Broken Bonds (Valerian's Cove Book 2)

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Broken Bonds (Valerian's Cove Book 2) Page 24

by H. C. de Cossy

  The patio had been extended and several extra picnic tables added in order to hold all who were expected to stay with the family. During the celebration, additional tables and chairs would be set up nearby. A temporary smooth spot with flooring was being set up in the field for eating, along with a stage for Declan and the other musicians who would be playing. Fairy lights were strung along the borders of each area, twinkling like stars.

  Celine came out of the house to greet her sister as the little group approached.

  “I know I only saw you a few months ago, but it’s been too long!” Celine said.

  “I know, I know. When are you going to come visit me in France? You owe me two visits now!” Luna replied.

  “Maybe this summer. The girls and the children will all be with Grandma and Grandpa at the farm. Perhaps Brendan and I can get away for a bit and come too.”

  “That would be wonderful. I would enjoy that very much.”

  Celine tucked her arm around Luna’s waist and led her through the house to the kitchen. Luna immediately grabbed an apron and began helping to bring food out to the serving tables.

  Brendan introduced the Fae to Luna, who immediately became engrossed in a discussion regarding Fae baking ingredients with Nathaniel, of all people. It turned out that baking was Nathaniel’s preferred form of stress relief.

  “I am very lucky that my wife keeps me in fresh herbs, fruits and spices from her gardens,” Nathaniel said, pulling Siofra close for a kiss.

  “We have already begun growing some in the new greenhouse here,” Siofra said. “I am sure that we can offer you some, if the two of you would like to try baking together while we are all here.”

  Luna was ecstatic.

  “You’ve made my mother’s year!” Suzette said.

  Monday morning, Declan met with the happy couples to finalize the recorded music for in between sets during the party after the handfasting. During the ceremony, Patrick would play classical guitar and Maggie would sing. Afterwards, at the party, everyone who played would bring their instruments and help keep the music going. The Casey Clan was a lively bunch.

  Luna and Nathaniel spent the day baking and offering the couples different cakes to taste. Malia and Tony settled on German chocolate cake with maraschino cherries in the filling. Their cake would be decorated with fresh flowers and leaves grown in the greenhouse that matched Malia’s bouquet of lilac, moonflower and ivy.

  Marissa and Theo settled on red velvet cake with strawberries in the filling. Their cake would be white on the outside, decorated with yellow and orange nasturtiums and purple violets. Mollie was bringing enough ice cream in various flavors to sink a ship. She was going to set up a sundae bar next to the patio. Her parents were bringing additional cookies and pastries as well.

  Having a potluck list with what everyone was bringing had turned out to be incredibly helpful. Celine found herself left with making lemonade, ice teas, herbed water, fruit salad and a cob salad. Everything else was taken care of. There was going to be a veritable mountain of food.

  The Dragons arrived around lunch time. Because, food, and Dragons. Celine laughed and had Declan fire up the grill. Dex and Declan laughed over the shared name thing and got to know each other over the grill. Sean Drake found himself fascinated with Rebecca Casey. Devra smacked her brother upside the head.

  “She’s human, and only eighteen. Get over yourself.”

  “Shut up, Dev. I like her. And she makes pretty shiny things. And she sings.”

  “And she’s young. Give it up.”

  “Shut up, Devra.” Sean made a beeline for Rebecca again. Rebecca looked up from the wire wrapping she was working on with Milena and Allie and smiled at the handsome young Dragon. Devra huffed and went to find her mother.

  Aldona was in the kitchen with Celine and Luna.

  “Mother!” Devra whined. Aldona sighed and looked around at her oldest child.

  “What did Sean do now?”

  “He’s making puppy eyes at that young Rebecca. He won’t leave her alone.”

  Aldona’s eyes twinkled.

  “She’s much too young for him,” Devra said. She flopped into a chair at the table and grabbed a cookie. She took a bite and chewed grumpily. Then she looked at the cookie in surprise and grabbed three more.

  “Devra! Leave some for everyone else!” Aldona admonished.

  “It’s fine, really,” Celine said. “Luna and Nathaniel have been baking all morning. Nathaniel is showing Luna how to incorporate Fae ingredients into her baking. They’ll be at this all week, I think. I may have to turn my kitchen over to them altogether.”

  “Oh, well, in that case,” Aldona said, grabbing a cookie herself. Celine laughed and handed the Crown Princess a cup of tea.

  “Rebecca isn’t really that much younger than Sean in maturity levels, if you think about it, Devra,” Aldona said. “Remember, we live much longer than most races, and age more slowly. As long as her father is okay with it, let them talk. I doubt it will go much further than a harmless flirtation once we all go back to our regularly over-scheduled lives.”

  Devra pouted and took another bite of cookie, before standing and flouncing out of the room.

  Celine looked at Aldona in surprise. Devra was usually the cheerful, mischievous one of the bunch. Aldona sighed.

  “Devra is the oldest child, and it has recently been made very clear to her by the Dragon Council that she will most likely be asked to marry for allegiances rather than love. Hopefully, we can find a suitable mate from among the other royal families, or at least the nobility, that will please the Council. Otherwise, she is going to fight this all the way.”

  “Do Dragons have Mate Bonds?” Celine asked.

  “Yes, we do. When Devra is of an age to marry, which isn’t that far off, there will be balls held, to which all eligible males will be invited. Hopefully, if she does have a fated mate, he will show up at one of those.”

  “How many of these meat-markets does the poor girl have to endure?” Luna asked. She and Nathaniel were taking a break from baking and indulging in their own cookies with tea.

  “There are three formal balls throughout the year, and other social events as well in between. If no fated mate appears, then she will be expected to marry for a political alliance. She’s the next Crown Princess. Dragons are very entrenched in tradition. That’s the way it has to be. Hopefully she will find a fated mate. I did. My husband and I met at a weeklong garden party between the balls. We spent all our time together. It soon became obvious that we were fated mates. We were married in the spring of the following year.”

  “My goodness,” Celine said.

  “The Fae do something similar, at least among the nobility,” Nathaniel said. “I am very, very lucky that Siofra and I met when we did. I am not from a noble family. We met at school, the year before Siofra would have been presented as an eligible marriage prospect. It was obvious from the start that we were fated mates, so she didn’t have to go through all of that ridiculousness.”

  “Lucky girl,” Luna said. “My Gabriel and I were introduced by friends. I was already studying pastry arts, while he was studying architecture. He was an Earth Witch. His designs worked with Nature; you would love them,” Luna told Nathaniel.

  “Brendan and I met in school,” Celine said. “I came to school here in America. Brendan was continuing his horticulture studies as an Earth Witch and working with his family to set up the Seattle nurseries between semesters. When Maggie and Patrick decided to return to Maggie’s family in Ireland, we were happy to return here and take over the original branch.”

  “We have all been very lucky in our mates, I think,” Aldona said. “Let us hope that all of our children are as lucky as we are and have been.”

  Nicholas Rousseau and Ciaran arrived on Tuesday. Nicholas drove up in his rental car just as Ciaran teleported to the bottom of the front steps. Ciaran waited for Nicholas to get out of the car.

  “Good morning. I am Ciaran MacNamara. I am a friend,
here to visit for a time.”

  “Nicholas Rousseau, Marissa and Malia’s cousin. Here for the party. Glad to meet you, sir. My mother has heard all about you from her sister, my Aunt Celine.”

  The two shook hands before walking up the porch steps.

  “I hear that you were an enormous help in dealing with that Mind Mage that was messing with Marissa and Theo,” Nicholas said.

  “I was delighted to be of service,” Ciaran said, somewhat formally.

  “I’m glad you were able to help. Please call me Nick.” Nick smiled at Ciaran as he opened the front door.

  “Mom! Tante Celine! I’m home!”

  “In the kitchen, Nicholas!” Luna called back.

  “Of course they are,” he grinned, leading the way.

  Luna and Celine were drying their hands when the men walked in. Celine hugged them both and introduced Ciaran to Luna. Soon both men were seated at the table with cookies, slices of cake and cups of tea in front of them.

  “Where is Suzette? Is she enjoying her new home?” Nick asked his mother.

  “She is, very much. She and the girls got it all unpacked and set up on Sunday. I am sure that she will appreciate your stopping by while you are here.”

  “My niece, Suzette, was hired as a Healer at the clinic, in anticipation of a need for more Healers due to the expansion of the Academy,” Celine told Ciaran. “She has taken over Theo’s cottage, as Theo is living here until their new house is finished next door.”

  “I have heard that the family and new student housing is almost complete, and that hiring is as well,” Ciaran remarked.

  Celine nodded. “Brendan and Grandpapa are very happy with the new faculty that have been hired so far. I am sure that you will meet some of them tomorrow. Donny, the Dragon Empath and Psychic Skills teacher, has already been here for a little while. He has been working with the children to carry on the lessons that Aldona started with them in September.”

  “I am glad that everything is going well.”

  “Have we have heard anything about who might have been behind everything, or what their goal might be?” Celine asked.

  Ciaran shook his head. “Nothing new. Not so far.”

  “Perhaps we have heard the last of them for a while.”

  “Let’s hope so. Still, we should continue to train and to be on our guard.”

  “Oh, of course. I quite agree. But for the next few days, I intend to concentrate on the handfasting, and this party!”

  Marissa and Malia were in Malia’s rooms. Theo was at the clinic, and Tony was at work at the Pack offices.

  Marissa was sitting on the end of Malia’s bed while Malia was putting some last things in boxes. She, Tony and the children would be moving to their new house Thursday morning. Thankfully they had a houseful of friends and family to use as a free moving crew. They would all be paid in food, of course. There would be a barbecue picnic for lunch at the Pack lands Thursday afternoon.

  “I still sometimes feel that itch between my shoulder blades, as if someone was watching us,” Marissa said.

  “I know what you mean,” Malia replied, taping up the last box. “I feel as if there is a weight in the air, just about to fall. A heaviness. I can’t explain it better than that.”

  “I know what you mean.”

  “Well, let’s not think about it anymore for right now,” Malia said. “We get handfasted tomorrow. Are you excited?”

  “I am! I am glad to have everyone here, and the party will be excellent. I am grateful that we are finally going to be formally bonded, as well as Bonded, as well. It’s been a long time coming. I am going to miss you when you guys move out on Thursday, though, Lia.”

  “It’s not as if I am leaving town again this time, though. I’ll just be a few minutes away. You can come visit whenever you want, and I can come see you. Your house will be ready soon, too. We’ll still see each other all the time.” Malia stood up and hugged her sister.

  “I know. I just have gotten very used to having you living in the same house again,” Marissa said. “I know it’s silly. Don’t worry about it.”

  “You don’t worry about it. We’ll be fine. I love you.”

  “I love you too, Li.”


  Wednesday morning dawned clear and bright. It was December, but in coastal California that didn’t really mean anything. It was still beautiful out. And, Witches. And Fae. And Dragons. The weather would be whatever Malia and Marissa wanted it to be for their handfasting day. It was Yule, so the sisters and their partners had decided to add a touch of winter to the celebrations. Their family and friends had come together to create a winter wonderland in part of the field. Snow surrounded a small frozen ice skating pond. There would be a bonfire in the evening to roast marshmallows over. Celine was providing copious amounts of hot chocolate with whipped cream and candy canes.

  For the ceremony, a small dais decorated with wreaths and garlands of flowers matching the brides’ bouquets had been set up. Purples, yellows, oranges and whites were accentuated with green ivy and tied with pale blue ribbons and snowy white lace. While the skating area was snowy cold, the area surrounding the ceremony and the rest of the reception was balmy and warm.

  Theo and Tony had stayed at Tony’s house in town Tuesday night while Marissa had stayed with Malia. Mariellen and Mollie had stayed over as well. Ralph would be standing up with Theo, and Josh with Tony.

  Marissa woke early Wednesday morning. The sun’s pale golden light was just starting to brighten the day. She stretched, then kicked Malia, who was sleeping next to her. Malia’s arm came at her, hitting out while its owner was still asleep. Marissa grabbed it, then rolled over, pinning her sister to the bed.

  “Wake up, sleepy head! Wake up, Lia! It’s Wednesday. We’re all getting handfasted today!” Malia’s eyes popped open.

  “Oh my gosh. It’s Wednesday. It’s here. It’s really happening. EEEEE!” she squealed, waking Mollie and Mariellen, who were sleeping in an extra bed that Granny Niamh had generously provided for them.

  “Pillow fight!” Mollie yelled, jumping onto the bed with the sisters. Several minutes later, all four women were strewn across the bed, breathless from laughing.

  “We should do that more often,” Mariellen said. “I’d forgotten how much fun that was.”

  “The boys are going to be so jealous they missed it,” Malia said.

  “They totally will,” Marissa agreed.

  “We’ll just have to mention it once or twice,” Mollie started.

  “A minute,” Mariellen finished. The four collapsed into giggles again.

  The door to the bedroom flew open as they were all laughing.

  “It’s Wednesday! It’s party day!” Allie yelled as she jumped onto the bed, narrowly missing Mariellen. Three more youthful bodies followed. Madness and tickle fights ensued. Soon everyone was breathless again.

  “I smell bacon!” Ian yelled, jumping off the bed. He ran out the door, crashing into Shari-Beth as he went. She had heard the noise and come to investigate. The other children followed him down the stairs.

  “Come in, Shari-Beth!” Malia called.

  Shari-Beth came hesitantly into the room.

  “Jump in,” Marissa told her. “We were just reminding the children that we rule as the official tickle monsters in this house.”

  Shari-Beth smiled.

  “Are you guys excited about today?” she asked.

  “Yup! This is the most awesome day ever,” Malia said. Marissa punched her sister in the side. “It only took you thirty years to see how much Tony loves you,” she teased her twin. Malia punched her back.

  “I’m hungry,” Mollie announced. “Ian’s right, I smell bacon. And waffles. I want breakfast. I’m going down.” She jumped off the bed and made for the door. Everyone else pulled themselves off the bed and followed.

  Celine had made a full waffle bar for those staying in the house that morning. Luna and Nathaniel were helping her in the kitchen. In addition to the waffles,
there were croissants of all kinds and Fae pastries that few there had ever had before, filled with Fae fruits and decorated with candied flowers and crystalized sugar. Everyone dug in.

  The ceremony was to start at three that afternoon. Aldona portaled in her whole personal care team for the day. They took over after breakfast. Marissa, Malia, Mollie, Mariellen, Shari-Beth, Allie and Milena were all shooed back upstairs for a day of preparation and beautifying. Celine, Betsy and Lucille Thorndike would all have their turns as well. The girls were massaged, exfoliated, bathed, fed lunch, then made to sit while their hair was done and their makeup was expertly applied. Neither Marissa nor Malia usually wore makeup, and both had stressed that they wanted to look as natural as possible.

  When they were finally allowed to look, both of them were fighting happy tears. They were identical twins, yet somehow they looked completely different from each other. Malia’s hair was up, pinned around the diamond crown Aldona had insisted she wear. There were white velvet flowers with diamonds in their center on the pins holding her curls around the crown.

  Marissa’s hair was mostly down, with the front pulled back from her face. She wore a diamond tiara on loan from Aldona. Long, impossibly thin chains decorated with small diamonds hung from the pins in her hair, making her curls sparkle.

  Both women’s makeup was flawless and looked completely natural. It made their eyes to stand out, just a bit, with a judicious use of eye shadow and eyeliner. Their cheeks were naturally flushed, and their natural lip color slightly enhanced.

  “The makeup will stay, even if you cry,” Aldona informed them. “And your hair has been spelled to stay the way it is too. You can even get in a snowball fight. You will still look perfect at the end of it.”


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