Topaz: Book 8 of the Steel MC Montana Charter

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Topaz: Book 8 of the Steel MC Montana Charter Page 19

by Michel Prince

  The little curly haired boy, his skin shades darker than Cass’ but his heart didn’t see that. His heart told him not only was Casanova his father, but that his father was in pain.

  Cass turned to see his oldest son running full speed with arms spread wide and sat back on his booted feet.

  “Daddy no—cry,” Braxton’s broken nearly three year old words tore at everyone’s heart strings as Murphy clung to her mama’s leg with fat tears in her eyes. “Daddy no cry.”

  Cass held the boy tight. His head cradling the young child’s head, as the little man told him it would be okay. A child still learning how to speak trying to protect his father.

  Topaz wove her fingers in with Onyx who couldn’t raise his head to see the moment.

  After a few moments of silence, Cass stood, shifting his hold on Braxton to his hip and walked to his woman. Cupping her cheek as he leaned down, kissing Lil’ Mama deeply as Murphy switched from her mother’s to her father’s leg.

  “Frozen one, two, live, Olaf finds his nose on repeat,” Cass said as a command. “In the clubhouse all day.”

  “Tonight, you and me,” she replied.

  He nodded, then placed his forehead against hers. “Wild bunch, didn’t you hear me?” he said. “Frozen all day and you can’t have Frozen without ice cream.”

  “You k daddy?” Braxton asked as his pudgy hand pressed on Cass’ cheek.

  “I’m good, Chaos, but I need you to make sure no one eats more than two ice cream cones.” Cass lifted Braxton high in the air and rocked him side to side until the boy let out a giggle that broke any and all tension. “How many is two? How many is two?”

  Braxton proudly held up two fingers.

  Cass set him down next to his sister and made sure to give Murphy the same treatment.

  “I tried to warn him,” Onyx said, finally lifting his head, then turning to her. “This place is an oasis from all this shit. I forgot that when I claimed you.”

  “Don’t even think it Dallas King,” she bit and held his hand tighter. “We live in this oasis and if we tend it right it will flourish and grow.”

  “You trying to tell me our son will never run crying to console me?”

  The word our swirled in her mind, making her a bit dizzy. “Don’t piss me off and I won’t have to whoop your ass in front of him or our girls.”

  His eyes softened, “Girls? Multiple huh? I don’t like you going without me there.”

  “You think I liked watching you roll out with the men all those times?” she asked. “Because my worry for you didn’t start a few days ago.”

  “That night,” he said turning so they were face to face. “I was asking you a question. You said I do something to you.”

  Stroking his cheek, Topaz pushed up on her toes and kissed him lightly on the lips. “Be in my bed when we get back and I’ll let you see.”

  Topaz sat in the back seat of the van they were driving, heading toward Berrington. ACT UP group was located on a farm on the other side of the small town that was the county seat.

  “How experienced are you in setting up explosives, Topaz?” Cass asked from the front seat.

  “I learned from Dell. We chose blowing up several of the old buildings on the compound in New Mexico to prepare for the new ones being built, instead of tear downs. I know how to set up and secure dynamite and C4.” She hadn’t used her skills for a few years, but remembered everything the other woman had taught her and wasn’t going to hide her pride. “I’m pretty good with triggers when I set them.”

  “Okay, I’m going to send you with Bounty. Brick and I will set up this part of the farm and you two do the other half.” Cass pointed to a large area on the map they had brought with them.

  “You really okay?” she asked.

  Cass glanced over his shoulder. “They had pictures they’d taken around Turnabout on a dartboard for all to see.” Cass’ jaw ticked. “Holding it in while they were joking about shit with each other, thinking Baldy and I were safe. But when I saw Murphy’s head taped to a monkey’s body with a dart—”

  “I shouldn’t have said—”

  “I’ve got one there that is mine,” Cass said and the whole van nodded in agreement. “The blast may be a bit close to his body, so we’re not telling Red.”

  “Inside,” Brick said with a bit too much glee. “Please say inside.”

  Cass glared at him.

  “Bounty and I have our side, we’ll get ‘em.” Topaz gave a half-hearted smile. Inside, she felt good to actually be doing something about the group that had led to the kidnapping of Onyx and her. They had to be taken down and the cabin only had two guys, but four had taken them.

  It was a relief that no women and children lived on this property. Of course, that could be why this circle jerk of men existed. Then again, maybe that’s why they co-opted ACT UP. They’re closeted men fighting their own hatred for themselves. Topaz shook her head needing to stop the shit the men of the club say when making fun of the acronym.

  They had to get in and out without being caught, but she knew she could do this. Dressed in dark jeans and a black t-shirt. She tugged on her beanie and readied herself for their onslaught.

  Pulling into the woods across from the farm, they parked the van and it seemed as if everyone let out a collective breath they’d been holding.

  Topaz got out, walked to the back of the vehicle, and waited for the others.

  Cass opened the doors to the van and grabbed out two backpacks. “Brick this is ours and Topaz this one is for you. You’ll find all the explosives and gear you’ll need to set it up.” He turned to Bounty. “Keep her safe, you and I are their bitches right now.”

  “Don’t worry Cass, I got this.” Bounty gave the man a pound before setting off across the road toward the farm.

  It was early in the morning, the darkness of twilight only giving light from the distant stars. With a small flashlight, she would be able to do this. Topaz had complete confidence.

  Once they arrived. She picked out the buildings that were on her side of the map. She raced to the first one and knelt down putting the backpack on the ground in front of her. She unzipped it and reached in taking out a few sticks of dynamite and the charges. Brick had painted them in a rainbow design. They held him back too long. Taping it to the side of the building along the foundation, she ran wire to charge it. Rolling out more, she slowly made her way to the next one and did the same.

  Each explosive was set up on what should be pressure points and Topaz felt confident she had done her job.

  Bounty had her back the entire time, his gun drawn and eyes on the perimeter.

  When they reached the last building a few men were sitting on a porch of a house and drinking coffee.

  Topaz stopped dead in her tracks. She couldn’t afford to be caught now. She turned to Bounty and raised her hand for him to stop walking. She pointed toward the men and held her finger to her mouth to keep him quiet.

  Mouthing the word fuck he signaled to her to keep moving. They made their way around another building to come to the back of the house without passing the porch. Her heart raced and she paused for a moment to make sure she wasn’t rushing. Dell’s instructions playing out in real time. The woman refused to make it a joke or be light when it came to clearing buildings in New Mexico. Topaz put the backpack on the ground and took out more explosives. Linking them on the same detonator electronical as she charged them, then taped it to the house.

  With a nod to Bounty, they took off in the direction of the woods and back to the van. Once she reached the vehicle, she took a deep breath in relief. “We did it.” She high fived Bounty and slipped off the beanie.

  “You were great back there Topaz. Those explosives looked pretty, can’t wait to see them blow. I heard Brick put glitter in with the C4.”

  “Told you I could do it. Dell taught me well. I remembered everything once I started to do it again.”

  “It was awesome to watch. You kept your head on your shoulders. I thought
we were going to get caught there for a minute.” Bounty smiled.

  “Me too.” Topaz looked up to see Cass and Brick walking back towards them. “Hey, before they get here—”

  “Yeah?” Bounty said, even though they had spent nights together it had been a while, and the last few nights were just for show. His mind only focused on the woman he now called his.

  The younger guy would always be a friend in her heart. “Your Ol’ Lady knocked?” Topaz asked.

  “You saying Cream is glowing?” he teased shining brightly with his wide smile. “We just found out, another spring baby.”

  “Cream was a twin right?” she asked. “Could be two.”

  Bounty looked at her and jokingly said, “You need to close your whore mouth.”

  From anyone else and any other tone, she would have taken offense, but they’d watched Anchorman too many times together. Giving him a big hug, she congratulated her friend who had to feel every ounce of Cass’ story. The men were both with Black women and their babies, their hearts saw the same thing hers did. A chance for a future with the person they love without bullshit.

  Cass walked up to them. “Did you get everything set on your side?”

  “Yep, and we even got the house,” Topaz said.

  “Good job. Now all we have to do is make it rain racists.” Cass walked to the side of the van with the controller in his hands. “Do you have yours?” He held his hand palm up waiting for Topaz’s controller.

  “My charge, my push. I’m going to set these off.” Topaz held onto her controller. “How did Brick let you take the go button?”

  “Guess he wanted to watch the mastery.” Cass nodded. “You are one strong chick. I’m proud of you Topaz.”

  “Thanks Cass. Never thought I would hear those words.” Topaz grinned. It felt good to be on this side of the club for once.

  “Ready Topaz. On the count of three we set this place up.”

  “I’m ready.” Topaz waited with a held breath. Her finger poised over the button, she couldn’t wait to do this.

  “You gonna say it?” Bounty asked.

  Cass cut him a look, then shook his head.

  Holding the detonator high, Topaz did too.

  “One, two, and three.” Cass pushed his controller and Topaz pushed hers as he yelled. “ACT-UP fight AIDS.”

  The place lit up with every building exploding as the entire farm was set ablaze.

  “Really?” she questioned as the fireball lit up the morning as if the sun rose and set in the same few seconds.

  “It was Brick’s idea. Honest.”

  “And the dart thrower?” she asked as the sound of men screaming through the no longer silent night brought her back from the movie screening of Rent forced on almost all. Around them, mayhem tore through the normally docile world as Brick’s dumb ass came barreling toward them with a rain of rainbow colored fireworks to light the way.

  “Let’s go.” Cass got into the driver’s side of the van.

  And everyone else piled in.

  “Oh my God, that was awesome!” Brick howled out the open window of the van. “Did you see it? Did you? Every building gone, men on fire as the sky lit up in pinks and purples!”

  “You had to go there?”

  “Maybe they’ll figure it out when they see all their bank accounts were drained to a certain non-profit in New York,” Brick said as he drummed on the glove box. “Hack and Onyx are twisted mothers I tell you.”

  Topaz felt pride now, that she had exacted revenge on the group that had ordered them to be kidnapped. The one who came into her town grabbing the man—it was then it hit her. She was collateral damage. Never to have been there. What if—she couldn’t… the thought was too horrible as she turned in her seat to watch as the fire spread out behind them.

  Hope kept blooming until she saw several vehicles coming from the compound they just blew up. “Cass…”

  He glanced up at her in the rearview mirror and saw for himself what she was about to tell them. “Shit.”

  The stomp on the gas pedal followed by the rev of the engine sent them off on a high speed chase. There were too many vehicles coming out. They thought they had blown up the entire lot of humans living in that place. ACT UP had survived.

  She could feel the souped up van rev its motor and Cass stepped on it. They flew down the road towards the highway leading back to Turnabout.

  “Cass, where did they all come from? I thought we took care of them,” Bounty yelled out.

  Topaz shook her head. “We need to call Red and tell him we’re rolling hot.” Opening her cell phone, she found Red’s number and called.

  Red answered the phone. “Talk to me Topaz.”

  “Buildings gone but we are being chased by several vehicles. We have to pass Berrington, which way you think we should go? Where do you want us to bring them?”

  “Keep heading toward Berrington. We’ll be waiting.” Red disconnected. Her lifeline to the club severed.

  “Cass… Red wants you to drive straight to Berrington. Can we outrun these peckerheads?” Topaz leaned forward to the front of the van checking on the speed of the van. They were going seventy miles per hour. “You can go faster can’t you?”

  “Topaz I’m going a safe speed. So far, they are just following us,” Cass yelled back.

  “There’s something in Berrington for us. Can we get there today?”

  “It’s fucking deer o’clock. I’m trying to make it home. Not just to Berrington, but home without hitting Bambi and killing us all.”

  Tension was thick in the van. All of them watching the vehicles behind them in their own way.

  An SUV came up fast and nearly rear-ended them.

  “Cass move it!” Bounty yelled.

  Cass gunned the van and they careened ahead hitting top speeds of over a hundred. The van was charged up by Baldy and used in several rescues where they needed to outrun people chasing them.

  Topaz turned around and saw the SUV was right behind them and several other vehicles were coming up onto them. “They’re going to try and run us off the road. How far are we from Berrington?”

  “We’re still too far out. Call Red back and tell him what is going on,” Cass ordered. “We’re at least five miles away still.”

  Topaz quickly called Red.

  He answered on the first ring,. “Hello.”

  “They’re gaining on us. We’re still too far out. Cass wanted me to call you. Says we’re about five from town.”

  “Keep coming. We’re set up a mile outside town. Hollywood has the road blocked by deputies behind us. Tell Cass to avoid pursuers as much as possible the van can take a hit. It’s a strong vehicle made for this.” Red kept her on the phone.

  She leaned closer to the front. “Red said to keep coming. If you’re hit, the van can take it.” Topaz flung forward from a nudge and she looked back to see the SUV right on their rear end.

  Cass pushed the van hard and sped until they were separated from the pack. Up ahead, the glow of lights on either side of the road left a van size hole. Cass just needed to thread the needle.


  Every fiber in Onyx’s body was alive and his eyes couldn’t believe what they were witnessing. He stood beside his brothers and waited. The call from Topaz to Red saying they were coming in hot, and being chased by members of ACT UP, didn’t even begin to describe what he saw in the distance. A set of headlights followed a cacophony cutting through the silence of early dawn.

  “We need to be ready,” Red announced as he stood in the middle of the abandoned highway. “When they shoot through, we need to take out the vehicles that are chasing them.”

  Three prospects were farther up the road with spike strips to roll out once the van passed them. He prayed the men rolling them had reflexes for the near impossible task. With only three sets in the county, they couldn’t make too much of a barrier. As long as they let the van pass, they should be all right.

  Onyx wondered if they had been caught setting the ex
plosives at the compound? It had always been they were going to be outside Berrington just in case of stragglers, what he wasn’t prepared for were the number of vehicles rolling behind the van. Whatever information Red had, he wasn’t sharing. Why were they being chased and were they going to really make it without an accident happening?

  He was worried sick. He watched the horizon as the glow of headlights got brighter and wider as the leader of the pack drove down the middle of the highway.

  Roadkill, Cream and a handful of the women were waiting with them. Everyone had a weapon and they were setting up trucks to block parts of the road. Red didn’t want anyone to be at the ranch if shit went south. Only a handful of prospects were there keeping watch over the older women and children.

  Even if ACT UP knew where they lived, they weren’t going to destroy what was built there. Outside of Berrington, people were used to the Steels causing a little mayhem and having sunshine on the other side of it. When the sun rose today, there would be smoke, there would be death and the world would emerge a better place.

  Red yelled, “Get ready here they come.”

  As the van screamed by them, several vehicles continued on their tails. The prospects rolling spike strips as fast as they could catching the second wave of vehicles and sending them rolling into the ditches as their tires blew out.

  The crash of metal and squealing tires a symphony to Onyx’s ears as he and others unloaded on the tires of the other trucks and SUVs. Sending those vehicles into their own tailspins.

  Onyx’s eyes trained on the van as he watched Topaz, Cass, Bounty and Brick tumble out, ready to for this fight.

  “We fight, don’t use the guns unless absolutely necessary,” Hollywood commanded. “I don’t have time for the paperwork.”

  A few dozen men were crawling out of disabled vehicles reminding him of roaches. They were heavily manned and it was going to take every member of the MC to stand up to them.

  Onyx didn’t wait to be approached, rushing forward his fist found the first man he came to... square in the face. Hearing the satisfactory crunch of bones being broken. Fights broke out all around him and he didn’t stop either. He hammered the man in the face so many times; he wondered why the man didn’t drop to the ground.


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