anywhere. I’ve always taken care of my siblings, and I was the beta of my old pack. I’ve done what I was supposed to do for my entire life, but I’ve always just kind of felt like a zombie.” He cuddled Lynk closer and nuzzled against him.

  “I don’t feel like that anymore.”

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  “I don’t feel like that, either.” While he didn’t fully understand what Kieran’s life had been like, he did know about feeling empty and misplaced.

  Claiming Kieran was like coming home. It didn’t necessarily change the things he craved, but it did give him a sense of completeness that he’d been missing. Somehow, someway, he’d figure out how to curb his desires. Things would work this time.

  Everything would be perfect.

  A feeling of protectiveness washed over him, something he’d never felt for anyone except his brothers. It didn’t make a lot of sense.

  Kieran didn’t need protection, especially not from someone so much smaller than him. It was there all the same, though.

  “Do you remember when I taught you how to swim?” Lynk blinked several times before he burst into laughter. “It was the middle of November, and you threw me in the river. I don’t think that exactly counts as ‘teaching’ me to swim.”

  “Hey,” Kieran replied indignantly. “I came in after you, didn’t I?”

  “I almost drowned, you idiot.”

  Kieran chuckled and rolled them so that he loomed over Lynk.

  “You still loved me, though.”

  His smile softened as he reached up to cup Kieran’s cheek. “I never stopped. It’s been a long time, and I’ve lived several lives, but I never forgot you.” He carded his fingers through Kieran’s short hair.

  “I did like the longer hair, though.”

  “Then I’ll grow it out.” Kieran said it seriously, and Lynk knew he wasn’t kidding.

  Part of him wanted to tell his lover that it didn’t matter what he looked like or how he wore his hair. He’d really loved those long, silky locks, though. So he just smiled and kept his mouth shut.

  “Can I ask you something?”

  “You can ask me anything.” Kieran rubbed his cheek over Lynk’s palm for a moment before he dipped his head and brushed their lips together. “What do you want to know?” 80 Gabrielle


  “How did you end up in Haven? You said you were the beta for your pack.”

  “My dad is the alpha, and he’s a bastard,” Kieran said matter-of-factly. “Pack members were beaten to death for being gay. Cubs were taught to distrust and hate anyone but other werewolves. When my sister and Teegan met and realized they were mates, we had to keep it a secret for a long time.”

  “That’s horrible.” Lynk couldn’t imagine having to hide how much Kieran meant to him.

  “It is. Well, our mother caught them together one day, and she’s not any better than our father. We’ve always stuck together and looked out for each other, so when shit went down, we ran. We hid out for a while until we heard rumors about a place where people were accepted and everyone was taken care of. We sniffed around the place for a few days until I finally made the decision to talk to Stavion. He gave us a home, and for that, I’ll always be indebted to him.”

  “I lived south of where they found me in that slaughterhouse in a place near Lake Erie.” His mouth was dry and his throat constricted, trying to keep him from speaking, but Lynk pushed on, anyway. After what Kieran had just shared, it was only fair for him to divulge his past as well. Besides, they couldn’t move forward in their relationship until all the cards were on the table.

  “I’m going to guess you didn’t live alone.” Lynk didn’t think he imagined the growl in Kieran’s voice, but it wasn’t like his jealous lover had been a choirboy before they’d met, either.
“No, I didn’t live alone. It was my Master’s house. He took care of me, paid for everything, bought me whatever I needed.”

  “Master?” Kieran sneered the word with so much contempt that it left Lynk feeling cold. “Like how you used to call me Master?” Lynk nodded slowly. He knew Kieran had always hated the term, but to Lynk it had been a form of endearment.

  “And what did he call you, sugar?”

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  “Slave,” Lynk responded quietly. “That’s what I was. He wasn’t kind like you were. He was human. I couldn’t risk getting involved with another paranormal. I didn’t realize that he had connections in our world, though. One minute we’re sipping champagne on the balcony, and the next, I’m face down in the dirt in that slaughterhouse.”

  “How long were you there?”

  “A couple of weeks, I think, but I can’t really be sure. They kept me sedated, so everything just kind of blurred together after the first few days.”

  “I’m going to go run,” Kieran said after a long silence. He bent his head again to kiss Lynk’s lips. “I’m not running away, though.

  There’s a lot of shit going on inside my head right now, and running helps me think. You stay right here where it’s safe and keep the bed warm for me. I’ll be back in an hour or so.” Lynk bit his bottom lip and bobbed his head slowly. The last time Kieran had gone out for some air, it had ended in tragedy. He couldn’t keep sitting around waiting for bad things to happen, though. It wasn’t like he could lock his lover in the room and never let him leave.

  “Please be careful.”

  “I promise.” Kieran slid off the bed and pulled his jeans on, leaving them unbuttoned so that it showed just a hint of his groin.

  “I’m coming back, Lynk. Try to get some sleep.” He must have still looked reluctant, because Kieran eased down on the side of the bed and pinched his chin between thumb and forefinger. “Look at me, sugar.” He waited for Lynk to meet his eyes before continuing. “Who takes care of you?”

  “You do.”

  “That’s right. Do you trust me?”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “Then trust me when I tell you that I’m going to be fine. I’m not some dumb kid like last time. I want you to take a hot shower then snuggle under the blankets and sleep until I get back.” His grin was 82 Gabrielle


  cocky as he stood from the bed and arched an eyebrow. “And if you really need me, just yell.”

  “How did you do that?” Lynk scrambled to a sitting position, his mouth hanging open like a guppy. “I heard you in my head.”

  “I can hear you, too, ya know. Give it a try.”

  “Why didn’t you ever tell me before? Why didn’t I know about this the last time we were together?” Kieran chuckled under his breath and shook his head. “I was human last time we were together, sugar. Being a werewolf has its perks, though. Now do what I said, and I’ll be back soon.”

  “Same goes for you,” Lynk ordered. “If you need me, I’ll be there.

  I’ll be fast enough this time.” Hopefully he wouldn’t be put to the test so soon after finding his mate again, but if the need arose, he’d be ready this time. They were facing a lot of bad shit in their future, but Lynk wasn’t going to lose Kieran for a second time.

  Kieran just winked and disappeared out into the hallway. He couldn’t have made it far when Lynk heard him inside his head, though. “Hey, sugar?”

  “Yes, Kieran?” Lynk grinned to himself at his mate’s playfulness.

  For as fierce as he was, it was unexpected, but not unwelcome.

  “I never stopped loving you, either. I just didn’t realize it until now.”

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  Chapter Ten

  “How do propose that we gain allies within the Snake River Coven?” Elder Cortez addressed the members of the meeting from his chair on the dais.

  Kieran honestly had no interest in the meeting or in gaining allies.

  The only reason he was there was to support Lynk. As an Enforcer, it would be his job to help rescue anyone being held prisoner in Snake River. As Lynk’s mate, it was his job to endure these boring meetings and pretend like he was interested when in actuality, someone could just brief him after everything was said and done.

  “This has to do with you as well, you know. I’m sure Elder Tuesday is going to try to use Zasha’s supposed claim to me as leverage. I don’t know what he hopes to accomplish with that bit, though.”

  It took every ounce of willpower he had not to growl like an animal, snatch Lynk up and scream, “Mine!” Kieran managed, though, settling for a grunt of annoyance instead. Let someone try to take his mate away from him. He dared them.

  “You’re very sexy when you get all jealous,” Lynk observed, pushing his thoughts into Kieran’s mind.

  “I’m not jealous. I’m…territorial.”

  “Yes, sir,” Lynk responded, but Kieran could see the corners of his lips twitch as though he was fighting a smile.

  After arriving home after his run, he’d found Lynk freshly showered and sleeping peacefully, all snuggled down in the blankets.

  It had been such a heartwarming sight that he’d stood beside the bed for a long time, just watching his lover sleep. Then he’d showered 84 Gabrielle


  quickly and spent the rest of the night—and part of the day—just holding Lynk in his arms while they slept. It still amazed him how the simple act had brought him so much contentment.

  “It was nice. I haven’t slept that well in a very, very long time. It’s so easy to feel safe with you, though.” If Lynk didn’t stop it, they’d be leaving the meeting early whether his smaller mate wanted to or not. The romantic in him felt all mushy at the declaration. The alpha in him, however, wanted to find the nearest flat surface and fuck Lynk into next week.

  Lynk’s hand settled on his upper thigh and squeezed as he tilted his head to the side, baring the side of his neck. The vein that snaked along the column of his throat pulsed with his heartbeat, and Kieran had to close his eyes and take several deep breaths to calm himself.

  Leaning closer, he nipped at Lynk’s earlobe and made that special part growl, part purr sound that his mate loved so much. “Be careful, baby. You’re playing with fire.”

  “Maybe you should punish me,” Lynk whispered back with a mischievous grin.

  Remembering the things that Lynk considered punishment, Kieran tensed and leaned away. It had killed him every time his lover had asked him for those things. Even if Lynk enjoyed the pain, it still made Kieran’s gut clench painfully.

  He’d been young and impulsive those very long four hundred years ago. He hadn’t understood what being in a relationship really meant, but he’d been so drawn to Lynk. It had felt as though his very soul would shrivel and die if they were separated. Which, from what he’d learned the night before, that was probably true.

  His life back then had been a pampered one. His parents had money and were very generous with their only son. Never had he wanted for anything. Things had been a complete one-eighty this time around, and he’d had to grow up fast. Some days he felt much older than his thirty-four years.

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  Maybe he could find a compromise, a way to balance Lynk’s needs with his own natural instinct to keep any harm from coming to his misguided lover. Lynk had once told him that the pain was the only thing that ever gave him peace. Well, Kieran was determined to change that. There had to be another way, and he’d figure it out for both of them.

  “So, we’re in agreement then?” Torren asked.

  Shit! He’d completely missed what they were saying. Not that it really mattered. Someone would fill him in on the finer points after the meeting. Still, perhaps he should pay attention.

  Well, everyone seemed to be in agreement for whatever the hell they were talking about. People were bobbing their heads or offering verbal concurrences. Raven was on his feet for some odd reason and seemed to have most of the group’s attention. />
  “I’ve known Gideon for a long time. I’ll feel him out and see what he knows without being too obvious.”

  Kieran had to suppress a snort at this. Raven wasn’t exactly known for his subtlety. The history between him and the Snake River Enforcer was curious, however. Kieran made a mental note to badger the hell out of the vampire about it later. Raven would love that.

  “Behave,” Lynk whispered, but he was grinning like a Cheshire cat.

  Having Lynk always rummaging around in his head would take some getting used to, but Kieran figured it wasn’t such a bad thing.

  Since they could feel each other’s emotions and listen in on private thoughts, it would be pointless to try to lie or hide things from one another. Not that he would do any such thing, but it was still nice that temptation had been removed from his path.

  “I heard that,” Lynk teased him.

  The man was becoming increasingly more relaxed with him since revealing the skeletons in his closet. Once he realized that Kieran wasn’t going to bolt, even though he now knew all of Lynk’s dark and twisted secrets, he’d been dropping his defenses one shield at a time.

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  “Has Leader Tuesday contacted The Council about what happened yesterday?” Raina asked from where she sat beside Torren.

  Kieran was so damn proud of her he could burst. His baby sister not only had a mate and babies of her own, but she was now an elder on The Council, using her brilliance to help bring peace to their world. He’d always known she was smart and fierce. It was amazing to see others recognizing it as well.

  “No,” Elder Cortez answered with a shake of his head. “That concerns me most of all. Anyone else would have been on the phone or our doorstep within minutes after the incident.”

  “Which makes it look like he has something to hide,” Jory commented from Raina’s other side.

  Truth be known, Kieran was pretty damn proud of the little runt, too. He’d come to Haven with nothing—not even clothes on his back.


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