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Intuition Page 20

by Jennis Slaughter

  Raelin walked through the door and knelt next to herself. She watched as she rose up on an elbow and stared right at her. “Where life ended, life can be saved. What surrounds you can fill you and bring you home.”

  Del jumped when Raelin jerked awake sucking in a deep lungful of air as she lay trembling in the now sweat soaked sheets. She wrapped her arms around Raelin pulling her tight against her and rubbing circles on her back. “Oh baby, it’s okay. I’m right here, that was a terrible dream, but I’m not going to let it happen. We’re both just fine.”

  Dragging in lungs full of air, Raelin held onto her wife, trying to remember everything that she could. Whatever she had done in the dream, was the key to getting Delaney and Ariel out of there safely, and she started muttering the riddle underneath her breath. “Where life ended, life can be saved. What surrounds you, can fill you and bring you home,” she repeated it until she had it committed to memory.

  “What did you say Darlin’? I couldn’t hear you,” Del whispered, continuing to hold Raelin close. Her trembling was easing some, but Del still felt the lingering remnants of fear.

  Burrowing her face into Del’s chest, Raelin held on until she was finally calmed down. “I knew I was there. I looked right at me and said where life ended, life can be saved. And then what surrounds you, can fill you and bring you home,” she shook her head. “I don’t know what that means.”

  “A riddle maybe? The only thing I can think of to fit the first would be a hospital. It just doesn’t fit with the second part. See? Even you can’t understand you.” Del chuckled, kissing the top of her lover’s head. “In all seriousness, I’m not going to let that happen. It won’t. I’ll do anything I can to keep you from being hurt.”

  Looking up at her wife’s face, Raelin could see the worry and the seriousness of the woman’s vow. “You might not be able to stop it Del. I really do think that it’s the future. Somehow the lines are trying to help us.”

  “Well, the lines can stuff it. I’m not going to just carry on as usual when both you and Ariel could be in danger,” Del said resolutely.

  Reaching up, the witch drew the blonde’s lips down to hers for a hungry kiss, moaning as their tongues slid against each other. She rolled them until she was over Delaney and she rose up to stare down at her love. “You are my wife, and I’ll protect you with every fiber of my being.”

  “Then you know how badly I want to keep you safe. Not just you, but I could never live with myself if anything happened to Ariel,” Del said seriously, tracing Raelin’s face with her fingertips.

  “Nothing will happen to that child. All I ever saw was that she was frightened.” Raelin turned her face into Del’s palm and kissed it. “That is all.”

  “Even so, I’m your wife and the Chief and I’ll protect you with every fiber of my being.” Del smiled, echoing Raelin’s words. She slid one hand down to the small of Raelin’s back, pressing her closer.

  Biting her bottom lip, Raelin pressed herself even closer. “If we can’t stop this from happening, at least we know that Ariel is safe and I can get both of you out of there. I don’t know, but maybe I’ll dream how to get me out.”

  Feeling warmth spread through her body where ever her wife touched, Del took a quick glance at the clock and realized it was close to morning anyway. “Raelin, you sure as hell better not come after me without an escape plan,” she took in a deep breath when Raelin shifted, pressing even more of her weight down in just the right spot. “Well, don’t you seem rested?”

  Rising up Raelin reached between them with both hands and pulled Delaney’s shirt up and over half of her head, effectively covering her eyes, trapping her arms, and leaving her beautiful breasts bare. Licking her lips the witched leaned down to capture a perfect nipple between her teeth and draw it into her mouth, flicking it with her tongue.

  Del lost whatever train of thought she had as Raelin took control of her leaving her tied up in her shirt and terribly exposed to the teasing touches of the witch’s talented hands. “Oh, you are amazing,” the blonde breathed, arching into her lovers mouth, aching for more contact.

  Drawing in more of her wife’s breast, the witch slid a hand between their bodies, past the shorts, and into Delaney’s warmth. Humming, she immediately started the thrust into the throbbing slickness of the blonde.

  Clenching her fists against the need to pull Raelin closer Del could only roll her hips to show her appreciation. She squirmed, begging for more contact and whimpering when her lack of sight and touch made everything much more intense.

  Finally releasing Del’s breast Raelin let her touch trace idle patterns along the blonde’s skin while her hand continued to drive her wife across the bed and towards a climax. She muttered against her tummy. “What do you want Delaney?”

  “Your mouth. Please,” Del begged, feeling her stomach clench as Raelin kissed and nipped the sensitive skin.

  The brunette chuckled as she licked a peaches and crème hipbone. “My mouth is all over you...You need to be more specific.”

  Frustrated at being unable to reach down and guide Raelin’s head to exactly where she wanted it, she rolled her hips, trying to make it clear where she wanted Raelin’s attention. “Lower.” Was all she managed to get out around whimpers and gasps for breath.

  With her free hand, Raelin tore the crotch of Del’s shorts and pressed her tongue in between her two fingers and delved in as deep as she possibly could into her wife. She moaned at the flavor that was uniquely Del and started humming as hard as she could.

  “Fuck,” Del breathed, arching nearly off the bed in her need to be closer. She wasn’t entirely sure where she ended and her lover started, but it didn’t matter so long as Raelin didn’t stop. She purred at the sensations as Raelin hummed against her skin, sending shivers the whole way up the blonde’s spine. “Jesus fucking Christ. So good Darlin’.”

  Moving her mouth to suckle on Del’s clit, Raelin filled her wife and curled her fingers, caressing the spot that drove the blonde over the edge. She wanted Delaney to cum hard, to feel her head being held in place by the Chief’s muscular thighs and to drink up every drop of her essence as it flowed from her.

  Del’s body exploded and she felt her thighs clench and tense against Raelin’s body holding her in place as the witch wrung every ounce of pleasure out of her as she could. Letting out a long, low moan as her body spasmed and reacted to every shift, curl and thrust of Raelin’s fingers and tongue.

  Laving her tongue from top to bottom of her wife’s entrance, Raelin then pressed her mouth hard against her and curled her tongue to tease the little ridges, humming once again all the while.

  “Oh Jesus,” Del gasped, followed by a long string of curses as Raelin pushed her over once more. She felt the burn in her arms from where they were tangled in her shirt above her head, while stars danced in front of her covered eyes as she gasped for breath, completely at the mercy of her wife.

  Finally Raelin pulled away after helping Del cum one final time and crawled up her body to pull off the t-shirt completely. Leaning down, she kissed the blonde, letting her taste herself on the witch’s tongue.

  Purring into the kiss she tasted herself and just underneath it, the familiar taste of her wife. Del wrapped her arms around Raelin’s back, holding her close, even as she felt the burning where the circulation was returning to her hands and arms. “Well, good morning to you too.”

  “It is now, and by the way,” she raised her head. “That did not count as breakfast in bed. I still want my bacon.” Raelin grinned. Even though the dream was one of the worst that she had experienced, just having Del there and to share it with made it easier. She mentally kicked herself in the ass for keeping it from her for so long.

  “I hope that wasn’t a cop joke.” Del laughed. “You’ll get your bacon Darlin’. Have I ever deprived you of your Saturday bacon fests?”

  For a moment, the witch looked puzzled and then it dawned on her, and she laughed. “Nooo, I never thought of it that way. I gue
ss that I can have my pig and bacon too.”

  “Hey, Witchy Woman. Watch your tongue,” Del scolded jokingly, pinching the taller woman’s waist.

  “My tongue has been very good this morning, so it can do anything that it wants right now,” the brunette teased back.

  “Touché, you want your bacon or not?” Del laughed, nipping at Raelin’s lower lip.

  “Yes dear, I want my bacon.” Raelin rolled onto her back, looking all pleased with herself.

  ~ Chapter 7 ~

  Del held the door to the department open for her wife. “Okay, this shouldn’t take too long. Hopefully Mr. Collins isn’t very bright and makes my job easy for me.” Del smirked.

  Raelin let her eyes caress the blonde’s body as she walked by, ever since they opened their link back up, she was hard pressed to keep her hands to herself. “Well Darlin’, he is a man, so you can outsmart him every time.” She let her finger glide along Delaney’s arm.

  Sucking in a deep breath, Del shivered at the touch. She was glad she had elected to wear a black fitting t-shirt and jeans because Raelin loved her in black. Then again, Raelin had been touching her in some way since they left the house and she was having a hard time keeping her own hands to herself. Clearing her throat, she followed her wife into the department and unlocked the door to her office, offering a greeting to both Michaels and Douglas as she walked by.

  Raelin turned to the men. “What would you gentlemen like for lunch? The Nook is supplying lunch for the Department for those who have to work on weekends. Call in your order and we’ll have it delivered.”

  Douglas paused on his way back to his desk with a bunch of files. “Why thank you Ma’am. That’s very nice of you,” he said with a smile, and Michaels managed to give her a bashful smile.

  “I think Michaels likes you,” Del whispered teasingly. Turning to her two Deputies, she smiled at them. “I know we don’t usually come into the office on the weekends, but thank you for coming in to help out.”

  “You’re imagining things Del,” the brunette walked past her wife and into her office. “He’s just a shy and very nice guy.”

  “I know. He’s also a damned good Deputy,” she replied, opening a filing cabinet next to her desk. She pulled out a couple forms took up her seat at the desk, and motioned for Raelin to take one as well. “I need you to write a statement about what happened yesterday. Every single detail you can remember. The time, what he looked like, everything from beginning to end. Including everything I did,” she explained, handing over a statement sheet.

  “Exactly how detailed do you want this?” Raelin looked at the papers with a wary eye.

  “As detailed as you can get it. If this goes to court, the attorney’s working it will use your statement as evidence. The defense will try to pick it apart, so try not to leave any holes,” Del answered.

  “Do you have a legal pad I can use?” The witch picked up a blue pen off Del’s desk and started filling in the appropriate blanks, before starting to write what happened.

  “Yeah, sure.” Pulling open a desk drawer the blonde pulled out a blank legal pad and handed it over to her wife. “You can use that all you want. I finished a lot of my own paperwork last night so I only have a few things to do, then I’m going to go ask Collins a question or two. If you finish before I’m done, just let Douglas know.”

  Over the next thirty minutes Raelin proceeded to fill out eight pages of the legal pad, both front and back, with what happened the day before with Mr. Collins. Standing up after she finished, she stretched her arms over her head and twisted, popping her back. Picking up all of her paperwork, she went in search of Douglas.

  Seeing Raelin approaching, Douglas stood up and gave her a smile. “All done?” he asked kindly.

  “Yes Sir,” she handed him the paperwork. “Is Del still in with Mr. Collins?”

  “Just started, she and Michaels pulled up an interesting background check,” the older gentleman said, flipping through Raelin’s papers with a whistle. “You sure are thorough. Most of the cops I’ve worked with couldn’t write up a report this detailed.”

  Raelin blushed. “I have a warped memory. Most of the time I can remember every tiny detail, and then other times, I can’t remember what I said. You don’t have to type all that up, do you?”

  “Nope I don’t. Your wife does,” he chuckled. “You want to go watch or would you rather wait out here with me?”

  “Is it okay if I watch or should I start typing this up myself?” Raelin didn’t want to do anything that would cause people to cry foul or anything against the Department.

  “It’s just fine if you watched. The Chief will type it up later, just so we can make copies. The original will be used in court. It will be sealed in a file as evidence. So don’t you worry,” he explained hearing the concern in the younger woman’s voice. “If you’ll follow me, they are over in room one.”

  Nodding, Douglas led Raelin into a back hallway, turning left and away from the holding cells. He paused outside of a door, hitting a switch next to it. He smiled when his boss’s voice came through over the speaker. He pointed to the one-way mirror. “You can watch through there. I’m sure you know it’s one way, so he won’t be able to see you.”

  Raelin thanked the older man and turned to watch the interrogation going on in the other room, interested in seeing how her wife handled the so-called reporter.

  “So, Mr. Collins, what brought you to Leroy anyway?” Del asked, hoping to get some information before he cried for his lawyer.

  The man brought up a hand and ran it through his hair. “I told you yesterday, that I was a freelance reporter.”

  “Then why didn’t the editor of the paper you write for know who you were? Especially if you’d allegedly been writing for them about ten years now?” Del asked, flipping through a file in her hand.

  “Well, you know how reporters come and go. He just has a lousy memory, that’s all,” the man reasoned out.

  “Right, if that’s the case then, how come you never existed, period, until five years ago? There’s no birth certificate, no prior passports, no driver’s license. Nothing.” Del tossed the file onto the table, opened to the print out showing the first registration of his name.

  Collins smirked as he looked down at the table, idly drawing patterns in the top. “Well you see my ex-wife was going after all of my paychecks, so I changed my name, and I may have done it not quite legally. I needed to be off the grid so to speak.”

  “Running from a woman? A big man like you?” Del chuckled, shaking her head. “What was your previous name?”

  “I don’t see where that’s any of your business. That was a long time ago.” The man sat back and crossed his arms over his chest.

  “It’s plenty my business,” Del growled, leaning forward over the table, resting her weight on her palms. Michaels remained calm next to her, observing the man’s body language and listening for any holes in his statements. “You come into my town, and harass my townsfolk, and I’m not going to have it. Now, you’ll tell me your name before I lose my patience.”

  “I didn’t harass the town folk...I went after that beautiful woman in the bookstore. She’s your ‘wife’, ain’t she? She must be a wildcat in bed, and believe you me, I’d have her howling.” Collins wiggled his eyebrows as he licked his lips.

  Del took a deep breath, trying not to reach over and strangle him. “There are plenty of other women in town. There had to be a reason for you to come after Raelin. What are you looking for? Who are you?”

  “I saw a picture of her in the New Orleans Picayune at the opening of that place she set up and decided that I wanted some of that.” He leaned back on the chairs back two legs.

  “Bullshit, you didn’t walk into that bookstore with the intention to flirt. You didn’t make a single comment, or anything resembling flirting. You were trying to get some dirt on her. You’re hiding something from me, and so help me God, I’m going to find out what it is. I have friends, and they won’t think t
wice about giving me a hand. I’ll figure out who you are, with or without your help,” Del growled, her patience nearly run out.

  “Wow, that bitch has the law in this town under her tongue so to speak. Tell you what, you call your friends, because I ain’t giving you shit. I want my phone call now,” and Collins shut up.

  Face flushed with frustration and anger Del turned slowly to her newest Deputy. “Take this jackass to his cell; make sure he gets a phone call.” With that, she stormed out of the room.

  Raelin watched as her wife, then Michaels and Mr. Collins left the room. She waited until she was sure that the man wouldn’t see her before she made her way into her wife’s office.

  Del picked up the phone and dialed her partner’s number waiting for Kasey to pick up. She noticed Raelin poke her head into the room and nodded at her. “I’m going to ask Kasey to give Will a call.”

  Stepping into the room, Raelin closed the door. “Are you sure that’s wise? Bringing the FBI into this.”

  “Not the FBI. Just Will. I’ll ask him if he’ll run Collins through a facial recognition program, on the down low. He’s hiding something and I won’t be able to figure it out until I know who he really is,” she hung up the phone when it went to voicemail. “I’ll try her again later. Collins is probably using that phone call to pony up his lawyer.”

  Sitting on the edge of her wife’s desk, the witch suggested. “Why don’t you trace his lawyer? Find out who his biggest clients are and that might give you a lead.”

  “Good idea. I’ll see what we can do once the lawyer shows up. For now there isn’t much I can do,” Del muttered running a hand over her face. “There’s something, I know there is. I just don’t know what.”

  “Do you want me to do a reading?” Raelin knew that magic had nothing to do with the law, but maybe it would help.

  “No, that’s fine, I want to just relax. There isn’t anything we can do for now, his lawyer probably won’t show up until Monday anyway.” Del smiled, letting her eyes roam over the form of her wife, as she leaned casually against her desk.


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