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Intuition Page 1

by Jennis Slaughter


  A Novel by Jennis Slaughter

  Kindle Edition

  Published by:

  Shadoe Publishing for

  Jennis Slaughter on Kindle

  Copyright © Jennis Slaughter December 2013


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  ~ Preface ~

  In the months following the joining in the glen, the town of Leroy went through a multitude of changes. Many of the families accepted Raelin’s offer of buying their families homes, and now for the first time owned their homes, while others flat out refused and moved out.

  The news of the slave ring and the subsequent arrests had brought the press and curiosity seekers to the town. Raelin used them to draw attention to the Arthur Kingsley City Children’s Escape Foundation and it was now expecting its grand opening within a week.

  While Raelin spent a lot of time at the Foundation, she also opened up a small bookstore in the shop that used to be Jaspers. She had knocked down the adjoining wall to the empty store next to it to add a small tearoom.

  Delaney took to being Chief like a duck to water. She went through every file that Sam Brito had been associated with, and between her and Kasey, had contacted everyone that had been wrongly fined, and had apologized. Luckily, the county and state made full restitutions to the wronged parties, and they also made the news as the righters of wrong.

  Leroy was booming with a new influx of people and the homes that Raelin had the deeds on soon sold to young families to whom Jenny taught piano to out of her home when she was not composing while Kasey really hit her stride as Head Deputy. They had to hire two more officers with all of the new people coming into town.

  ~ Chapter 1~

  The sun was filtering through the blinds of the bedroom, casting lazy shadows across the bed and its inhabitants. Raelin slowly opened her eyes, blinking a few times to get them in focus and once they were, Delaney was the first thing that she saw. Lying on her stomach with her head turned towards the witch and golden hair obscuring her face, Raelin thought that she had never looked lovelier.

  Reaching out, she gently brushed the hair from Delaney’s face and then laid back to just gaze at her wife. Who would have thought seven months ago that she would be happily married to a beautiful woman and have everything else she ever wanted. Closing her eyes briefly, the witch sent her morning prayer of thanks to her Goddess with a little extra added on.

  “Gillian,” murmured Del, without opening her eyes, content to stay like this for at least a few more hours.

  Raelin could help, but chuckle. Ever since they had talked about having children, they had been tossing around names at the oddest times, and mornings seemed to be Delaney’s favorite.

  “Tannin,” she said back.

  Del burrowed into Raelin’s front, taking in a deep breath and pulling the witch close. “Tell me you have the ability to turn Mondays into Saturdays and I’ll happily be your slave from now until forever,” Del muttered sleepily.

  Stroking the silky head, Raelin sighed, “Sorry Darlin’, but I can make your Monday morning more enjoyable if you want. We have maple bacon in the fridge.”

  Del moaned at the thought of maple bacon for breakfast. “Have I told you lately how much I love you?” She smiled, pulling back to look up at her witch, rubbing her toes along Raelin’s calves.

  “No, not recently, and I’m beginning to worry about that,” the brunette teased.

  “Shall I remind you?” Del grinned mischievously, nipping at Rae’s ear. She let her fingers drift up Raelin’s side, slowly taking the t-shirt she had worn to bed with them.

  “Oh, don’t let me stop you,” Raelin inhaled sharply as the fingers glided over sensitive areas.

  Saying nothing, Del kissed each new inch of skin she exposed as the shirt moved higher. She placed several loving kisses to the scar on Raelin’s right side. It had faded over the months, but to Del, it would always serve as a reminder of the sacrifices Raelin was willing to make to keep her safe. She always made sure to let Raelin know that she would be forever grateful for her actions on that day. She trailed her lips higher, blazing a trail up between her breasts and finally catching Raelin in a deep kiss. “I love you.”

  Threading her fingers through golden hair, Raelin deepened the kiss and moaned as Del’s tongue slid across hers.

  Shifting her weight, the blonde settled herself comfortably across Raelin’s hips. She pressed down, breaking away from Raelin’s now kiss swollen lips to start a path down her neck, pausing where she felt the witch’s pulse pounding beneath the bronze skin. Dipping lower, she sucked lightly, knowing Raelin was always secretly thrilled when she left her mark on her. “Think we have enough time before you need to open the store to have some fun?”

  “Ah...I think that there are advantages to being one’s own boss in many cases...and this is most definitely one of them,” she arched up against her wife’s lips.

  “Sit up.” Del grinned, tugging at the simple cotton of Raelin’s shirt.

  Doing as her wife directed, Raelin sat up and waited. She wasn’t going to make it easy for the blonde. Teasing was half the fun.

  “In a mood this morning I see,” the Chief chuckled, her lips descending to the swell of one breast as her hands pulled the shirt over her wife’s head, tossing it aside once it was off. “You’re going to make me work for it aren’t you?”

  “Mmm, everything worthwhile is worth some effort. And when the first word that comes out of your mouth is a name and not Good Morning...yeah,” she held Delaney’s head right where it was. She thrilled in the way that the blonde suckled at her breasts.

  “But every morning with you is good. I figured by now it’s automatically assumed and doesn’t need to be said,” Del sweet-talked never leaving her place on Raelin’s chest. Her fingers began wandering over the smooth skin of her stomach, fingering the hemline of Raelin’s underwear.

  Squirming slightly, the witch admitted, “You are so right that every morning is a Good Morning, but it’s nice to hear it...yes, right there...every once in a while,” the brunette hissed.

  “I’ll try to do better in the future then,” the blonde grinned, pulling away to push at Raelin’s shoulder with one hand and
slip her other into slick heat, teasing over the pliant flesh and reveling in the gasp it drew out of her wife.

  Lying back against the pillows, Raelin rolled her hips, drawing more of the blonde inside her. She looked down to see dark green eyes shining up at her along with a wicked smile. “You’re doing...uh...great.”

  Pulling her hand away she grasped the fabric on each hip and began drawing it down long legs, kissing and nipping as she went. Having pulled them off she tossed those aside as well and slowly made her way back up over her wife’s lean form. Tossing her hair over one shoulder so she could watch Raelin’s face she sunk three fingers deep into Raelin’s center, a saucy grin still plastered on her face.

  “B...b...bett...better.” Arching up, Raelin fisted the sheets knowing that her wife was going to take her own sweet time.

  “You know Darlin’, I’m not sure who’s the one being punished here. I’m rather enjoying myself,” Del said casually, keeping a slow pace as her free hand teased the flesh of Raelin’s chest.

  Tossing her head back and forth Raelin didn’t bother talking as she knew that there was no way she would make any sense if she tried. Her body arched high off the bed as Delaney teased at the spot that would send her over the edge before retreating.

  “You always look so good underneath me like this,” Del mused, letting her thumb press gently against Raelin’s clit before easing off.

  Panting, the witch’s eyes fluttered as she got nearer to the edge and she began to making a growling at the back of her throat.

  “Want something?” Del asked, picking her pace up ever so slightly.

  “Yesss...” Raelin breathed as she twisted under the blonde’s hands. “Let me cum.”

  “Well, I guess you have been pretty good,” she leaned over Raelin nipping at an ear as she pressed both against Raelin’s clit and the one spot that never failed to push Raelin over. “Let go Darlin’,” Del breathed into Rae’s ear.

  “Fuuuuckkkkk...” Raelin drug out the word as her body convulsed under her wife’s, her arms grabbing and drawing the Chief against her.

  Del grunted at the force of Raelin squeezing her, but it was worth it as she felt every tick and tremor of the woman beneath her. She continued to move until she felt Raelin’s body finally starting to relax underneath her and she carefully pulled her hand away. She pressed kisses to Raelin’s sweaty brow as the woman returned to her, giving the witch all the time she needed. “Good morning,” Del chuckled into Raelin’s hair.

  Kissing the woman for all that she was worth, Raelin moved her mouth to the blonde’s ear. “Now it is,” she breathed.

  Any response the Chief was going to offer was interrupted by the blare of the bedside alarm clock, announcing the hour. “Looks like I timed that pretty well.” She grinned, kissing Raelin back.

  “You have many skills,” Raelin murmured against silky lips. “I will wish you a very Good Night this evening,” she promised.

  “And I’ll hold you to that. Why don’t you hop in the shower and I’ll start breakfast. I can get ready once you’re done.” Del sighed contently. Life certainly was good these days.

  “Are you sure you don’t mind? I know that you have a meeting with the Mayor this morning.” The witch stretched like a cat, very happy and sated.

  “Please don’t remind me,” Del groaned, enjoying a stretch of her own. “It’s been how long now and he still badgers us every chance he gets.”

  Rising up to grasp one of Delaney’s nipples between her lips, Raelin drew it in slightly before nibbling on it and then kissing it to take away the sting. “He just likes looking at your ass as you walk away from him Darlin’. Hell, every man and half the women do in town.”

  Gasping, Del let her wife do as she pleased, sprawling herself out on her own side of the bed. “Oh please, I think you might be exaggerating just a bit Darlin’. That and you’re just a wee bit biased.”

  Grinning, Raelin turned away. “Okay, you’re probably right. I’ll shower and meet you downstairs then,” she got out of bed, and looked over her shoulder and winked as she headed towards the bathroom. “There’s plenty room for two.”

  Del watched wide eyed as a gloriously naked Raelin sauntered into the bathroom. Getting the obvious hint she bolted out of the bed ripping her shirt and underwear off as she went.

  Whirling around and pinning the blonde against the bathroom door, Raelin let her hand slide down until it was teasing the tiny little bundle of nerves and sucking on her wife’s shoulder, marking her.

  Del grunted as she was pressed against the door, but was immediately distracted by the hand that was currently teasing her and the lips that were hot against her shoulder. She gasped out Raelin’s name, pressing closer to her wife, desperate for more contact.

  Bending her knees slightly, the witch reached down with her other hand to draw up one of Delaney’s legs to wrap around her hips and slid in three fingers. Leaning forward, she breathed into the blonde’s ear. “In the middle of the meeting, I want you to remember this,” she started thrusting and rubbing Del’s clit.

  Licking her lips, Del nodded, knowing that she really would be hard pressed not to drift back to this moment when the Mayor started rambling about nothing. She let her head fall back with a thud as it hit the wood of the door, her breathing already uneven.

  “Stay with me Darlin’, I’m gonna give you something to daydream about,” the brunette lowered Del’s leg as she lowered herself to her knees and leaned forward to suckle on her wife. Flicking her tongue at each withdraw of her fingers, she soon had Delaney’s essence running down her wrist.

  “Oh God,” was all Del could mutter, over and over again. She fisted a hand in Raelin’s hair, pressing her closer as she felt her release approaching. She felt her knees trembling and used her free hand to balance herself against Raelin’s shoulder.

  Sliding in a fourth finger, the witch drew as much of her wife into her mouth as she could, humming, and curling her fingers at the same time.

  Del’s world pretty much narrowed to the sensations running across each nerve as she shuddered through an intense release. She moaned deep in her chest as it crashed over her, her muscles locking in place as her fingers tightened in Raelin’s hair.

  Raelin wasn’t quite ready to let her wife go, she twisted her fingers just so and delved in at a different angle, pulling away just enough to say. “Look at me.” Before she started licking and humming again.

  Whimpering as her body quickly came alive once more, Del did as she was told, locking her deep green gaze with Raelin’s deep gold. Unable to do anything but enjoy the ride, Del let her wife play, knowing it was always worth her while. “Please,” she begged, unsure how long her knees were going to remain under her power.

  “What?” was the only word Raelin breathed.

  “Let me cum Rae. Please,” the blonde pleaded her entire body thrumming as Raelin expertly held her dangling on the edge.

  “Cum for me Del...cum for me hard.”

  Crying out Raelin’s name Del once more found herself completely overwhelmed by pure sensation. Both hands fisted in Raelin’s dark waves as she quivered against Raelin’s hand and mouth. Finally, her knees fell out from under her and she slid to the floor as she came down, lights still dancing across her eyes as she struggled to get her breath back.

  Carefully pulling out as her wife slid down the door Raelin gathered her into her embrace and feathered kisses over her face and head. “I’ve got you Darlin’’s okay.”

  “Yup, definitely a Good Morning,” Del breathed, wrapping her arms around Raelin and holding her close.

  Chuckling, the woman held her wife until she was able to stand, and then they both finally got into the shower to bathe. After making sure that each other was spotless, they swore when they saw the time and hurriedly dressed.

  “You know, normally I’d be upset about missing maple bacon. Today? So worth it.” Del grinned, doing up her uniform pants and bending down to unlock the lock box she kept under the bed. She�
��d purchased one not long after Raelin had gotten back from the hospital, the witch’s dislike of guns not been helped any by the gunshot wound that had nearly taken her life. Strapping her gun belt across her hips, she turned to watch as Raelin finished dressing in a well-fitted oxford and jeans that made her nice ass look even nicer. “You look hot.” Del grinned.

  “So do you Darlin’. Tell you what, I’ll bring lunch by the Department and I’ll make sure that it has bacon somewhere in it,” the witch threaded a leather belt through the jean’s loops.

  “That would be amazing. Do you want a lift, or do you want to take your own truck into town? Any inventory to pick up?” Del asked, pulling her long blonde hair into a ponytail.

  “No, I’ll take the truck because I want to go out to the Foundation to make sure that they have everything for the grand opening. We’re also going to go over the final list of kids that are coming as the first bunch,” the brunette walked over to button up Delaney’s top button. “Don’t give the Mayor anything to look at. You’re all mine.”

  “Don’t worry Darlin’. You’ve made it pretty clear to him and everyone else in town just who I belong to,” the blonde chuckled. “I’m going to head in, I’ll grab a muffin from the kitchen on my way out. See you at lunch?”

  “Yup, I’ll be there with something bacony and with bells on.” Raelin pulled on a pair of sneakers.

  “Thanks. I’ll see you then.” Del tugged on Raelin’s collar, pulling her in for a loving kiss. “Love you.”

  “I love you more. Have a good morning,” the witch touched her wife’s lips and sighed. She sat on the bed as she listened to the blonde dash downstairs, stop briefly in the kitchen and then outside to get into her Jeep. As the sound of the engine faded into silence, the brunette finally roused herself up and headed downstairs.

  Opening the refrigerator, she took out some baby shrimp for Rori and tore it into pieces before she set it on his bench.


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