Playing Catch-Up

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Playing Catch-Up Page 8

by Zoey Lennox

  Alexis scanned the immediate area for a hole to jump into.

  Fortunately, Lauren clocked her mortification and pulled Todd back into the house by the arm. “We’ll leave you ladies to it. Enjoy yourselves.”

  The door shut behind them, and muted voices sounded from the other side.

  If Alexis’s suspicions were correct, Lauren was giving Todd a right old rollicking. Served him right.

  “I got you flowers.” Ramie held up a small bouquet of yellow roses. “I wasn’t sure what you liked.”

  Alexis accepted the flowers with shaky hands and leaned in close to plant a soft peck on Ramie’s lips.

  “They’re gorgeous,” she whispered. “Just like you.”

  Ramie’s cheeks turned a delightful shade of pink. She cleared her throat and motioned towards the flowers. “You might want to put them in some water before we take off.”

  “Good idea. Hold on. I’ll be back in a minute.”

  Lauren was still hovering in the hallway when Alexis opened the front door, no doubt trying to eavesdrop.

  “Give them here.” Lauren snatched the roses and brought them to her nose. “Wow. They smell wonderful. And, oh look, they’ve got red tips. That symbolises friendship turning into romance, you know. How romantic.”

  The dreamy, glazed-over expression in Lauren’s eyes made Alexis laugh. “Are you sure you don’t want to go on this date instead of me, because you’re really lapping this up.”

  “Shut up,” Lauren snapped. “I’ve got to grab my thrills where I can find them. You’ll understand once you’ve been together for a while. Romance becomes a thing of the past.”

  Alexis hoped not. She was rather enjoying being wooed. “Well, I’d better be off,” she said. “Don’t wait up. I’m not sure what time I’ll be back.”

  Lauren snickered. “I bet you don’t. Have fun, you crazy lady.”

  Lauren’s cackle was still reverberating when Alexis closed the door behind her.

  “Don’t ask,” she said when Ramie raised a brow. “I think she’s had too much to drink.”

  Ramie held out her hand, and Alexis took it eagerly. The contact was warm and comforting and sent a spike of anticipation coursing through her body. Now that she’d had a taste of Ramie’s lips, she was hooked. She wanted more. As soon as possible.

  “I don’t have a car,” Ramie said. “But I do have a chariot waiting for you.”

  Alexis scouted the immediate area and spotted a faded red bicycle propped against the garden wall.

  “A bike?” Was she serious?

  Ramie shrugged. “It gets me from point A to point B, and it’s cheaper than paying the extortionate parking fees on the riverside.”

  Alexis eyed the rusty contraption doubtfully. “You expect me to get on that thing in this dress? What are you going to do? Run along beside me?”

  Ramie laughed and climbed onto the saddle. “No. I want you to park your cute arse up here.” She tapped the space between the handlebars and made a turnaround motion with her hand.

  Alexis was about to make a prat of herself in exactly five seconds.

  “Don’t worry. You’ll be fine,” Ramie soothed. “Just hop up and I’ll help you.”

  Alexis reluctantly got into position and jumped up to find strong hands gripping her armpits and manoeuvring her carefully into place.

  “See.” Ramie said. “Easy peasy. Now sit back and enjoy the ride.”

  After a bit of adjusting, Alexis managed to find a comfortable spot in the limited space.

  “You okay?” Ramie asked as she took off down the street; her hot breath caressed the space between Alexis’s chin and neck, sending a wave of goosebumps coursing over her skin.

  “Yeah.” Alexis tugged at the hem of her dress. The last thing she wanted to do was give passers-by an eyeful, so she kept her legs clamped together and hoped for the best.

  The streets were busy at this time of night. Cars whooshed by to their right and bundled up pedestrians cast incredulous stares as they whizzed along the pavement.

  Alexis willed her body to relax. She leaned further backwards and made herself at home against Ramie’s broad shoulder.

  “How are you doing?” Ramie pressed a soft kiss to Alexis’s neck.

  “Good. Are we almost there? I don’t know how much longer I can keep up this balancing act without earning myself some bruises.”

  Ramie took a right turn and steadied Alexis’s hip as the road changed from tarmac to cobbles. “Not much further now. It’s just up ahead.”

  As they bumped along the rapidly narrowing lane, the riverside slowly emerged in the distance.

  “Wow. It’s so beautiful.”

  The strip of water was oddly calm—black liquid moving lazily along the bank as moonlight shone down, casting luminous rays upon its surface.

  “You’re lucky to live here. It’s like we’ve dropped through a wormhole to another place and time.”

  Ramie grinned, her teeth glowing white in the darkness. “I’m glad you agree. Most people think I’m crazy when they find out I live on a narrowboat. They just don’t get it.”

  Ramie’s boat was squashed between two larger vessels. A deep burgundy red, it boasted gold accents and a couple of pretty flower boxes.

  After folding her collapsible bike in half, Ramie lifted it onto the boat and then reached back for Alexis’s hand. Together they climbed on board, Alexis stumbling slightly as the floor swayed beneath her feet.

  “Come on,” Ramie said. “I don’t know about you, but I’m starving. Let’s get below deck.”

  Alexis followed Ramie down a tiny set of stairs. She had to duck her head as she passed through the small door.

  The first thing that hit her was the mouth-watering aroma of homemade tomato sauce. It assaulted her nostrils, making her stomach growl.

  “Someone’s hungry,” Ramie said. She opened a bottle of red wine and filled two thin-stemmed wine glasses to the brim. “Here,” she said, handing one over. “That should warm you up a bit until you get some food inside you.”

  Alexis groaned in appreciation as she took a sip and the sweet liquid slid down her throat. “Thanks. That sauce smells wonderful. Is it a marinara?”

  “Yep. It’s a secret family recipe. I’m not too proud to admit I had my mum on the phone for a good thirty minutes this afternoon talking me through the steps.”

  Alexis smiled. “That’s so sweet. Are you two close?”

  “Very. My dad left when I was just a kid, so we’ve had to rely on each other for everything.”

  “Do you see him?” Alexis asked. “Your father, I mean?” Her relationship with her own father was strained, but at least he was there, if only in body.

  “No.” Ramie huffed. “I see him in the street sometimes with his new family, but he’s always quick to break eye contact and act as though he doesn’t know me.”

  “Well that’s shitty.”

  “I know. I never understood how he could have left my mother. She’s a veritable goddess next to the old bat he traded her in for. The woman looks like a horse. Who’d want to wake up to that staring you in the face every morning?”

  Alexis chuckled into her wine glass. “Real mature, Ramie. Real mature.”

  Ramie shrugged. “I think I’m entitled to feel a little bitter after everything he put us through. He paid no child support after he left so life was incredibly difficult.”

  “I think you’re totally entitled to feel bitter,” Alexis said. “Heaven knows, I have a shed load of my own bitterness directed towards Carol.” She hooked her arms around Ramie’s neck. “You know what I think?”

  Ramie shook her head.

  “I think we should get ourselves a couple of voodoo dolls and spend our next date getting drunk and sticking pins into the suckers.”

  Ramie rested her forehead against Alexis’s. “You’d really do that?”

  “Just say the word and I’ll get some ordered.”

  The next thing Alexis knew, Ramie’s soft lips were sliding ag
ainst her own. She fell into the sweet kiss willingly, enjoying the way their mouths fit perfectly together. She only pulled away when her lungs burned for want of air.

  “Thanks.” Ramie swooped back in to deposit a swift kiss to Alexis’s lips. “I needed that.”

  “Me too,” Alexis admitted, slightly breathless.

  Ramie turned away and started to pull items out of the fridge. “How about you make the salad while I boil some pasta?”

  “Sure. I don’t think it’s possible to burn a salad so it should be safe with me.”

  Ramie tutted playfully and deposited an armful of salad items onto the kitchen counter before turning the sauce back on and setting a pan of water to boil.

  “You’ll be fine,” she said. “Just watch your fingers. That knife is really sharp.”

  Alexis worked methodically, cutting cucumber and tomatoes in turn while periodically glancing up to take in her surroundings. The narrowboat was small but perfectly formed. At one end sat a blue velveteen sofa facing a wall mounted TV, in the middle was the kitchen, and at the other end stood a doorway which no doubt led to some type of bathroom.

  “Where do you sleep?” The words were out of her mouth before she could censor herself.

  Ramie pointed at the seating area. “The sofa folds out into a bed. It’s pretty handy being so close to the TV.”

  The whole setup was perfect. Alexis wished she had investigated renting a houseboat before locking herself into a six-month contract on her flat.

  “So how did you end up living on a narrowboat?” she asked.

  “I inherited it from my Aunt Lydia. It might be on the small side, but it couldn’t have come at a better time for me. She lived on the water all her life, and I have many a fond memory of visiting her here as a child.”

  Alexis could just picture a miniature Ramie running around causing all kinds of mischief.

  “Is your plan to live here long term?”

  Ramie drained the pasta and stirred in the sauce before spooning portions into a couple of bowls. “No, not really. Money has been tight since the LGBTQ centre cut my hours. My goal is to build up a small nest egg and then sell this place off and start renting again.”

  “If you don’t mind me asking, why did they cut your hours?”

  Ramie handed Alexis a bowl and they sat side by side on the sofa.

  “Cash flow problems. Being a charity, they rely heavily on people’s goodwill, and it seems people are not as generous as they might have once been.”

  “Wow, that’s terrible.”

  Ramie shrugged. “It is. I could have easily found a full-time job someplace else, but that would mean abandoning the kids and I’d never do that to them. They’ve had enough instability in their lives without me adding to their problems.”

  “So, you decided to supplement your income with two part-time jobs?”

  “Uh huh. I’m not going to lie, my schedule’s all kinds of crazy, but I make it work. I have to.”

  Alexis was floored. Life had thrown Ramie a curveball, but she’d still come out the other side of it smiling.

  “At least you get to come home to this boat at the end of each day. I’d say you’d scored big time on that one.”

  “You’re right, it is kind of idyllic, but don’t be fooled. There are plenty of negatives too.”

  “That’s hard to believe.” The boat was cosy and inviting. Alexis could easily envision herself curled up here at night.

  Ramie stared into her bowl. “Well, for starters, it can be scary living here in the winter. It’s cold, and a whole lot of weirdos wander along these footpaths. Then there’s the fact you’re totally at the mercy of the elements.”

  Alexis frowned. She hadn’t considered that.

  “If I could, I’d sell up now and cut my losses,” Ramie said. “But the boat is in pretty rough shape, so I wouldn’t get much for it.”

  Alexis scanned the interior searching for defects. “Looks all right to me.”

  Ramie set her bowl of pasta on the side table next to the sofa, then got up and peeled back the carpet by the front door.

  “How about now?” she asked.

  The bowed floor had a large crack running through it.

  “Oh shit. That looks like it would be expensive to fix.”

  Ramie cocked an eyebrow. “You think?”

  Alexis reached for her hand, but Ramie only allowed her a quick squeeze.

  “Enough about me,” she said, brightly. “Let’s focus on the most important thing here. Do you like the pasta?”

  “Delicious. You’ll have to give me the recipe,” Alexis said, taking a hearty slug of her wine.

  When their stomachs were satisfied and the dishes were cleared, they went outside to enjoy the peacefulness of the river.

  “Sit,” Ramie ordered, pulling Alexis down beside her onto a wooden bench wedged into a small alcove. The space was tight, but they managed to squeeze in together by snuggling close.

  “It’s a bit chilly out here,” Alexis complained. Now that it was mid-September, the days were mild, but the evenings were getting nippier.

  Ramie got up and produced an oversized blanket which she tucked around their shoulders.


  “Much. Thanks.”

  They stared out over the narrow stretch of river, listening to its gentle lapping. Although the bank was full of boats, no one else was out on the water.

  “So…” Ramie said, readjusting her legs beneath the blanket. “Have you heard back from your boss about the transfer yet?”

  Alexis smiled, grateful to have a chance to share her good news. “Yes, I have. Marty managed to pull some strings and get me the post office job. I didn’t even have to be interviewed, if you can believe it.”

  “Congrats!” Ramie grinned.

  “Thanks. I start on Monday and am super nervous.”

  “You’re going to smash it. There’s no doubt in my mind.”

  “I hope so. Tell me about your work. How’re things with Jed?” Alexis’s thoughts had often strayed to the dejected boy over the past few weeks.

  Ramie sighed. “He’s holding up well enough. Despite speaking with his parents, they haven’t come around. He’s staying at a local youth hostel until we can sort something more permanent out.”

  “What will happen to him if his parents don’t have a change of heart? He can’t be more than fifteen or sixteen. That’s awfully young to find yourself alone in the world.”

  Ramie fisted the blanket. “He’s not alone. The people at the centre are his family now. If his parents are stupid enough to wash their hands of him, it’s their loss. Jed will be perfectly fine and go on to greater things. We’ll make sure of it.”

  Alexis rubbed gentle circles on the soft skin on Ramie’s hand. She loved how passionate Ramie was. She always gave her time to others and never asked for anything in return.

  “I suppose that’s why the LGBTQ community refer to each other as family?”

  “Yeah. We’re all each other have in some instances. It’s heartbreaking and so unnecessary. Love is love. Who gives a fuck if it’s with a man or a woman?”

  Alexis couldn’t have agreed more. “I bet you’re a brilliant big sister to all those kids. You’re so strong and steady. I’m sure they’d trust you with anything.”

  Ramie’s dark eyes shined down at her with amusement. “Strong and steady, huh? Is that how you see me?”

  “Yep.” Alexis pressed a succession of tiny kisses along Ramie’s jawline. “You have this calming aura surrounding you.”

  Ramie dipped her chin and found Alexis’s mouth. When her tongue brushed languidly against Alexis’s, Alexis sighed. She couldn’t think of any other place she’d rather be right now.

  She didn’t know how long they sat there kissing beneath the stars, but when her lips were red and swollen, Ramie’s strong arms tightened around her middle and then pulled her onto her lap.

  “Hey!” she gasped, automatically straddling Ramie’s thighs.

bsp; Ramie gave her a wicked grin and captured her mouth in a demanding kiss.

  “I love kissing you.” Alexis breathed heavily.

  “Is that so?” Ramie deepened the kiss and slid both hands up Alexis’s thighs to her hips.

  Her fingertips felt like red-hot pokers branding Alexis’s skin. Never had a simple touch elicited such a strong reaction. Alexis wanted Ramie’s hands everywhere. Now. When they got bolder and lightly skimmed up her sides to cup her breasts, Alexis gasped and bucked her hips.

  “Easy, tiger.” Ramie laughed. “We’re just getting started here.”

  Alexis was shocked by her own wanton behaviour. She had always assumed she’d be tentative when the time came for them to explore each other’s bodies. But she didn’t protest when Ramie slid the thin spaghetti straps of her dress down her shoulders. Didn’t stop her when Ramie dragged the fabric south, along with the cups of her bra, revealing Alexis’s breasts. And she certainly didn’t stop her when Ramie released the bra’s catch with practised hands and then bent forward to capture a pebbled nipple inside her mouth.

  So much for taking things slow. She wanted this. She needed it. She was done waiting.

  Alexis squirmed as Ramie’s tongue first circled, then flicked the tip of her nipple. She clutched Ramie to her body, the blanket acting as a cape, and gave herself over to the plethora of sensations that coursed through her veins. When Ramie gave her nipple a lusty suck, her eyes just about rolled in her head.

  So, this was it. This was what sex was all about. Alexis had finally come home.

  “Tell me what you like.” Ramie severed the suction with a pop. “I want to make you feel good.”

  Alexis struggled to stay present. She felt as though she was floating on a cloud above her body.

  “Just touch me,” she said, haltingly, once she was able to communicate again.

  Ramie’s touch had a way of reaching her soul. It didn’t matter what she did. Every suck, flick, and caress took Alexis to a new level of arousal.

  “Come on,” Ramie husked, hugging Alexis tight. She guided her back into the boat and deposited her on a chair while she converted the sofa into a bed.


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